A Proposal... Finally! (Anthony Davis) -Harrisyn)

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Alright so KTtheWriter , this one's for you. I hope you enjoy and tell me what you think! (:

-Harrisyn's POV-

"Anthony, could you please go get Avery? I'm almost done with dinner,"I said. "On it, baby,"Anthony smiled before walking out of the kitchen.

Anthony and I have been dating for 4 years, and we have a 3 year old son named Avery. I love both those boys to death. I'm getting tired of waiting for a ring though. I've been dropping hints, but Anthony just laughs them off.

Anthony came to the kitchen with a crying Avery struggling in his arms.

"Anthony, what did you do to my little boy?"I scolded, putting chicken on the plates. "Nothing, I swear!"he exclaimed.

I looked at Avery as I put the plates on the table. "Don't cry, baby. Momma's coming,"I said before putting down the last plate.

I took Avery out of Anthony's arms and Avery immediately stopped crying. "Now he shuts up,"Anthony shook his head.

I laughed,"I guess he's just a big momma's boy." Avery kissed my cheek. "I love you mommy,"he grinned. Bless his cute little self.

Anthony leaned over Avery and kissed me. "I love you too, momma,"he said, making me laugh.

"Come eat you two,"I said, placing Avery in a chair.

Anthony sat down beside him and I sat on the other side of the table. We dug into the meal I cooked.

"Aye, Harrisyn, this is amazing. You're such a good cook,"Anthony complimented.

I smiled. "You'll have to put a ring on me soon, don't you think?"I hinted. Anthony just laughed, like he always does. I sighed and took a bite of the chicken.

"So, tomorrow's Valentine's Day. How you going to treat your lady?"I smirked.

Anthony said,"Uh, I have a game tomorrow so I won't be able to treat you to your usual special date." I frowned.

I love our Valentine's Day date night. It's always so romantic and cute. One of those dates was when I became pregnant with Avery.

"I'm sorry, baby. But I gotta do what I gotta do,"Anthony sighed. I nodded. "No, it's okay. I understand."

"I love how understanding and supportive you are,"Anthony commented.

I mumbled,"You bet I am. You should really just marry me."

-Next Night-

"Come on Avery! Lets go! Daddy's playing soon,"I said, watching Avery walk down the stairs really slowly. He sped up and thankfully didn't fall. I picked him up.

"You look so handsome in your daddy's jersey,"I said, kissing his cheek. Avery looked at me and cheesed,"You do too." I laughed, fixing my Anthony Davis jersey.

"Come on now. Let's go cheer on daddy. Go Pelicans!"I cheered. Avery threw his arms up and shouted,"Go Pelicans!" I laughed, walking out of the house with him.

Once we were at the arena in our seats, Anthony walked over to us. The team was just warming up.

"Hey baby. Good luck,"I said before pecking his lips.

Anthony kissed Avery's forehead and said,"Thanks Harrisyn. Sorry we couldn't have our little date night."

I shrugged,"It's fine. I understand. Just win for me tonight, okay?" "I'll do it for you, baby,"he promised.

Anthony looked kind of nervous as I paid more attention to his actions. He was playing with his hands and his smile seemed a little off.

"Are you okay, Anthony?"I asked. He nodded. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine,"he assured before jogging off.

Avery and I cheered on Anthony as the game started against the Milwaukee Bucks. Anthony was killing it, with 21 points in the first half.

As halftime started, Anthony rushed over and picked up Avery.

He explained to me,"Avery wanted to see the locker room and I told him I would show him tonight." I nodded and said,"Just take care of him."

Anthony carried Avery off, leaving me by myself. I checked my phone while I waited for halftime to be over.

Suddenly, the lights all dimmed and a spotlight appeared.

The announcer guy bellowed,"Tonight is Valentine's Day, and we got someone who wants to make this day very special for a special woman." I smiled. That's so cute. Whoever the woman is, is so lucky to have a boyfriend like that.

"Give it up for Anthony Davis and his son Avery!"the man announced, causing my heart to stop for a second.

Anthony came into the spotlight with Avery who was holding a sign. As they got close to me, I was able to read what the sign said: Mommy Please Marry Daddy!

Wait... Is this a proposal? Is this finally happening? Oh my god.

Anthony had a mic in his hand. He spoke,"Harrisyn, you have been the most amazing girlfriend ever. You're a great mother to Avery as well. I'm so lucky to have you in my life. You can make me happy when no one else can, and you're the most supportive person ever. I love you to the moon and back, as cheesy as that sounds. So please look at Avery's sign one more time." 

He put Avery down. I looked at the sign again, smiling. Tears were running down my cheeks. Avery grinned and said,"Say yes mommy!"

Anthony got down on one knee and everyone in the building awwed. I gasped, covering my mouth.

"Harrisyn, will you marry me?"Anthony asked.

I nodded and answered into the mic,"Yes, yes, yes. A million times yes."

Anthony stood up and kissed me as the crowd roared. "I love you so much, Harrisyn,"he whispered into my ear as we hugged. "I love you too,"I replied, wiping tears away.

Avery jumped up and down. "And I love you both!"he exclaimed. Anthony and I laughed, as Anthony picked him up.

"We love you too, little soldier,"Anthony said, with the biggest grin on his face.

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