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__Scourge made the first move. He kept a tight grip on Caliburn as he struck Super Metal Sonic. The cyborg was only pushed back a few feet and it stayed standing. It looked amused as Scourge jumped backward. "Is that it? That's power of the legendary sword?"
__Scourge narrowed his eyes and examined the cyborg. He was able to see slight scratch marks on its metal. Either Super Metal Sonic didn't care much about it, or it hadn't noticed. Scourge looked down at Caliburn while being wary of the cyborg staring him down. "Any ideas?" He asked softly.
__Caliburn's eyes looked at Super Metal Sonic and back at Scourge. "I don't know anything about these metal beasts. Do they have some kind of weak spot?"
__Scourge looked at Super Metal Sonic's right shoulder, but the red orb that was there before was gone. "No red orb this time? Guess that Eggman does know how to learn."
__The cyborg giggled and flexed its claws. "I have no weak spot this time, Scourge." It then narrowed its eyes and held its arms out as if ready for a hug. "I'll give you another free shot. Go ahead. I'll be here."
__Scourge bared his fangs and growled in frustration. "He's mocking me!" He hissed.
__"Calm yourself, Knave," Caliburn said while keeping his eyes on Super Metal Sonic. "Don't let that thing get to you."
__Scourge brought Caliburn up to eye level and glared at him. "I don't need you to tell me that! And stop calling me Knave already!"
__"Win this battle and I may start calling you by your name," Caliburn groaned.
__"Whatever!" Scourge began to examine the cyborg. Its six shovel claw-like fingers looked even sharper than before. Scourge also remembered its plasma blaster. He never had to deal with them as often Sonic did. He was now wondering if it had even more weapons. Do I really stand a chance? He shook his head and prepared himself. Doesn't matter. This is not just for me. If I die, Sonic's in danger. He snarled as he ran toward Super Metal Sonic again. He thrusted the sword at him, but when the cyborg looked unamused, Scourge pulled the sword back and rammed himself into it. The cyborg lost its footing and was thrown back into a tree.
__"My word!" Caliburn exclaimed joyfully. "A double crossing move. You do know what you're doing after all."
__Scourge stared at the sword in shock and annoyance. "You didn't think I knew what I was doing!?"
__"Honestly, no," The ancient sword replied shamefully.

__Super Metal Sonic began laughing as it stood back up. It rolled its mechanical shoulders back and stared at Scourge with excitement. "Oh! Now this is what I wanted. A real opponent." It flexed its claws again and ran toward Scourge. Scourge managed to dodge and kicked its back, but the cyborg grabbed his leg, piercing its claws into it, and throwing him to the side. Scourge had skidded across the ground and Caliburn was flung into the grass. Scourge sat up and grasped his right leg, which was bleeding. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! He then looked up when Super Metal Sonic was right in front of him. "Out of practice, are you?" It tilted its head and smirked.
__"Just getting started," Scourge growled. He forced himself to stand and looked over where the sword landed. He quickly ran, ignoring the pain in his leg as he grabbed Caliburn only to fall back down. He then used Caliburn to shield himself from Super Metal Sonic's claws. He managed to push it back and forced himself to stand, putting most of the weight on his left leg as the right leg continued to bleed. He braced himself as the cyborg charged. He lifted the sword and leaped forward, slicing off Super Metal Sonic's left arm. He collided with the ground and smirked as he looked at the cyborg's shocked expression. "Didn't see that coming, did ya?"
__Super Metal Sonic's face was calm as it returned the smirk. It lifted up the remaining arm and Scourge watched as its arm grew back. The cyborg laughed as it brought its new arm back down. "You like my new feature? Dr. Eggman was prepared for Sonic's sharp quills and built it into my system."
__Scourge flattened his ears and the hand that held Caliburn started to shake. What the hell am I supposed to do now!? He panicked and stood back up as Super Metal Sonic's chest opened. A purple ball of light shined and shot out toward Scourge. He barely dodged out of the way. He was about to attack again when Super Metal Sonic's right hand turned into some kind of gun and fired a white beam of light into Scourge's chest. Scourge yelled in agony as he thrown onto a giant boulder. Caliburn was once again thrown away, too far this time. Scourge struggled to sit up and saw that his chest, which stung like crazy, was smoking from the blast. Fear began to take over as Super Metal Sonic stood in front of him, readying its plasma blaster again. "Shameful. Real shameful. I expected more from you. Oh well."
__"Knave!" Caliburn called out. He bounced up once but he couldn't make himself move to Scourge.
__Scourge was about to shut his eyes when the sound of barking became clear. Both Scourge and Super Metal Sonic looked over and saw Buck running toward them. He stopped behind the red line on the grass and continued to bark angrily at them.
__"What the devil is that?" Super Metal Sonic asked curiously. "It reminds me of that deer I killed before!" It then started to walk toward Buck, but Scourge forced himself to leap and cling onto its leg, trying desperately to pull it back.
__"Don't you dare go near that dog!" He yelled. "It's me you're trying to kill!" He continued to pull until the cyborg turned and kicked him off, throwing him back again. It kicked Scourge in the stomach and laughed.
__"You honestly think I care!?" It shouted. "I don't have to have fun with just you! I can have fun with whoever and whatever I want until I kill a Freedom Fighter such as yourself!"
__"I'm not even a Freedom Fighter!" Scourge retorted.
__The cyborg rolled its eyes and smirked. "The doctor doesn't need to know that." It then folded its claws and punched the side of Scourge's face. Scourge groaned in pained and he started to feel dizzy. He thought he was hallucinating when he saw Miles and Alicia ran up to Buck. But his dizziness went away and he knew for sure he wasn't seeing things.
__"What the hell is that thing!?" Miles exclaimed.
__Alicia immediately pulled her whip out and attacked the cyborg. She slapped it away from Scourge with a loud crack from the whip and watched it fall.
__"What are you doing here!?" Scourge asked as he sat up.
__"Do you know these people, Knave?" Caliburn called.
__Miles had walked cautiously over to Scourge and looked down at him. "We were trying to find Sonic at his house, but when we opened the door that dog ran out of the house."
__"We figured Sonic would be upset if his dog was out of the house," Alicia added as she put her whip back on belt.
__"Sonic's not even here!" Scourge growled. "He's on tour around the island!"
__"You serious?" Alicia narrowed one eye and crossed her arms.
__"What's going on here?" Miles pointed to the cyborg that was already on its feet again. He then looked down at Scourge and smirked. "I thought you were supposed to be strong, Scourge."
__"We're in some kind of field that removes our powers," Scourge explained.
__"Enough!" Super Metal Sonic screamed. Everyone looked over at the angry cyborg. Its claws started to twitch and Scourge swore he saw sparks flying off it. "I'll have to kill you two before I continue my revenge on Scourge!" He pointed at Miles and Alicia.
__"Kill us?" Alicia repeated. "Scourge, what is this?"
__Scourge grunted as he stood up and gripped his right leg. "That cyborg wants to kill me before Eggman makes him kill Sonic. It wants revenge on me for destroying it last year." Buck barked and was about to step past the line when Scourge yelled at him. "No! You stay there!" Buck stayed where he was, whimpering as he sat down in defeat.
__"I'm not going to let that thing threaten me," Alicia sneered. She pulled out her whip and started attacking the cyborg again. Miles stayed where he was while Scourge looked down at Caliburn. He started running for him with his leg and chest burning, but he didn't let that stop him. He grabbed Caliburn and dug him into the dirt so he could stand without falling. Everything hurts!
__Super Metal Sonic had slashed Alicia's leg, making her scream, and threw her over to Miles. Miles immediately helped her sit up. Super Metal Sonic's hand turned into a gun again but Scourge pulled Caliburn out of the ground and ran toward it. He sliced its arm off and jabbed the sword into its chest. The cyborg smirked as its arm grew back and sliced its claws across Scourge's stomach. Scourge let out a yowl and pulled Caliburn out of the cyborg as he fell back. He used his free hand to grip his slightly bleeding stomach.
__"You fool!" Caliburn moved on his own in Scourge's hand and blocked Super Metal Sonic's claws. "Pay attention, Knave!" Buck had started barking and whimpering while walking along side the line in a panic.
__"This is getting annoying!" Super Metal Sonic grabbed Caliburn by his blade and yanked him out of Scourge's hand. "Forget saving you for last!" Its chest opened again and the plasma blaster started up again. "I'm killing you right now!"

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