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okay you're getting two in one day because i felt like being nice xxx comments and reactions to things better be rolling in x

I had just finished all my skincare, wearing one of Bukayo's old t-shirts and some random shorts that just seemed to appear in my room- I wished I was a cute pyjama set girl but Adam Sandler would always be the blue print.

There was a knock at my door, causing me to turn in my vanity's chair and shout a come in.
"You alright?" My brother asked sheepishly, making his way in to sit at the end of my bed.
I nodded, "What do you want?"

"I'm sorry innit?" he sighed as I raised an eyebrow, turning back to my desk to put my stuff in their drawers.
"Thank you."

"I want us to spend more time together. Time where we're not arguing."
I held back from scoffing, "You realise you're the one that, not only starts them, but drags them out for way longer than needed?"

He nodded, "I know. And I know I've gotta pattern up. It's just we barely see each other anymore and, I'll be real, I was just scared that with Jude back, it'll turn into seeing each other even less; on birthdays or something. Arguing wasn't the way to go about it, I'm sorry."

"But you know that would just never happen?" I looked at him incredulously, "You're my brother. Even if I hate you, I'm still gonna see you."
"Yeah but just deep it. It's like a four hour journey between our houses, we've never been this far apart before permanently. I genuinely worry about you, I don't like not being around or hearing from you."

"Bukayo you don't need to worry about me. I'm doing better now, way better. And Jadons here, Kians here, Marcus is here. Jadon and Marc know I'm your little sister, they wouldn't let anything happen. I can start making an effort with my phone more, all you had to do was say that to me. It hasn't been a personal thing, I just barely use it anymore."

"I know and thank you," he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, making me laugh and get up to hug him.
"I'm fine, honestly. Moving here was the best thing that could've happened to me."
He smiled, "And I'm happy for you for that, don't ever be saying that secret jealousy shit again. I do want what's best for you. I just miss you man."

"I miss you too," I broke the embrace, climbing under my covers, "But see how much nicer this conversation was? Just talk to me. Like you said, we don't talk enough anymore."
"Yeah I know, that's my fault," he stretched, "I'll sort myself out, I just get weird with these things."
I laughed, "I noticed."

His eyes rolled, holding onto the door as he swung it between his hands as he spoke, "Yeah, yeah. Still wanna get breakfast before I leave tomorrow?"
I nodded, "Wake me up like an hour before you wanna go, I'll sleep through my alarms."
He laughed, "Alright. Goodnight."


He turned the light off for me before he left, allowing me to get comfy properly and open my laptop so I had something to fall asleep to. I think growing up in a noisy house is what made it so hard for me to go to bed without anything going on in the background.

I hesitated before clicking play on Waves. It brought a strange comfort to me despite the rollercoaster of emotions I was about to endure for about the seventh time. I watched it for the first time around when Jude and I started having our problems and going on and off; let me just say, do not recommend.

I leant on my side, legs curled up a bit and laptop by my knees, watching the intro before having to pause it due to another knock on my door.
"What is it?"

Jude poked his head in, the hallway light allowing me to see his face. He saw I was comfy, waving whatever he was about to say off, "Don't worry about it, goodnight."

"You can come in," I laughed, sitting up.
He sighed a sigh of relief, "I thought you were still gonna be pissed."
"I don't care anymore," I yawned before shrugging, "About anythinggg."

His smile faltered for a split second as he dug his hands deep into his pockets anxiously, "Right. Well just so you know, I've gotta go back to Brum tomorrow evening, my flights around twelve the day after."

"Okay," I chewed on the inside of my cheek, unsure of what else to say.

"Are you tired?" he ignored my dry response which I appreciated.
I shook my head, "Not really, what do you wanna do?"
"Can I stay with you until you wanna sleep?" He asked, nervousness behind his voice. He was so cute man.

"Was waiting for you to ask," I laughed, shuffling up to one side of the bed and moving my laptop so he could lay there.

He kept it respectful, lying on top of my covers and propping himself up on his elbow to face me. I was glad he asked because I was thinking it but would never voice it. It was also strange to think I was the one that asked him to stay when I first got on campus and it lead to everything up until this moment. Mad take.

"You can keep watching your show," he nodded at my closed laptop, "I just wanna be with you, it's calm."
"I just wanna talk to you, it's calm," I shrugged, watching him smile down at me. This man- urgh.

"Can we talk even when I go back?"
"As long as you wanna talk, I'm there," I said honestly.
He was cheesing hard now, wiping his face in an attempt to cover it up, "It ain't gonna be like last time, I promise."
I laughed, "Better not."

"How are you spending Christmas?"
My eyes widened, "Mate that's like two months away. Haven't got a clue. Are you gonna be here?"
"Yeah. I'll be spending the actual day with my family but I wanna see you leading up to it and you're welcome to be there on the day as well, mum's been asking about you."

I smiled, thinking, "I wanna see you around then too but I think the actual day I should stay with Bukayo. He cut off mum and dad for me, we ain't got anymore family over here."
He nodded in agreement, "I get that, just putting the offer out there."

Picking up my phone, I opened my calendar, seeing the week after next I had nothing planned.

"Do we have to wait until December to see each other again though?"
He looked at me pointedly, "Of course I don't want it to be that long but I can't be flying between matches. I actually asked but because of time differences and practices, I'm not allowed. I know you keep brushing it off but I'll genuinely pay for your whole trip over if you can find the time."

"The week after next?" I smiled, watching his mouth drop.
"If it's good with you."
"Oh my days! Yes," he gassed, pulling me into him to kiss my forehead before jumping up, "I've gotta call my mum."
I laughed at his excitement, gesturing for him to stay another minute, "We can sit down and sort it properly when I get back from breakfast with Bukayo?"

He was still smiling to himself, hands on his temple but moving them to tilt his head at me, "Sorry what?"
I laughed loudly, "Go tell your mum."
"She's gonna be just as gassed me," he grinned, leaving my door open annoyingly after running to go grab his phone.

i couldn't keep them apart from each other anymore sorry not sorry xoxox

also i've actually upset myself with bukayo and hers relationship going to shit as if i'm not literally in control of what happens??? so kind of just realised i've got free will and will be making them besties again xx

also i need names for her to call him but they can't be cringey because ill die
like actually help me here dont take the piss xx
i'm so hit or miss w baby i need to know if u guys will die reading that
if not she can carry on calling him jude it's fine xoxo

and like with compliments
he can call her beautiful or darling or wtvr because he's a guy but how tf do u compliment a guy?!?!? cutes patronising, handsome sounds like ur his nan and leng/fine is too casual.

also not proof read mb xxx
(also do people understand the x's r sarcastic because i've literally just deeped it now that u could all think i'm a twelve year old chavvy weirdo?!?!?)

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