35. Willie

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I talk to the guy about a plane and make arrangements in case things go astray, just like they did a few days ago. Lou sent his sons to retrieve the ashes, but we were able to send them running back to their father. Thank goodness I was in the kitchen cutting up vegetables when all of this happened. Indy was fighting off one of them while the other came after me with a malicious grin. I was able to hold my own and use my anger as fuel, which surprised my attacker. I grabbed my knife and chopped his index finger off, which made him release me and hold his hand in pain. "No killing!" Indy shouts as I was about to stab him, but I quickly lower my weapon. Indy came over and grabbed the man, and threw him out in the hall along with his brother. "Tell your father I'll be in touch." He tells them before locking the door. I looked down at the counter at the bloody finger, then back up to Indy as he noticed the same thing. "You know, all of a sudden, I've lost my appetite." I tell him as I look down at the appendage. Indy nodded in agreement before grabbing a paper towel and throwing it in the trash. "Honey, go sit down; I'll clean this up." He tells me softly as he comes over and places a kiss on the side of my head. "You did good, now go rest."


I snap out of my thoughts when I notice Indy and Shorty pull in with a car behind them. I hopped in the small plane standing by the door as Indy got out with some beautiful blonde in a red and gold sparkly dress while Shorty ran to me. We all get in, and Indy holds onto the door. "Better luck next time, Lou Che." He smiles and closes it.

"Who the fuck is she?" I ask him in Italian as I point to her with my thumb while she looks at me, confused.

"Some woman singing at the club. She was involved with Lou." Indy replies before sitting next to us as we take off. I held Shorty on my lap and held on to him for dear life as my heart began to race quickly. I hate planes. We sped out quickly as the plane wobbled and shook while the chickens clucked. I kept my eyes shut tightly, trying to calm myself down as we started to even out. I open my eyes to see that woman looking at me with sympathy washed across her face.

"Hi, I am Willie Scott. Do you speak English?" She asks me loudly and slowly like I'm an idiot. I look at Indy with a dumbfounded glare, not believing she was talking to me like this, getting me pissed off. "I don't like her, and she thinks I'm a fucking idiot." I tell Indy as I stare at her.

"I don't like her either, such a priss."

"I take it you don't speak English. How do I say this?" She snaps her fingers as she tries to think. "Mi nombre es Willie."

Indy and I started laughing at how stupid she was as she talked to me in Spanish and saw her grin, not understanding why we were laughing. "I kinda want to let her believe I don't speak English."

"You would get pissed off and insulted; better tell her to stop future arguments." He smirks at me.

"You're right; she treats me like I'm fucking stupid." I agree with him and know how hard it will be for her to talk to me.

"I speak English." I laugh at her. "Also, you were speaking Spanish when I was talking in Italian." I laugh at her as I watch the color disappear from her face. "I'm Harley." I introduced myself, trying to be civil and not start any arguments. "So Willie, who are you exactly?"

"I'm Willie Scott; I'm a singer." She tells me with her chin up, acting all snobby.

"Why are you here?"

"Your boyfriend dragged me along, and I've been shot at, fell through a window, landed in the car with the kid driving, and broke a nail on his gun." She whines.

"Hey, that her soulmate." Shorty corrects her, and I couldn't help but smile and hold my hand out for a high five. He hit my hand and leaned back on me. Indy smirked before getting up to change into his adventure clothes. "Harley, be nice." He tells me in Italian as he has his hand on the curtain.

"I make no promises." I tell him honestly as I watch him shake his head before closing the curtain. I sat in silence as I held Shorty in my arms and held him close, keeping my mind distracted.

Indy came back out, tossing his fancy clothes to the side, and came over behind us, laying on the cargo. "What are you supposed to be, a lion tamer?" She asked him angrily.

"I'm allowing you to tag along, so why don't you give your mouth a rest, okay, doll?" Indy replies, getting irritated.

"What do you mean tag along? Ever since you got into my club, you haven't been able to take your eyes off me." She stood up at yelled at him as she put on his white suit jacket covering her chest.

"Oh yeah?" Indy challenges her as he lowers his hat over his eyes and lies down. She took the flower I got him out of the jacket and threw it on the ground. She walked off to the other end of the plane and sat down; I was heartbroken and pissed off as I look at the flower.

"Excuse me, you did what?" I elbow Indy causing him to groan and sit up. "You put your hand down her shirt?" My temper was rising as I felt my face get red from my anger.

"Honey, I was poisoned, and she put the antidote down her shirt, so I had to grab it before I died." He tells me as he lifts his hat to look at me. "Trust me; nothing is going on between me and her. She's some whiney little prissy primadonna. She dropped my gun out the window because it was hot and she broke a nail! I'm not happy she is here, but I had to get that antidote and save her from being killed." He explains. "My love, you have nothing to worry about." He tells me as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Better not be anything. I swear if you do anything with her, I'll leave so fast." I tell him sternly with all seriousness.

"You have nothing to worry about, trust me. You'll find out real quick how annoying she is. She's not my type of woman. You are, and I'm not interested in any other woman but you. Come on, Harley, we have more history, our bond, a great relationship, not to mention fantastic sex. You think I'll throw all that away on her?" He points with his thumb, disgusted.

"Better not; I trust you don't betray me." I huff as I cross my arms.

"You are so cute when you're jealous. Sweetheart, I love you; you are my soul. I'll never cheat on you. Trust me, if Shorty weren't here, I'd take you in the back and prove to you you're my one and only. She'd know it too after we are done." He tells me as he plays with my hair as we continue to speak Italian.

"Oh yeah?" I smirk.

"Absolutely. Now let's get some rest." He puts his hat over his eyes again. I get next to him as he puts his arm around me while Shorty lays on me, curling up. I smile as I look down at the little boy lying in my arms before looking at Indy next to me, trying to sleep. We are like a little family. I close my eyes, relaxing and keeping my mind off of her.


"Mister, oh mister, wake up." Willie pleaded as she shook Indy.

"You call him Dr. Jones, doll." Shorty piped up and told her as he laid over me.

"Dr. Jones, Dr. Jones, oh, wake up, please." She asked, and I felt the air hit my face as it felt like she was holding onto my shirt. I slowly open my eyes to see her fanning him with his hat and fisting his jacket.

"Are we there already?" Indy asks, still half asleep.

"No, no." She pulls him up and leads him to the cockpit. "No one is flying the plane." She tells him. Mine and Indy's heart drop simultaneously as we both get frightened. No one is flying the plane? We are going to crash. We are going to die. My worst fear is coming true. I'm going to die in a plane crash. "Parachutes, Shorty, look for parachutes." I told him as I couldn't move as I was paralyzed with fear. He scrambled around as Indy tried to figure out how to fly the plane with, his heart racing. "Dr. Jones!" Shorty came running through. "Shorty?" Indy calls back loudly.

"No more parachutes." He says as he crosses his arms. Indy ran out of the cockpit to the back as I continued to sit on the ground, shaking from fear while Willie panicked. "Open the box! Come on!" Indy yelled frantically. He pulled out a big yellow thing, but I couldn't see what it was as I felt my heart racing through my chest as; my body felt like cement. The plane shook, causing me to gasp as I grabbed onto the create next to me and closed my eyes as I started praying in Italian. "Shorty, get our stuff." Indy commands. Small footsteps run by me, then a tug on my shirt. "Harley, Harley, come on." Shorty shakes me frantically, and I open my eyes. He tried to pull me up, and I finally got up as my legs shook with each step. "Baby! Baby!" Indy yelled as he held his hand out to me as worry lingered in his eyes. I grabbed Shorty's hand and raced over to Indy and grabbed his outstretched hand. "A boat!! We aren't sinking; we're crashing!"
Willie screeched. "Grab on, Shorty!" Indy tells him as he puts Shorty behind him. "Grab on tightly!" Indy then grabs my hand and yanks me to him before putting me behind Shorty while Willie holds onto me. Indy inflated the boat and jumped out while Willie screamed in my ear. I would be doing the same if I could find my voice. I grabbed it as tight as I could, not wanting to let go as Willie tightly grabbed my jacket. The boat inflated, and we were twirling in circles but weren't falling as fast as before. I somehow ended up on top of  Shorty while Willie was to my right and Indy was to my left, holding onto Shorty and me.

My heart instantly slowed down, causing my body to slump and my eyes to close.

"Harley! Harley! Baby, wake up!" Indy shook me. We were sliding down a snowy mountain as I watched the plane crash into the side with a fiery explosion. I lift my head and shake it, trying not to pass out again. I looked over at Indy to see the fearful look on his face before he looked forward again. We jumped a snow mound, and Indy landed on top of me. "Ugh." Shorty groaned. He got off and back to my right as he held on to the boat line while Shorty and I were under his arms. "That wasn't so bad, was it." He shouts as we quickly slide down the hill, trying to make us feel better. I looked forward to see we were headed towards a cliff, and he scooped the two of us up and held us in his arms tightly. "Ugh, ahhh."

"AHHHHHHH!!" I scream with everyone else as we plummet down. The wind blew in my hair as Indy squeezed us tighter, holding on for dear life. We landed in white water rapids as he let go of us and looked up. He got between me and Shorty and held us under each arm, trying to keep us in the raft. "Ahh, put on the breaks." Willie wailed.

"There are no breaks, you dumb bitch." I told her and noticed I was speaking Italian. Water was splashing all over us, soaking through our clothes. "I hate the water, and I hate being wet, and I hate YOU!" Willie yelled at Indy as she got in his ear, leaning over me.

"Good!" Indy yells back, holding us tighter. We finally got out of the rapids and to even water, as he got off of us and laid back, letting out a heavy breath. I still held onto Shorty as I shook with fear, not wanting to let him go as I was in shock. "Harley! Harley! We okay! You can let go!" Shorty tells me. I get off of him and lean against the boat as I kept my eyes closed, trying to take deep breaths. "Dr. Jones?" Shorty calls him softly.

"Alright, Shorty, are you okay?" Indy asks him.

"Yes." He answers.

"Harley?" Indy calls me as I kept my eyes closed. "Harley? Sweetheart?" He calls me again.

"What wrong with Harley?" Shorty asks.

"She's terrified; her worst fear is flying and crashing," Indy explains. "Baby, come here." He tells me. I open my eyes and look at him as he lies in the boat with his back against the side. I got up and went over to him as I pressed my face to his chest, and hugged him tightly. "Shhh, you're okay. I gotcha; we are all okay now." He wraps his arms around me and holds me close. Feeling his warm embrace and the steady beating of his heart instantly calmed me down.

"Oh, where are we anyway?" Will asks, exasperated.

"India." Indy answers.

"How do you know that?" She sighs. I took my head off his chest and as Indy fold his hands together looking straight ahead. I turned around and sat next to him and noticed an old Indian man standing on the shore. Willie and Shorty jump as they look at him while Indy and I show respect with our hands folded. Oh boy, here we go. Hopefully he can tells us how we can get back home.

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