10. Guinea Pigs

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His clock rings, causing me to jump in surprise, sitting straight up at the unfamiliar sound. I felt a hand on my shoulder instantly calming me down as I remembered where I was. I turned to see Indy with a concerned look on his face as he was startled by my panic. "You okay?" he asks me in his deep morning voice, which was music to my ears.

"Yeah, just an unfamiliar sound," I mumble as I lay back on the bed. "What time is it?" I mumble, rubbing the tiredness from my face.

"Five thirty." He mumbles as he lays next to me, putting his arm around My waist, leaning over me. "Come on; we gotta get up."

"Mmmm." I groan as I throw my leg over his waist, nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck. "I don't want to get up," I mumble into his strong shoulder.

"Come on; it's Friday. After school, we can come back here and relax." He held me tighter placing a kiss on my head.

"You mean to tell me; you want me to come back?" I joke with him as I don't let go.

"Of course." He mumbles as he pats my back, wanting me to get up. "Come on, let's get ready."

I get off of him and slowly get out of bed, not wanting to leave. Indy goes into the bathroom, closing the door while I go out and grab my spare clothes. I come back to see him walk out of the restroom, letting me use it. "It's all yours."

"Okay." I go in, taking my clothes with me before shutting the door. I did everything I needed to do, then dressed in my black dress and placed on a light green blouse. I put my hair up in a bun and fixed my makeup before walking out. I saw Indy was pouring two cups of coffee getting them ready to go. I kiss my hand to see him turn around with a smirk.

"You know, I'm right here." 

"I know, but I still enjoy doing it." I walk over, putting my hand on his strong back before getting on my toes placing a kiss on his cheek. He turned to look at me with a smirk before handing me a cup of coffee. "Two creams." He tells me.

"Just how I like it." I smile up at him.

"Alright, dear, let's go." He placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay, so meet at Madrina's classroom for lunch?"

"Yes." He tells me as he grabs his keys. We walk out into the driveway and get into separate cars diving to the college. He went over into teacher parking while I went to the student.

I stayed behind in my mythology class, watching as she pulled out food for me as if she knew I was staying. "You seem like you are doing better. What changed?"

"Umm, I got over what was bothering me." I shrug my shoulders, not knowing how to explain to her without Indy here.

"That's good. Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." I smile as I wait for my soulmate to arrive. I heard the door open and turned around to see who it was. I smiled as I saw my soulmate walk through the door with a grin as he closed it behind him. "Isabella, we need to talk." He tells her as he walks, overtaking his jacket off. He pulled up a chair and hung his blazer up on the back as he sat next to me. "What do you need to talk about?"

"Well, we discovered something yesterday, which explains a lot, honestly." He messed with his sleeve button. I took my jacket off, and we set our arms out straight on the desk so she could see. Her eyes about popped out of her head as she looked at our marks. "Soulmates." She breathed as she looked up at us, shocked.

"When did you two find out?" She questions.

"Yesterday, I was hot, so I took my blazer off and rolled my sleeves up, and she saw it. She opened the connection again once she realized." He informs her.

"I see. That's why you both were upset."

"Yeah, we worked that out already." Indy informs her.

"So, what are you going to do?"

"We are going to be together, of course. We already discussed this as well. We have to keep our relationship hidden; she's not going to be staying late, she will still address me properly, we can't be seen around each other, and the only place we can be together is when we are at my place or hers." Indiana explains. "She will also keep her mark hidden because everyone has seen mine. We wanted to let you know the plan and explain everything we felt."

"Okay." She leans back in her chair, looking back and forth between us. I was growing nervous as she didn't say anything; I thought she would be excited I found my soulmate. Indy put his hand on mine as he looked into my eyes, trying to comfort my nerves; he knows I want her approval.

"I want to see the connection." She finally announces. Indy looks over at me, slowly nodding his head, agreeing to her request. I'm not a guinea pig to be tested on; she didn't say anything about us being soulmates. "How do you want to do this, Isabella?"

"Blindfolded, facing away from each other that why you can't cheat," she tells us as she opens her drawer, pulling out a scarf. She got up and went to her closet, leaving us alone. Indy brought my hand to his lips, placing a small kiss to make me feel better. "I know."

I weakly smile at him and wait for her to come back out. She came back out with a red scarf in her tiny hands, walking over to us. "Okay, stand up." She instructs us, and we do as we were told. She grabbed my hand, walking me to the left and stopping in place as Indy stood in the middle of the room. I faced him as she went behind me to place the blindfold on my eyes. Indy winked at me, flirting, and I rolled my eyes, slightly shaking my head, trying to hide my face. That man drives me absolutely insane; he's always on my mind. My eyes were covered, and I was turned around so my back would be to Indy's. I heard her light footsteps walk away from me, heading to Indiana to do the same thing to him. "Bend down." She tells him, exasperated. I could only imagine the sight, the short 5'2" little lady trying to blindfold the tall 6'1" man. I couldn't help laughing as I imagined it in my head; I wish I could have seen what happened. "What's so funny over there?" Indy chuckles.

"Hehe, I can only imagine what's happening over there." I continue to laugh. "Bend down."

"You two are definitely soulmates." Madrina sighs. I wanted to say something, but I didn't want to push my luck or her to throw something at me.

"What no sassy comment to that?" Indy teased me, knowing I was holding my tongue. "Could you stop biting your tongue so hard? It's making my tongue numb."

"Sorry," I mumble back.

"Alright, Indy, do something she can feel. Harley, you will say out loud what you feel." She instructs us.

"I feel like a Guinea pig." I tell her as I couldn't help it escaping my mouth.

"There's the sass." Indy chuckles. I felt something wack me in the back of the head, causing me to jump. "Ow." Indy and I say at the same time. I rub my head, regretting saying anything. "Don't sass me, young lady." I can imagine her now pointing her index finger at me, wagging it disapprovingly. "Yes, ma'am." I say respectfully. "Okay, Indy." She tells us to begin. I then felt a kiss on my left hand, causing me to smile. "Kiss on my left hand." I answer.

I then felt him kiss our soul mark, causing me to smile. "A kiss on our mark." I smile. I then felt three taps on my thigh, causing me to jump and slap my hand. I knew Indy was looking for that reaction by the sound of his chuckles. "Sorry habit, Umm, three taps on the right thigh."

"What does that mean? I remember you saying you have your own language."

"Nothing." Indy and I answer at the same time. I sighed as we looked so guilty and tried to hide it from her. "That's not suspicious." Indy comments.

"You couldn't have done anything else?"

"Haha, I wanted to see your reaction, and I was right at how you would respond." He admits with a smile in his voice. I roll my eyes and shake my head at this man; he's always teasing me. "Okay, keep going. Harley also tells me the meaning." Madrina instructs.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes." Madrina's voice was stern, as if she was tired of our nonsense.

"Very well." I agree, not wanting to push her any further. I felt his hand wrap around my arm, gently squeezing it. "Hand on my arm telling me to calm down usually when I'm pissed."

I then felt him start tracing my jaw and lift my chin up. "Lifting my chin usually when I'm crying or about to cry to keep my head up." I smile as I think about all the times he told me to keep my head held high. I then felt a pair of thumbs wipe under my eyes gently.

"Wiping my tears."

I then felt his fingers gently going down my hair, calming me down causing me to relax. "Fingers in my hair, calming me down."

I then felt a slap on my hand. "Hey, what did I do?"

"Nothing." He answers me with a chuckle in his voice.

"Slap on my left-hand, meaning stop." I inform them.

"What do the three taps mean?" She asks us.

"Isabella, don't ask questions you don't want answers to." Indy replies deeply. I knew she would hate the answer we give her. She would be disgusted.

"Gross." She mumbles. "Indy your turn."

I hold my left-hand interlocking my fingers. "Holding my hand. This one has different meanings, and it all depends on her mood. If her heart is racing, she's scared and wants comfort; if it's steady pacing and she places kisses on my arm, she's just being affectionate, or she's sorry." He tells her. He knows when I'm saying sorry, he must have felt how I was sorry when we had our first kiss.

I trace our mark lightly with my fingers remembering where each curve was. "Tracing our mark, showing affection."

I kiss my hand, waiting for him to explain the meaning. "Kiss on my hand, again different meanings. Good morning, thank you, thinking about you; when I get flustered, she does it to calm me down."

I then bite my lip and start sucking on it before doing the same to the top. "Kissing me." I massage my shoulders, waiting to see what he says about this one. "Shoulder massage, usually when I'm stressed out."

"Alright, that's enough." My godmother announces. I pull the end of the scarf but end up tightening it, unable to pick apart the knot. "I'm stuck." I sigh as I drop my arms, embarrassed. "Can someone help me, please?"

I felt Indy walk over and place a kiss on my cheek and start undoing the knot as I waited. "There." He finally says as he takes it off my eyes. "Thank you."

"Of course." He mumbled as he watched me walk back over to the desk. I quickly started eating my food, knowing lunch would be over in ten minutes. "Are you upset?" Indy asks my godmother, who is staring off into space.

"No, I'm shocked more than anything. I know I can do nothing about it, and I can't keep you away from each other. I've seen how you two are without your bond and being separated. I don't know how I feel about you being her professor, though."

"I treat her like any other student, she failed a test the other day, and I didn't give her a better grade. She doesn't need help in school; you know that. I don't understand why it's a problem." Indy defends himself and me. "Isabella, she's my soulmate, and I don't want to be separated from her. I swear nothing is going on at school, and no one will find out. Plus, if they do, what are they gonna say? Can't I be with my soulmate? You know it's the law that soulmates can't be forced apart like this." He tried to convince her everything will be alright.

"You're right, I won't say anything, and I trust you two. Don't get me wrong; I'm so happy you two found each other and are finally together. I'm just shocked that I witnessed your connection with my own eyes, and everything you told me was true. I mean, I believed you, and of course, I had my doubts, but it's different witnessing it with my own eyes. I'm sorry I'm not a little more ecstatic like you would want me to be. Maybe tomorrow it will finally sink in that my goddaughter and favorite college are soulmates." She looked back and forth between us as she leaned back in her chair.

"No, we understand this is big news and might take some time to process it." Indy nodded his head while I stayed silent, fumbling with my hands. Madrina looked over at me with a questioning look on her face as I was reticent. She looked back at Indy to see if he knew why I wasn't conversing. "I know; she just wanted your approval; she was nervous you wouldn't approve."

"Harley, look at me." She tells me softly. I looked into her sweet blue eyes, waiting for what she was about to say. "Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you two, and I'm so glad your connection is back. Seeing the pair of you like that when it was closed hurt my heart. You started failing tests and falling asleep and didn't talk to anyone; Indy was the same way. He lost all motivation to do anything and was constantly worried; you both were depressed. I never want to see that again. I hated seeing you both like that. I had a deep talk with him for hours about what was going on. I'm worried something will happen or the wrong person will find out. I have witnessed a bond between two people I have never seen before, and I'm trying to process it. It's not common for two people to feel what the other is feeling; I think your souls are more than connected. Harley, was it harder for you to grasp information when the bond was broken?"

"Umm, I don't know. I couldn't focus on anything and didn't want to." I shrug, confused as to where she was going with this.

"You can't be serious; come on, Isabella." Indy crossed his arms as he exhaled through his nose as if he was disgusted by the idea.

"It's only a theory."

"What? Someone tell me what is going on." I question as I look between the two with my eyebrows raised and face scrunched in confusion.

"She thinks you are connected to my mind and pulling information I know. That's why you don't have to study so hard, and it comes easy to you." He sighs, not believing her theory. "I mean, she clearly has ADHD and can't focus on anything she finds uninteresting. I don't have a problem focusing, so if she pulls information from my mind, why doesn't it work for me? I don't know how to read hieroglyphics, and she does." He points out with his arms still crossed.

"ADHD? What's that?" I questioned him, confused at what he was saying. I have what now?

"True, but I want to test this theory." They ignored me more interested in their conversation. Rude. I cross my arms, pouting that I was being excluded.

"You want us to close the connection again?" He glared at her as if she was suggesting a disgusting request.

"You will still have eyes on her. I thought you were a scientist and love doing tests." She challenged him, thinking she had won the conversation.

"I am a scientist, but I don't want to lose our bond when we just got it back. Your theory is wrong; she is just intelligent and has been reading history books since she was a child." He defends me, causing me to smile. The bell rang for us to stop lunch and go to the next class. "Get to class; I'll see you later," Indy tells me softly. I get up, grabbing my bag, before walking to the door. I felt a kiss on my hand, causing me to turn around with a smile. Indy had his hand by his mouth and winked at me. I chuckle at him before walking out the door to my history class. Well, now she knows that we are soulmates.

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