After Naruto cut Gaara's cheek and sends the blades back at his arms and the blades hitting the water and him holding the chains in his arms. Gaara feels her face and blood comes from her cheek and she said "my blood"
Then she start to go crazy, sand comes together from nowhere (because all of that sand can't fit on that sand Gourd, who agrees)
Naruto then sees a sand whip head for him and Naruto goes and throws the chaos blade at the sand and it intersepts the attack.
Naruto then continues to intersepting the attack, with the speed increasing.
Naruto kicks the water up and he moves to the left, continues intersepting the attack.
Naruto was having trouble keeping up, and then a huge sand arm goes straight at Naruto's back gets sent into the wall but he sends the water on the ground at the sand and he lands in a wall.
Naruto takes out a scroll and sends a lightning attack and it start to shock Gaara and Naruto jumps out of the wall and he cuts of the sand part and he lands on floor and he puts blades on his back and he puts his two fingers in front of his mouth and he said "three trigram"
Then a seal, goes straight at Gaara and it hits Gaara, and Gaara and a darker voice shout and then it stops and Gaara sends a sand attack at Naruto from the arm that was cut off to Naruto and Naruto used the blade on his back as a shield and it them and they fly of his back and Naruto sends the flame back on and the sand shield get it and Naruto makes a clone, without hand signs and the clone jumps forward and... BOOM!
Naruto was in his knee and Gaara falls unconscious and the sand start to collapse and Naruto seals the blades of chaos back in his seal seal and Naruto picks up his jumper and puts it on and he limps away, and he makes it up to the stands.
Naruto sits on the ground and his back on the wall.
The sand Shinobi were shocked and afraid because if Gaara is as well then she would be taken over by the first tails.
Then Naruto looks around to see the Uzumaki-Namikaze family staring at him but he noticed two people Tsunade Senju and Jiraiya, the students of the third Hokage, Hiruzen Saratobi.
Naruto was now start to heal, the Healing Fuinjutsu, him being an Uzumaki and Jinjuriki he healed after thirty minutes of resting or most of the small wounds but the bigger wounds took a bit longer to heal.
Naruto and the rest of the winners of there, they get their matches, Naruto is fighting Neji, Sasuke against Lee, Temari against Shikiko, Kurotsuchi against Yugito, Shino against Kankoro and Dosu being left out of the matches.
Now with this, Naruto was now making his way out of the tower with everyone else that was there.
He was behind his teammates and the Clan heads were behind all the other teams.
Minato and Kushina, were looking at Naruto with their draughters looking at Naruto as well wondering why he looks like their father but having whiskers on each of his cheeks and he is smaller than Minato.
Naruto was holding the still wound on his arm and he theorised that since it was a Jinjuriki attack with their tailed beast Chakra it would take far longer to heal.
Naruto was now takes out a Syringing and he took some blood from his right arm and left arm.
Naruto sees the that some of his blood has sand in it and it is trying to take it away.
Naruto then makes a seal on the fly to a piece of paper to get all the sand out of his body, originally to pick up sand from the desert and his wound on his arms heals a bit faster.
With everyone at the gate, for traveling for two days, all the contestants were listening to their Kage and they got a full month to train or recover from the fight they had.
Naruto now leaves the area with some of the doctors looking after the other contestants, but none on Naruto.
Naruto's arm mostly recover but it is tied over his shoulder.
Naruto's right arm was on his side and the left arm was on his stomach.
Naruto saw Tsunade trying to heal him while he was asleep but he kept moving away from her.
Naruto is now walking through the village, with some of the villagers giving him a dirty look, some anger, some happy he got hurt, some sad he returned.
Naruto makes it to his place and activates a barrier and he goes to sleep.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net