Chapter 1

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Natalie's POV

Brimer had left me, and I am alone. How nice. I luckily had some money and other necessities I needed. Surviving the real world is extremely hard. When Brimer left me, I walked around and all of a sudden a bunch of guys want to rape me?! Well I really scared them with a death glare.

Due to me being a girl, I am extremely in order. So I am going to go to the market, trying to see if there anything. I live in a cabin with plumbing, that's good enough for me. I enter the market, feeling that weird burst of air you feel whenever you go in. I look around seeing Chloe, a market friend I see.

"Ohayo Chloe-San!" I say running up her. "Ohayo, Nat-Chan!" She said. I hate it when people say -chan, makes me feel little and helpless. "Please don't add -chan, and guess what? Brimmer left me and I am so happy!" I said in a sad sarcastic tone. She gave me a 'I pity you' face and hugged me.

"So, what is going to happen now?" She asked, I shrugged. "Wait!" She popped up, great another idea of Chloe. "Since you have the magic power thingy, why you join a guild?" She smiled. I have heard of guild, they sound ok I guess.

"I will try if it helps me." I say showing my nice side, it was a somewhat good idea. "Great, their is a nearby one, I think it's called Fairy Tail." She said tapping her chin. "Ok, bye." I say heading out.

I look at signs and ask people until I find a huge guild with a weird banner on top. I decide to enter and see a ruckus. Drinks flying, people fighting, and some people are so calm and playing cards.

I immediately run towards the front desk, trying not to get hit with anything. I ran so fast that I hit the bar and fall. A girl with white hair and a red dress towers over me offering me a hand. "Arigato." I say as she helps me up.

"Hey Mira I---- Natari-San? (Pronounced Na-Ta-Ree (E from east) )


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