Chapter 1

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Naruto was making his way to team seven's training ground with him waiting their for five hours, but he didn't see his teammates or Sensei come.

He was just doing some sparring training with his clones so he doesn't get rusty and he does that all night.

The next morning hit, Sasuke walked in the training ground and then fifteen minutes later Sakura.

Naruto looked completely tired and he said "say to Kakashi-Sensei, that I am going home, I have been waiting for the prick for twenty four fucking hours for the prick"

Then Naruto walked away, and Sasuke was confused and Sakura was trying to get with Sasuke and him saying no.

Sasuke thinks "Dope... Didn't you get the message on your door saying go to the Hokage's office" and Sakura being completely useless in this situation (A.N- like always, am I right)

With Naruto-
Naruto was looking in his savings in his wallet and he sees that he doesn't have any money in his wallet and he goes to the Hokage's office and he walks in, with him knocking on the door and Hiruzen said "come in" and he walks in.

Naruto was now in front of Hiruzen and he said "Jiji... I want a couple of D-Rank missions for some money"

Then Hiruzen gives Naruto ten D-Rank missions, eight of them clean rivers, catch tora and deliver food to the Hokage.

Four hours later-
Naruto got Tora, deliver food and cleaned eight rivers. He got 5000 Ryo, 500 Ryo for each mission.

Naruto was making clones to do each of the task. He got Chakra metal from the rivers, ten ingots, an old Katana and a create of weapons.

He was now hiding the create of weapons and he cleaned out rust of the weapons with an old tooth brush he had and he puts them back in the create and he puts them behind a stone in training ground fourteen and he goes and takes the Chakra metal in his bag and he goes and sell the Chakra metal, 35.5% pure Chakra and he got 25000 Ryo in total for the ten Ingots.

Naruto was now has the money in his pocket and he bought four books of Fuinjutsu, level 1-4 and it cost 10000 Ryo in total.

Naruto goes to his place and he goes through the Fuinjutsu books, learning.

The next day-
Naruto wakes up, he just finished the first level, he can make simple explosion seals and storage seals.

Now Naruto makes a clone for them to go to the library and get a book about affinities.

Naruto is now making his way to a sushi store in a Henge and he gets three packets and he goes to the training ground seven and he ears the Sushi and he continues to do some more research on Fuinjutsu, level two.

Naruto sees Sasuke and Sakura coming in, twenty minutes apart.

Naruto just continues to read the book and eat his Sushi.

Around an hour later, Naruto made a better explosion seal, that are the standard explosion seal and Naruto's clone apeared with the book, costing 300 Ryo.

Naruto then puts the book in his pouch and he continues to read about seals.

Sasuke is practicing his fire ball Jutsu and fire phenox Jutsu and with Sakura she was unconscious because of Sasuke knocking her out. (A.N- yes... Finally, she was annoying with all the dotting on Sasuke)

Naruto was quite impressed, he could feel the heat from 46 metres away.

Naruto just continues to read about the book and the clones of Naruto was just reading a book on how to dispel low level Genjutsu... Naruto just let that happen, it would have been a waste of Chakra just for him to destroy the clone.

Naruto was now said to his clone "can you get paper and Ink"

Then the clone of Naruto nods and give the book to Naruto and the clone jumps to the store.

Another hour passes, and the clone came back with everything forty minutes ago and it costed 5,000 Ryo. He got hundred empty scrolls, hundred piece of paper and a five bottles of ink, a new ink that should stay for a longer time for Fuinjutsu users.

Naruto was now practing the explosive seals and he put it on the ink.

Then Naruto said to Sasuke "Sasuke-teme... I need your help"

Then Sasuke did the usual Uchiha thing and turned his head away from Naruto and walks over to Naruto.

Then Naruto give the kunai to Sasuke and Sasuke throws it at the dummy in training ground seven and five second later it went boom.

Then Sasuke leaves the area he was at and then goes to the Clan library at the Uchiha Clan.

Sakura walks to follow her beloved Sasuke.

Naruto just sighs and Continues to work on Fuinjutsu with the clone reading the Genjutsu because it was bored.

Naruto then makes three clones, with those three clones, he wants them to go and get elements control books, more paper, kunai, Shuriken, scrolls and to search for Fuinjutsu books.

Two hours later-
He saw Kakashi thirty minutes ago, and he left to find his man crush/ fuck buddy/ emotional Child/ emo Child and clearly Gay but no one has had the talk with him. (if you can't figure it out it is Sasuke)

His clones came back with a single hundred worth of Kunai and Shuriken. The papers, books, and Fuinjutsu books up to level six and he is only level two.

Now Naruto collects everything in storage seals he made, it can lift up to 300 pounds and he put everything in it and he goes to the Hokage's office for ten D-Rank missions and he goes and cleans the training ground 16,17, 19, 20 and 24, with some deliveres, he got a lot of money because they were urgent missions and he got 1000 Ryo from them but if it isn't urgent S-Rank mission 100 Ryo.

Naruto goes and cleans each of them, doing the delivers. He got 1000 Ryo from this and he goes straight to his place with all of his clones for them to collect Fuinjutsu equipment and more safer place around the home so ANBU won't come in.

The shadow clones dispel and Naruto gained their knowledge, he gained a large headache, but he knows how to dispel Genjutsu below B-Rank.

Naruto then goes to bed, because of the huge headache he is having.

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