Chapter 4

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Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke made it through the slug parts of the forest of death and some traps were in front of them but they dodges them and took down the team, it was the team from the stone, and they had the heaven scroll but they had the heaven scroll and Naruto holds in his pocket and they went forward, and they found a river, they set up some stuff there and went fishing for some food.

Naruto caught the fish, Sakura making the fire or getting the wood and Sasuke starting the fire and Sasuke for the water.

Naruto caught six fishes, Sasuke filled up ten bottles with them drinking them and filled back up and Sakura getting the wood from fallen branches and she collect a pile of branches and she got a leaves and puts them over the branches and Sasuke does a small fire ball and lit the fire.

With all of this Naruto puts the fish on the fire and after that, they wait for it to be cooked.

Naruto goes for a leak but he makes hundred clones for them to go out and find a earth scroll and Naruto gives them the scroll on his person and makes a fake and Naruto goes back to the area and the clones, they went to find some teams.

Naruto found a squad, Naruto's clones after ten minutes out at low Jounin speed, he found a two squads, one was fighting Gaara and Gaara was fighting a squad of stone Shinobi but both of them had the earth scroll and Gaara was about to kill the stone Ninja with her team already dead but before Gaara, she could get an attack of, Naruto goes forward and create a seal and said "water seal"

Then the ground filled with water and Naruto grabs the earth scroll and kicks Gaara's hand away and Naruto clones picked up the stone ninja's.

Naruto's clone through seals, after seal, suppression, gravity, water, fire, earth, wind and lightning seals but only the water and gravity worked the best and Naruto feels one clone dispel and Naruto jumps away with him throwing ten kunai and then... BOOM!

Naruto then clone them dies and with the one with the scroll, he felt his brother clone die and they made it to a cave with him making a seal over it, a barrier seal to protect them and Naruto takes the earth scroll and give them the heaven scroll.

Naruto now with the scroll, leave the area with three clones with the clones and eighty of them guarding the stone ninja's.

With his clones going to the original, but the original is with his squad.

Naruto takes the scroll and Sakura and Sasuke were shocked.

Sakura was saying "Sasuke-Kun could do that any time he wanted" and Sasuke sighs and turns his head.

With this the clones that are with Naruto dispel and Naruto makes a fake scroll in an instant and he give it to Sasuke and Naruto seals it in his collarbone seal.

With that Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura eat the fishes and they put the fire out and Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura head to the tower, that they got told to go to, after they get the scrolls.

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura, a full day's worth of traveling.

They found a cave to rest, but Naruto makes twenty clones, eight to protect them from far away and ten from close, two to carry his teammates.

Naruto and his clones then head to the tower, and they made it inside of the place, with him sealing the inside of the room, then his clones going out to see how the leaf Shinobi are doing and then Naruto goes to sleep.

Naruto wakes up, early in the morning, and Naruto unseals the seals around the room and Naruto wakeup his teammates and Naruto sighs and he thinks "the first and second are way to easy but hopefully this third part is harder"

Naruto gets the memories of his clones, he they left some medical supplies and went to find some people from the leaf to try and help and they helped out the Shikiko (female Shikimaru), Ino and Choji.

With this Naruto opens both of the scrolls at the same time and then Iruka appear and he was shocked that it was so fast for someone to complete it and it was team seven from the hidden leaf.

With that, Iruka gives them props and he said "now... Since you got here... You have to rest for the couple of days, and with everything going on here... It might be some good and good luck on the next part... And the next part is in four days"

Naruto nods and they go and get some rest.

Naruto goes to sleep and Sakura and Sasuke, Sakura being Sakura and Sasuke just doing some morning workouts.

Four days later-
Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were in the room 24/7 and Naruto was making seals with a lot of his own Chakra in it, fire seals, water seals, Lightning seals, earth seals and wind seals, Sasuke was doing some hand sign practice and Sakura has been doing Chakra Control (training for one's Sakura, how does it feel) and the reason she is training is because Sasuke and Naruto forced her too.

With all of this they were in the stadium waiting for the predictor and all of the Kage's to come but the Uzumaki-Namikaze Clan members were there.

With everything set and ready for the third round.

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