Final chapter the ten tails and shinobi alliance's win, a new era of peace

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As Madara finished reveling his plan the Getto statue started to transform into something Kurama called the ten tails which then started to charge up a tailed beast bomb and fired it when it suddenly disappeared and five ninja arrived Sasuke and the previous four Hokage which means Naruto is looking at his dad right now Minato looks back and sees Naruto asking if its him to which Naruto nods and Minato smiles at how powerful his son became then Naruto starts to decay the ground under the ten tails knocking it off balance when it tried to shot at the strategist of the shinobi alliance the ten tails falls on its side and then begins to transform in to a taller skinny version as the fight continues it eventually becomes a giant plant and tries to kill everyone when Naruto starts decaying it again when suddenly Obito absorbs it becoming the ten tails jinchuriki then Naruto starts fighting Obito who hits Naruto who keeps healing as they fight Obito's body starts to break because he can't handle the ten tails then Naruto decays Obito's side realizing the ten tails again and Obito then snaps back into reality and starts helping the shinobi side now then Madara absorbs the teen tails and has the rinnegan in one eye then he starts to fight Naruto and grabs him midair and uses fire to start burning him when Naruto shoots black and red tendrils through Madara injuring him and confusing him because he can't heal the tendril wounds

then as Madara leaves Naruto there he goes off and fights guy who goes eight gates once Naruto fully heals, he rushes and uses Air cannon to knock back Madara's truth seeker orb Madara then looks up to Naruto who is scarred but healed none the less

Then Naruto's body starts to split apart but heals again as this is the beginning of the final fight in the war. Madara and Naruto begin fighting and Madara and Naruto are fighting in the air causing air pressure to be flung everywhere. Madara then yells "YOU ARE GETTING IN THE WAY OF MY DREAMS UZUMAKI" Naruto then yells back "THATS EXACTLY WHY I'M HERE" as he shoots his hand forward using air cannon causing an explosion of air pressure yet again and injuring his arm as his Hyper-regen is slowing down and he is pushing his body to its limit. Madara gets hit hard and begins to think 'this kid is pushing my regeneration to its limit up here I have to end this fight fast or I will lose it this rate' Then Madara coughed spit as Naruto hit him again. Naruto's body was aching everywhere, but he couldn't stop. He couldn't stop here, he had to win or everything his life held would be meaningless. Naruto then yelled "I REFUSE TO LOSE HERE THIS WOPRLD BELONGS TO ME AND ONLY I GET TO DESTROY IT!" Everyone else was watching in awe as Madara and Naruto clashed repeatedly in the air. Madara then used Lightning fang and Naruto responded with Redirect launching the laser back at Madara. Then Madara Gave a backhand towards Naruto making a huge gust of wind only to be shocked when he sees Naruto caught it with his mouth. Naruto launched a counterattack at Madaras Stomach and blew a hole right through the man causing him to cough blood. Naruto began to think 'Come on there's gotta be something I can use to beat this guy' Madara was thinking the same thing.

This fight was no longer just the end to a war it was the deciding factor of what the world would become if Madara won everyone would be permanently stuck in a dream with no way of returning and if Naruto won everyone would become equal everyone could do what they wanted no matter what held them back. These two ideals are currently clashing with each other to take place but only one can win. Suddenly Naruto threw his hand out and grabbed Madara's face and shouted as he Used decay, air cannon and a new ability he made called black whip to destroy Madaras body who also shouted trying to resist but ultimately failing and being destroyed entirely.

Everything was silent as Naruto's body fell to the ground being the victor of the fight and the war. Suddenly Everyone began cheering at the end of the war and began sighing in relief and relaxing, Dabi ran up to Naruto's body and picked him up as he was unconscious finally everyone went back to their villages and Naruto was taken back to the meta liberation fronts base. A month Later Naruto opened his eyes groaning finally remembering what happened and quickly shooting up and looking around only to see Dabi come in and freeze laying his eyes and the now awake Naruto. "Boss?" Dabi asked before giving a gentle smile and the only smile Naruto ever saw from the man and said "you won so enjoy the new world you made alright" Naruto smirked and looked out the window thinking 'Finally I can achieve my dream a world where everyone can do whatever they want'.

[The End] 

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