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"You have to go, it's your dream school!" he exclaimed.

"But how can I leave you? And what about my dad and Ashley?"

"Don't worry about me, we can visit each other during Christmas and over the summer, even on spring break! Same with your dad and Ashley. You can skype, text and call me all the time. It'll be like we're with you."

"I don't know..." my voice faded.

"Brooke," he said, holding my hands and gazing into my eyes. "You have to go. There's no question. You're going to Yale."

I took a deep breath and smiled. I was going to Yale.

I had to pack up and leave for Connecticut in a month, considering summer was ending soon.

About three weeks later, I packed up all of my stuff. I was going to go to Connecticut now, and get my dorm set up and everything.

My dad drove me, Liam and Ashley to the airport, and it was time to leave.

I couldn't believe I was leaving everything. My hometown. My family and friends. Everything.

This was a new chapter in my life, and I was a excited, even though it was a little nerve racking.

I was going to miss my dad, Liam and Ash like crazy, but it's not like I'll never see them again.

I entered the gate, and I said my goodbyes to my dad and Ashley, giving them huge hugs. I promised I'd text and call them every day.

"We'll give you two some space," my dad said, as he and Ashley walked away to sit down.

"How will I ever say goodbye to you," I asked, a single tear streaming down my face. He quickly wiped it away.

"Don't cry, please. It's not goodbye. I'll text, call and skype you as often as possible. I'll even see you on Christmas," he said.

"I can't believe this is it. I'll miss you so much."

He pulled me into a hug, until we heard the loud speaker.

"Flight 378 to Connecticut is now boarding."

I gave Liam one last kiss, and went to board the plane. I grabbed my bags, and went towards the plane.

I turned around, giving one last wave to everybody, then quickly turned back around to prevent my tears from overflowing.

I handed my ticket to the flight attendant, and went to step on board until I heard my name being called out.

"Brooke!" a familiar voice rang through my head.

I turned around to face someone I though I'd never see again.


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