Chapter 24

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Meet Mr. Oh

Author's POV

"Shit, my head really hurts"

Sehun said so himself as he forced himself to stand up. He woke up 1pm already and his head is hurting up a storm. He never thought he ended up in his bed after a rough party last night. His friends might be really that thoughtful to assist him home.

But he felt that something had happened last night. He even dreamed about kissing Yoona last night. He shakes off his head thinking about it. There is more chance of him to get a full scholarship to college than that dream being real he thought. Was it really a dream? He feels really odd though. He went to his bathroom and saw a bruise on his cheekbone. He doesn't remember about involving into a fight last night so where did he get it?

"That was weird"

All he could say. He noticed he was not wearing any top and his pants' button and zipper are open. That made him more confuse on what really had happened.

Meanwhile, Yoona lazily watch her professor demonstrate on dissecting a hamster. Her hamster is still alive as she can't really dissect it her own as it has a very delicate skin. It was last subject that day yet she can't focus because she hasn't got enough sleep because of what happened last night. Actually she can't focus with all of her subjects.

How can she talk to him now? What if Luhan finds out about it? He wouldn't like the fact that his friend just kissed his girlfriend.

"Ah shi-bal! (Ah sh*t!)"

She exclaims as a juice in the hamster sprayed into her hands. Everyone is looking at her as if she had made a terrible mistake or something.

"Yoona, don't curse in my class please"

Her professor said as they continue the class. Yoona just became more frustrated as it was the first offense in school. All because of that thing happened to her. Great.

"Are you ok?"

Hayoung asked when they took a step out of their class.

"I'm not sure"

"Are you sick?"

She said putting the back of her hand on her forehead. She's not hot.

"You seems so ok. But you don't look so ok"

"Hayoung-ssi, can I tell you something?"

"Ofcourse you can"

They went to the nearby bench and sat there for a while before they go.

"So, what bothers you?"

"It's Sehun"

Hayoung seems not surprise at all. She's expecting it.

"I knew it. Sehun seems to be an important person for you to bother"

Yoona looked at her. Sehun is an important person but in a different way. He's her friend and she can't stop thinking about last night. She felt like she just kissed a brother.

"He went drinking last night. I want to stop him but I just can't go inside a club. Then when he when he returns home, I assist him since he was too drunk to even open his door. But when I was about to clean him up, he pulled me and pinned me on his bed. I struggled to free myself but his grip is too tight"

She said as Hayoung looked at her wrist. It has a somewhat purple-ish color indicating that Sehun's grip on her hand is really tight.

"Then there's something he did to me that made me so bothered"

"Did he... perhaps, kiss you?"

Yoona bite her lower lip as she looked at Hayoung with a guilty look. HAyoung's eyes widen.

"H-He kissed you?!" she said loudly


"I'm sorry. What the hell Yoona?! He did that?! He should consider his place! You're his friend's girlfriend!"

Hayoung said and cannot believe what she's hearing.

"Maybe he was just too drunk to notice—"

"Aish, even though! What if Luhan finds out about that? He'll be mad ofcourse!"

"HAyoung, it's between the two of us only right?"

Yoona said referring to their conversation.

"You can count on me Yoona-ssi"

She said holding both of her hands.

When she returned home after her shift, she hopes as she walks upstairs that she Sehun is already asleep so that she won't have a reason to talk to him nor see him. But when she reached the 7th floor, Sehun is not there but a tall man in his 50s. He was standing near the room of Sehun. You don't see that every day. Sehun? Got a visitor? That's a new one.

"Uhm, excuse me"

The tall guy approached her.

"Yes sir?" she politely asked.

"I was wondering, you're neighbors with Sehun right?"

"Yes sir. Why?"

"Can you tell him I want to give him this?"

He said giving her a brown envelope. It was quite big and loaded inside.

"Oh, and here is for you for doing this favor"

He said as he put out his wallet and was about to get some money when Yoona push it back to him indicating that he don't need to pay her.

"I insist miss, take it"

He said offering her again the money.

"She said she don't need your money"

Finally, Sehun went out his room as he gave the guy a glare.

"Son, you're home?"

"Obviously" he answered with full of sarcasm

"Then why didn't you answer the bell?"

"Because I don't want to. So please, f*ck off"

Yoona was aback to his words. She still doesn't know how both are related but Sehun's attitude made her butted in.

"Sehun, what that's word for?"

"Can you just stay out of this?"

He said coldly.

"Son, that's not the way to answer a woman"

Son? Sehun is his son? So that makes him his..

"Your dad?"

She said as she points at the tall guy beside her. Sehun rolled his eyes as he doesn't want people to know about his parents.

"Yes, so are you his fried? I'm Mr. Oh San Jan"

He asked her politely

"Y-yes I'm a friend of his. I'm Im Yoona sir"

She said with a little hesitation to answer. Are they still friends? After what had happened?

"Then you might deserve a bigger price then"

He said picking out some more money to give to Yoona. This pissed Sehun more.

"Give that and I'll punch you"

He said glaring so much to his father. Mr. Oh was just smirking at him and pretends he doesn't really care.

"Here, there's more where that came from. Just tell me if you need more money—"

He wasn't able to finish since Sehun went straight to Mr.Oh and punch him making him lose a balance. He got a bruised but he still have that smirk making Sehun more irritated.

"You never learned do you?"

"Niether you are" Sehun said walking towards Yoona and get the money Mr. Oh handed her. He took and throw it on Mr. Oh's face.

"I'm just being nice"

"Nice? You call that nice? Get a life dad! Is throwing me out is not enough for you?"

Yoona looked at Sehun and she never saw him so mad. He hated his father and the reason why puzzled her so much.

"It's been a while huh... You actually call me dad or I'm just hallucinating?"

Mr. Oh chuckled as he wiped off the bruise he got.

"I'll be going now before you could add another scar on my face"

Mr. Oh smiled for the last time as he went down. Sehun was still standing to where he was looking at his dad as he took his way out of the building. Yoona on the other hand doesn't know what to do. She just witnessed something about Sehun. He was not that mysterious Sehun afterall.

"If you tell this to Hayoung, you're dead"

He said not looking at her.

"Sehun wait..."

She said as she want to talk to him but Sehun is not listening as he continue walking.

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