《Chapter 26》

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Vanessa's p.o.v

The rumours spread all over the school and everyone started staring at me and whispering but of course I ignored it all.

I'm used to being made fun of anyway.

Jasmine and Isabella didn't seem to care either which made me really happy.

But my as*hole brothers are gonna probably get excited..

Ugh. That's the problem. Now I'll have to deal with their shit.

I hope they don't plan any thing to ruin the concert. Maybe I'll just threaten them? Maybe that'll work?

It was now time to go home. I was walking out of the school with Jasmine and Isabella. We were laughing and talking.

Then I noticed someone at the gate.

It was Ashton and he was just standing there on his phone with a blank face. What's he doing there?

"Oh no..." I heard Jasmine mutter when she saw him and I could see Isabella trembling. What the hell? "What is it?" I ask, furrowing my brows and they point at Ashton. They're scared of him? Why?

"You're scared of him?" I ask and they nod. "Why?" "He's scary and killed people! Hes the leader of a mafia and everyone knows not to mess with him. Hes always cold nd can kill you if you annoy him!" They say and my eyes widen slightly.


He's a leader of a mafia?!

With that dorky attitude?!

"But he's always smiling like a dork." I say and turn towards him. He notices me and immediately walks over with a smile.

They've got to be kidding me..

Him in a mafia?

That's got to be a joke.

"He never smiles!" Isabella exclaims, waving her arms in the air. "Why does he smile at you?" Jasmine asks, shocked and I just shrug. "Why is he even coming here?!"

They noticed him coming and they start shaking. "I have to give him his jacket.." I say, taking of the jacket.

Their jaws dropped. "W-We have to go! We can't afford to offend him!" They exclaim, running away. "Hey! Don't leave me here!" I yell but they just ran away and I sighed.

Who knew they could be so scared of him..

Before I knew it, Ashton was standing in front of me. "Hey! What a coincidence!" He waves. "Coincedence my foot!" I say, stomping my foot on the ground. "You were waiting at the gate, weren't you?"

"Guilty!" He says, lifting his arma in surrender. "Why?" I ask. "Is it because of the jacket? Then here it is!" I then hand over the jacket to him.

"I didn't wash it but if you want it that badly, you can take it.." I say and he just laughs. "You can wash it and return it another day!" He says. "Plus, I'm only waiting here coz I missed you!"

"We met twice and you miss me already?" I ask, with a raised brow and he nods. "You're weird..." I say squinting my eyes. "You're weirder. I mean, the first time we met you were being chased by 2 men." He says, rolling his eyes.

Good point...

"Fair point." I shrug. "Why were they chasing you anyway?" He asks.

You know what? I'll just tell him. Maybe he'll get scared and he won't talk to me.

"Oh. That.." I rub my chin with a smile. "It's a secret. You wanna know?" He nods slowly. "Alright. I'll tell you." He lowers his head and I lean in by his ear and whisper.

"I'm the leader of a mafia and they were trying to kill me." I could see the shocked expression on his face. "You...You're in a mafia?" He asks, eyes wide. I nod. "You kill people?" He asks again, making sure.

Seriously? What else? Man, this guy can get on my nerves...

"No. We dance around in a circle and sing hallelujah!" I say sarcastically and he rolls his eyes. "Of course I kill people. What else do you think a mafia does?"

He sighs. "I just wanted to make sure." "You're in a mafia also." I say and he freezes. "Yeah. I'm the second biggest mafia leader." He says.

So he's the mafia that beat my as*hole brothers...

His in "The Cobra" mafia.

Although they aren't as good as my mafia, they are exceptional. They can outsmart their foes and kill them.

He's such a dorky person though...

"Wow. Thats great." I say. There was a bit of silence as we walked but then he broke it. "I hearf you're gonna play in a band.." he says and I nod. "Seems like the rumour spreads fast huh..." I mutter.

"What instrument you gonna play?" He asks. "Piano." I say ans he raises a brow. "You play the piano?" "Don't act so suprised!" I say, hitting his shoulder. "Ouch! Okay! I won't be suprised!" He surrenders, rubbing his aching shoulder. I roll my eyes.

"Is it really that suprising?" I ask and he nods. "You're known to be a badass so who wouldn't find it suprising?"

We carried on talking until I reached home. To be honest with you, I felt comfortable being around him. Why? I don't know.

We arrived at the door and I wave. "Well, goodnight." I day and he smiles. "Goodnight! Don't forget to wash my jacket!" He says. "Yeah yeah. Whatever mum!" He laughs and I head inside.

My as*hole brothers were in the kitchen eating so I just went up to my room. I put the jacket on my cupboard and set a reminder in my head to wash it.

Maybe I can wash it tomorrow..

Ashton's p.o.v

I saw Vanessa coming with her friends and I immediately smiled and went over. Those 2 friends of hers seemed to be scared of me which isn't suprising but they didn't wanna move so I glared tathem slightly whilst Vanessa wasn't looking.

They left in the end and I was happy because now I could spend some alone time with her.

I Dont know why but i always seem to want to see her and just her smile is enough t make my day. She manages to make me laugh even when my own parents could barely manage to do that.

This girl is just way too special.

It's no wonder that I fell in love with her..

"Did you just say that you're in love with her?!"

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did!"

"So what?"

"You just admitted it!"

"Whatever! I don't even know if she likes me back!"

"Well you can try and see!"

"Yeah. Nice advice."

"I'm just trying to help you!"

"I don't seek advice from idiots!"

"Whatever. GOODLUCK doing everything on your own! Don't regret it!"

"Yeah I won't."

After that argument in my head, we began talking. I asked her why those people were chasing her and she said that it was a secret thatbshed have to tell me in my ear.

I felt her warm breath on my neck and ear but i ignored that and listened carefully. She said that she was in a mafia which honestly shocked me.

After that we just talked. Occasionally joking and laughing. Soon we arrived at her house and I didn't want to say goodbye but i knew I had to.

Lucky I told her to wash my jacket though. That way we can meet again. Another excuse.

We bid goodbye and I walked back home with a smile.

Authors Note

Hey guys! I updated! Hope you enjoyed this chapter about this love sick guy! 😂 hope you enjoyed it and sorry for all the errors!


What do you guys think about this chapter?

What do you think is gonna happen next?

What do you think about their relationship?

What do you think about the following characters :


Her mum

Their dad









Btw the drama will be coming up. Just not for the moment. It'll all happen after she sings. So please bare with me!

Like,vote and comment!

Love you guys! ❤




Today's meme:

Honestly so true because of covid !! 😂😂

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