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__Scourge was standing next to Zonic in the new visitation room in Zone Jail. This would be his first time seeing Flying after the Destructix were arrested last year. He wasn't excited, but he did want to know how Flying was. Right now, Flying was the only person in the Destructix he didn't despise. He was there alone. Sonic wanted to go with him, but he had another concert in the city and couldn't go with him. But Scourge was fine with that.
__A lot had changed since Scourge destroyed Super Metal Sonic. He became close to Sonic's friends and family. His closest friend right now would have to be Rouge. He had been hanging out with her for some time now. Sonic's father still made him a bit uncomfortable, though. He still remembered what happened that night Scourge tried sneaking into Sonic's house and ended up speaking to Jules. But Scourge was happy for these changes. No one had said anything bad about him and Sonic being together. Although, Shadow and Knuckles would tease them about it every now and then, but it was all in good fun.
__"All right, he's here now," Zonic told Scourge after putting his walkie-talkie back in his belt. "Go ahead and sit."
__Scourge nodded and went over to one of the visiting booths. He sat in the chair patiently as he waited for Flying to come over. He was about to stand up and ask Zonic what was taking so long when Flying suddenly came out of nowhere and jumped into his seat. Scourge calmed himself before he grinned and nodded at the frog. They both grabbed the black telephones and held them against their heads.
__"Hey, you crazy fucking frog!" Scourge greeted. "What's going on?"
__"Oh, nothing much," Flying grumbled. "It doesn't feel the same-shame without ol' Snot here!" He began giggling when Scourge narrowed his eyes.
__"You're lucky I can't touch you," Scourge threatened.
__"Aw c'mon!" Flying made a big smile as he bobbed his head back and forth. "We're green brothers, remember?"
__"Sure, I guess," Scourge muttered. He then shook his head and forced himself to make eye contact with the crazy frog. "What about ol' Simian and the other traitors? Are they miserable, too?"
__Flying nodded. "Of course!"
__Scourge let out a short laugh. "Good. Serves them right."
__"What about you, Scourge-purge?" Flying asked.
__"Well," Scourge leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs over the booth's wall. "I'm actually enjoying myself."
__"That's nice," Flying then frowned. "So you don't miss me?"
__Scourge rolled his eyes as he set his legs back down. "I miss giving you games to play that's for sure."
__Flying smiled as he tilted his head. "Soooo...what's up with you and Mr. Bluey? We saw what happened that night."

__Scourge felt his face heat up. He snorted as he looked away. "That's none of your business!"
__"Didn't you reject his feelings-shmeelings?"
__Scourge didn't look at him as he leaned on the counter of the booth. "Not on purpose," He muttered.
__Flying's eyes went wide, but his smile grew bigger. "I see! You're playing the funnest game!"
__"Shut up!" Scourge finally looked at him. "And it's the most fun, not the funnest, you stupid frog."
__"Since when do you care about dumb old grammar?"
__"Since Tails has been giving me a hard time about it," Scourge responded blandly. "Yeah, I'm dating Sonic now and his friends are now my friends. Judge all you want."
__"I'm not! I think it's great after Miss Fiona died," Flying then looked down as he frowned. "I miss her, too."
__Scourge looked down as well. "Yeah, at least I destroyed the cyborg that killed her."
__"That's good!" Flying smiled again.
__Scourge then smirked as he straightened himself. "Is Smalls still in there?" Flying nodded. "Can you tell him if he ever sees me again, he can kiss my ass?"
__Flying began laughing and nodded. "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!"
__Scourge checked his phone pocket. The time in Mobius was a little past noon. Sonic's morning concert would be over soon. He put his phone back in his pocket and looked at Flying. "I'm gonna have to cut this visit short. I'll come back next month if I can."
__"Okay!" Flying closed his eyes as his smile grew even bigger.
__Scourge set the phone back in its place and left the booth quickly. He made his way back to Zonic and placed both hands on his hips. "I'm ready to go now."
__Zonic narrowed one eye. "So soon?"
__"Sonic will be done with his concert soon and I need to make sure I'm waiting backstage."
__Zonic nodded and led Scourge outside the jail. After making sure everything was clear, he pulled out a warp ring from his belt and tossed it on the ground. The ring grew big and inside it showed Scourge and Sonic's house on its side. Zonic then looked at Scourge and crossed his arms. "Say hello to Sonic for me."
__Scourge nodded before he jumped through the portal. When he was through his right side had landed on the ground. His head felt dizzy and he fought the urge to throw up as he tried to adjust to the gravity. Once he settled down he stood up and walked into the house. It was the same two-story house, and it was a mess. Dammit, Sonic.
__"Where are you, boy?" Scourge called out as he looked around the living room. He crossed his arms and tapped his foot as he heard fast light tapping on the wood floor coming his way. He smiled when a brown and white border collie with yellow eyes ran over to Scourge, his tongue out and his tail wagging fiercely. Scourge knelt down on one knee and started rubbing the dog's neck. He looked down at the red collar where the name tag read Buck.
__Last year Sonic and Scourge had gotten Buck as a puppy and brought him home. He was a well-trained dog and was always happy to be with Sonic and Scourge. Sonic had named him after the deer he helped when it was attacked by Super Metal Sonic. It made Sonic upset when he died, and when they got their new puppy he couldn't help but name him after the deer he cared for.
__Scourge stood up and placed his hands on his knees as he leaned forward. "You wanna go see daddy? You wanna see daddy, Buck?"
__Buck barked happily and he began running back and forth in circles. He then sat down in front of Scourge while his tail continued to wag.
__Scourge laughed as he opened the door. "Let's go!" He watched Buck run out and followed after him. "Hey! You follow me, remember?" Buck stopped and waited until Scourge was taking the lead.
__Scourge led the dog into the city. There would be people who stopped to greet Scourge with a smile. Scourge would smile back and continue on his way. While walking, there was a black fox who was walking too close. He slammed his shoulder against Scourge's, making him stumble a bit. He growled as he turned and glared at the fox. "Watch where you're going!"
__The black fox stopped and turned to face him. "Whatever. You're no big shot anymore."
__"Excuse me, punk!?" Scourge sneered.
__"You heard me," The fox then extended his arm and pointed at Scourge. "You're not exactly---"
__Buck started barking and growling as he leaped forward and tried to bite the fox's arm. Scourge had to move quickly and grab him by the collar, pulling him back to keep him from biting the fox.
__"Down!" He barked. He then glared at the fox again. "Just watch yourself next time. You might catch me in a bad mood." He didn't bother to make sure the fox understood as he continued walking, still hanging on to Buck's collar. After a few minutes, he looked down at Buck and let go of him. "You are a good guard dog, but you know Sonic doesn't like seeing someone else's blood on your snout."
__Buck snorted and lowered his head as he walked. He seemed to be on guard now.
__Scourge sighed, but he then smiled when he saw the stage. There was a big crowd around it, clapping and cheering. He could recognize some of Sonic's friends and family scattered around the crowd. His heart leaped as he heard Sonic's voice singing All the Good Girls Go to Hell along with the notes from that white acoustic guitar. He made his way to the side of the stage and entered it, nodding at the staff that were waiting for the show to end. He made it to the stage, standing right next to the curtain so the crowd wouldn't see him. He motioned with his hand to Buck for him to sit and continued to watch Sonic.
__Sonic was singing with passion while slowly pacing around the stage with the guitar in his arms. Each time he flashed a smile the crowd grew wild. He still wore that cyan bandana around his neck as well.
__Scourge smiled as he looked at his left sleeve. There was blue thread sewed into it from the first day Sonic had brought Scourge to his house. Every time Scourge looked at it, it made him happy. If only I knew back then what would happen from then on. He giggled quietly and looked back at Sonic. He flattened his ears and felt his heart melt when Sonic looked at him and smiled as he sang to the crowd. I love my life.

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