Your POV
The door closes and Sophia opens the passenger door to her car that was still running. You sit and buckle up, the tears have stopped but you've become numb. No thoughts came to your head, Sophia kept talking but the TV static in your head blocked out what she was saying. The car lurched to a stop when she pulled into the driveway. You pick your head up and go inside, passing the kitchen and living room, slowly walking to your room. It didn't feel like walking, it felt like floating almost, like you were in a dream. Like none of this was real.
You push open the bedroom door and lay on the bed in your clothes, shoes and all. Burying your face into the pillows the tears come back, but this time it's a thunderstorm. A soft knock on the door makes you turn towards it to see Shannon poking her head in. You roll on your back and cover your face with your hands.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Shannon sits on the edge of the bed.
You hastily shake your head no and she sighs in response.
"Do you want me to stay or leave you be?"
Between sharp inhales you manage to say "S-sta-ay" and she nods. She stands from the bed and grabs pajamas from your drawers and kneels next to the bed.
"Come put these on, you'll feel better." she holds up the clothes and you sit up, putting them on.
She walks to the bathroom and wets a washcloth, wiping your makeup off for you. You curl back into the comforter, making sure to lay on the opposite side of where he slept. Shannon joins you in bed and lays next to you, rubbing your back as the sobs slow and you drift off to sleep.
Your eyes open to an empty room, the blinds wide open and the sun shining on your face. A smile doesn't come over your face, your thoughts immediately resume from where they were last night. Absentmindedly you check your phone, only to feel a pit in your stomach at the sight of a blank screen. Every piece of you wants to scream, cry, fight, sleep, all at once. Your thoughts overwhelm you to the point of panic. Pulling the blankets off you grab your keys and rush down the stairs, passing the girls in the kitchen.
"Where are you going?" Sara says as you bolt past.
"Let her go, she needs to clear her mind." Sophia reassures her.
You push the door closed, hop in the car, and leave, driving wherever the road takes you. Time passes and you don't care, the ride was silent. A special place comes into mind, and you instinctively go there.
A few hours of driving brings you to a side road that looks like a dead-end. You used to come here in high school when you wanted to escape the turmoil at home. Placing the car in park you step onto the gravel path and walk for a mile or so. The rocks become larger and start to climb upwards until they become one large cliff. Waves crashed on the rocks below, and the entire skyline was ocean. As you gaze into the sapphire sea, a pack of dolphins catch your attention. You want them play together and swim into the depths before disappearing, causing you to smile.
Slowly, you allow the thought of Shanye enter your mind again. Meeting his parents was so special, not to mention the most fun you've had in quite a while. The way he looked at you made your heart sing, the way he said your name made you feel warm and fuzzy.
Why would he forget to take that picture down? Was it an accident? I don't know what to think.
A growl comes from your stomach so you take one last glance at the ocean and leave. The drive back was better, you turned on the radio and sang your favorite songs. An old burger joint looks inviting so you pull off to eat. Sitting at a booth you order some fries, watch the cooks shuffle around the kitchen, and gaze out the window. Someone taps your shoulder and you turn to see who it is.
A handsome guy stands next to your table and smiles. "Excuse me, I just had to tell you you are beautiful. I couldn't help but notice you from across the diner. Are you single by chance?" His deep brown eyes even with yours.
"I'm not, but thank you for the compliment." you smile warmly.
"That's one lucky guy." he nods and walks away.
You pay the waiter and leave, the air smelled of seawater and the sun was beginning to set. Driving, you roll down the windows and let your hair down. Before you go to the house you take a walk on the beach, the sand still warm from the sun. You walk closer to the water, getting ankle deep as you walk. Stopping for a second you take a deep breath in and out, looking up and down the coast to see you're the only one out. The stars were coming out and you could see the big dipper clearly, like diamonds in the sky.
You wipe your legs off and step into the house. Sophia and Shannon were on the couch and stood when the saw you walk in.
"Hey," you say, grabbing your water bottle from the counter.
"Hey y/n, so Shayne came by." Shannon starts.
You scrunch your eyebrows together and put the water down. "What?"
"Yeah, he actually left something for you." Sophia holds up a letter, she walks over and hands it to you.
A plain white envelope is placed in your hands, turning it over it is addressed to you but is blank otherwise. You look up at the girls and they give you a small smile.
"He seemed really sorry if that helps at all," Shannon starts.
"Yeah, but only read it if you think it'll benefit you," Sophia adds.
You nod at them both and walk to the backyard, sliding the door closed and taking a seat in a chair. The envelope is closed by a small piece of tape and you flick it open gently, pulling out a folded bundle of lined paper. His handwriting was small but neat, the letter was lengthy but you were ready for what it said.
"If you still want to continue with where we left off, meet me at the boardwalk at 4:30 on Sunday night. I can't change what has already happened, however I am choosing to acknowledge what I did wrong, and want to make more new memories with you to replace the bad. I care about you so so deeply, Shanye."
You put the papers into your lap and look up at the stars. The sky was dark and the stars twinkled ever so slightly, a warm tear runs down your cheek as you gaze. You didn't know what to think, your mind bounced around ideas about what you should do. Do I meet him and discuss it? Do I move on? You stand and slide the door back open, it's late now and Sophia is asleep on the couch. She has been waiting for you.
You walk over to her and lay down with her. She startles slightly when she feels you lay with her. "What did it say?" she looks at you with a worried glance. The two of you talk for a while, discussing what you want to do and how you feel about the whole situation.
"I think that he cares about me, I just got so hurt that he still had the picture up after all that she did. I need to talk with him one-on-one to really know how he feels. The letter helps clarify everything but I need to hear it from him." you say with a sigh.
"You know I support your choices, as long as you're okay. I love you and want the best for you I hope you know that." she squeezes you tightly.
Sunday rolls around, school is becoming really intense causing you to forget about the meet up with Shayne until the late afternoon. It's 3:50 when you finally look at the clock.
"Oh sh**." You're sitting at the library on campus studying for an exam on Monday. Frantically grabbing your things you rush back to the house.
Pushing the door open you immediately see Sophia. "I need you to take me to the pier right now, but let me change." Before she has the chance to respond you're at the top of the stairs and changing into a sun dress and sandals. Quickly pulling your hair down from a bun and showering in dry shampoo you run out the door, Sophia already in the car.
Sophia slams on the breaks and you run out to the pier. The sun is setting and barely showing over the water line. You see Shayne stand up from a bench and sling a bag over his shoulder.
"Shayne wait!" you yell after him.
His head turns in your direction and a big smile comes over his face. "You came!" he says with a sigh. The bag falls from his shoulder and lands on the ground.
You embrace him and he holds you tightly. "I'm so sorry y/n," he begins to let go.
"Listen Shayne, I know you feel bad about this whole thing but can we just move on from this. I love what we have and don't want to lose it over something as stupid as a picture." You say inches from his face.
He pulls away and leans down to grab something from his backpack. A familiar frame comes out, but this time the picture is different.
"How did you get this picture?" A wide smile comes over your face.
"My mom took it at the cafe when you first me them. I couldn't help but notice the way we looked at each other. This is my new favorite picture, and I wanted to give it to you." he places it in your hands. "I also have something else for you," he pulls another folded sheet of paper and clears his throat.
AN: as much as I would love to write this forever, all good things must come to an end.... soon :)
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