waking up to a headache isn't necessarily what you would call a nice feeling. especially if you're jaemin and you despise headaches with a passion. nobody knows why he hates headaches so much, not even himself, but he does and everybody knows it. luckily for him, he hardly ever gets them, but when he does he is the most miserable person on the planet.
if you haven't realised already, jaemin hates headaches and woke up with one. he already felt like dying even if he had only just woken up. he was just happy he wouldn't have to get up and do stuff since they were having some time off. that didn't make the headache any less painful though.
jaemin ended up staying it bed for ages after he woke up. he wasn't able to go back to sleep because of the pain, but he was just glad he could relax and that none of the members had come in to wake him up. one thing he did not want was chenle or donghyuck waking him up. he loved them and all... but they aren't the quietest people ever. usually he wouldn't mind them being loud, but right now he wanted everything to be as quiet as possible.
fortunately for him, it wasn't either of the two that woke him up. he heard the door open and someone walk inside, but he didn't know who it was due to his head being buried in his pillow. he knew that it wasn't donghyuck or chenle though since if it was them, they would of shouted for him to wake up as soon as they walked in the room.
after hearing the voice and nickname, he immediately knew that it was jeno and sighed in relief. jeno always woke him up calmly and quietly and usually he wouldn't really mind if it was him or one of the others, but jeno usually would take a while to wake him up because he was too quiet. right l now he was very grateful that it was jeno that came to wake him up though.
jaemin slowly lifted his head up, feeling his head pound as he did so. "hm?" he hummed quietly before putting his head back down and closing his eyes.
"headache?" jeno asked softly and the younger nodded.
all of them were usually able to tell when jaemin had a headache due to how he was acting. he would be way more moody and down, and would be super lazy. and would most likely stay in bed all day since he knew that was where he would get no disturbance and it would be completely silent.
jeno nodded even though he knew Jaemin couldn't see him. he left the room and went to go get some water and painkillers for him. he made his way to the bathroom, but on the way there he happened to see that the others were getting a bit more chaotic and he decided to tell them about jaemin before they got too loud.
"guys," he said, gaining their attention. "can you be quieter please? jaemin's got a headache."
that was all he had to say for them to agree to be quiet. he nodded at them when he got the response before he carried on walking to the bathroom. he grabbed the painkillers before going to the kitchen and getting a glass of water. once he had everything, he walked back to jaemin's room and went inside, greeted by the younger in the same position he was in when he had left.
"nana," he said quietly and he got a quiet hum in reply. "i've got some water and medicine for you. it will help."
a few seconds after saying that, jaemin slowly started sitting up and jeno quickly went over and helped him. jaemin groaned quietly and held his head and once he was sat up properly, the older grabbed the glass of water and the painkillers and gave it to him.
he took it and afterwards jeno helped him lay back down, but this time he laid down on his side instead. he heard the younger sigh before closing his eyes. jeno smiled slightly after seeing how relaxed the other was before going around the other side of the bed and sitting down there.
he sat behind jaemin and slowly brought his hand up to carefully play with his hair. in response he got a hum of content. he saw and felt the younger relax more and after only a minute, jeno heard his breaths even out and he knew that he was asleep.
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