C9 Don't Know

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"Hey Emilio Ivan wants to see you. He's outside. I know you guys had problems so. Is it ok?"She asked

"Yeah"I said

I was still talking to Nick until i hear the door open and 6 words changed my whole idea of plan to avoid him

"Hey your back I missed you"Ivan said

I turned around and now we were face to face.

💯End of Recap💯

↩Emilio's P.O.V↩

"Wow cant say the same"I said

"I deserved that"he said

"Yup anyways I'm back because our channel is going bad"I said

"Yeah Jake told me"he said

"I can't believe you haven't uploaded a video"I said

"I mean you weren't here so"he said giving me a bit of attitude

"Well if it was the other way I would be uploading"i said

"Well i didnt"he said

"Well i would"i said

"Ok guys honestly stop both of you are acting like little children" Nick said

"Wait Nick you were still here. I totally forgot about you"I said

"Well I'm here so deal with it and face the damn facts. Emilio listen ivan didn't upload cuz he thought it wouldn't be right that he uploads something without you in it" Nick said

"And Ivan well I guess you didn't even do anything wrong" Nick said

"Ya Nick" Ivan said

I just rolled my eyes

"So what do we do to make up for all the lost time" I said

"How about a who is the better brother video"he recommended

"Mhmm idk"I said

"I think it's a good idea" Nick said

"I guess. Fine let's do that"I said

"Cool. I'll get whatever we need"he said

Cool. I know im coming out as a bitch to him but remember i can show no weakness

🚫Some minutes later🚫

We started recording our video. We had our friend say a set of questions to each and we had to know what the other twin prefers more.

So we kept recording.

I was going good until Anthony asks this specific question

"Does Ivan have a special woman in his life"Anthony asked

I told Anthony to repeat the question even though i understood it completely.

After he repeated the question Ivan and I answered no

I thank god Ivan hasn't met a girl already. Damn if he did I would legit wanna kill my self.

The next part was really cute. Ivan and I when done answering that question.

For 4 seconds we took a long stare at each other. He looked at me and I looked at him. I looked at his lips. And back at his eyes.

I felt so warm and I really just wanna kiss him so bad. Just do it here right here right now

After a while

He turned around and that moment for me ended

Ik I'm being a bitch to him but I mean who wouldn't just because of everyone's jealousy.

We continued with the game and we finally finished.


Now we had the edit. I'm the one who edits so I finished editing after a while already.

I uploaded the video.

Someone came from behind me

"Hey is it done?"Ivan asked

"Yeah"I said

"Good. Hope we get some of our subscribers back"he said

"Yeah hopefully"I said after a moment of silence came on

"How's mom"he said

"Havent talked to her in a while"he said

"Shes good. She misses u"I said looking down

"Yeah I'm gonna visit her some day. I hope you can come with me because there's a special occasion. Mom has to meet a special person in my life"he said

Special Person?

"Really who's the person?"I asked

"You'll have to find out yourself"he said

I wonder who it is. It's probably Jake. I mean who else could it be

"Cool so"I said trying to bring some thing else to talk

"Look Emi. I know you've been away for a while but I wanted to say I'm sorry if I did something that you didn't agree on"he said

"It's fine I honestly dont care anymore. Mom said I shouldn't really care anymore"I said

"She's very wise"he said

"Yeah"I said both of us laughing right now

"I kind of miss her already. I mean I came back from being near her for like 6 months"I said

"Yeah"he said

"I dont know but something tells me i should go back. I dont feel comfortable being here or being with you"

Hey guys thanks for reading. Make sure to vote and leave your feedback. I got a lot of ppl Dming telling to not end this story. So here is another chapter

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