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I beat Alejandro as expected and left the two boys to mess about whilst I made myself a tea before we had to leave. Lara still wasn't about as she went from her friend's, straight to a night shift.

I set up three mugs, sitting on the island as I waited for the kettle to boil.
"Dele," Jayden's voice started, making me groan.
"I know this is your house and that but like urgh, why are you here?"
He laughed, ignoring my annoyance, "Make me one too."

He sighed, smile still there though, as he stood in the gap between me on the island and the counter with the cups on. He reached for another mug, placing it next to all of ours and placing a tea bag in it before turning around and leaning on the counter to face me.

"I'll finish your tea if you leave," I interrupted, not interested in the small talk.
He laughed, "You're a joker."
"No like I'm being serious, go play a game with Jandro or something and I'll do this."
"Why do you actually hate me so much?"

I practically spat as I laughed, having to recompose myself before talking, "Because you're the definition of a dickhead?"
"But I'm not even man, you-"
"Jayden don't start."
He folded his arms over his chest, eyes still staring at me, "Whatever."

"I get I'm beautiful and that but look at something else," I joked, being sarky in hopes he'd get the hint and fuck off.
He laughed, "But why would I want to look at anything else?"
"Aryan! You're making the teas!" I shouted so he'd hear me from the other room.


"For fucks sake!" The curly head threw his controller as I beat him for the seventh time, grin evident on my face as I watched him flip out, "You're cheating somehow, there's no way!"

"How am I cheating?" I cracked up, "Just admit you're shit bro."

"But I'm not!" he crossed his arms, sulking as he leant back into the sofa and Alejandro caught my eye, the pair of us trying not to laugh at him.

"It's okay at least-" The doorbell rang as we failed at trying to console the younger boy, instead laughing straight in his face.
"Fuck you guys," he mumbled, going to open the front door.

"Oh my fucking God. Ayodele!" he started shouting, Balde's face was written with panic as he jumped up, whilst I simply rolled my eyes, already knowing he was just fangirling.

I followed the Spanish teen into the hallway, where Aryan was rambling on and on to Jadon and Raheem whilst Jude did his shoelace, smiling to himself.

"Well done on the game Raz, I didn't get a chance to talk to you before I left," I spoke over Aryan to save him from himself.
"Thanks," he grinned, "You mind if I use your bathroom before we go?"
He looked in between Alejandro and Aryan, unsure on who's house it was.
Jandro nodded frantically, "Of course! Upstairs on your left."

The boys walked back toward the living room with Sanch close behind them. I moved out their way before joining my boyfriend on the step to the front door, leaning on his shoulder as he finished the other lace.

He put an arm around me, kissing my forehead, "Everything good?"
"Yeah," I tried not to cheese too hard as I admired him slyly, "Everything good with you?"

He nodded, smiling and looking me over too, "You look beautiful."
"I look the same since after the game, if not worse. All my makeup's coming off," I laughed.
"You're beautiful with or without makeup, you don't even need it man," he shook his head as I hid my smile by getting up, putting out a hand to pull him to his feet with much struggle.

We joined the guys in the living room, watching as Aryan played Jadon on FiFA, stood close to the TV and screaming every few seconds. This boy.

Sanch was laughing as he sat leant forwards on the sofa, both hands gripping the controller as he added to Aryan's losing streak of the night.

Alejandro was sat on the armchair, grinning as he looked between his friend and the world known Dortmund youngster in awe but trying to hide it by scratching his neck.

Jude joined his teammate and gestured for me to sit beside him but I settled on the floor instead, my back against the sofa, in between his legs. He wrapped his arms around me, kissing my hair before returning his eyes to the screen.

I took a moment to just look in the room I was in, full of people who had been more of a family to me in two months than my actual family my whole life. Aryan was like the annoying little brother, Alejandro the cousin everyone was chill with and Jadon that older cousin who insisted they were down with the kids. Jude was the one blessed with the opportunity to be with me. Who am I kidding, I'm definitely the one punching but I'd never admit that.

Raheem joined us not long after, basically cackling at the two playing and Aryan's reaction to another loss.
"This actually isn't fair! What the fuck? Usually I'm so good!" he kept coming up with excuses as we all laughed at him.

Jude stayed with his arms slung over both my shoulders as I sat in front of him, "See if you were playing me, I woulda felt bad and let you win 'cause I'm nice like that, but you still prefer Jadon innit?"
"Nah, nah, nah! I take it back! You're the better youngster, he's washed up for real!"
Sanch's jaw dropped as I burst out laughing, Jude smiling with satisfaction.

Jandro and Raz were deep in conversation, probably about football. Balde never really spoke much when we were in a group of people, I think he felt more comfortable one on one. I took a mental note of that before turning and looking up at my boyfriend.
"Ready to go?" he smiled, reading my mind before I even had to say anything.

I nodded and he took my hand to pull me to my feet, then giving Jadon a light slap around the side of the head, signalling to stop bullying the fifteen year old and get a move on.

Alejandro said his goodbyes to Sterling and Sancho before getting up and pulling me in for a hug, "You're welcome to come over whenever, yeah?"
"Yeah," I smiled, "Thank you."
"It's fi- No. It's calm," he pointed a finger at me, smirking and all proud of himself for knowing more slang.

I shook my head as I laughed, "One of the mandem already."

"You already know," Aryan pulled a face, "He's been rolling with me innit? Gotta teach him the ways."
"Pft whatever," I laughed loudly as he looked at me in confusion.
"What? I'm being for real!"

"Whatever you say, dickheads," I continued to laugh, "See you in a bit."
He wrapped an arm around one of my shoulders before using his free hand to push my face away, a typical sibling move as we started scrapping, Alejandro wetting himself whilst Jude tried not to laugh and to break it up.

"Alright, we're going, we're going," Bellingham put a hand on each of my arms, laughing as he pushed me out the room to join Raz and Jadon in the hallway, "In a bit."
"Bye guys! Love!" I spoke through the door.
"Safe, love my g, my drilla, my-"
"Bye Ayodele!" Balde shouted over Aryan's waffle.


Jadon was driving with the radio turned down low and Sterling asleep on the window next to him. The roads were quiet even though it wasn't that late. Jude and I sat in the back, him on the left and me sat sideways in the middle, leaning onto him and laying my legs over the spare seat.

"Jay, how much longer?" I asked tiredly, eyes fluttering open and close.
I heard him groan, "You're a child. Half an hour."
"And you're an old man. The journey should be forty minutes and it's almost been an hour. There's no traffic, why aren't we home?"

"He did take three wrong turns and stop for petrol," Jude shrugged, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation as I buried my head into him more.
"Girl when you start driving, you can start giving me shit. Until then, sit back, snog your boyfriend and leave me in peace," Sanch said sassily with a roll of the eyes, making me laugh as he turned up the volume slightly.

I yawned, shuffling awkwardly due to the seatbelt but managing to lay on Jude's jumper that was placed on his lap instead of his shoulder. He laughed, using his hand to push my hair away from my face, kissing my forehead before slouching a bit and getting comfy himself.

I lifted my head up slightly, "Do you want the jumper to use against the window?"
He shook his head, "Don't worry about it darlin."
"I can take mine off?" I offered.
He smirked, biting back a dirty comment before shaking his head a second time, "It's okay. Go sleep, I'll wake you up when we're there."

"Alright Judas," I smiled, "Love you."
"I love you too Alli," he placed another kiss on my head before pulling his t-shirt up to cover his eyes, being his dramatic self but me not complaining as his abs were on full display, only centimetres from my face. Oh how I could get used to this.

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