Neji x reader Part 1??

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Okay. I pecking love neji so he's getting special treatment from me: A MULTI PART SERIES. MAYBE. IM REALLY LAZY. Idk who requested this, and once again, styles changed with the story. I'm partially sorry for the wait. Just a little. NOW ONTO THE STORY~

The parade that announced your arrival into the Land of Fire was, despite its appearance of grandeur, a humiliation at best. The lavish dresses of the men that carried the carriage, to the dancing ladies that accompanied the music, all of it was a façade that symbolised the sacrifice you had paid for your country and family. 

While the common folk all gathered, lining around the main road, eyes gaping and mouths falling open round, you knew what they couldn’t see. A pain, a scar, a trauma, a concession. You had always known that this day would come, sooner or later, for your country was weak and had little to offer in terms of peacekeeping. Giving up their spare heir as a ward to guarantee their loyalty to the Fire nation was almost natural. When the demand came to put the promise into action after a failed attack you had relented yourself.

Entering the country as if you were someone of great importance had merely been a pretence to the outside. To warn them of your status, that you held some value and that the nations intended to keep their promise of peace. However, the truth underneath it all was different. You, who was expendable had been sent to the Land of Fire merely to act as a symbol, a pretty face for them to laugh and humiliate as your country recuperated.

“[Name],” the daimyo repeated your name, eyes crinkling as a wicked smile crossed his lips. There was nothing but suggestion in his eyes, thinking of all the ways that he could embarrass you in front of the officials, parading you around like his pet to keep. 

The people that had entered with you had departed, back home across the borders of this foreign country. Their mission to deliver you had been fulfilled and they were obligated no more, not to you, the exiled one. 

“[Name], [Name], how fine of you to arrive,” the man continued, his eyes widening at the prospect of all the fun that he could have. There was no human he saw in his eyes and you knew that, your head bowing low as you waited for whatever was to follow. 

“How much fun there will be had!”

It was a promise of years of insecurity and caution. Years that you had faced graciously, keeping your head low as you endured it all. Years in which you exerted your own diplomacy to the end, often wondering who would put an end to your existence first. 

“[Name], tell me!” the daimyo demanded, hand raising a glass of wine that spilled onto the ground. A banquet was held in honour of the daimyo’s birthday, a day in which you knew you would face all the more humiliation just like any other day. Whilst you were given your own table with your own food you knew that your portions were considerably smaller, your table unstable, and only set near the daimyo so that he could keep an eye on you and call you out in public when he felt the need to. 

“From all these men, aren’t the men from Konoha the finest?” he continued, hand waving over to the table of the fifth hokage, a youthful young woman surrounded by strong young men to guard her. Seated next to her were envoys from the Hidden Leaf, nobility that had come along to show their friendship and trust under the daimyo’s leadership. 

Smiling you raised your cup, hands folded over each other as you had been taught as you turned to the man. Though disgusted, though you did not feel like playing along, you knew you had to. It was your duty and condemned fate. 

“Admirable indeed, they are as handsome as they are capable,” you responded with a bow, wondering where the daimyo was leading up to with this conversation. 

“Pick your favourite!” the man demanded, causing your expression to flinch for a moment before you straightened up, eyes scanning over the men the daimyo had referred to before making another bow towards the feudal lord. 

“I wouldn’t dare to pick between all these fine men,” you responded with a chuckle, trying hard to avoid the scene that the daimyo was trying to pull over you. “What worth is my opinion as a foreigner and a ward?” you continued, hoping that by insulting yourself the daimyo would back off. 

The night wasn’t kind, however as the daimyo waved again with his hand, the last of the wine spilling out of his glass without him realising. “I insist. Though, since you feel that way why not this pretty lad with the long hair? Beautiful like a lady, should you prefer that,” the man laughed as he tried to take a sip before realising that his cup was empty. Slamming it down the daimyo pointed his fat finger at the man he had addressed earlier, ignoring the tense look that the Konoha envoys all held on their faces. 

“You. What is your name?” he demanded. “And are you married?” he followed up. 

Closing your eyes you took in a breath, knowing what was to follow as you calmed yourself down. 

Silence fell for a moment as the man addressed frowned, contemplating the meaning of the situation. He was indeed handsome, with fair skin and dark long hair contrasting it. The overall smoothness of his skin as well as his pale eyes suggested the noble line he hailed from and for a bit you felt relieved over the fact that the daimyo had decided not to humiliate you alone. 

“Neji Hyuga. No,” came the short responses of the male, confirming your earlier suspicions of his noble bloodline. 

Nodding the daimyo stroke his chin, motioning for a servant to refill his drink before he took a loud gulp from it, smacking his lips together as if he was making a difficult decision. 

“Hyuga, huh? Side branch, right?” the daimyo continued with a glint in his eyes as he switched his attention over to you. 

“What about it, [Name]? You haven’t been married in all the years you have been here, it is time that you finally do.”

There the cue was. The true reason the daimyo had started this whole charade. Holding your breath you forced a smile, once more bowing your head as you tried to ignore the stares from the Hidden Leaf. You didn’t dare to see what they were like, whether they were glares or observational. Both were attentions you rather missed. 

“I wouldn’t dare, daimyo. I’m greatly unworthy to marry any of these great ninja, let alone nobility,” you responded once more, hoping that it was enough to deflect the idea. 

“Humble as always,” the daimyo laughed, enjoying the sight of you groveling on the floor as you tried to control the situation. It was a game of catch you had often played. “But you forget that you are a noble yourself, it is time for you to fulfil your filial duties, even in this foreign place,” the man continued before he brushed you off.

“Neji, what about you?” the lord demanded, ignoring the way the fifth hokage’s knuckles were clenching, or how the rest of the group was tensing. 

The man called Neji remained calm, however his eyes turned over to you in a manner as if he had already seen through the situation. Closing your eyes you sucked in your breath. Despite the familiarity you had with the situation you never quite grew used to the words that always followed whenever the daimyo played this game:

“If the lord so commands, then I shall.” 

Heart stilling your eyes flew open, surprise clear on your face as you looked right into the pale eyes of the first person who had not openly rejected you. 

Laughing hysterically the daimyo clapped his hands approvingly, gesturing for another refill of his glass as he rose it up towards the ninja. 

“Then so I shall command. You two shall marry!” 

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