《Chapter 29》

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Hey guys! I just wanted to give a shoutout to KatN68 for guessing the song I was gonna use and thanks to everyone else for giving me their favourite song recommendations. I will definitely check it out and I'll let you guys know what i think about it! 😄❤

Ricardo's p.o.v

I felt guilty when I heard Vanessa sing. The way her voice broke and sounded was enough to make me wanna cry.

Was dad really right?

Did he not know that she has gone through something so he told us all that?

Was he lying when he said that she seduced all the people in the mafias and caused them to go against us?

Was he really telling the truth when he said that she caused mum to seduce people and become a gold digger?

Did she really do all that?

I felt like she didn't. She didn't sound proud when she sang. She sounded sad and broken.

I only knew one thing and that is that I needed to tell my brothers otherwise I'd just feel worse than I already feel.

I called all of them and made them gather around me. "I have something to say to you guys." I say firmly and leonatdo looks at me with a sarcastic look.

"Obviously. I mean, why would you call us here? To eat ice cream or som-" he was cut of by Ethan who gave him one look. He shut up immediately and Ethan looked at me dead in the eye.

"What is it?" He asks. "Its about vanessa." I say and all eyes snap to me. "I feel like she's not what dad said she is."

Jason looked at me with unconvinced eyes. "What makes you say that?" I could hear the guilt in his tone but i could see how he was doubting her.

"The way she sang wasn't b*tchy at all." I say and they look down but what I said next made them instantly snap there heads up to me.

"I saw a big, dark bruise on her stomach and it didn't look like it was form handling a mafia."

Ashtons's p.o.v

I watched Vanessa as she talked with her friends.

I still couldn't get over how she sang.

It didn't sound like the badass type of song I expected. She sang somethjng more sad and depressing.

And her voice sounded so desperate that even I, the leader of a merciless mafia, felt heart broken just by hearing it.

What is this girl hiding?

How did she make her voice like that?

Vanessa's p.o.v

I looked up at the sky and noticed how dark it was getting. "I have to go home guys. It's getting late. Great performance!" I say and Isabella and Jasmine look at me.

"You're walking home?" Jasmine asks and I roll my eyes. "No. I'm taking a unicorn home." Jasmine glares and I sigh. "Yes I am. I don't have a car."

"I can drive you!" Isabella offers and I was about to accept her offer when suddenky someone came behind me and put their hand on my shoulder.

"I'll take her home."

I look up and see Ashton standing there, glaring at them. "W-Well then...Wish you a sage trip!" Jasmine and Isabella stutter nervously and within the flash of light they ran off.

"What the f*ck dude!" I yell, pushing his hand away. "What?" He tilts his head like a confused puppy. "You literally scared them off!" I exclaim, waving my hands.

"I didn't. They just decided to go for a jog." He shrugs. A jog? Yeah right...

They were literally running as if they were on a race track!

"Well then. Let's go." He says and starts walking but i walk of in the opposite direction. Go with him? Never!

He came behind me and followed. He tried pulling me but i just shrugged him off.

He's following me like a freaking dog thats following its owner!

Suddenly, I was lifted of the ground. I squealed and clutched tightly into whatever picked me up.

I looked up and saw Ashton holding me bridal style. I squirmed and twisted, trying to get out of his hold. "Move even a bit more and I'll kiss you." He warns and I immediately shut up, groaning slightly.

Damn! This guy! He really is a pervert!

The whole way he carried me, I was pouting like a child. Once we went to his car, he put me down slowly.

Yes! Finally!

I sighed internally.

He started the car and soon enough we arrived to my house.

Ashton's p.o.v

I saw vanessa's friends offering to drive her home and I took this as a chance to be with her.

I put my hand on hr shoukder, saying that I'd take her and glared at them. They immediately ran like chickens and she glared at me before walking off.

I followed after her but each Time I tried pulling her, she'd just shrug me off. She's strong and stubborn...

If she doesn't come then i guess I'll make her.

I lifted her up and she squealed, clutching onto me. I found it cute and when she squirmed and twisted in my grip I only found it cuter.

"Move even a bit and I'll kiss you." I say and she instantly obeys. I kinda wished she moved now..

I carried her to the car and the whole time she was pouting. I smiled and put her down in the car, reluctantly. I wanted to hold her more but I knew I couldn't.

I started the car and soon I arrived at her house. She got off and bid me farewell with a smile yhat made my heart melt.

I smiled back and waved. I watched as she went inside then i drove home.

Now I'll have to go home where ill get Interrogated as to where I went.

Just great...

Vanessa's p.o.v

After I bid Ashton farewell, I went Inside. I wanted to talk to him more since he seemed so...fun to talk to.

I saw my as*hole brothers sitting on the couch but this time they weren't glaring at me.

What the f*ck!

I ignored them and just went to my room. I did my night routine and opened my cupboard for some clothes. It was only then that i remembered that I still had to return ashtons jacket.

SHIT! I'll have to give Jim tomorrow!

I got changed and then I folded ashtons jacket, which was washed, and put it in a bag.

After that I jumped in bed ready to sleep. But obviously something had to interrupt me. It was the buzzing of my phone.

I looked at the screen and saw it was Ashton.

What the-

How the f *ck Did he get my number?!

I looked at the message.

Ashton: Goodnight! 😘Sleep tight!

I smiled a little but i knew that I had to figure out where he go my number from.

Vanessa: where did you get my number?

Within the next instant he replied.

Ashton: Your friends. Duh!

I can almost imagine him rolling his eyes right now..

Vanessa: Oh. Makes sense. You must've threatened them that you'd kill their family or something.

Ashton: I'm not that bad!

Vanessa: I'm not sure about that..

Ashton: Hey!

I remembered the jacket and decided to tell him to fetch it tomorrow morning.

Vanessa: You can come to get your jacket in the morning. I finished washing it.

Ashton: K. What time?

I thought a little.

Vanessa: maybe at like 9 or something since we don't have school.

Ashton: Perfect! See you then! 😆

Vanessa: Goodnight. Don't let the demons bite! 😜

I then switched my phone off and went to sleep.

Ashtons p.o.v

I looked at the messages for like the tenth time and laughed.

I'm in love with a girl..

Man. It feels good.

And I get to go to her place tomorrow.

I fall asleep with a smile not knowing the secrets that'll unveil.

Authors Note

And....another chapter! Glad I managed to do it! 😂 Sorry for all the errors!


What do you guys think about this chapter?

What do you think is gonna happen next?

What do you think the brothers are going to do?

What do you think about vanessa and ashton? (I ship them! 😉😆)

What secret do you think will be unveiled?

What do you think about the following characters:


Her mum

Their dad










Like, vote and comment!

Love you guys! ❤




Today's meme:

This is honestly true! 😂

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