《Chapter 31》

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Ashton's p.o.v

Is Vanessa okay?!

I run upstairs where I heard footsteps coming from one room. It had a dresser which I could see from where I was standing.

Knowing that it was her room, I went to the door and was about to open it but what I heard next made me freeze.

Third person's p.o.v (I would do it in characters p.o.v but it's easier with This one. Sorry..😢)

"You saw it, didn't you?" Vanessa seethed. "You saw all of it. You saw all my marks."

The romano brothers but their lip. Ashton put his ear against the door, listening intently with worry. He knew that the Romano's were a part if a mafia. In fact, his mafia wanted to partner up with them.

All of them nodded silently at Vanessa, who just covered herself with a blanket that was on the bed.

She inhaled sharply and just yanked her clothes from them. She then put it on, ignoring them. They looked at her guiltily and soon their stares turned into sympathy.

Vanessa realised this and she was pissed. She hated that look. She hated that look of sympathy. It made her seem weak, when really she wasn't. She was anything but weak. What made her more pissed was the fact that the people who caused this indirectly, were giving her those kinds of looks.

"Dont give me those looks. Don't give me those eyes of pity. I hate it." She grits out. "Especially if it comes from you."

All the Romanos were confused and only managed to stutter. "W-Why us?" Jason stuttered and Vanessa glared. Ashton pushed open the door slightly.

"Because it's because of you all that I got these marks." She says and Ashton felt anger rise in him. He was going to partner up with the people who hurt the person he loved.

He knew that he wouldn't anymore. He wanted to destroy their mafia. He knew that his mafia was stronger than theirs.

"Us? How?" The Romanos thought with extreme guilt, nipping at them.

"Who did it?" Ricardo asked, ready to pinch someone. "Mum." Vanessa says with sadness in her eyes.

She knew that her mum did it for them. She knew that her mum was ready to do everything for her brothers.

"That b*tch! I f*cking hate her!" Jason growls and the others did the same. "Shes just a f *cking sl*t like dad said!"

Vanessa couldn't contain her anger when she heard this. She couldn't contain her anger whenever anyone said something about her mum.

"She isn't! Your dad was a b*stard that abandoned her yet you call her a sl*t!" Vanessa defends, making everyone shocked.

Ashton was confused but listened either way. He knew that Vanessa hot mad whenever someone would talk aboyt her mum. He knew that she would almost go out of control.

"She loved you guys! How could you hate someone who f*cking loves you?!" She yells and Leonardo decided to yell back. "If she loved us, why would she do nothing?! She just stayed at home all the time and wouldn't bother to see us! She did nothing for us! What's the point in defending her?!"

Thats when Vanessa had enough. She couldn't do it anymore and she just yelled everything out.

"Did nothing?! She did everything for you all! You're just too blind to see it!" She laighed bitterly. "Every night she'd cry herself to sleep thinking about you all. She'd spend all the money she got for you. All the money your dad gave, she used it for you. She'd always try and improve. She gave up everything do you! She'd always cradle your photos everyday and she'd cry. She'd do everything for you and would remember you guys so much that she forgot her own daughter! She would do literally any thing for you! She'd beg your dad. She'd sink to hr knees to see you!"

All of them gulped more and more out of sadness and guilt. Even Ashton felt heart broken hearing her like that.

"She'd do anything for you! Even if it meant getting her own daughter hurt! Even I it meant.." she paused, biting her trembling lip.

"Even if it meant getting her own daughter raped and tortured by random men! She'd do that just to see you all!" All the Romanos were shocked. Even Ashton. Never in their lives have they felt this guilty.

They believed what their father had told them.

Vanessa was so caught up that she didn't even realise something. She didn't even realise the tears that gathered up.

When they fell down to her hands, she saw blood and immediately regretted everything.

Vanessa's p.o.v

I yelled everything out. Everything that I've kept in for so long. They don't know what mum did for them. Mum was forced to tortuet me to see them and she did it. No matter how much I cried, she'd watch with a sad and regretful gaze. She'd video it all and send it to that b*stard.

It's all because of who? Them and that b*stard!

I didn't even realise it, but i started getting more depressed. I felt something fall down on my hand and I looked and saw blood.

And then the tears came down.

Oh God...

Oh God!


I'm...I'm crying! I can't! I'm not supposed to!

After all those years I stopped and I never did. I stopped since everyone made fun of me. Made fun of me for being a baby and saying taht I looked horrible.

They made fun of me just because I was different.

Just because I don't cry like everyone else.

Thats why I never cried. Even when mum died. And here I am, crying In front of them. My as*hole brothers.

I cursed loudly.


I felt my breathing get heavier by the minute.

I clutched my chest and they all looked at me with worry.

"Why are you crying blood?!"

"Whats going on?!"

"Are you okay?!"

"Are you having a panick attack?!"

This is why...

I never cried..

I never said anything..

I knew this would happen..

Authors Note

Well. I'm back with another chapter and this one has loads of drama!😂😢 hope you enjoyed it and sorry for all the errors.😅


What do you think Is gonna happen next?

What do you think about this chapter?

What do you think vanessa is gonna do?

Why do you think her mum did that?

What do you think her brothers are gonna do?

What do you think Ashton is gonna do?

What do you think about the following characters:


Her mum

Their dad










Extra question: favourite chocolate?

Any choclate is chocolate so yes! But I Loved hazelnut chocolates sometimes. I love lindt and ferrero. I also love mint chocolates like aero!😍

Like, vote and comment!

Love you guys!❤




Today's meme:

Well....I was right! School is a prison!  Why do they send us if we did no crime?! 😢😭😤😤

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