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"You know you're mine anyway so I don't know why you keep joking about it."

My cheeks definitely went ten times darker as the other teen looked at us confused, "I don't know what you just said but I think it's for the best."

I laughed awkwardly, repositioning myself in my chair as Jude sat back, smirking at how flustered he had managed to make me.
"Are you gonna come inside?" Alejandro directed his question to the other boy who shrugged.

"I don't mind."
"You can come in if you want. Jayden will probably be in there," I offered as he laughed.
"Maybe I should come in then. Seeing as you decked him the last time you saw him."
"Why's that a reason to come in?" Alejandro asked, eyebrows furrowed as I too turned to hear his answer.

"First of all to let him know he don't have a chance with her anymore and second, he'll probably still be pissed about that and he might start something else. I can handle him this time then, Jandro, it's your go."
He shook his head frantically, not understanding that he was joking which just made it all the more funnier.

He pulled into the driveway and I was first to open my door, excited to say hi to Lara and introduce her to Jude. The boys were only a few steps behind me, standing hesitantly in the door frame as I walked straight in, sticking my head into the living room but not finding her.

"Lara?" I called out for her and heard her response from the kitchen.
I ran in, engulfing her in a hug, "How've you been?"
"I've been alright, what about you? And to what do I owe this pleasure?" she laughed.

"I'm okay. And we're actually here to ask a favour," I stuck my hands into my pockets, feeling bad.
She continued to laugh, "Go on then, ask away."
"Can Ale use your car to drop us back please? I'll give him the money for the petrol he uses and he can fill it back up before he comes home."

"Of course you can darling, you didn't even need to ask," She said, smiling before nudging me, "And who's us?"
"Jude, Jandro stop being awkward and come say hi!"
The two boys piled into the kitchen, Jude behind the exchange student and giving a little wave.

"Do you want a drink or anything before you go?" she offered, going over to the cupboard to get some glasses out.
"I'll just have some water please," I answered even though I wasn't thirsty. I didn't want this to be a flying visit where we just nicked her car and went.

"I'm okay thank you. I'm gonna rinse in the shower. I'll be like five minutes max, I'm just way too sweaty," he laughed, running up the stairs so now Jude was stood at the door by himself, awkwardly looking around.

"Jude would you like anything?" she asked smiling, which must've put him at ease as I saw his shoulders relax and he copied my order, taking the glasses off her and filling our drinks up himself so that she could sit down.
She looked at me knowingly, whispering, "He's polite. A gentleman."

I nodded, trying not grin like an idiot, "I know."

"So how do you guys know each other?" she asked, making conversation as we all sat around the dining room table.
"I've been staying with my brother at the England camp, he plays there," I explained and her eyebrows went up in recognition.
"Goodness, we've got a celebrity in the house," she said, making both of us laugh as he shook his head.

"Nah, to be honest Dele's probably more known than me."
I pulled a face, "Are you being for real?"
"Over here, yeah. Not many people in England watch the Bundesliga," he laughed as Lara looked in between us.
"And are you guys friends? Acquaintances? Anything more?" She smirked, knowing what she was doing as I lightly nudged her under the table with my knee.

I looked at Jude, wondering what to say. I told him I was ready for a relationship now but he said he wanted to ask me out properly and so I couldn't call him my boyfriend yet. What the fuck was I meant to say?

The sound of the front door slamming managed to save us as Jayden's voice shouted from the hallway.
"Mum! I'm going out tonight have you washed my tracksuit?"
She sighed, "How was I meant to know you wanted that washed? You can always wash your own stuff every once in a while remember?"
He laughed, "Good one."

Lara let out a breath, getting up and going to greet her son properly, leaving Jude and I sat at the table.
"You went out with that?" he whispered as I nodded.
"Not my proudest moment."
"Why's he so rude to her?"
I laughed sadly, "This is him in a good mood. And once he sees you, he'll no longer be in one so prepare yourself."

With that said, the man himself barged into the  kitchen, heading straight to the fridge and complaining that whatever he wanted wasn't in there. He turned around, looking taken aback when he noticed us sat awkwardly at his dinner table.
"Who the fuck are you?" he pointed to Jude, who laughed so as not to get angry.

"Jayden this is Jude, Jude this is Jayden," I awkwardly introduced the two who stayed staring daggers at each other.
"Ayodele why are you even here?" he sighed.
"I've been hanging out with Ale and wanted to say thanks to your mum for letting us borrow her car," I rolled my eyes, of course he would think it had something to do with him.

He scoffed, "Ale? You have nicknames for each other now?"

"He's my friend so yeah, I do," I folded my arms, almost daring him for a nasty response.
"The guy doesn't even speak English, I didn't know you could be such a beg."
"He speaks English fine, probably even better than you do. If you weren't such a dick and actually gave him a chance then you'd know that," I let out a breath, trying to stay calm and choosing to ignore the last part of his sentence.

"Oh because you give everyone chances don't you Dele?" he laughed as I cracked each of my knuckles to distract myself.
"You've had your share of chances so maybe we should go back to the topic of begs and talk about you for a change."

I felt Jude's eyes on us, wanting to step in but knowing I'd get pissed off if he didn't let me fight my own battles.

"Whatever I'm done with you anyway. Plus I know you'll come crawling back as soon as your food runs out."
"I told you already, I'm not doing that shit anymore," I stated firmly to which he laughed at.
"Alright. We'll see how long this lasts."

"You know you're a right prick?" Jude finally spoke, making Jayden's eyebrows perk up.
"Oh really? And who are you again?"
"If you ever really loved her then you'd be proud of her for not doing that stuff instead of waiting for her to fail. You're just-"

Alejandro came bounding in, a new pair of red basketball shorts on and a white vest top, "We're gonna go. Nice seeing you JJ," he patted his shoulder patronisingly before gesturing for us to go.
I laughed, walking past him with Jude close behind me, his hand in mine.

I waved to Lara on my way out, "I'll see you soon!"
"Take care, text if you need anything!"
"I should be back by like half eight, thank you," Alejandro gave her a smile before meeting us in the car and starting the engine.

I flicked through the channels to find a good station as we backed out the driveway and resorted to Kiss FM playing single ladies. Alejandro started to sing along in his broken english causing Jude and I to piss ourselves laughing before I joined in with him, the pair of us lifting our hands when Beyoncé told us to.
"If you don't put your fucking hands down-" Jude started, making me laugh.

"But what do you mean? I'm a single lady."
He raised his eyebrows as Alejandro nodded along, "Yeah we're single ladies."
Jude tried to keep his face serious but cracked at the Spanish boy's words, his lips forming a smile as he showed off his white teeth, "You're not helping."

"Why would he help you? He's my day one not yours," I teased as he held a hand on his heart.
"Nah Jandro and I go way back innit?" He looked at him waiting for an answer and the boy simply just nodded, not understanding the question, causing Jude to laugh and say I told you so.

I rolled my eyes, reclining my chair back as far as it would go to squish him, "Shut up."
"Dele mannn," he complained, fidgeting in an attempt to move out the way but not being able to in time.

I simply laughed in response as he groaned, wrapping his arms around the seat and my shoulders.

"You guys make me feel so single," Alejandro muttered causing me to smile but then deny it.
The next forty minutes was spent with endless banter until he pulled into the car park of our campus and we were saying our goodbyes.

"Thanks for the lift mate," Jude patted his shoulder before getting out of the car.
"Yeah thanks for that and just everything in general. Do you wanna come inside? You could meet my brother?" I offered, knowing how badly he was dying to.

He shook his head slowly, "No it's okay. I should probably head back."
"What do you mean?" I laughed, "You've been asking to see him for ages and Lara won't mind if you're an extra ten, twenty minutes."
"My english is no good," he sighed.
"What? Yes it is. It's literally so crazy to me how fluent you are and even if you couldn't speak any at all, Bukayo wouldn't mind."
"It's embarrassing. Don't make me stay, please."

I suddenly felt really bad for him, causing me to lean over and give him a hug, "I'm not gonna force you to but honestly, you're overthinking it."
"Alright, thank you. And I don't know, I'll just see you next time."

Just as I went to open my door, I saw my brother walking over to us making me grin, "See? He's here already, stop being nervous. He's not scary at all."
He sighed but got out at the same time as me, as we watched Jude dap him up and exchange a few words with him before the two came over to us.

"Y'alright?" He put an arm over my shoulder and then put out a hand that for some reason Alejandro decided to be formal with and shake which made me stifle a laugh.
"Yeah I'm good. This is Ale, the exchange student I was talking about," I explained and he awkwardly introduced himself.

"Oh yeah! You play football right? What position do you play? How's Barça's academy? That's so sick you get to play there. And-"
"Bukayo one question at a time, jeez. I don't know who's fangirling more here," I laughed as the Spanish boy seemed to finally relax and smile.

The two started talking and I said my last goodbyes to Balde before leaving them to it, heading inside with Jude's arm around me, pulling me close.
"You okay?" I asked after he had placed a kiss on my forehead but we carried on walking in a comfortable silence.

He nodded, "Yeah, just thinking. You alright?"
"I'm pretty good actually," I smiled, "What you thinking about?"
"Things I can't disclose just yet," he grinned down at me causing me to roll my eyes.
"You're so annoying."
He poked my side, "Been stealing a few tips off you."
"Shut up," I laughed, pushing him away from me and watching as his muscles tensed as he leant forwards to open the big main doors.

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