7- Brandin Podziemski (Help her)

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Brandin's Pov
Ive been with the warriors now for a while now since getting drafted in 2023.

Our teams head physiotherapist had resigned and coach said that we would be getting a new one pretty much straight away. Me and the boys start shooting some hoops before getting into training.

"Guys listen up. Our new head Physio and Rehab Y/N Kerr. My daughter who is strictly off limits" He says firmly.

"Coach i think i pulled my hamstring might need to get it looked at" Klay says while chuckling.

I knew he didnt hurt nothin. Then steph gave klay a whack behind the head. Not too hard just enough to knock some sense into him.

"Klay,Steph run the court back and forth 6 times" Steve shouts.

"Coach i aint do nothin tho" Steph says but goes on to join Klay in their punishment. Liar i saw him laugh when Klay did.

But she was just so beautiful but she was the coaches daughter how could i do that to him.

We got into training did some drills and stuff. Then we all hit the showers.
"Podziemski, I know that knee has been bugging you all week go see Y/N" He says.

"Thanks Coach" I reply and start heading over to the the Rehab Area of the center.

When i walk in she's on her laptop. I knock on the door. She looks up.

"Bradin. My father did say he wanted you too be seen come through to room 2" She says as i follow her.

"So Bradin whats been bothering you" She says as she gets all her stuff ready.

"Ah you know just my left knee. I landed on it funny last week in training after taking a jumpshot" I explain.

She gets down to level with my knee.
"Did you happen to fall right after?" She asks.
"Yeah just a bit not too bad though" i say.
"Well after moving it around and looking at it could of been hyper extended but I don't suspect that cause your not in to much pain. So i think you've just slightly strained a muscle you should be fine in a week or 2. Just take it easy and make sure to put a knee sleeve over it when playing" She says.
"Thanks so much appreciate it" I walk out and go grab my bags to go back to my car.

As im heading back to my car i can see Y/N looking at her car her window had been smashed. I run over to her.

"Sh*t what happened are okay!?" I ask.
I can see she has been crying and give her a hug.
"I know who would of done this. My ex he was... nevermind. Ive called the police and they are on their way" She says.

"How you getting home?" I ask.
"Bout that i kinda don't have one. I just moved back down here from Boston. Ive been living in a hotel while i find a place that suits me. I was planning to uber back." She says wiping her tears away.
"Does coach know?" I ask

"No no. Please don't tell him either i don't want to worry him" she says.
"How bout this ill take you to your hotel to get your bags and everything and you can come stay with me for as long as you like until you find your own place how does that sound?" I ask.
"Really good actually but my father cant find out he would go nuts" I say.
"Dont worry these lips are locked and sealed. The secret is safe with me" I say and she chuckles.

The police eventually come and do their thang. We get into my car and start heading over to the hotel.

"Hey is alright if i put some music on" She asks.

"Yeah yeah of course there's bluetooth just connect to that." I say.

She starts playing The Hills by The Weekend
She quickly changes it to something else.
"You alright bit of a DJ half track moment there" I say.
She nods.

"We are here ill help you bring your stuff back to the car" I say.

"Thank you. Nobody has ever been this nice to me like ever" She replies as we walk into the hotel.

(At my house)
Y/N Pov
"Hey thank you so much for helping i really appreciate it. How about i make you something for dinner?" I ask.
"No worries. Suprise me i like anything really" He says.
I decided i would make him a chicken wrap. I start cooking the chicken.

"You know Brandin tomorrow we really need to go get some food there really nothin in the fridge or pantry" i shout out to him.
I start adding some seasoning to the chicken when my phone starts blowing up. I look down at it and its all my friends messaging me to check Instagram and Twitter. They never said why i hesitated for a bit but i eventually decided to check. Headlines on news articles insta posts even twitter all said:

"Warriors Rookie & New Head of Rehab and Physio for Warriors spotted walking into a Hotel together"

"SH*T" I shout without even thinking.

Brandin runs into the kitchen.
"Are you okay are you hurt!?" He asks.
"No I'm not okay. Everyone on the internet thinks we went into the hotel to hook up or something. My dad will freak when he sees this if he hasn't already" I reply while starting to panic.

He puts his arms out onto my shoulders.
"Its all gonna be okay. We will work this situation out. " he says.


Part 2 coming soon didnt want it being too long :)

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