Chapter 24

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  Lemon Games 24: Land of Sea and a Date

Naruto exited from the Hokage tower after turning in a few D-rank missions to help augment his pay. Unfortunately, feeding ten mouths, including his own, was costly and every little bit of money helped. Granted, it did help that he was no longer paying rent but instead mortgage so he knew that eventually he'd have the loan paid off for his home.

Ichi was helping with her glass working, selling beautiful sculptures and designs with the glass, things that would be impossible to break.

Kin, Karin, and Tayuya were all doing what they could. But Kin and Tayuya were technically considered slaves, so they weren't allowed to work exactly.

Still, he 'rented' them out for Genjutsu lessons to those less adept at Genjutsu.

Karin was a Genin that was on rotation so she managed to go out on missions from time to time, but they tended to be D-ranks and C-ranks. Fuu was in much the same boat, so often Karin and Fuu were paired together so they had taken to getting better together.

Nana unfortunately was neither able to do something like glass work, or able to become a Shinobi. It was rather hard without a real past.

Tayuya had suggested teaching what she knew in Kenjutsu.

Nana had shot it down vehemently. Her Master had asked her to never teach anyone their style without his permission, and she would stand by her promise to her Master.

Not even Naruto could learn the secrets, even if he had seen it several times.

Zabuza managed to get accepted into ANBU so he took missions for Konoha that paid well. Unfortunately, they also paid high because they required more supplies as Naruto found out from Tsunade and Kakashi.

Still, Zabuza hadn't yet gotten a mission yet anyways, so he didn't have any money yet.

Haku worked at the hospital learning to be a proper Medic Nin, even if she had been scouted for ANBU. She had, politely, declined the admission into the Black Ops. She would much rather do healing than killing, even if she was able to do the latter.

Kimimaro had declined to be a Shinobi in its entirety, which made things difficult as he couldn't exactly get a steady job either. Still, it had only been two weeks since the three had been released.

"Naruto!" Naruto turned when he heard Tenten call out to him and she was moving over to him. "I got good news, Daddy finished your swords." She was practically bouncing on her feet at the news.

Naruto smiled a bit wickedly, thinking about it. "Let me guess, he hasn't let you touch them since they've been finished."

"No," Tenten said pouting a bit and turning her head. She wasn't even able to keep the Raijin no Ken; it had to be turned in with Aoi's head for the bounty.

And Naruto kept the bounty for the sword, giving Tenten some for Aoi's head, and even Neji got some.

Still, Naruto definitely got the majority of the bounty and it went to bills and supplies.

Naruto followed Tenten to her father's shop. Even he was excited for the blades. It had been almost three weeks since he had them put into the shop.

The Forge was the best in Ninja supplies around town. Any Shinobi that used a lot of tools, from Kunai, to Shuriken, to Wire, and to Caltrops, all went to the Forge. It was a plain building on the far edge of town, with a walled off training ground that actually belonged to Tenten's father. He had bought it for the sole purpose of letting Shinobi train the wares that they bought so that they knew they were getting top notch goods.

Inside, Naruto looked around at the various weapons that lined every useable space that Tenten's father was able to use.

"Ah, Naruto-san, I had expected to see you back soon." Higashi Daishi was a massive man with a barrel like chest. His arms were thick with chorded muscle and his biceps alone were nearly as big as Naruto's head. The man was bald and had the mocha colored skin that Tenten had. He still proudly wore his headband on his arm, even if he was a retiree. He wore a black iron lined apron that covered the majority of his form. But the unmistakable sound of metal thumping against stone was unmistakable.

Daishi had a metal prosthetic limb after his leg had been taken when he had been on a mission.

It was a crude looking thing too, not even resembling a leg though Naruto was sure the man could certainly make one to look and act like a leg if he wanted to. He said his talents lay at the forge now, and that the Shinobi after him needed better equipment.

Daishi brought up a silk wrapped package and put it on the counter. "There we are, the Kiba re-made into something... well suited to you Naruto-san."

Naruto moved over to the package and he touched the silk softly. He had spent a great deal of time working out the proper specifications with Daishi, along with working out the money needed to pay for such fine weapons.

Naruto unbundled the silk, noticing Tenten standing nearby and bouncing on her feet watching. Naruto lifted the silk and smirked a bit as he reached out for the handle, grasping it firmly and feeling the bladed guard around his hand.

Naruto lifted one of the Kiba, reformed into a hook sword. It also had a guard in front of his knuckles that had been sharpened to an edge and a sharp spike was at the base of the sword's hilt. The inside of the blade, inside the hook, the arch, and the back of the blade was all sharpened to a razor fine edge.

Naruto balanced the blade against his hand and examined the hilt, looking over the special seals in place to give the sword its lightning attributes. Naruto nodded softly before he pulsed his chakra through the hilt, seeing electricity sparking along the blade, and at the hook it began to bounce back and forth between the edge of the hook and the beginning.

"Can I try them out properly?" Naruto asked as he cut his chakra off before picking up the second one.

Daishi nodded and led the blonde, and his pointy obsessed daughter, out towards the back training field which was walled off. "Go on out, as far as you think you need. Any damage you do to my shop, you're paying for it."

Naruto nodded and headed out a little bit. Once in the center he began to swing them around. He arced his chakra through them, sparking the blades to life into a deadly lightshow. Naruto threw up one of his new hook swords and grabbed the hook using the hook of the other blade, spinning around and spinning both blades around. Electricity sparked all along the blades, the pointed end of the hilt of the caught blade tracing lines around as Naruto swung his sword.

Naruto spun the blade charged with electricity at himself and caught it, absorbing the electricity flowing through him as he spun around, redirecting the electricity into the original sword and slashing upwards causing a streak of lightning to blast forward.

Naruto nodded a little bit before he began to go through the motions once more, channeling his chakra through the blades. He threw the right one up and hooked it on the guard using the left one while his right hand dropped down and grabbed the Kusanagi, drawing it out and slashing forward with it.

Naruto launched the hook swords up and he sheathed his Kusanagi before he caught the two blades and spun them in his hands before he put them on his back in an 'x' shape. Naruto briefly wondered if he should start collecting the swords of the various swordsmen he encountered.

He then decided against it, really not wanting to try and part Zabuza with his trusty blade, even if he could.

Daishi clapped from where he was at. "That was most impressive Naruto-san." He said as he began to limp over to the blonde. "But your forms need work."

Naruto chuckled a little bit. "Daishi-san, I don't have any forms. I just do what comes natural. Thank you for the work. I'll be sure to come back to the Forge if I ever need anything fixed, maintained, or altered in any way." He said and clasped the man's hand. "Bye Tenten!" Naruto called before he moved to leave. He had already prepaid for the weapons.

Naruto headed for home. He knocked on a few doors and explained to a few people what was going on.

Naruto then headed to a spacious and empty clearing field and waited.

Slowly Nana, Ichi, Haku, Kimimaro, and Zabuza all showed up. They all looked ready to fight, as Naruto had instructed them to show up.

"Alright Blondie, what's going on?" Zabuza asked. He hadn't expected to be called upon by the blonde already. He hadn't even gotten to go kill something properly.

Naruto moved away from the boulder he had been sitting against. He flashed his Rinnegan, activating his Paths' own set. "As you three can see, I see what you see; you see what I see and what each other see." Naruto said. "So I am well aware of each and every single one of your fights against the various members of the Akatsuki. You'd be aware of mine if I had my Rinnegan active at the time, but I was using my Sharingan instead." Naruto allowed his eyes to mutate to normal, but with some concentration and some chakra into the rods imbedded inside of them, his Paths' eyes stayed.

Zabuza growled. "What's your point?" he asked still getting used to seeing something from three different angles.

"Haku-chan," Naruto said. "You need practice using your powers." He told the Hyôton user. "So Ichi-chan, if she's willing, will spar against you using her sand. You're to try and absorb the chakra and then use only the absorbed chakra against her."

Ichi cocked her hip a bit. "You know I'm always up for a good Dance Naruto-kun, but can she really keep up with me?"

"She's fast Ichi-chan, don't underestimate her. Plus, if she plays smart she can freeze your sand. I did it against Gaara during the Chunin Exams." Naruto said.

Haku looked to Ichi and bowed slightly. "Please take good care of me Ichi-sempai." Haku said.

Ichi nodded. "Alright, come on Ice Hime, we're going to move away from the rest of them." The Blonde Biju then began to walk away, already summoning up sand to her form.

Naruto glanced to Zabuza. "You're fast, you're strong. You've been augmented with the abilities of the Asura Path, making you stronger and faster. Unfortunately, Kisame is an absolute brute and he probably would have eventually won that fight. The Asura parts aren't indestructible. They're tough, but I could probably break them if I wanted to."

Zabuza growled a bit and unbuckled his sword. "Watch it. I won't mind trying my luck against your orders to cleave you in half."

Naruto chuckled. "Oh, I'm not saying we're not going to make you better." Naruto's eyes had a dangerous glint to them. "You're going to be facing Nana-chan." He said

Zabuza looked over to the tall green haired woman before back at the blonde. "I'm fighting her?" he asked.

Naruto smiled a little bit sadistically. "Nana-chan is faster than I am with her blade, and she's even stronger than Kisame. Do try not to get split in half." He said.

Zabuza turned to look at Nana once more who was already stepping into a lower stance. "Oh shit." He said as he felt the buildup of chakra in the Biju's sword and sheath.

Nana drew her blade like lightning, unleashing seven chakra waves from her sword that forced Zabuza to leap back. She then took a step forward and flat out vanished, clashing against Zabuza's blade when he had barely been able to bright it to bare.

Nana was an absolute monster with Kenjutsu.

Naruto turned to Kimimaro and sighed a little bit. "I have worked out a deal with the Hokage in regards to you." He said, even though Kimimaro kept a blank and uncaring face. "In return for your services as a Konoha Shinobi, you will not be interrogated for information in regards to Orochimaru."

Kimimaro narrowed his eyes. "I will not betray my Master." He said venomously. Kimimaro only showed any real emotion when it came to Orochimaru.

Naruto nodded. "I know you won't." he said simply. "But if you want to remain a citizen, then I'm actually going to have to throw you out of my home unless you can start pulling your own weight. Even Nana-chan has been trying and occasionally comes back with food to eat, to put on the table. You have yet to contribute anything. You can, of course, leave Konoha, still once more under the basic stipulations that I have put forth, but people in Konoha's infrastructure aren't just going to let you leave with your knowledge on Orochimaru. Someone will come after you; someone will get the information out. You still can't fight a Konoha Nin, you can't trap them, you can't harm them, and you can't even make an accident happen in your favor. In essence, you'd have to take it like a bitch."

Kimimaro's hands tightened into a fist, glaring at the blonde.

Naruto glanced upwards and held his hand out for the Messenger hawk overhead, taking it on his arm and taking the note off. Naruto glanced over it before he glanced over to Kimimaro once more. "This scroll details all of Tsunade's deal." He withdrew the scroll from his pocket and tossed it over to Kimimaro. "Read it over, make your decision." Naruto said before stalking off. "I have a mission, Nana-chan; you're in charge while I'm gone." He said. Nana had a good, level head.

If necessary, Naruto was going to wash his hands of Kimimaro. He was getting to be too much of a hassle.

Naruto made his way over to the Hokage Tower and quickly headed inside. He was surprised to see Anko there speaking with Tsunade. "I can do this myself Hokage-sama." Anko argued against the older woman.

Tsunade looked up to the purple haired snake-summoner. "The point is moot Anko, I've already sent out the summons for the team. You're in charge, make no doubt about that, but if you're going to one of my teammate's old research facilities, then you are taking back-up."

Anko sighed. "Fine. Who am I taking with me?"

"Chunin Uzumaki Naruto, step forward." Tsunade said before watching as Naruto stepped forward and tucked his hands behind his back.

Anko glanced to the blonde who had definitely changed. She had to admit, the grey pants and blue vest worked for him. Plus, unless she missed her guess, her 'dear' old sensei's sword was sheathed at his lower back. "How's it going shrimp?" she asked.

Naruto shrugged. "Not going to complain." He said.

Anko nodded before she glanced at Tsunade. "Who else Hokage-sama?" she asked.

"Genin Aburame Shino and Yamanaka Ino." Tsunade said, feeling a slight sense of satisfaction as both blonde and purple haired Shinobi look at her like she was crazy.

Anko sighed and reached up, pinching the bridge of her nose. She just knew this was payback for something. She just, for the life of her, couldn't remember what she might have done to upset Tsunade. She had been mostly sorting through whatever information on Orochimaru that she was allowed to that Tayuya and Kin had given them.

Plus there was her arguing about the Uchiha who had gotten a Cursed Seal placed on him willingly and then had it removed somehow. That was something she definitely wanted to know about. But the blonde that had done it had been running in and out of the village doing missions almost non-stop without break.

"Hokage-sama, if I may..." Naruto said. He wasn't so sure if the team arrangement would really work.

"You may not." Tsunade said simply and was pleased when the blonde shut up. "I have this team set up the way I have it for a reason." She said. "Anko, you will be in charge of the mission, and if you are incapacitated, Naruto can take over."

Naruto said nothing simply snapped to a crisp Salute. "I'll go round up our teammates and meet you at the front Gate at...?" Naruto asked.

"Two hours." Anko said, pinching the bridge of her nose. She'd be ready in thirty minutes, but she definitely wanted to get a Dango fix in before she had to deal with a team of one year veteran Shinobi.

Naruto offered a nod of his head and turned on his heel to leave. He wasn't quite sure about the team either. A tracker, an interrogation specialist, an assault specialist, and the right hand of the head of Torture and Interrogation, it was a team that he wasn't seeing the cohesiveness to.

Some might argue it was a well balanced team, but unfortunately there were things that could go wrong. Shino, being used to tracking, would be more inclined to instead flank around an enemy. Naruto would instead prefer to go head on; he knew what he was facing with what he saw. Ino might rather do recon work and try to capture someone to try and find out the weakest point to strike.

All three were valid strategies based on what they were capable of and none of them were exactly wrong.

Naruto just wasn't sure what Tsunade was thinking. Perhaps as he got older, he'd understand it a little more.

When he was done rounding up his teammates for the mission, Naruto ran off to handle something he wanted to get done before he left. He raced across the rooftops until he got to the Uchiha Estate. He unlocked the fence with the key that Mikoto had given him.

He then headed up to her door and knocked before entering. "Mikoto-chan?" he asked, heading towards the kitchens.

"Bedroom!" he heard the Uchiha Matriarch call out and Naruto soon made his way towards the bedroom that he had enjoyed some fun times with Mikoto in.

When he got there, Naruto took a moment to just stare. Mikoto was pulling a thong up her shapely legs and getting the straps of it to hug her hips. She turned to face him, even as she put the bra on and covered her ample breasts only slightly.

"Naruto-kun," Mikoto said, snapping her fingers in front of his face to pull him back to the realm of the cognizant.

"Oh right, sorry about that." Naruto said sheepishly with a light chuckle as he rubbed the back of his head. "Anyways, I was coming by to tell you that I have a mission. It shouldn't take a week, so I was wondering if you'd like to go out this Friday?" he asked.

Mikoto raised an eyebrow. "Naruto-kun, are you asking this older woman out on a date?" she asked in a playful teasing tone as she put her hands on her hips.

Naruto nodded seriously. "Besides Ayame-chan, you've been with me the longest Mikoto-chan." He said softly and stepped a little closer to the lingerie clad matriarch. "Plus, you helped me with my date with Hinata-chan, I'd like to take you out on a date not only because I care for you but because you deserve it." Naruto told her.

Mikoto smiled a bit, feeling the blonde place his hands on her hips. "Okay then." She said softly. It sounded fun even. "Friday right?" she asked.

"Friday with casual dress." Naruto told her. "I'm thinking of doing a little picnic somewhere nice and secluded."

Mikoto couldn't help but smile a bit more. "That actually sounds fun Naruto-kun," she leaned in and kissed his cheek. "I'll see you then." She said.

Naruto nodded and gave her a grin before he headed off to go to the gate. He had time to kill at the very least.

In two hours, they were racing along the trees heading towards the Land of Sea. Naruto took the time he had at point to reflect a little bit. He had noticed how Anko wanted to ask him something when she arrived at the beginning of the mission, her hand moving subconsciously a little towards her neck. Naruto thought he might know what she wanted to ask him about; unfortunately he wasn't sure since he hadn't taken a good look at it.

Plus he'd have to release the restraint on it.

Shino had given Naruto a brief nod, almost of respect, and Naruto figured Shino knew of his burden. Of

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