Part 11

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Part - 11

     Priya blushed as she saw him stand there. He was smiling at her. His smile made her heart dance according to the beats of the rain. She wished, she longed for him to come to her, enjoy with her the rain, take her in his arms, hold her tight and tell he loved her. But he never moved. He simply stood watching her. The way his eyes went over her made her go red. Ram stood perplexed looking at the lady in the rain. The way her salwar was drenched, her duppata in the verge of falling, he couldn't do anything but just stare at her. He felt heat erupting throughout his body in the damn cold weather. She made her way to him "Enjoyed yourself" he asked. "A lot, it's really awesome" she replied. He gave her the towel. "Did you just drench yourself or you felt the rain?" he asked. "Well sought of both" she replied. He smiled. She dried her hair, tiny droplets of water made their way to his face. He rubbed them off. "any help?" he asked. she nodded no. He turned to the other side as if he was seeing something which he shouldn't be seeing. "She is driving me mad" he thought. "Shall we go Ram" she asked taking his hand. He immediately pulled off. "Ram your hand is so hot? Are you ok?" she asked and came near him. His breath went rugged. "Priya please..! I need some rest will catch you tomorrow" saying he made his way to his room as fast as he could.

     Priya was little taken back with his behaviour. "Must be he's tired" she thought and went to her room. She changed clothes and took her phone and called her dad. "Pa how are you?" she asked. "I am fine Priya, how's the trip going?" he asked. "Yeah all are going so well dad. Guess what I just did. Got wet in the rain" she said. "What...? My daughter got wet in the rain, come-on Priya it was accidentally right?" he asked. "No papa, actually Ram made me realize that rain isn't so bad" She said. "Ahem, how many times have I told you this?" he asked. She blushed "Pa please" she dragged. "Haha I just wish he makes you realize soon how much a family life is important" he said. "Pa when I think of him and simultaneously my job, I am sure that in near future I will have to sacrifice one for the other" she said. "Priya but let me tell you one thing, if you sacrifice science, it's not going to be hurt, cry or be broken. It's nothing, it's not flesh. I know it means life to you, you love it a lot, but it doesn't love you back. On other hand if you sacrifice Ram for sake of job, just think of him, can you even imagine the state of him?" he asked. "Pa I am not even sure he loves me" she said. "Priya I am very sure, the way he does things for you it's not normal. And the day you were angry on him, he was under so much guilt, that everything happened just because of him. It's not a usual behavior" he said. "Pa shall we leave this for now, you will not understand, I feel so tired" she replied. "Ok love, but you have to face the truth one day be ready girl" he said. She smiled "You sound like telling me to be ready for a war" she said "good night my child, miss you alot" he said. "Miss you too papa, love you" she said and cut the call.

     Ram paced in his room, his hands stuffed in his pocket. He wasn't quiet sure what was happening to him. If he had stayed there a second more, he would have kissed her for sure. "Ram your getting very cheap ideas" he said himself. His phone buzzed. He took it. It was a message from her "Ram tomorrow is the proposal competition, you promised me to participate so do prepare, all the best baby" it read. "Uff another problem...!" he thought and typed the reply. "Oh thanks for reminding me, have a good sleep and lemme sacrifice my sleep and prepare." He sent her. the reply came in few seconds "If you don't mind come here, we will do it together" he read it twice. "Ok so she is calling me to her room, where she is apparently alone" he thought and shook his head. "Ok in moment will be there" he typed and stopped , he erased it completely "No Priya I don't need your help in this, I want you to see how well I am proposing myself, be ready for tomorrow. Sleep well lady" he sent it with a smile plastered in his face.

     Her phone buzzed, he heart beat faster, "God did I just invite him to my room, how cheap?" she thought and read his message. "OK so he wants it to be a small surprise for me" she smiled and sent him good night back.

     The new morning dawned bright and sweet, like candy. The ship was full of hustle and bustle. Ram and Priya had to skip their gym as Ram told he's still preparing for the comp. Priya had her breakfast alone and took a tray to his room. She saw his room with bits of paper all around. He was sitting in the table buried in his laptop. He saw her and shut the laptop with a loud. "Ram please don't overact" she said and sat beside him. He ate the breakfast as if he had starved the other day. "Ram slowly please" she warned. He nodded and kept eating. "So are you ready?" she asked. He looked at her. "No yaar, nothing is striking my brain, seems like I am gonna become a fool today" he said. "Ram just tell what comes to your heart ok" she said. He smiled at her. "Ok Ram I think you can use my room, or stay out. I will clean up your room a bit" she said looking around. "Too messy right, no problem yaar, I will get someone do it" he said. "No lemme do it, go to my room" she ordered. He nodded and took his notepad and laptop and left quietly. Priya looked at the mess he had made and smiled. She enjoyed doing stuffs like this. "OK let's start" saying to herself she took the papers and put them in the bin. She realized that he hasn't unpacked his stuffs yet. She took them and placed it in the wardrobe. She saw a photo which held him and his mom. She placed it on the table. She opened the draw and found the gift in it. curiosity flushed. She took and weighed it "not so heavy" she said herself. Her fingers urged to open and have a look. She remembered his words that they were hers, but she will get it later. She placed it in the draw back and went back to her work.

     After about three hours he came to his room. It took him sometime to make out that it was his room he entered. "Wow your hands can do magic I guess" he said. She was sitting in the table with some book. She smiled "Well thank you. Shall we go for lunch" she asked. "No Priya, I am actually scared, you have lunch, I will be here" he said. She laughed "Ram Kapoor feeling scared. "I am a human yaar" he said. "ya I know that, it's just a fun thing Ram, why are you taking it so serious" she asked. He sighed "Whatever..!" "Ok come with me now" she dragged him for lunch. No matter her in-numerous efforts too cool him, he was still so nervous. She decided to leave him on his own. "Ok Ram do well, I will see in the hall in the eve after the competition, I know you will rock" she said. He just smiled "Once it's over, I am not gonna leave you for what you have done" he said and left.  The noon seemed to drag without him. She tried to keep herself occupied but nothing seemed to help. She watched a movie and dozed off.

"Ok MA" he said as his mom gave him last minute advices. "Now son listen, don't get nervous there, just speak whatever comes" she said "For god sake mom, I am not going for some school competition, it's a fun thing" he said. "I know, I know, but I can't believe myself that your are taking part, it's for Priya right?" she asked. "MA please not now ok" he said. "Ok all the best my boy, do well, make mumma proud" she said. "Jesus, I really feel like a school boy ma, please, keep the phone will you, bye." Saying he cut the call. He took a look a final look at himself in the mirror. He was in a blue jean, with shirt, with a blue coat. His shoes, highly polished, reflected his face. His hair perfectly combed. He looked like someone, anyone would desire. He closed his eyes and whispered a small prayer. He wasn't someone who does this, but something made him do this. He was able to see her face with his eyes closed. A small smile crept his lips "This Proposal is for you Priya, I know you knew very well I am doing this for you, and I also know you will never show it out" he thought, he felt relaxed. He took the wallet in the table and saw their picture. He kissed it and kept it in his pocket and left for the hall.

     The whole hall was decorated with pink curtain, balloons everywhere. Priya in a cream coloured salwar took her seat and scanned the hall searching for him. He was no were to be seen. The lights went off and focused on the stage. Captain Mark stood there. "Welcome..!  lovely people. I am really happy to see all these lovely people of mine here. So I think I don't need to explain why we are gathered here. I am sure all of you woman are dancing inside yourselves for your man to perform. Your man will propose in front of the whole crowd, not need to say who he is proposing, its just a game. So lets begin directly before you people ask me to shut" he smiled. the crowd cheered him. "So we have 3 judges and they are in the front row, so lets begin, enjoy all" saying he left the stage. Priya saw Rohit sitting in the judge seat. She sighed "Ram you will rock" she whispered. "Aunty where is uncle?" the small boy came to her. she took him to her lap "Uncle is performing today" she said "Oh, cant I do?" he asked. She smiled "Well you have games next day" she said. "But you told me I am big na. Then why can't I join" he asked. "Ram this game is for weak people, that one is for strong people so you must play there" she said. He smiled "Uncle is weak" he asked. "Yeah" she winked. First a man came and gave his proposal. Then the second came, third, fourth no sign of Ram. "isn't he in" she thought.

     Nearly an hour and half passed. Priya grew impatient. The lights went off and focused on the center. Whispers broke out "Is that Ram Kapoor?" . Priya raised her head to see Ram standing in the stage. He looked like a runaway model. Her breath stopped seeing him, he looked directly at her, its wasn't difficult for him to find her in a such a crowd.  Though she was far away and gave a small smiled. Tears filled her eyes. She knew he was standing there only for her sake.

     Ram stood for some seconds, she looked down

"hey woman," he called, she looked at him "Just look at me this one time, look into my eyes, and I promise that I will never let your eyes leave mine ever after""he tucked his hands in his pocket.

     "I never believed in the uniting of two souls, or love at first sight. But I do believe that if I got lucky someday, I would meet a person who was exactly right for me. A person whose combined flaws were arranged in a way that allowed two separate beings to hinge together. Now I think I am lucky, that I finally found you. We have confessed our love so many times in silence. When you look at me I can make out clearly how madly you love me,  I know you wouldn't accept it, but I know that wherever you go, I will make my way to you.

     If my love were an ocean, there would be no more land. If my love were a desert, you would see only sand. I love you, and I will love you till I die and if there is a life after that, I'll love you then. My whole life relays on your reply my love. If you accept me, it will be a New dawn, new Beginning, New life."

Thank you all" he said and blushed deeply. Priya's clap was the loudest. She knew, in her heart that he was meaning each word. Everyone cheered and greeted him as he made his way to her "how was it?" he asked she hugged him "Beautiful" she said. He smiled "Thanks" he said and sat beside her. "You think I will win" he asked. "I am pretty confident" she said. "Great, but I don't care even if I don't win, coz I just wanted you to like it" he winked. She blushed. "Rohit is one of the judges" she said. "Let's see" he replied.

     "Now I have the result in hand" came the Captains voice. Every head turned to him "well I think all of us want only one person to win this, he not only won the heart of whomever he proposed but nearly many women over here. Well the result of the judges doesn't coincide with the winner I am gonna announce. If I am not gonna call Ram here everyone will be ready to stone me" he said. The crowd went on applause and Ram looked at Priya. She was nearly crying in happiness. He smiled at her and went up. "Well Ram, Congo pal..! so here comes your next task" he said. Ram looked at him. "Well now you're going to ask the woman you want, to accompany you for dinner and then start the dance" the Captain winked. "No" before he could protest the Captain left.

     Ram stood and looked at her; he made his way slowly to her, his heart beating growing louder. An unusual fears stuck him "What if she say no?" he thought. He neared her. She looked at him. He swallowed the big lump in his throat "Will you go for a dinner with me Priya?" he asked slowly. She looked around, all were seeing them. She closed her eyes for a second "Yes I will Ram" she replied. He smiled dazzling her. He bend a little lower and extended his hand "Can I have the pleasure of dancing with you gorgeous lady?" he asked. She blushed "Rammm..!!" she dragged. He pleaded through his eyes. She gave her hands in his. He held it tight as if she would run away anytime like Cinderella. He smiled broadly this time. He led her to the floor. His eyes never left hers, making her look away. The light focused on them. He didn't hesitate, he took her one hand and put it over his shoulder, and he slid his hand around her waist and pulled her a little closer. She looked at him, to see him smiling at her lovingly. His mesmerizing eyes hypnotized her. He looked like he was waiting for this moment ages back. A soft music played a tune which filled the whole place. He looked deep into her. She smiled at him. Other people joined the floor. He came her near, just inches away; he lowered his head and came near her ears. Her breath stopped.  "Thank you Priya" he said and moved back. "What did I do?" she stammered trying to get words. The effect his proximity clearly radiating outside. "Well you inspired me to propose." He said "well I mean the one who forced me to take part" he corrected. "Don't be formal Ram" she said. He nodded and pulled her a little close. She gasped, seemed a little scared, he immediately loosened his grip and smiled "Shall we eat?" he asked. She nodded. He led her down. They dined as Priya asked him how he prepared. "Google yaar. Now leave me to eat else I will eat you too" he said and continued eating.

     They made their way to the room. "Priya can we sit here sometime" he asked. She nodded and settled in the bench on the deck , she moved to give him place. He sat beside her. "I really enjoyed" he said. "Can see it, and I am really happy you did" she replied. "But I sought of missed you the whole day" she added. He smiled at her "really you missed me" he asked. "Well ya" she replied. "hmm..! so tomorrow is your competition right?" he asked. She nodded "Ya, let's see" she smiled. "Well Ram when will be this candle light dinner?" she asked. "Whenever I want it, they will make it ready" he replied. "Oh., that's cool" she said. She rubbed her hands in cold. "Your shivering" saying he removed his coat. She didn't stop him. He removed and put it over her. "Thanks" she said softly. She pulled his coat closer to smell his peculiar fragrance. It was maddening. "Now you will feel better" saying he put his arm around her. She smiled "you make me remember dad" she said. He laughed. She moved a little closer. She was doing what she liked. She wished she stayed like this ever. They never spoke anything; they sat gazing at the sea. "well she danced with me, she got my coat. Both the things she denied the first day. Now I am confident she will accept me" he thought and smiled. He looked at her, she seemed to be lost in some thought. He didn't want to disturb her; he wanted to give her space.

Thanks all..!

Waiting for feedbacks, sorry for errors


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