(your pov)
i woke up at 2am and my throat was so dry so i decided to go get water.
I walk down the stairs and i hear someone in the kitchen so i peak and i see nelson sitting on the stool drinking water while hes on his phone.
He must have heard me because he turned his towards me. ''Hey n/n'' he said ''Hey nels''
i got a glass of water and sat down next to nelson. ''How are feeling?'' i asked him ''way better thanks to you'' he said while smiling at me. ''thats good'' i say ''Also i have a question for you nels'' ''What's up?'' he said why looking at me. ''have you ever hated me?'' ''no of course not why do you think that?'' he asked while grabbing my hand ''I don't know it's just cause the first night we met we didn't really get along'' ''sorry i made you think that y/n i never hated you i actually thought you were really nice when i met you and you still are'' ''really?'' ''yeah''
after he said that we just looked at eachother and we started leaning in until our lips touched...
''y/n i really like you your so nice and funny will you be my girlfriend?''
''yes! of course i will
and with that we kissed again
''we should probably go to sleep now its almost 3am'' we both laughed ''yeah ill see you tomorrow morning n/n'' nelson said we both got up and he hugged me by my waist while i hugged him by his neck. ''goodnight nels'' ''goodnight n/n''
i went to bed with a smile on my face now that im finally his.
(nelson's pov)
i went to bed with a smile on my face now that she's finally mine.
if you guys have any request feel free to comment them
time posted: 2:51pm
word count: 328
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