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Shaynes POV

The ambulance pulls in front of the building as the bouncer reaches the door. The medics grab y/n and place her on a stretcher, her body looked lifeless and the straps of her dress exposed her. They place a blanket over her as they roll her into the truck. I go to the back doors right before they close.

"Wait, I know her!" I yell into the ambulance.

"Unless you're family you can't come with us," they say without looking away from y/n. They're asking her questions and she mumbles in response, putting weird stickers on her and hooking them up to a machine. "What's her name?" One medic looks at me. 

"Y/n, y/n y/l/n." I try and get a better look by craning my neck but don't see much. "Where are you taking her?" I start to cry.

"University Hospital," a medic says as he pulls the doors closed.

I turn to see the group coming out of the door, assuming Damien told them what was going on. I jog over to them. Before any words come out of my mouth Courtney hugs me.

"I need to go with her," I say to them.

"I can take you," Damien holds up the keys "you know I don't drink."

"I'm coming too," Courtney places her hand on my shoulder.

I hand my keys to Olivia and ask her to take the others home. I'll uber to her house at some point and get my car.

The three of us get into the car and speed to the hospital. Once we were there they let us into the room with her. She was laying on the bed, sheets covered in blood and her dress replaced with a hospital gown. Her eyes were shut so we assumed she was asleep, we opted to stay in the hallway until she woke up. Nurses came in and out of the room checking her monitors and making notes on the computer.

We talked about what we think happened but were interrupted by a student nurse with a UCLA nursing student badge.

"Excuse me are you with room 7?" she asks politely.

"Yeah we are, do you know her?" Damien responds.

"She's my classmate, and I was curious if you know what happened. Y/n is not the person to physically fight someone else." she sounds concerned.

"We don't know exactly what happened. We're waiting for her to wake up to know the answer. We can ask her if she wants to see you and let you know." Courtney offers.

"Oh don't mention I was here, she is very private about her problems. Her and I were close but she had some issues that caused her to become...uh...not friends with of some of the class including me. Hopefully I'll see her in class next week." she smiles, turns, and walks away.

We look at each other and exchange glances. Her personal life was an unknown to us.

"Her parents should know about this," I say. I walk to the nurses station and ask if her emergency contact had been notified. 

"Sir, her emergency contacts have been notified but unfortunately I can't tell you who they are." she tries to reassure me but it doesn't do much. 


Half an hour passes and we are now sitting in the waiting room. They politely asked us to sit here so the hallway was clear. The entrance sliding doors open and I see her three roommates walk in, they go to the check-in desk. 

"Sophia, Sara, Shannon," I call to them and wave them down.

Sophia takes a double take, realizing that I'm here. As they reach me their eyes are panicked.

"What the f--- happened," Sophias' eyes searched my face for answers.

"W-We don't know but-," she pushes past me and asks the nurse what room she is in. She enters and closes the curtain.

"Sorry about her, y/n and Sophia have been through a lot together." Sara smiles softly at me.

"Oh it's okay, we all just want her to be okay." I sigh.

Sara and Shannon join Sophia at y/ns' bedside. 


"Shayne," a voice says.

I'm pulled from my sleep on a couch by Sophia calling my name. We have been waiting for y/n to wake up and have fallen asleep in the mean time. Damien is sitting on a chair looking at his phone, Courtney is next to him leaning on his shoulder fast asleep. 

"Y/n wants to see you," Sophia says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Is she okay?" I say, standing.

"She's really shaken up." she frowns. "I don't know who that girl is, but I hope you figure out what is going on." 

I head to the room and push the curtain aside, her roommates see me and allow us to have a few minutes to talk, leaving the room. She is facing the other direction talking to Shannon but rolls to face me when she hears the curtain move. My eyes search her face and I become angry with what I see. 

Both of her eyes are extremely swollen and black, her bottom lip has stitches down the middle and her hair is short in some places. She has scratches over her cheeks and chest, cut marks on her eyebrow, her leg is in a splint and knees are bruised. She looks so fragile and vulnerable. My anger subsides into guilt as I move toward her bed, grabbing an open chair and pulling it to her head level of the bed.

"y/n I-" tears rolled down my face as I look into her eyes. She looked so scared.

"Shayne I'm okay." her hand outstretches.

I grasp her hand and interlace my fingers with hers. I put my forehead to the back of her hand and continue to cry.

"Did you know this was going to happen?" her question stabs me in the heart.

"My god no, I didn't even know she was there! What did she say to you?" I raise my gaze to meet hers.

"She told me that I-" she paused, her lips quivers as her mind searches for words, she begins to cry "was fat and ugly and that you wouldn't stoop low enough to be interested in me." She pulls her hand away from mine and covers her face, letting out sobs.

I sit back in my chair and let out a deep sigh. This girl was so special, smart, and an amazing person and here she is being told things nobody should hear. That weren't even true about her.

She slowly stops crying and turns to look at me again.

"She also said that you guys were dating," her eyes lower, not meeting mine.

"She left me three months ago for someone who could afford her lifestyle and give her things I couldn't. When you fell that day she had said mentioned something about it but I just thought it was something to keep my attention on her. I didn't think she would do anything like this." I felt so bad for this girl. She has done nothing wrong yet she's in this situation. This is all my fault. I lean forward and place my forearms to my knees, leaning my head down into my hands and staring at the floor.

A few minutes pass and I hear the curtain move and feet shuffle around on the bed. A warm hand touches my shoulder and holds there, I pick up my head and see Damien standing next to me.

"Hey Damien," she smiles "thanks for coming to see me."

"I had to make sure you were okay," his eyes warm.

Courtney peers into the room and smiles.

"Hey Rocky, did you win?" she tries to lighten the mood.

"Nah, she got a total KO," y/n laughs but winces as she does, grasping her ribs.

We talk with her a bit more until a nurse comes to take her to get her leg set and casted.

"I'm going to head home. Please call me when you get out of here." I place my hand on hers as the nurse unlocks the wheels on the bed.

"I promise I will, only if you sign my cast when I see you Wednesday." she smiles. "Which actually might move to my place, I doubt I'll be out of bed by then."


As I leave the room I run into her roommates in the lobby.

"The nurse just took her to get her leg casted. I'm going to head home if that's cool. I have a feeling she'll be well taken care of by you three." I try and smile at the girls.

"She always is, thanks for staying with her. It means a lot to her that you guys came to see her." Shannon gives the three of you hugs and the group heads home.


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