27. Loathing

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Everything has gone back to normal, and Danielle and I have made up as if nothing happened. She constantly asks me about my relationship with Indy, and we have come up with a fake name so we can talk about him in public. We call him Wendell, which is a trendy boy's name and means traveler. It was a perfect name to call him, and no one would ever know we are talking about Indy. I told Indy about the name we gave him, and he rolled his eyes and snorted. "It means traveler, so I thought it was a perfect fit. It was either that or Henry, but that was too obvious." I tell him.

"I'll take Wendell; what do you two discuss in public about me?" He looked up at me over the rim of his circular glasses.

"She just asks about our relationship and what it's like being soulmates with you." I shrug my shoulders.

"What it's like being soulmates with me?" He raised his brows, confused.

"Well, she thinks you're uptight and very serious. She wonders how our two personalities work together because she says I'm very outgoing and worry about everything, and you're..." I repeat what she said before stopping to smirk.

"I'm what?"

"Quiet and boring." I chuckled, seeing how he wasn't amused as his face fell.

"Me? Boring?" He points to himself, getting a little offended.

"I was shocked she chose that adjective too." I chuckle at him. "I defended you though and told her you're the farthest thing from boring and told her you are very sweet, protective, funny, charming, intelligent, and amazing." I smile, seeing him smirk at me and roll his eyes. "She also just asks what we are doing."

"Girls and their gossip." He rolls his eyes and returns to his book with a playful chuckle.

"You can't act like you don't talk about me." I tease him as I stick my tongue out at him.

"Fair." He nods his head. "You were the topic the other day."

"I knew it, so you can't just say it's a girl thing." I smile and wag my index finger at him as I continue to lay on the floor. He chuckled at me and leaned back in his chair before looking down at me. "You got me."

"Harley, focus." Danielle snaps her fingers in my face snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hey, this week, you can't be daydreaming and getting distracted. Finals are coming up, and you need to pass so we can get this semester behind us." Danielle tells me sternly. I nod, knowing she was right, and take out my notebook and two pencils. 'As much as I hate to say it, She's right, you know. If you don't pass finals, we can't go on our trip.' Indy thinks to me.

"I got it, and I'll try my best to focus, I swear. I need to focus on this class, and the rest will be easy." I tell them both as I take a deep breath. The bell rang for the start of class, and I knew I couldn't get distracted. 'Alright, time to focus, do good. I'll see you later.' Indy thought to me quickly before he cut the connection. Mr. Johnson got in the front of the class and looked over at us. "Alright, students, this week is finals week, and they will start tomorrow. I hope you paid attention in my class because the final will cover everything we have learned in this class, going all the way to the very first day. So study your notes, and I will allow one cheat card that can be the front and back of an index card. I will inspect each card at the start of class tomorrow." He tells us. Oh, thank you, God! I might not fail this class after all! I have a B in this class as of now and worked so hard to keep that B. Danielle and Indy have helped me study, trying to get it through my thick head and comprehend what is going on. After a night of learning with Indy that night, I dreamed about doing math, and he teased me about it. "Now, let's go over some formulas. Does anyone need a refresher?" He asks as he rubs his old wrinkly hands together, getting excited.

We went over many problems the entire class, and I took down every problem keeping focused the whole time. I sighed as the bell released us and packed my things up before I followed Danielle into the crowded halls. "At least we get a notecard." She smiles.

"I'm gonna put everything on the damn card." I tell her seriously as we go into Madrina's class. She sat at her desk smiling as she watched us walk in. "Good morning, ladies."

"Good morning." We smile back and take our seats.

"How was math?"

"A great review; we definitely needed it. I have never seen Harley so focused in that class, and honestly, I'm impressed." Danielle smiled before glancing at me as she bragged. I chuckle and look at my desk before looking up at Madrina to see her head tilted down and eyebrows raised. "The Queen of getting distracted and daydreaming, okay. I'll believe it when I see it." She jokes with me knowing how I can't focus. "I'm just trying to pass that damn class with a B and hopefully an A if I do well on the final." I tell her honestly as I lean back on my desk.

"I'm sure you'll do fine; it's not like you are failing the class." She smiled at me kindly as her eyes crinkled at the corners. She got up and stood in front of the class and waited for the rest of the students to come in. The whole class was a refresher as well, and she told us our final would be Wednesday with no cheat sheets. I already submitted my final paper to her last week because I finished it early. Unfortunately, she won't let me know how I did and said it wouldn't be fair if I knew before my classmates. I agree with her, and it would be favoritism if she let me know before anyone else.

The bell rang, releasing us for lunch, and I let out a sigh of relief. "Okay, I see what Danielle was saying. You are not my goddaughter. Who are you, and What have you done with her?" Madrina smiled as she sat at her desk, wagging her finger at me. We both laugh at her causing her to smile at us. "Keep it up, kiddo."

"I will." I smile at her as I grab my things and head to lunch with Danielle feeling completely drained from forcing myself to focus too long.

We got our lunch and sat on the grass, and I was too tired to eat my food, so I laid down with my arms out to the side. "I can't do this much longer." I tell her with my eyes closed.

"Hahaha, you must be worn out." She giggles at me as she pats my arm. "Don't look now; you know who is walking to lunch." She tells me quietly. "Oh shit, he's coming over here." She repeatedly hit my arm, but I refused to move.

"Is everything okay over here, ladies?" I heard Indy's deep voice question us.

"She's worn out from focusing too hard. She didn't get distracted once during her classes, and it took a lot out from her, professor." Danielle explains.

"Ah, I see. Didn't get distracted once, you say?" He sounded impressed, and I felt how proud he was. I opened my eyes to see him standing next to me as he looked down at me with his hands in his pockets. "Hyper focusing on topics you find boring now, are you Miss LaCarrubba?"

"More like forced focusing." I reply to him tiredly.

"Well, I'm glad to hear you are focusing but don't overdo it and rest your mind for a little bit. I suggest you get some food in your system to give you some energy for the rest of your classes. Also, don't lay down like that. I thought you were injured." He tells me in his monotone voice as he tries to cover his tracks as to why he's over here. He knows damn well I'm not injured and would have felt it if I was. He's only saying this because people around us might get suspicious about why he's checking on us. I chuckle before turning over to my back and sitting up, brushing myself off. "Yes, sir, I apologize. I could see where it looks like I'm injured."

"Thank you, enjoy your lunch, ladies. LaCarrubba, eat something. I don't need you passing out." He tells us before walking away. Danielle wacked my arm playfully as I chuckled at her. "Look what you did; made professor Jones think you were dead." She tells me. I giggle as I rub my arm and notice many students looking at us. "I'm not dead, but I feel dead focusing for these damn finals! They will be the death of me!" I shout. I got many chuckles as many people heard me as I tried to throw everyone off. "Preach!" A guy yelled at me, causing all of us to laugh.

"Listen, after school, we can study at your place for finals. I'll help you in math, and you can help me in history, and I'm sure Wendell wouldn't mind. I could use some last-minute study sessions, and what better to study than to be by the pro?" She suggested. I tap my head three times with my index finger, telling Indy to open the connection so I can ask if it would be alright with him. 'Yes, darling?'

'Is it okay if Danielle comes over for a final study session tonight?'

'I don't mind; you need the math refresher.' He thinks softly.

"Yeah, that's fine." I told Danielle as I knew Indy was listening to our conversation.

"Will Windell be busy getting ready for finals? Will we be bothering him?" She asks me seriously.

'Ugh, she's being too nice. It's making it difficult to stay upset with her. My busy time is after your finals when I have to grade everything.' Indy groans with a sigh. I try so hard to hide my smile as I look at Danielle. "His busy period is after finals." I smile at her.

"Yeah, that makes sense. Alright, after school, your place for a study session. I can get some food and drinks for us, so we don't have to worry about cooking." She tells me with a smirk.

"Sounds good; I don't have the energy to cook." I mumble as I start eating my food.

'What is she bringing?' Indy asks me.

"What food are you thinking about getting?" I question her for indy.

"I can pick up some sandwiches from the deli and get some pop." She shrugs before taking a bite of her salad.

'I wouldn't mind sandwiches.' Indy says nonchalantly.

"What kind?" I ask more in-depth, not wanting a stupid plain sandwich.

"I can get a variety tray or specialty sandwiches; I was thinking a tray so we can just snack on it throughout our study session." She took a sip of her water before looking at me with her dark brown eyes.

'The variety!' Indy thinks excitedly, catching me off guard and causing me to chuckle.

"Wendell would love the variety; he would be thrilled if you got that one, trust me." I smiled at her as I felt how happy Indy was about a plate of sandwiches.

"Alright, then it's settled." She smiled as she picked up her trash as the bell rang.


I make it to Indy's class completely exhausted from focusing too hard and instantly take a seat at my desk. "You look completely worn out." Indy comments as he stares at me with a half-corner smirk.

"I don't understand how y'all can focus and not feel worn out. This is torture. I can't take it anymore!"

"Your hyper-focus hasn't kicked in because you're not interested in the topics, so your brain is working harder to understand everything. You're fighting your programming, and it's draining you." He tells me matter of factly as he rocks in his chair.

"Tell me about it." I sigh.

"Just relax this class; I already know you'll pass the final. I don't need you falling asleep on your way home because you're mentally exhausted." He tells me softly.


Class started, and I had my head propped up with my hand as I listened to Indy go over topics students had trouble with. I was slowly beginning to drift to sleep when that dumb bimbo raised her hand. "Yes, miss Golding?" Indy asks her.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, professor, but I thought sleeping in class was against your classroom rules." She snitches on me, instantly boiling my blood.

"When you have the top grade in the class and have made a 100% on every single test, then we will talk. If Miss LaCarrubba wants to fall asleep during the refresher before the final, then that's on her. You're the one that needs to be paying attention so you can pass my class." Indy defends me. I lift my head and glare at her, seeing she crossed her arms, upset it didn't go her way.

"I'm not asleep, you dumb bimbo; I was listening to everything. Next time you talk shit about me, make sure I'm actually asleep." I snapped at her, seeing her blue eyes widen as she looked at me.

"LaCarrubba, enough!" Indy raised his voice at me, causing me to look over at him to see he was getting aggravated. I sit back in my seat and scoot farther away from her, trapping the blonde quarterback in his desk. "Sorry." I tell him.

"I completely understand; want to trade seats?" He asks me sincerely.

"No, I'm fine." I tell him and sit back in my seat.

"Come on, ladies, the semester is almost over; please just get along for the rest of the week, and you won't have to see each other again." Indy sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"I'm not the psycho with anger issues." She mumbles. I went to get up, but Colin grabbed my shirt, pulling me back down so I wouldn't kick her ass. "Anger issues! No, I'm sick of your dumb bimbo ass! You think you're better than anyone else, but you're as dumb as a box of rocks. You're lucky I'm being held back right now because I'd toss you out the window and watch you cry. You aren't going to amount to anything in your life, you little helpless bitch. You're lucky I'm trying to be on my best behavior because I would send you to the hospital! You little snitch! You try to fuck every teacher here what does that say about your character? I fucking hate you." I rant in Italian, trying to keep my temper under control and failing miserably.

"Ohh, you're a wop." She twisted her face up in disgust as she looked at me.

"What did I just say!?!" Indy shouts. "Golding, gather your things. Mr. Pellegrino, you and Golding are changing seats." Indy tells the boy in the very back of the class.

"Si, professore." He says in a very thick Italian accent. Golding gasped and gathered her things in a huff before getting up and tripping in front of me.

"Did you see that? The crazy Guinea tripped me!" She accused me as she called me a very offensive racial slur. Guinea The most vile racial slur that can be used against an Italian-American. Refers to the Guinea Coast of Africa; using this slur is a very offensive way of implying that Italian-Americans are non-whites. I gasped in shock as the word left her mouth as Many other people in the class did.

"Oh fuck"
"Hell no."
"Here we go."
"Kick her ass!"

"SHE DID NOT TRIP YOU. I WATCHED THE WHOLE THING, AND YOU WILL NOT USE THOSE DISGUSTING SLURS IN MY CLASSROOM! I WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY SLUR IN MY CLASSROOM. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!?!" Indy lost his temper, making the entire room silent. Pellegrino sat next to me and put his hand on my shoulder, and pat my back.

"I've never wanted to hit a woman so badly in my entire life. How dare she call you that she just insulted six of us in this class. I knew you were Italian with that last name!" Pellegrino tells me in Italian.

"I've never been so disrespected in my life." I reply as I keep my eyes glued to Indy.

"Golding and LaCarrubba, you will stay after class today." He tells us as he takes a deep breath, trying to calm down.

"Yes, sir." I nod my head. "Colin, you can let go of me now." I turn to him and scoot my chair to its original spot.

"I don't trust you right now; I'm sorry." He tells me as he scooted his desk closer to mine, and Pellegrino did the same, trapping me in my seat.

"Mr. Langston, do you need a refresher?" Indy asks him with a calmer voice.

"No, sir." He answers.

"Go get Dean Brody and bring him here," Indy orders him. The kid instantly got up and left the class to find Dean Brody and bring him here.

"Okay, are we calmed down now? Can I get back to the review?" Indy questions everyone before looking at me, but I stare at my desk, avoiding his gaze.

"She's not calm down yet, professore, but we have her." Pellegrino says as he keeps his hand on my shoulder.

"That's fine." Indy nods his head before going back to teaching.

'Sweetheart, are you alright?' Indy thinks to me softly as he writes on the board with his back to the class.

'I'm so pissed off and hurt! How dare she call me that!'

'I understand; take deep breaths and don't escalate the situation. I'm going to try to get her kicked out. I need to make a strong case, and you will ruin it if you try to fight her.' He thinks softly to me.

'Okay, I won't fight her.'

Indy taught like nothing happened as he asked questions trying to jog everyone's memories of his lessons. "Any other questions?" He asks as he leans on his podium. "No, okay, you may talk amongst yourselves." He goes to his desk sitting in his comfy chair. He took his glasses off and rubbed his face before looking at the two boys still holding me down.

"We can jump her after school and teach her a lesson." Pellegrino tells me with a smirk.

"No, you will not, Mr. Pellegrino. I will handle the situation. I don't need more students getting in trouble and harming other students, no matter how disgusting that person is." Indy shakes his finger as he speaks in Italian. Pellegrino nodded his head and then sighed before looking at me. "I should have known he spoke our language." He laughs.

"She's a disgusting wop no wonder no one likes her." Leslie says, and we heard her loud and clear.

"She's about to magically wear cement shoes if she keeps it up," Pellegrino mumbles, and I couldn't help but snort.

"How about you say that a little louder, Miss Golding." Indy leaned forward in his chair.

"I didn't say, anything, professor." She acts innocently in her high-pitched baby voice.

"You heard that right, Pellegrino?" Indiana questions him in Italian as he points to her.

"Si, professore." he nodded his head.

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