Naruto walked towards Training Ground 44, a little ahead of his teammates as he did so.
Something had been bugging him recently but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. It was like someone was watching him, and despite his impressive sneaking skills, whoever it was, continued to follow him. It was irritating to no end.
He briefly reflected upon the first Exam. While he hadn't been able to figure out how to cheat without getting caught, he did figure out the purpose of the exam. At the end, again he figured out the purpose of the last question and only did he help everyone out when Sakura had been about to give up.
Other smaller details he noticed where more from a possible sexual stand-point. The Oto Nin had eyed him like a piece of steak, a hopeful gleam in her eye before it was killed. Hinata had been blushing even more so than usual and fidgeting in her seat a bit. Naruto was able to notice she was rubbing her thighs together. Ino had taken one look at him and had a brief dusting of red across her face before she noticed Sasuke.
He had his book out, briefly flipping through the pages. He checked a few things, noticing several of the girls taking the Chunin Exams were in his book. If he really wanted to, he could have a whole lot of fun.
He stopped at a redhead girl with glasses and tapped on the picture. "Karin Uzumaki. Allegiance: Kusa. Rank: Genin." Naruto didn't pay much more attention past that. There was another Uzumaki here. A kin that was still alive. He would have to send his Shadow Clones out to find her.
At the training ground, Naruto looked at the fence that had warnings plastered all over it as he put his book away. "And we're going in there." He said more to himself than anything.
"Alright then Brats, Listen up!" Anko called from atop the fence. "Welcome to Training Ground 44; or as most Shinobi like to call it: The Forest of Death!" she yelled out. "Here it is that you will be pitted against each other in order to get these two scrolls!" she pulled the scrolls from a trench coat pocket and held them up for the Genin to see.
Naruto narrowed his eyes on the scrolls as he watched the Special Jonin return the scrolls to her pockets. So that's what he had been training pick pocket those scrolls at the very least.
Time to act the idiot. "The forest doesn't look too tough; it will literally be a walk in the park." Naruto boasted.
A kunai sliced through his cheek, fairly deeply. He felt an ample pair of breasts press into his back, and by his humble opinion they felt like D-cups. He felt a tongue slide along his cheek. "Such tasty blood, the brave ones are usually the first to die in my forest." Anko said in a sultry tone.
Naruto slid his hands into Anko's trench coat and withdrew the two scrolls. As stealthy as he could, he slipped them into the pockets of his jumpsuit pants. "I can't die yet." He said as he was doing this. "I haven't become Hokage yet." He said feeling Anko rub her breasts more against his back.
"Hokage huh?" Anko asked. "Well Mr. Future Hokage-sama, you make it to the tower with time to spare and I'll give you a present." She then moved away and began to explain the rest of the exam. Get to the tower, five days; find your own food/water, etc.
Naruto signed the release form and turned them in, getting a scroll in the process. He might give it away if he saw fit to do so. He already had his team's scrolls and hadn't been called out about it yet.
Naruto went back over to his teammates and went with them to the starting gate. It wasn't long before they ran inside and leapt up into the trees where he stopped. "Guys!" he called out and motioned them over.
"What is it Dobe?" Sasuke asked. "We need to get the scrolls as fast as we can."
"Sasuke-kun's right." Sakura said tapping her foot impatiently.
Naruto produced the two scrolls he picked off of Anko. "As a Shinobi, we kill, we lie, we cheat, and we steal. That is our job essentially. If we get to the tower fast enough and they pass us, at least you two will go on if they decide to disqualify me."
Sasuke and Sakura stared dumbfounded. "But...when-The Proctor, when she was rubbing on you." Sasuke said piecing everything together. "You got her to attack you."
"Yeah that just about sums it up." Naruto said. "She seemed like the impulsive type like me, I just had enough skills to pull that off. So let's get to the tower." Naruto put his hands together in a familiar cross shaped hand sign before summoning up 90 Shadow Clones. Sixty of them performed a Transformation Jutsu looking like Sakura and Sasuke before splitting up in groups of three in separate directions. Naruto discreetly passed off their Heaven Scroll to one of the clones before he went with the real Sasuke and Sakura straight for the tower with all haste.
Little did he know that he had just unknowingly thwarted a Snake Sannin's plans and made a very pissed off enemy.
One group of clones veered off, blindly moving about as they hopped from tree to tree. The Naruto looking clone paused as they ran; he thought he had heard someone screaming. That sound was followed by the sound of a bear growling or roaring.
He rushed over, his partners following him, passing by two mauled Kusa Genin to see the Karin girl about to be mauled by a bear. As one, he and the other two threw as many kunai and shuriken as they could into the bear, quickly making it fall down dead from the many sharp and pointy objects sticking out of its back.
The Sasuke and Sakura disguised clones dispelled before Naruto leapt down, glancing around. Naruto began to walk towards Karin when she spotted him. She got up and tackled him nuzzling into his chest, surprising Naruto before she started to kiss him muttering thank you over and over in between the kisses
Karin pulled back from mauling her savior's face with her lips to glance him over. Kami, she was hot and bothered and just being closer to the blonde was affecting her even more. Her thighs rubbed together, trying to quell some of the fire. One leg slipped between his, and pressed up against his groin as she began to kiss him again. She paused just before her lips met his. "My name is Karin." She said.
"Naruto Uzumaki." He said and bit her lower lip, sucking on it some before he pressed his lips against her own. He wasn't sure why she was acting like this; he didn't think his Sexual Aura was so high that women would throw themselves at him.
What he didn't know was that with Karin being a sensor type of Shinobi, she was affected more by the Sexual Aura skill.
Karin put her hands on the Naruto's shoulders before jumping a bit and wrapping her legs around his waist. She ran her hands up into his hair, grabbing it tight as she felt his hands on her thighs and her ass. She felt his tongue slip against her lips and eagerly parted her lips to accept the offering. She fought his tongue with hers for a little bit until she pulled back and leaned down to the blonde's ear. "I need you." She whispered, running her tongue along the edge of his earlobe. "I want to suck on your balls while I pump you length until you spew cum all over my face and glasses." She said. Kami, she didn't know what came over her but she needed to have this blonde sexually every which way she could.
Naruto sucked in his breath through his teeth at her words. "I'm just a clone of the original, so I can only give two maybe three loads before I go pop." He said.
Karin pouted, but then she thought about it. There was only one clone technique known to make solid clones and if the clone could have sex twice, maybe three times... She gave a bit of a predatory smirk. "That's fine Naruto-kun. The Original you will rock my world right?" she asked undoing the orange jacket as she lowered herself to the ground
The clone could only nod as he watched the redhead sink to her knees in front of him and quickly undo the pants. She grabbed his cock which was hard from her actions and her words. He noticed a look of hesitation pass between her eyes. "First time?" the clone asked.
Karin looked up at the clone before nodding. "Yes." She whispered before she tentatively moved forward and kissed the head of the cock. Despite her earlier fire, it didn't stop the fact she was a virgin and had no real sexual experience at all. Most people in Kusa hated her.
"Relax." The Naruto clone said. While he wasn't sure what advice to give to a virgin, it couldn't hurt to relax.
Karin gave a nod and a deep breath, slowly letting it out as she did so, trying to relax. More steadily, she kissed down the shaft of Naruto's length, holding his cock near the tip as she made her way down. It couldn't hurt to start with what she said she wanted to do. She tentatively slid her tongue against the tightened sac holding Naruto's balls.
Slowly, she kissed them, and licked them more, listening to the blonde give a few moans and even slide his hand into her hair. She opened her mouth and carefully took one in, giving a few firm sucks.
Naruto sucked in his breath through his teeth, feeling the redhead's tongue lash against his balls while she sucked. "Hand Karin-chan." He reminded her. His moans increased in volume as he felt the slow pumping of her hand. "Little less pressure." He told her and felt her ease up on her hand just a little bit.
Karin was thankful for Naruto's help. She wanted to please him, to feel the hot spunk he had stored up in the large balls she was servicing. She slowly pulled off, letting him go free with a soft 'pop'. She then stopped her hand and spit on it, before going back to working her hand up and down his cock, using a little bit more pressure with the lubricant. She then blew cold air against his balls; feeling him shiver and watching his sac shrivel a little bit. She lowered herself a bit more before taking both of his balls into her mouth and sucking quicker but not so firmly. Her tongue lashed against the skin in her mouth, eager for a taste.
"Getting close Karin-chan." Naruto said feeling his balls tightening up against her lips and tongue. He felt her thumb rub against the tip of his cock, knowing he was sensitive right now.
Karin moved her free hand up to her jacket and pulled the zipper down, as well as the mesh under armor. Her bra was quickly taken care of while she sucked faster, staring up at the blonde as she eagerly awaited his load. She felt his balls tighten and his length shudder.
Naruto gave a few grunts as he felt his orgasm flow through him. Hot cum shot up through the shaft and into the air, before coming down and splattering from Karin's left eyebrow to her chin. A second shot got her on the forehead, down to the bridge of her nose, the third hit the right lenses to her glasses, with a fourth just dribbling out and landing on her perky breasts.
Karin let go of Naruto's cock and backed away letting it give off a small pop as she did so. She reached up to her face and wiped away the cum on her lenses. She then licked it off her fingers and gave a moan of appreciation. "You taste good." She said looking up to him with a smirk.
Naruto chuckled and helped her stand. "Glad you like it. Are you ready for the next part?" he asked.
Karin looked a little worried, and gave a tentative nod. "Yes." She said moving to lean against a tree. She undid her pants and pushed them and her underwear down.
Naruto walked towards her a little tentative himself. This would be the first time he had been with a virgin. "Relax." He told her again and watched her take a deep breath once more. He rubbed her thighs, and her hips, trying to relax the tight muscles. "I'm going to go as deep as I can on the first thrust, get as much of the pain over with, okay?" Naruto asked.
Karin nodded and watched the blonde rub himself against her pussy. She was wet, but she knew even with the additional lubricant, it was going to hurt. She tried to relax herself as best as she could. She felt some pleasure when the blonde rubbed her clit to help distract her. She felt the hard, fast thrust burying the blonde's cock inside her and she clung to him burying her mouth in his shoulder and screaming into it. It hurt... Kami it hurt like nothing she had ever done. But she wasn't naïve. She knew the pain would pass... soon hopefully.
Naruto held Karin against his body, keeping her from moving too much that would cause more discomfort. He rubbed her back, gently kissing the side of her head as he did so. "It's okay." He whispered to her trying to soothe her. Very slowly, the blonde felt Karin's hips begin to move grinding him into her body.
Karin breathed slowly and deeply, slowly hefting herself up and wrapping her legs around the blonde's waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she rolled her hips into his own. Slowly, she felt the pleasure begin to push back the ebbing pain. It was beginning to feel good for her, and she wanted to return the favor.
Naruto supported Karin's lithe frame with his hands on her firm ass. He gave it a squeeze as he rolled his hips upwards with Karin's. Her eyes were lidded, her face slack with the pleasure she was feeling. He felt her nails graze lightly down his back, through the jacket that was hanging off his shoulders. Not hard enough to pop him thankfully.
Karin leaned in and sucked on Naruto's neck, rolling her hips faster. The blonde was thick and touching spots she never knew existed inside her. "Oh Kami." She whispered as she felt her back get pressed into the tree and Naruto start thrusting into her using more force.
Naruto leaned his head down and drew her puckered nipple into his mouth, looking up to her eyes as he thrust faster into her. Naruto was pleased to note that she was getting into it the more he gave it to her. His thrusting got harder though, partially out of wanting an orgasm, and partially out of survival. No doubt the animals would smell the blood from her and come to investigate.
Karin felt her body tighten up a bit in protest from the speed he was setting, but she was feeling good none the less. She felt a coil tighten inside of her, and knew that her orgasm was fast approaching. It would be the first orgasm she had given to her by a man. "Yes, that's it Naruto-kun, give it to me. Harder...Faster you blonde stud, pounding my fucking pussy." She said trying to help the blonde along to his own orgasm.
Naruto heard her words and took them to heart giving it to her harder and faster, her head lolled back against the tree as she tried to keep up with the pace and quickly failed. She gripped his shoulders more, one hand coming up and pressing his head to her breast more. Naruto could feel his balls tighten, ready to unleash his hot seed inside her.
Karin felt the blonde bump something deep inside her and she screamed loudly as she came. Her hips bucked, and she let large spasms with her legs twitching. She had heard about a woman having her cervix bumped during sex, but had no idea how good it felt. To her? It felt great, a little pressure, but it felt good none the less.
Naruto felt Karin's pussy clamp down around his shaft and he squeezed her thighs as he came, his body arching to further it on. He felt the hot cum mix with her fluids and slowly come out of her pussy, dripping down from his balls to the ground.
Karin panted as she was slowly removed from the cock, and she glanced down seeing the mess of sexual fluids and the bit of blood. She slid down to her ass against the tree and looked up to the panting blonde. She gave a small smile, having enjoyed it greatly.
Naruto panted a bit. "I can either take you to the tower, or we can go for a third round and likely have me dispel from exhaustion." He said.
Karin caught her breath before she spoke. "Take me to the tower; I'd rather not risk being out here much longer." She said as she quickly got herself cleaned up and dressed.
Naruto nodded before he got dressed himself. Scooping her up, he took off running towards the center of the forest.
It took the real Team 7 about two hours to run full tilt through the forest. Naruto had ended up having to carry Sakura who worked herself to the point of exhaustion just to try and keep up with him and Sasuke. Once there, Naruto looked at the stone tablet and pulled the scrolls out and with a flick of his wrists opened them up.
He dropped them when he realized they were summoning scrolls.
"Hot damn, a new record!" Anko's cheerful voice came from the smoke. "Congratulations! You guys pass the second part of the Chunin Exams! Now, I have to ask, how did you greener than grass Genin get the scroll so fast?"
Naruto noticed Sasuke and Sakura back up a bit, leaving him out to take the full fury. "Traitors." Naruto whispered but sighed. Might as well get this over with. He would get his teammates back though. "At the beginning of the Exams, I lifted the scrolls off of you Anko-san." Naruto said looking to the woman before him who was smirking. "When you were distracted and rubbing yourself against me I pilfered them without the Knowledge of my Team. I ask that if you do decide to punish us, that I take the full brunt of it." Naruto said. "If I get disqualified, so be it."
"You got spunk kid." Anko said with a grin. "Come on, I don't have authority to make the call." She said leading Naruto away. Sasuke and Sakura began to follow. "Not you two, just the blonde gaki here. If he's going to take the punishment for his actions for all three of you, you can't be there with him."
Naruto followed Anko up to a spare office that looked to be a replica of the Hokage's office. Anko moved over to a seal on the top of the desk and activated it alerting the Hokage that he was needed. While not as effective as say the Hirashin, the seal could also be used by the Hokage to reverse summon himself and that's exactly what he did smoking his pipe as he took his seat. "What can I do for you Anko?" he asked
"Tell him Gaki." Anko said moving Naruto ahead a bit.
"What did you do this time Naruto-kun?" Sarutobi asked almost dreading the answer
"Well Jiji, the rules were never that specific about how to obtain the scrolls for the second portion of the Exams. I simply thought outside the box and pilfered them from Anko-san's pockets." Naruto said. "She was distracted which gave me the perfect opportunity to do so."
Sarutobi took a puff of his pipe. "Well, I think the only option is clear. Naruto-kun passes the second portion of the exams." He said
"Very well Hokage-sama." Anko said before ruffling Naruto's hair. "Good job gaki, you impressed me. Now, don't tell the other brats that you're getting off scot-free." She said before heading off.
"Will do Anko-san!" Naruto called after her before heading to a room. There were enough rooms for 50 teams. Half that wasn't going to make it and he seriously doubted ten teams would make it, which meant he was allowed to have a room all to himself.
It wasn't much longer before his Shadow Clone came to the door with the Karin girl. Naruto raised an eyebrow before he took the sleeping girl, and set her on his bed. The clone gave a salute before dispelling.
Naruto's eyes widened a bit as he was assaulted with the pleasure. Through sheer force of will, he didn't cum himself but that didn't mean his balls didn't hurt because of it. Naruto chuckled a bit to himself as he channeled the Hyoton into his right hand and placed it on his crotch, giving a groan as it was cold and helped relieve the pain in his balls.
He then got in the top bunk and laid down for some sleep.
When he awoke in the morning he was