Part 16

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Part - 16

     They made their way to gym. Ram kept looking at her now and then. "Is anything wrong?" She asked. He nodded a no. He looked round the deck. "Ram are you ok?" She asked again. "Errr Priya do you..." he dragged "tell me Ram whats it?" He stopped and asked him. "Well can I put my arm around you" he asked slowly. She smiled "why are you asking permission ?" She asked blushing a bit. "You shouldnt feel uncomfortable na" he said. "I will feel secure" she replied. He smiled broadly "ok then" saying he put his arm around her shoulder and proudly pulled her a little close. As they walked nearly half the heads turned to see the two of them together. Some whispering somethings to the person nearby. "You know I feel like I the worlds luckiest man" he said. "Ram all are seeing us" she said lowering her head. "Dont do that" he warned. "What?" She asked looking up. "Blush..! The way your cheeks go red. Ufff.. please Priya" he said. She nodded. "Well I dont mind people starring, I feel good having you in my arms" he said. "Same here" she said and looked at him. He looked at her and winked. They reached the gym.
     The gym was totally empty except for them. She walked to her treadmill as usual. Ram looked around, seeing there was no one, he whispered prayer of thanks for leaving them isolated in the gym. He gained his senses and looked at the stunning beauty running in the treadmill. He stood for sometime looking at her and moved to his machine. He sat on the stationary cycle without doing anything. "Ram arent you working out?" She asked. "Well I dont feel like doing anything" he said. She stopped hers and came up to him. "Are you feeling ok?" She asked. "Mmm sought of ok" he said "Ram if you feel sick then tell me baby" she said. He caught her wrist "what did you tell me now?" He asked. She bit her lips. "I wanna hear" he said. "Well I said you baby" she said slowly. He smiled broadly "sounds great to hear it" he winked. "Ok leave that are you ok?" She asked. "Well how can I be ok when a person, who seemed to have jumped from heaven is running in the treadmill" he said. She punched his hand lightly and turned to leave. He caught her hand and pulled her a little close. "Ram what you doing?" She asked. He smiled "I love you" he said. She smiled, he saw a hair disturbing her face. He raised his hand and gently tucked it in. Her eyes were closed and he saw her lips shivering. He wanted to kiss them. "Shall we continue" he asked slowly moving more close. "Continue what?" She asked looking at him. "Workouts of course" he said smiling. She closed her eyes realizing what she just asked. "What did you think?" He asked grining broadly. "Shut up wil you, now do the workout" she said and went. He stood looking at her for a minute and continued his work.
      They made their way to have breakfast. "Attention everyone" came Captains voice. "Today evening we will be landing in a small island. You can take time till tomo evening. Its a small island so you wouldnt need two days here. So have fun. Stay safe all. Thank you" the announcement stopped. "Wow thats cool" Ram turned to see Priya who was buried inside a small book. "Whats that?"he asked. "Well we have just a day time, so we have to make sure that we visit everything, thats why I am checking" she said. "Please Priya shall we do this after breakfast" he asked. She smiled at him and pulled his cheeks lightly. "Foodie, ok lets go" she said. He scratched his temple and followed her. They had breakfast fast and went to her room. Priya was making a small list of what they should do in the island, while Ram was playing games throwing glances at her now and then. "Priya" he called. "Hmm wats it Ram?" Came the reply. "How come you are so beautiful?" he asked. She looked at him. "Ram just because you love me it doesnt mean you have to keep staring at me 24 hrs and speaking things like this" she said. "That was mean" he said making a sad face. She pulled her chair near him. "Did I hurt you?" She asked. He nodded no and smiled. "I am surprised, coz I always thought that woman liked it when men say these things" he said.."well" she lowered her gaze "I do like it but" she waited. "Well nothing, I mean I am not used to these" she said. He laughed loudly "oh you mean I go to all the girls and tell things like this daily" he asked. "I didnt mean like that, I meant I feel different, when you tell things like this, I experience a sudden raise in my heartbeat, all these are new" she said. He took her hands in his "hey, that because you love me so much, and arent you liking this new way?" He asked. "I am loving it so much, that I am scared, I will be so addicted to it that I cant live without it" she said as a small film of tear formed over her eyes. He cupped her face and rubbed her eyes lightly "I am not going to go anywhere, so getting addicted to me isnt going to turn bad right? You will always be mine" He said
She nodded and pressed her head to his chest. He wrapped his hands around her. He knew she was thinking something. He had to sort out something. "I am doing Priya, I know what worries you, I have taken some steps, uoi have to just wait" he thought. She pulled herself back and saw him smiling. "What make you laugh?" She asked. "Well I am.just wondering, if my speech and proximity affects you so much, then how must my touch affect you" he said. She blushed deeply "now shut up Ram, thats enough" saying she left to the changing room.
      The evening Ram stood on the deck in a white tshirt and blue jean, his hand in his pockets.  He was talking to someone in his bluetooth. Priya joined him, she too was in a blue jean and white shirt. He smiled as she came and put his hand around her shoulder. The whole deck was gathered to move out of the ship. They made their way out along with Kevin who was wearing a big camera around his shoulder. The island was a small one with palm fronds surrounding it. The weather was chill. Priya pulled a shawl over her. Ram helped her out of the ship. "Isnt it beautiful?" She asked. "Not more than you?" He said. She hit him lightly "shut up" saying she moved forward. He followed her like a school boy looking here and there. She pulled his hand "Ram please walk fast" and dragged him along, Kevin followed them. "Ram theres a fun fair today here, we will go there at night and spend sometime now walking around ok?" She asked. "As the court orders" he said and she smiled. They made their way to the interior. Priya explained everything to Ram on the way. Ram like a curious kid listened to her sincerely. They went to the fun fair. Priya was posing pictures for Kevin in front of each stall. She pulled Ram to him who reluctantly joined in clicking pictures. "Ram comeon all these are remembrance, dont be a bore, pose properly will you" she ordered. After taking nealry 100 pictures and walking around the whole fun fair, exhausted they made their way to a restaurant. They ate lightly as per Priya's order. "What plans tomorrow Priya" he asked. "Well nothing much Ram, theres a famous church here and we are seeing it then some shopping" she said. "Thats fine" he replied. They finsihed their dinner and walked past a campfire. Many people were sitting around it, some dancing. 
     Priya sat on a little behind from all the people around campfire. Ram was talking something to Kevin. Kevin left and Ram sat beside Priya with a popcorn near her.someone was playing  a mild unknown language music. many couples were dancing in front of the campfire. Ram looked at Priya whose eyes were closed, her feet was tapping silently to the song. He didnt like the music much but seeing her enjoying the song made him tap his feet to. She pulled her shawl close to her snuggling into it. He looked around and saw a couple sharing a kiss. He turned to see Priya who was still having her eyes closed. "Should I do this?" He thought. He shook his head. "Ram comeon dont be a metro train, just go slowly" he said to himself. As he was lost in his chain of thoughts he felt a soft hand encircled around his hand. The touch of her cold skin on his warm one made him shiver a bit. He turned to see her smiling at him. He smiled back "enjoyed?" He asked. She nodded and rested her head on his shoulder. Her fingers entwined with his. "Tired?" He asked. "A bit" she replied. He rested his head on her head. She moved a little closer to him. They silently played with their fingers for sometime. He took it and placed a small kiss on her hand "I love you so much Priya" he said. "As I love you" she replied and kissed his hand. He smiled. "Shall we go to the ship?" He asked. "Ship?" She asked. "Ya last time you wanted to stay alone in ship right?" He asked. "Well Ram I think its better we stay in a hotel, separate rooms" she said. He laughed "some trust please" he said. "Ram nothing like that" she said. "we are going to the ship thats it" he said and got up. She looked at him and saw him extending his hand for her. "Your impossible" saying she took his hand. "I just want to see the surprise on your face when you go there" he thought.

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