bad game

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your pov:

today my boyfriend nelson had a game with niles and i was currently getting ready to go watch it.

i was just finishing my makeup and once i was done i went downstairs and went to the car with my mom

at the basketball game

i walk in and see nelson and niles with theyre teammates. i walk over and hug nelson giving him a kiss and telling him goodluck he says thanks and i go to sit down to watch him play.

the game starts and nelson started with the ball someone then tripped him and he ended up falling ''you ok nels?'' i ask to him ''yeah'' he says back to me he gets back up continuing the game.

10 minutes later

nelson had the ball again and went for a layup he made it but he ended up falling fowards into a wall but thank god it had mats so he didnt get hurt. i could tell he was stressed and wanted to cry but he toughed it out. he walked passed me and i told him ''its gonna be okay nels you got this my love'' he turned back towards me and smiled. i smile back

after the game

nelson came up to me and hugged me ''you did so good nels you didnt give up im so proud of you'' i told him while rubbing his back ''thanks can you come over please?'' he asks me clearly upset. ''yes of course ill ask my mom right now nels''

your mom says yes

at nelsons house

while nelson was changing i layed on his bed waiting for him to be done. he came out of his bathroom still upset ''aww nels come here my love'' i told him. he layed down in my arms ''i did so bad on my game today. my parents are probably so dissapointed in me after that game'' he says to me ''no nels you did so good you tried your best and made baskets your dad and mom were so proud of you ok? they are far from dissapointed in you nels'' i told him while rubbing his back and playing with his hair because it makes him feel better when hes upset.

''thank you for comforting and not calling me sensitive'' he says to me ''of course im gonna comfort you my love you dont ever act sensitive your just showing your emotions'' ''can we watch a movie?'' he asks me ''of course we can im spending the night here anyway'' i said while smiling at him, he smiles back at me and we put on a movie.

i kiss him and then continue watching the movie while playing with his curls

the end<33

requested by: @ily_katelyn


yall i am so happy with how this turned out!!
if theyre are no requests i have a enemies to lovers one coming out because as i said before its my fav book genre! :)

time posted: 4:12 pm
word count: 505

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