Chapter Five Chunin Exams, Orochimaru and an Awakening

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Naruto wearing his black trench coat and team seven enter the academy they find Kakashi waiting there he wishes them good luck and the body flickers away team seven then continues to to the exam room and see two chunin stopping a kid wearing green spandex from entering noticing its genjustu Sasuke dumbly points it out to every one and the chunin go to hit Sasuke and he goes to kick the chunin when the kid in green spandex appears in-between them and catches their attacks stopping them the green spandex wearing kid then gets scolded by his teammates and then one of his teammates walks up to Naruto and tells him he should give up because he is the dead last and fate a decided he will loose Naruto ignores him and goes  to the exam room before him and team seven make it the green spandex wearing kids intercepts them and challenges Sasuke to a fight introducing himself as rock-lee and asks Sakura out on a date witch Sakura hurtfully declines Sasuke then accepts lee's challenge and looses fights lee to a stalemate then before there fight can escalate further another green spandex wearing person shows up and punishes lee with exorcise then lee calls him gai sensei gai then leaves and everyone goes to the exam room and wait as the rookie nine talks kiba asks something

Kiba: Hey Naruto what was that power you used an sakura's head band when we graduated?

this gets everyone in the rooms attention and Naruto sighs as he answers

Naruto: It's a power called decay anything a touch with all five fingers decays and turns to dust whether its alive or not and I have to touch it or it wont decay

suddenly a random silver hairs leaf genin approaches and start telling them that there to loud and are getting glared at and his name is Kabuto he then says he has info cards for every ninja in the chunin exams and if they want info on anyone Sasuke asks for info on subaku no garra, rock-lee and Naruto Uzumaki kabuto starts with garra saying he has done a B rank mission and came back without a scratch on every mission hes done then lee saying he has nothing but taijutsu but the most formidable taijutsu teacher and then he gets to Naruto saying he has done an s rank mission(from mizuki)and came back with no effort and a rank(land of waves) and d ranks then he mentions the new hidden village in the sound and states they probably aren't that strong then suddenly three genin attack Kabuto when he dodges but suddenly his glasses break and he vomits confusing everyone buy Naruto who understood what happened then the proctor arrived naming himself Ibiki Morino and leads them to the exam room seats them and explains that the first stage is a written exam and if you get caught cheating four time you and your team looses and then he starts the exam everyone cheats in one way or another Naruto and Sakura just fill it in already knowing the answers then forty minutes later Ibiki ends the test saying there is a tenth question surprising the examinees then he states that if they get the question wrong they will never be able to take the chunin exams again but if they leave they can try again next year some people leave until Kiba bangs his hand on his desk and states he will never give up boosting unsure candidates that they can pass Ibiki smirks and says they passed and the final question was to make sure you want give up information and revels his scared head then just as he finishes someone brakes through the window wearing a tan trench coat and a fishnet shirt and short skirt naming herself anko mitarishi the second exam proctor and telling them they all need to be at training ground 44 in an hour then her and Ibiki body flicker away all the examinees leave and make there way to training ground 44 and wait for the second exam to begin. Anko finally starts explaining that the second portion of the exams will cut the amount of people in half at least because everyone gets one scroll and you need two to pass in a five day time span but if you don't make it to the tower in the fives day you also fail she then starts handing out flyers that we had to sign so that the leaf wouldn't be held accountable if a other village ninja died here then we all got a scroll per teams Naruto kept the scroll and made a fake giving it to Sasuke then each team went to a gate that led in to the "forest of death" as Anko called it once they were let in team seven charged in immediately a team from the hidden rain village and Naruto decayed them as he started to see the world spin from being tired he assumed they got the scroll they needed and went to go to the tower when suddenly a gust of wind came out of nowhere and blew team seven apart and separated them Naruto finally started getting up when a giant snake tried to eat him he touched in with two fingers and it decayed he noticed this but put his thoughts aside when a splitting headache hit him again after he somewhat recovered he went to were he sensed Sasuke he saw a grass ninja on a tree and he just decayed the whole tree knocking both Sasuke Sakura and thee grass ninja when they recovered Naruto went to the grass ninja and started talking.

Naruto: IO how do you feel eh you pretty strong sending that snake after me you know.

Grass nin: ah ssssso you know that Wass me hmmm.*starts peeling off his face reveling Orochimaru*

Naruto: Eh? Orochimaru huh so I get to fight a boss right away hm . . . anyway I ASKED HOW YOU FEEL!!! Naruto yells while slaming his hand on the ground decaying it making Orochimaru back up then he jumped into the air and slamed his fist into the ground with chakra and said he felt angry because he got in the way of his goal of course then he grabbed Naruto's hand and starting talking about how his decay only works with five fingers while crushing two and Naruto's fingers Naruto screams in pain then suddenly two of his fingers curled and touched Orochimaru's hand starting to decay it as Orochimaru threw Naruto away confused how Naruto started decaying with only two fingers as Naruto got up he was groaning scratching his head and said it is splitting apart he then stopped and rushed Orochimaru with Kage level speed surprising the snake man as he dodged he finally realized Naruto is going threw an Awakening Naruto's cat like grace also surprising the man Naruto then started running around the man who then used a wind jutsu to pull in Naruto and Punch him full force in the stomach throwing Naruto away breaking five trees and alerting the Hokage of his presence Naruto got up and limped on his broken ankle towards Orochimaru, Orochimaru said if he keeps fighting he wont have a future and Naruto said I don't need a future decaying his mask smiling

the Hokage Anbu and Anko arrive to see Orochimaru go to punch Naruto full force with an absurd amount of chakra but Naruto just slaps it away decaying it surprising everyone watching

 Naruto then walks to Orochimaru and looks up 

Orochimaru than turns his left arm in to a huge snake and punches Naruto creating a big shockwave but Naruto caught the attack and decayed it instantly

Orochimaru jumps back before Naruto can kill him and starts questioning what happened to Naruto as to him it seems he is a completely different person after suffering an Awakening naruto then crouches and touches the ground decaying it reaching Orochimaru he jumps in the air but Naruto just keep decaying and start to decay 2 miles in a circle of the forest as he pushes decay harder his hair turns white and his arms starts braking

As Orochimaru is trying to get away he falls and his feet touch the ground and start decaying so he cuts them off as decay stops there in now a two mile crater in "the forest of death" and everyone else is shocked as sounds team saw the end of this fight along with the Hokage and his anbu Anko and team seven without Kakashi

Naruto starts moving towards Orochimaru and stomps and a plant and laughs

Naruto then limps to Orochimaru and states in a deeper more adult like voice: Your feet must've touched the ground huh you cut them off to stop yourself from disintegrating . . . hey why are we fighting again . . . oh yeah cause you came looking for one right Naruto says pointing at Orochimaru

Naruto then puts his hand down as Orochimaru looks down in shame that he lost to a genin then Naruto perks up sensing the Hokage

then four ninja yell Orochimaru's name and go to charge before Naruto looks at them scaring them 

then Orochimaru takes this distraction and leaves with the sound four then Naruto sighs as he starts to go back to his team and they go to the tower slowly because of Naruto's injury's they make it thirty minutes before the time span end and they open their scroll summoning Kakashi who eye smiles until he sees Naruto and is shocked he is alive let alone awake and moving Kakashi brings up the fact that Naruto should take part in the next even but Naruto waves him off telling him he is fine when all the genin that passes are in the arena the third Hokage starts a speech telling them how the chunin exams are a replicant for war showing a villages strength the a jonin interrupts with a coughing fit and explains that they will be doing preliminaries to eliminate another half of the contestants and if you want to quit give up now and rest while the rounds take place Sakura asks Naruto to quit but he Ignores her but Kabuto gives up leaving claiming he has no chakra left then the jonin introduces himself as hayate Gekko and states that there will be two names on the screen and those two will fight for a spot in the finals he then tells everyone to go to the stands all the genin then go to the stands but the suna team is scared of Naruto because garra said his mother fears him the screen lights up and says Sasuke Uchiha vs yoroi akado Sasuke and yoroi go down to the arena hayate asks if they are ready and they say yes so he says BEGIN Sasuke runs at yoroi and throws a punch when yoroi blocks it his hands glow blue and Sasuke shows a shocked face and backs up realizing yoroi stole some of his chakra yoroi then begins fluanting his ability when Sasuke is infront of him and kicks him in the airs copying lee appears behind yoroi then kicks his left side punches his right side then spins kicking yoroi into the ground knocking him out (then all the fights go to canon besides Naruto vs kiba)The screen lights up and shows Naruto Uzumaki vs Kiba Inuzuka, Kiba starts boasting about how easy this is going to be while Kurinai tells Kakashi Naruto will loose at this Kakashi chuckles and shakes his head as naruto and kiba are facing each other Naruto looks at Kiba and all of a sudden akamaru starts to whimper heavily and runs away 

Kiba starts to complain because naruto is injured then hayate asks if they are both ready to witch Naruto nods and Kiba exclaims he is the hayate says BEGIN kiba does a getsuga and is about to hit naruto was we slaps the getsuga shocking everyone but team seven and the Hokage

(not that big of an explosion)When the dust clears kiba is in the wall groaning as he pulls himself out then Naruto is right infront of him and grabs his by the leg starts decaying it and throws kiba into the opposite wall brutally knocking him unconscious and Naruto is stated winner but as he is walking back to his team he is stopped by kurinai (who is as tall as Naruto ) she then asks why he was so brutal to witch Naruto asked why he was so weak pissing kurinai off when he walks past her he says she shouldn't underestimate anyone even if they were dead last after this the Hokage states that in one month they will be hosting the chunin exam finals and to train and heal and he shows the roster Naruto sees he is against Neij and then leave and rests waiting to heal so he can train for the finals.

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