23. Engaged

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I walked into school while Indy still had our thoughts connected so he could help me focus. I take my seat next to Danielle and smile at her before pulling out my notebook. "How was your weekend?" I smile at her.

"Oh, it was wonderful." She smiled, taking with her hands more than usual as I noticed a ring on a particular finger. I grab her left hand and look at the beautiful diamond ring that caught my attention. I gasped as I realized she was engaged. "OH MY GOD!" I say a little too loud as I look at the giant rock the sparkled in every direction. "You're engaged!?!"

"Haha, he proposed on Saturday." She smiles, full of excitement.

"Tell me all the details." I smile at her.

"Oh, it was so romantic! He took me to a fancy dinner at Romeo's, and we had a beautiful candle lite dinner, then we walked in the rose garden under the full moon. There were twinkling lights everywhere, and it was so beautiful. We went and danced in a gazebo under the stars in each other's arms. He then got on one knee and told me how much he loved me and pulled out the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. I was crying because I was so excited, but I finally said yes." She explains as her smile was a mile wide.

"I'm so happy for you!!" I tell her truthfully. I can't believe they are engaged already, They have only been together for two months. Indy and I have been together longer than they have, and we aren't even engaged yet. It seems everyone is getting engaged. Three girls got engaged just this month, and one of them has only known their soulmate a week. Indy and I have been together for six months and are still not engaged. Don't get me wrong; it was an incredible six months full of love, adventures, growing close to each other, and romantic memories. My father keeps asking me when we are getting married and wants to be the one to walk me down the aisle, says we better hurry up because he's getting too old. It seems like we are the only ones taking our sweet time. It's perfectly normal for soulmates to get engaged so soon after meeting. It's not like humans have to date and try to find someone they can live with and find love. We know our perfect match and love of our life's by the matching soulmark. Ugh, it would suck if we didn't have soulmarks to tell us who our soulmate is and have to date around to find the person we will marry. So many hearts would be broken and bad relationships. I know Indy doesn't want to rush anything and wants to take our time. I see where he is coming from, but I have my own opinions. Why take our time when we are soulmates made for each other and plan on spending the rest of our lives together?

"Hello, earth to Harley." Danielle waves her hand in front of my face. I snap back to reality as I shake my head and look into her eyes. "Did you hear what I said?" She chuckled.

"Sorry, I got distracted." I apologize as I was lost inside my head.

"I want you to be my maid of honor." She smiles at me.

"I'd love to." I smile at her hiding my pain. I know at her wedding I will be by myself because she doesn't know about Indy and no one else can learn about our relationship. Am I going to be the last one to be married and have kids? Always the bridesmaid and never the bride.

'All In due time, my soul.' Indy told me in my head as I felt a kiss on my hand trying to make me feel better.

'Yeah.' I sigh.

"I want to go dress shopping after school, and we can get you a dress as well. I already have the color in mind, and I know you'll love it." She giggles full of excitement as her brown curls bounce with her.

"For the love of all things holy, please tell me it's not pink." I tell her seriously as I look up at the ceiling.

"It's not pink." She laughs loudly as she puts her hand on my arm. "It's red."

"Red will be pretty." I smile at her. I know I want my bridesmaids to wear green. I think it will be a lovely tribute to my mama, and it is my favorite color. I have put way too much thought into my wedding day; ever since I was a little, I dreamed of getting married. I think every woman dreams of her big day and has most of it planned out before she gets proposed to, and when she does, she finalizes the details and starts setting everything up. I only have one friend, and I won't have many people standing up there with us. Focus Harley, this is Danielle's happy news, and you don't need to ruin it by being down in your feelings. Get a grip on yourself. It's not about you. She's the one who got engaged and is getting married. You need to be happy for her and support her and Eugene. Your time will come, and it's not anytime soon. What if Danielle and I fall out of touch, and then I won't have anyone at my wedding? Stop it; you're doing it again. Shut up and focus on her! This is her happy news!! "Do you have a date set?" I ask her to stop my thoughts.

"Next week." She smiles at me. Next week!!! We have to get a whole wedding ready in a week!?!

"Oh, we better find a dress. Do you have the venue? Dinner menu? Church? Invitations sent out? Music? Reception? Centerpieces?" I list off as I count on my fingers everything she needs to get done.

"Stop; you're stressing yourself out." She chuckles as she puts her hand on my shoulder. "You are always stressing yourself out over the little things. Everything is taken care of already. All we need to do is get our dresses. My mama is taking care of everything else. I need you to come dress shopping with my mama and me and show up at the wedding." She tries to calm me down.

"Are you sure? Does your mama need help? There's so much to do, and we only have a week!"

"Harley, my mama is a wedding planner. She has everything under control and has her own business." She sends me a reassuring smile. "Deep breaths." She takes a deep breath and softly exhales. I did what she was doing, trying to calm myself down. Why do I stress myself out over the little things?

'Geeze, you are getting me stressed out. Let her mom take care of everything and just go dress shopping with the woman.' Indy thinks to me with a chuckle in his voice.

'Sorry, okay, I will.'

'Listen, your time will come. I'm going to marry you one day but for now, let's keep things the way they are. I love you, and I'll see you later.' Indy tries to lift my spirits before class starts. I put on a fake smile and talked to Danielle about wedding details before class started.

I couldn't help but daydream about my special day while Indy told me to focus constantly. Wait, dress shopping today after school? I need to finish my homework, so I'm not staying up so late tonight. I glance at Danielle's paper to copy her notes but get distracted by her ring. That's a big beautiful ring. Focus. I continue taking notes and try to keep myself focused. Her ring is too big; I'd want something a little simpler and not so chunky like hers.


I walk into Indy's class, set my book on my desk, and take my seat. 'Are you still upset?' He thinks to me.

'No.' I think back as I look up into his warm hazel eyes. I don't think I'm upset she got engaged; I'm genuinely joyous for her.

'My soul, I'm going to marry you one day. I want you to finish getting your degree because I know you will be too focused on planning our wedding than homework. Plus, no one knows you have a soulmate, and it would raise questions when you show up wearing a ring. You're my girl, and I love you dearly; I want no other woman but you. How about after you get home from shopping I can show you?' He had a smirk on his face as he stared into my green eyes, trying to make me feel better.

'You're right; I don't know. I guess I'm just jealous other women are getting engaged before me.' I nod my head as I hold my hand and confess my feelings.

'Harley, I'm not going to leave you. Just because we aren't engaged or married doesn't mean I don't want to be with you.' He thinks sincerely as he continues to look into my eyes. I couldn't help but feel better as my worry slowly slipped away. I knew he felt me relax, causing him to smirk before placing a kiss on his hand.

The final bell rang, and I packed everything up as I looked at Indiana. 'Have fun dress shopping.' He thinks to me before going to sit at his desk. 'I'll try.'

'Hey, it's Friday. If you are still upset, we can have a few drinks and do something over the weekend.' He thinks as he looks at the papers he needs to grade.

'Alright.' I pick up my things and walk out of his classroom, going out to my car, noticing Danielle was there already. "Hey girlie, you ready to go dress shopping?"

"Yes!" I smile as I am happier for her since my talk with Indiana. I can't ruin her special day picking out a dress while I bring everyone down. I'd be a horrible friend making it all about me and putting a damper in everyone's mood.

We made it to the dress shop, where her mom was waiting there for us with a giant smile on her face. She had dark brown hair, big brown almond eyes, tan sun-kissed skin, and a petite frame. "I can't believe my daughter is getting married!" She smiles ear to ear as she hugs Danielle.

"I know; I can't believe it either." She bounced up and down as she became too excited.

"Oh, and you must be Harley; I've heard so much about you. Thank you for introducing them and bringing her friend." her mom comes over to me, hugging me.

"Of course." I smile. We go into the shop and meet the dress lady that would be with us today, Tracy. I walk around the dress shops looking at the dresses trying to keep my mind off what clothing I would wear. "What are you looking for?" I ask Danielle as I look at a stunning dress I couldn't keep my eyes off of. It was a beautiful wedding dress, and I could imagine myself in it. I wanted this dress more than anything and couldn't stop myself as I envisioned me walking down the aisle in this dress. I close my eyes as I picture myself in this dress.

Focus Harley! This isn't your shopping experience. I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump out of shock. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Danielle smiles at me.

"Stunning." I agree.

"You should try it on."

"Oh no, no-no." I refuse, not wanting to impose on her shopping day. We walk around looking at all the dresses and picking out a few for her to try on. Her mother and I sat on the couch waiting for Danielle to come out in a dress and show us. "So beautiful, what do you think?" Her mom asks about the dress she picked out. I could tell she wanted to thrilled in the giant dress with tool at the bottom. "I'm not a fan, it's too big, and I'll be tripping the entire time." She tells her mother earnestly. Danielle walked back into the changing room to try on more dresses while her mother would create small talk with me. "So you haven't met your soulmate yet?"

"No," I answer, not wanting to bring this topic up. I hate lying to people that I haven't met Indy yet, but I understand why I must do it.

"I'm sure you'll meet him someday, and I know it must be difficult to watch everyone with their soulmate, and you must go through life alone. Watching everyone move on and get married and have kids, and you are still all by yourself. It must get lonely for you; I appreciate you coming out and helping her get a dress. I see the look in your eyes, wishing you were in her shoes. Your time will come." She tells me sincerely as she pats my shoulder, waiting for her daughter to come out. I know that was supposed to make me feel better, but she just made me feel worse. I nod my head and sit up straighter as I wait for Danielle to come out. 'Where the hell are my glasses?' I heard Indy think to himself.

'Have you tried your jacket pocket? You seem to always leave them in there.' I think back.

'Got them, thanks, doll.'

'Of course.'

'How's dress shopping?'

'Fine, she's trying on dress number two. Her mom is making me feel awful.'

'I wondered what was going on; I felt your mood change very quickly. What is she doing?' He explains as I felt a kiss on my hand. It has been so long since we used our little system, ever since we found out about each other we rarely use it. I miss it, just feeling his light touch I've always felt.

'You didn't hear what she said to me?'

'I wasn't paying attention, I was grading tests.' He explains.

'Oh haha gotcha. What did I score?' I smile as I look down at my lap not wanting her mom to see me smiling to myself. '100%, like always. Sometimes I don't even want to grade your test because I know you will ace it.'

'Haha, maybe I'll miss one on purpose." I joke with him but end up chuckling out loud, getting a weird look from her mother. "Sorry, I'm lost inside my head." I apologize to her. She nodded her head then looked as Danielle finally walked out smiling ear to ear. 'Don't you dare screw up your record.' Indy tells me with all seriousness in his voice.

'I'm not going to. Don't get your britches in a twist.'

"So?" I smile at her as I notice how happy she was. She was practically glowing in that dress as she stared at herself in the mirror. "I love it." She smiles as tears clouded her eyes. I get up and go over to her putting my hand on her tiny shoulder. "You look stunning." I smile at her trying to make her feel confident.

I walk into the house setting down my bag letting out a sigh of relief. I look over at the couch to see Indy isn't there so I go over to our room to find him. I noticed he wasn't there either. 'Indy?'


'Where are you?' I ask him as I look around the house.

'I'm outside, I'm coming in.' He informs me. I watch as he came in from the back yard with a book in his hands. "Hey, beautiful." He came over and placed a kiss on my cheek.


"What's that?" He asks me as he looks at the dress in my hands.

"My maid of honor dress." I inform him as I look down at the red fabric in my hands. It's not a bad dress and I can't complain much at least. "Alright, my dear, you and me curled up on the couch with a nice book." He puts his hands on my waist.

"Sounds good to me." I smile at him.

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