Chase Elliott-Christmas

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Y/n pov:

You were laying on the couch waiting for your husband to come home, he had ran to the store for some eggnog. It was Christmas Day and you were excited to spend it with him, it was your second Christmas married. And you could not wait for chase to open his present. You smiled as you heard the door open, minutes later chase came and laid down next to you, he wrapped his arms around you and buried his face into you chest.

"Wanna watch a movie?" You asked,
"Home alone!" Chase said, lifting his head to stare pleadingly at you, you shake your head and laugh, you put home alone on. It was the third time this Christmas alone that Chase had convinced you to watch home alone. You and Chase both laughed as you both screamed Kevin at the same time. You could probably quote the entire movie, same with chase, but it was a classic so you watched it every year multiple times.


You and Chase had a simple but delicious Christmas dinner before moving to the the living room again for presents. You smiled as Chase handed you a horribly wrapped gift,
"At least I know you for sure wrapped it." You teased, Chase pouted,
"Hey I put my heart and soul into that." He defended,
"And yet it still looks like this." You responded, Chase sighed and rolled his eyes, you laughed before unwrapping the present.

You glanced questioningly at Chase as you pulled out a rectangular velvet jewelry box,
"Chase, this is to much." You said,
"You haven't even opened it yet, and plus nothing is enough for you." He said, he gave you a quick kiss, you smiled at him before opening the box, revealing one of the most expensive necklaces you have ever seen.
"Thanks baby, it's so pretty." You said smiling up at Chase and giving him a kiss. You let chase  put the necklace on before handing chase his gift.

He unwrapped it and gave me a questioning look as he held the card board box, he opened it slowly.

You smiled as Chas stared at it, he slowly looked up at you his eyes wide,
"Seriously?" He asked in a whisper, you smiled and nodded, Chase jumped up and let out a excited yell, he hugged you tight. "Best Christmas gift ever!!" He said, you smiled. Chase knelt down in front of you and started talking to your stomach,
"We haven't met yet but trust me you are gonna be the most loved baby in the whole world with the best mom ever." He said he stood back up and pulled you into another hug,
"And dad." You added.

Chas pulled away and pulled out his phone, "I'm gonna tell Ryan." He said, you laughed as he FaceTimed Ryan.

"What's up?" Ryan asked as he answered,

"You will never believe what y/n gift was." Chase said excitedly,
"A new car? a new truck? A dog?" Ryan asked, we both laughed,
"Nope better." Chase said, he flipped the camera around and showed Ryan the box.

"HOLY CRAP!!!!!" Ryan yelled, "YOUR GONNA BE A DAD!!!"
"I KNOW!!!" Chase yelled back, you laughed and shook your head at how excited they were,
"your gonna be an uncle." You told Ryan,
"Holy crap! I'm gonna be an uncle!!!" He said. You and Chase talked with Ryan a bit before phoning both of your parents and telling them as well. 


You crawled in bed next to chase and cuddled up in his arms, "this has been an awesome Christmas." He said,
"Just think next year we're gonna have a baby." You said, you felt Chase smile in the dark,
"I still can't believe it." He said, he placed his hand gently on your stomach.
"I love you." You said,
He kissed your head and whispered,
"I love you too."

I haven't updated this book in a while, I've been focusing on Nascar House (which you should go check out) I'm hoping to update this book bit more.
I'm open to requests.

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