Chapter 18: Tsunade and Hana
Naruto slowly extracted himself from Ichibi, making sure to carefully remove himself from the cuddly woman. It had been a while since he got a normal mission and he was hoping to get one, maybe a nice and easy C-rank that would let him escort a merchant or something to a town. Naruto's current mission record was either dealing with Shinobi, or was D-ranks.
"Can't I get an easy one?" he asked himself as he quickly showered and got dressed in his usual orange jumpsuit. He paused a bit, it was starting to get tight, like he was bulking up a little bit and thus straining it.
Naruto sighed and soon shrugged the jacket of the jumpsuit off and tossed it back into the closet. He then tore off the sleeves of the mesh body armor to give his arms more movement. He paused at the package he had received from Sanosuke back before his date with Hinata. He grabbed it from the top shelf of his closet and soon pulled out the crimson coat and slipped it onto his shoulders.
He had been practicing with it about as much as he possibly could. He figured for a simple C-rank, if he could get one, he would be good enough to keep it from being damaged too much.
But as he thought about it, he removed it and tucked it away once more. It didn't matter how good he was at the moment with it, he still had to grow into it a little bit. Alas, the pains of being short.
Naruto was soon running along the rooftops towards the Hokage's Tower, his feet were barely landing on the tiles of the rooftop before his foot was in the air once more. He landed in front of the doors to the tower and soon walked casually inside.
He passed by the open office where Tsunade sat busy at paperwork. When she glanced up he offered a wave.
"Naruto, come in here for a moment." Tsunade called out.
Naruto looked a little surprised and soon slipped inside of the office, closing the door behind him. He wondered what this was about. It had been a long time since he pulled a prank on anyone.
"ANBU, leave." Tsunade said suddenly and four shadows blurred out of the room, the door shutting firmly behind them. Tsunade then touched a panel on the underside of her desk, sealing the room. "Can you make a double layered barrier seal that blocks entry and sound from leaving?"
"Hai Hokage-sama." Naruto said, nodding. He then kneeled down to the middle of the room, biting his thumb and weaving the seal in his blood. Markings spread out all over the room, allowing for a secondary layer of protection from any bugs in the room that may be there. Naruto then stood up straight, his back straight and his arms behind his back. "What is this about Hokage-sama?" Naruto asked in a business like tone.
Tsunade leaned forward on her desk, her fingers interlaced in front of her face. "Please, don't lie to me about this Naruto. I've been doing my own investigations into how you came across your abilities."
Naruto bit the tip of his tongue, but held it to keep from spouting out things. He was tired of people getting into his business. But Tsunade was also the Hokage, she had free reign to do as she pleased. She was likely making sure the method he used didn't affect the Village Security or anything.
Tsunade watched the blonde, having expected some sort of outburst, but he seemed to have himself under control, well enough to hear her theory at least. "I believe that, somehow, your abilities tie in when you have sex with a woman." Tsunade's eyes were still sharp, and she was a veteran. She could see the slight widening of Naruto's eyes: Surprise, shock, maybe a hint of fear. It would seem her guess was spot on. "I haven't figured out how yet, but that is what I believe. Now answer me truthfully Naruto, is this how you are gaining your abilities?" she asked.
Naruto stood a little straighter and inhaled deeply, thinking of his words. "Hai Hokage-sama." Naruto said simply. "I can't give you the complete mechanics, but you are correct in believing that my abilities tie into when I have sex with a woman, thus when I had sex with you-" Naruto began.
"You obtained the Mokuton and my Super Strength Technique." Tsunade finished for the blonde. Her eyes hardened on the Chunin. "How many women have you had sex with?" she asked in a sharp tone.
"Fifteen, I've had sex with fifteen different women." Sixteen by the game's count, but Tsunade wouldn't count Tayuya's Cursed Mark level 2 form as a separate woman. Naruto noticed Tsunade about to say something else, but feeling a little bold he spoke up. "And I care for most of them, I'm not abusing the gifts they have given me and if they needed me to, I would defend all of them with my lives." His eyes were now hardened, focused on Tsunade, not quite a glare but definitely him taking control of the conversation.
"You've had sex with fifteen different women! How can you care for them?" Tsunade asked.
"Five of them are living under my roof; it's been through my money that Kin, Karin, Tayuya, Ichi, and Temari have all been able to live in Konoha. Granted, three of them are slaves but I still care for and support them. The only ones I don't necessarily care for are either in another country," Koyuki and Tsunami, "told me that I was just scratching an itch," Anko, "And you damned sure know Kurenai's case." Naruto was actually getting angry with Tsunade's accusations.
"And what happens when one of those girls gets pregnant? Or Kami forgive us if all of them get pregnant?" Tsunade asked, standing up now and glaring at the blonde, her hand on her desk and leaning over it some to focus on him more. She was now angry; it was like Naruto was treating this as a game.
"You think I haven't stayed awake for nights thinking about that possibility?!" Naruto shouted. "I'm well aware how lucky I am that no one has gotten pregnant yet! Damn it Tsunade, I'm not some wet behind the ears Gaki that doesn't realize how big of a step things like this are! I've been living on my own for years, barely scraping by on a monthly stipend." Naruto's nostrils flared and he was inhaling heavily, his fists balled up with his nails digging into his palms in the hope of calming himself down. It worked, somewhat.
"Every chance I get, I save up some money, I build up contacts, I build up reputation, all in a plan for the future. You think I want to continue living in a one bedroom apartment? No! I want to get a house of my own that I can build and expand on no matter what comes my way and I know things will come my way. I want a place to raise any child of mine in security." Naruto tried to back down, tried to get thinking rationally.
Tsunade still was angry; her temper was something that had developed over the years by a certain Super Pervert. "And what will happen when you get a girl pregnant? You sound like you'd do the right thing and take care of the child, but what about the mother?"
"That all depends on her." Naruto answered. "If she wants to be with me and she's pregnant, then I will take things further. I won't do anything that will hurt the woman who got pregnant."
Tsunade grabbed the front of the mesh shirt that Naruto was wearing. Most Shinobi wouldn't wear only it over their forms, why would they after all? It offered little protection by itself. So either Naruto was arrogant about his abilities or confident in them. "Why?" Tsunade finally asked. "Why are you after the power?" her voice was in a low tight tone. It was obvious she was going to hurt the blonde if she didn't like his answer.
Naruto looked down, trying to think of an answer that was truthful. He never really thought about why he was after power. He wanted to be strong enough to protect his precious people, of course, but... was that why he was after power? "I... I didn't really want it." He finally said and felt the fist tighten on his mesh shirt. "I want to be strong to protect those precious to me, including you Tsunade." He said softly. "But power and strength are two different things. Power can corrupt. Strength is just there." Naruto was having difficulty with his words. "I don't care about knowing every Jutsu in existence or about immortality. I just don't want those I care about hurt, and... I don't want to be the one to hurt them."
Naruto looked up to Tsunade's honey colored eyes. "If you feel it necessary, Order me to stop Hokage-sama and I will." He would hide the book away forever; make sure no one else would ever find it. He knew there would be repercussions if he did so, but he would do what would be necessary.
Tsunade stared into those bright blue eyes; her fist was tight around the mesh shirt. She wanted to order him to stop, she wanted... Tsunade paused a bit. She wanted the blonde to herself. She realized she was jealous. She was reminded so much of Dan by Naruto that she had grown immensely jealous at the idea of having to share. And she wasn't even jealous of having to share Naruto; she had mistaken him for Dan!
Tsunade put the blonde down and fell back into the chair, pinching the bridge of her nose and exhaling as she tried to get her feelings under control. This job was already stressful enough.
Naruto watched as Tsunade sat down. He didn't say anything, but he slowly moved over behind her and began to rub her shoulders, using his new found massaging abilities to make it feel good for her. She almost immediately groaned as she felt his hands working at her stiff shoulders.
Tsunade groaned as she felt a particularly painful knot get worked out of her shoulders. "I'm sorry Naruto." She said softly; she leaned back, her head against the blonde's chest. "I just... for a moment I mistook you for Dan. I felt betrayed and jealous." She said softly.
Naruto could understand. While tensions between the women he had sex with were bound to be lowered given his perk from the game, there would still undoubtedly be tensions. Personally, he had expected it to happen sooner. He applied a touch of his Medical Jutsu abilities to Tsunade's shoulders, soon working his hands lower on her back, feeling the tension from not only her sizeable breasts but also from the tension of the job.
Tsunade leaned forward, giving a groan as she felt the blonde work on her back. "Right there." She said giving another soft groan as she felt his hands working lower. Shizune sometimes used acupuncture to help Tsunade with her sore muscles, but it just didn't beat a good old fashioned massage.
Tsunade's eyes closed as she just thoroughly enjoyed the blonde's hands rubbing up and down her spine. She soon reached back and grabbed Naruto by his hair and pulled him down, pressing her lips to his own and slipping her tongue into his mouth. She moved one hand to his and drew it forward, slipping it into her top so he was palming the front of one of her breasts.
Naruto was a little surprised by the turn of events, but he wasn't going to complain. He began to squeeze Tsunade's breasts more, his tongue sliding against her own and getting a moan out of her. He soon moved his hands to make her breasts spill out of her top, and he used both hands to grab and grope them, being surprisingly tender with them, rubbing his fingers over her nipples and teasing her some.
Naruto drew back from the kiss and from Tsunade's breasts, soon slipping his arms under her own and lifting her up. He moved around and sat in the chair before peeling down Tsunade's pants and the underwear she had on under the pants. Looking to her pale skin, he decided to give it some color by slapping Tsunade on her ass.
Tsunade looked over her shoulder, surprised at the bold move Naruto just did. She watched as he undid his pants and slid them down along with his boxers, pulling out his cock. She was drawn back into his lap. She could feel the heat of that thick hardness pressing against her body, against her pussy. She reached down and rubbed the cock a bit. She shuddered a bit as she made it press against her clit. She was going to do something to make sure she never made the mistake that Naruto was Dan. Naruto was Naruto. She may have a few slight pangs of jealousy at the thought of him being with another female, but damn it she was better than that and would work through her moments of insecurity.
Naruto moved his hands to Tsunade's hips as she drew herself above his cock. In one movement, he plunged himself inside of her wet body, feeling her tight pussy gripping his cock as she moaned out, her back arching lewdly. Naruto need to make sure this never happened again. He began to vigorously work Tsunade up and down on his cock, leaning back into the chair a little bit. The Hokage's Chair was extremely comfortable and it felt slightly empowering to sit in it. Naruto drew his hands behind Tsunade and summoned a clone in front of her.
Tsunade was surprised to see another Naruto in front of her before she was leaning forward. She put her hands on the thighs of the clone just before the cock was working into her mouth. She moaned a little bit as the real Naruto hit a certain spot inside of her, making her body tense a little bit. Her tongue slid along the thick shaft of the clone, savoring the taste of the chakra construct as she was being fucked by the real blonde. She wouldn't be making the same mistake twice. Not with the steady fucking Naruto was giving her at least.
Tsunade went a little wide eyed when she felt the hands on the back of her head, pushing her mouth further down the clone's cock. At the same time, Naruto spread her legs a little further apart, making her body tighten up on his thick cock. She dug her fingers into the pants of the clone moaning quite loudly as she felt his hips jerking up into mouth. She ran her tongue over the large vein that ran the length of the organ.
Naruto slid his arms underneath Tsunade's legs, keeping them spread wide and lewdly while he fucked his cock inside of her. He had an upwards angle making his thrusts slightly shallow. He looked up over his clone and nodded. The clone moved and sat on the desk almost at the same time Naruto stood up with Tsunade's legs still in his arms. The clone helped support her, one hand moving under her to grab and grope Tsunade's breasts. Naruto knew it was all up to him and his clone to support the Fire Shadow.
Naruto was slightly still pissed at the female Sannin though so he wasn't gentle with her. He fucked her, he fucked her as hard as he would some of the other girls, Temari included when he had got his pent up aggression at the Suna Kunoichi out. Naruto grunted a little bit and felt some sweat begin to form on his brow.
Tsunade was gagging in this position, her throat was full of cock and the hand intertwined in her hair was forcing her to keep a fast pace with her sucking. She was practically drooling, both her mouth and her pussy, at the roughness of the blonde and she was loving it. She could already feel some aches forming, but the pleasure was plenty to make sure that they weren't too bad.
Tsunade's eyes rolled into the back of her head briefly when Naruto found her spot once more and began to hammer into that spot with his cock. Her body gave a few spasms and she tried to stave off what was undoubtedly just the first orgasm but it was too much. Her throat clenched around the clone and her body arched and she came, dousing fluids all over the Chunin's thighs.
Naruto eased himself out of Tsunade, though his clone seemed plenty happy to enjoy the way Tsunade's throat gave a few spasms around his thick shaft. The clone eventually pulled out of Tsunade's mouth, a long string of drool connecting to her lips from the tip of the cock.
Naruto eased Tsunade's legs back down to the ground as his clone hopped up onto the desk and laid down on it. Tsunade moved up and straddled the chakra construct with a bit of help from Naruto. He watched as she slid down onto the slick throbbing cock, moaning as she did so.
Tsunade knew what was going to happen next. She was no stranger to some of the things men liked and she had to admit, there was a certain level of kinkiness to this that she was going to enjoy. She turned to look at the blonde and gave a nod to what he was going to do. IT wouldn't be her first time and she had supplied plenty of juices to lube up his cock for this event.
Tsunade rolled her hips on the clone and she was surprised by the appearance of a second clone that moved up onto her desk, standing on it. She turned her head and accepted the cock into her mouth, feeling the blonde purposely press into her cheek. Tsunade closed her eyes; Naruto was definitely doing a good job. She relaxed her muscles as best she could as she felt the tip of his cock press against her ass.
Naruto kneeled on the desk behind Tsunade and he was holding onto her hip and his cock, steadily pushing his cock into her body. He felt her body shudder as she was taking his cock into her ass. His clone under her was still, allowing him to savor the feeling of Tsunade's tight body.
Naruto began to slide out of her body before pressing in, starting at a slow but steady pace. The clone under her began to bounce Tsunade up and down a little bit, slowly finding a rhythm to the fucking they were about to give Tsunade. The clone even grabbed Tsunade's large breasts and squeezed them tight, digging his fingers into the soft flesh before he leaned up to suck on Tsunade's nipples.
Tsunade moaned a little bit, feeling the three blondes experiment and get into a rhythm. The feeling of her breasts began squeezed and sucked on felt wonderful. How could she mistake Naruto's glorious ministrations as her deceased Lover, she would never understand. Tsunade pressed her hips both backwards and downwards in alternating fashion to try and get both the Naruto's to go a little bit faster.
She reached down with one hand and pressed it into the blonde hair, forcing the clone to take more of her breast into her mouth. Tsunade felt a shudder go through her as she kept sucking on the second clone's cock. She gave a little yelp though as she felt her ass get smacked and she wiggled her hips a bit to entice another strike on her skin. She was not disappointed when she felt a hand strike her ass again
Naruto grabbed Tsunade's shoulder with one hand and began to thrust harder and faster inside of her body, feeling her slowly getting used to the full feeling she was undoubtedly experiencing. It was good, he wanted to fuck her and he was steadily picking up the pace to keep giving her the experience she deserved to have.
The clone in her mouth began to fuck her mouth, giving her the cock like he would do at another hole and Tsunade had to keep a lot of focus on the clone to make sure she still sucked on the thick cock. The clone under her was thrusting up vigorously, and Naruto could tell an orgasm was building inside of her.
Tsunade was breathing heavier, pushing herself back against the clone and the real Naruto more and more. Her eyes were closed and she could feel sweat slowly sliding down from her brow. She was getting closer to her second orgasm once more and something told her it would be quite powerful. She fondled the balls of the clone she was sucking on a little bit, reaching up with her free hand to do so.
Tsunade gave a whine of pleasure as she felt the blonde inside of her body thrusting against a particularly sensitive spot and she eagerly met each and every thrust head on to feel the pleasure of having that spot struck once more. She could feel it building inside of her, begging to be let out
The clone under her let out a loud moan of pleasure before he released inside of her, making Tsunade's closed eyes open in surprise and pleasure. Her eyes