Chapter 12

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Buried Hatchet

Author's POV

"what's that for?"

Sehun ask Yoona giving him a container.

"for burying the hatchet between us"

"burying what?"

"about this"

She said as she show him the wrapper of the candy he had given her that day as well. He raised an eyebrow as he saw that thing.

"and because you apologize it's time for me to aceept it, and so I give you this. I knew you like the meal I gave Luhan before and so I cook another for you"

"what makes you think of that?"

"aish, just accept it!"

She said as she get his hands and let him hold the container forcing him to accept it

"you're welcome mr Oh Sehun"

She said as she leave not giving a chance to Sehun to speak because she knew he'll just going to argue again with her. Yoona reach her room and get in. Sehun watch her go and smirk.

"you're one persistent person Im Yoona"

He said opening the container and then ate one piece. He smiles as he chew that piece of meat.

"Its still salty"

He said smiling alone.

Saturday came and that means she will have no class and she will have to pack up and visit her family. She thought of buying some food and so she decided to go downtown to buy. Yoona decided to wear her knitted sweater and a knee high skirt pairing it up with her boots since it was quite cold outside. She went out and she saw Sehun there, like he was waiting.


She ask as he turn to face her.

"going somewhere?"

"Uhm, I was about to buy some food downtown. Why?"

"Ok, I'll go with you. I don't have any food left as well"

He said more sounded like it was an order

"Did you eat something weird Sehun?"

She ask as she is quite confuse to his behavior. Sehun knew she was not use to what he is acting.

"Nothing, just the salty meat you gave me"

"Yah! That's not salty"

Sehun just gave her a raised eyebrow and walk. Yoona doesn't know what's with Sehun that moment. Does that mean he call it quits? Does that mean he is not mad at her anymore? They walk together as they reach the grocery story. Sehun was like a boss. Pointing to things like 'get us a cart', 'get that graham', 'get that blueberry', 'get that cream cheese' and so many more. Not for long, Yoona realized she was like Sehun's maid ordering her around.

"Yah! Why are you even ordering me around ? Why don't you go get yourself a cart and pick the things you need huh"

She said complaining

"That's not even for me chicken feet"

"Mwo? Chicken leg?"

"Yeah, that's what I decided to call you. Cause you're so skinny like chicken feet"

"Say what???"

"Those are for you. Luhan really like blueberry cheesecake so you have to make him one"


Yoona cannot believe Sehun is actually helping her out now. She felt like Sehun trust her now to his friend.


He ask raising an eyebrow.

"You're helping me out now?"

"Tss.. Just do as I say will you"

Yoona smiled at the thought of him helping her. Now she really can consider Sehun a friend now. They may started rough as neighbors, but now they are together because of one person, Luhan.

"Hyung likes anything chocolate so you better offer him chocolate drink only. He is a fan of harry potter and all sorts of fantasy movies and don't ever ever bring him to horror movies because he won't last a night alone and I don't want to sleep in his apartment again just to watch over him. He hates going to amusement parks, cause he had a bad memories there. You better take him to beaches like the one in Boracay because he's dying to see and visit that place. He is allergic to shell foods so don't ever ever bring him in a seafood restaurant in case you guys go out so take note of all the things I am telling you"

Sehun said as he scan the foods in stalls. That's a lot of information he got there. Now, Yoona is getting to know Luhan little by little. Thanks to Sehun.

"Wow, I feel like I'm courting someone"

Yoona said to herself

"What do you mean you sounded like? You really are courting hyung chicken feet"

If not just because he is helping her, she would have kick his ass by that moment. After that, they went to the counter. When it was their turn, Yoona ask for the price and when the cashier told her, she open up her purse and counted her money. Sehun just rolled his eyes as he gave his card to the cashier. Yoona notice then she was about to stop when he told her that she's too slow to count her cash so he decided to pay for it. When the lady gave them the plastic bags, Sehun told her to get it herself and so she did even if it was quite heavy.

"I'll pay for this later when we reach our apartment "

She said as they walk back home.

"Forget it"

"B-But you didn't even buy yourself a food and yet you pay all of it so I-"

"Just cook meals for me. That would be the payment then"

"Are you sure? This cost you a lot of money"

"Aish, you really are so-"

He said facing her at his back. Yoona was just looking at him with. Sehun saw how she is struggling to hold 3 big plastic bags of food. He sighs as he get the bags she is holding.

"W-wait, you paid for those food I should be the one to carry-"

But Sehun walk faster so she would not keep up with him. Yoona just smiled and run to keep up with her new friend. As she reach him, she smiled but Sehun just gave her his usual raised eyebrow but then Yoona considers that as a smile.

When they both reach their apartment, Yoona thank him and Sehun just gave her a wave as he get back to his apartment not even looking at her. Yoona then decided to cook first before she goes home. It's the least she can do for Sehun.

So she started cooking meal for Sehun. Not just a meal but she also cook desert. She prepared fried rice, pig in a blanket, omelet, lettuce and fried meat, and 2 cups of chocolate pudding. After cooking, she prepared the things she will bring with her. When she finished it all, she pack things in her big bag and before she leave she went to Sehun's room to leave the meal she prepared.


She called. Not for long, Sehun open his door.

"What do you want chicken feet?"

"Pssh.. Here"

She said handing him a bag.

"I prepared a meal for you for your lunch and dinner alright? But the rice might not be enough so you just cook some if you want"

"why? Are you going somewhere?"

"I'm going to visit my parents and probably I'll be back tomorrow evening so I can't cook meal for you. What about you? Aren't you going home too?"

She ask him.

"I'm good here. Nice job chicken feet"

He said patting her head as if he was older.

"Aish.. Just go now and eat. It's almost lunch time"

She said as she push him inside and close his door. Sehun smirk at her weirdness. He was holding the big bag with the big container inside and 2 cups of pudding.

"I guess I'll enjoy this benefit of helping her"

He said to himself.

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