The Lemon Games 13.5: Naruto's Date with Hinata
Naruto continued across the rooftops of Tanzuka Gai were staying at. Tsunade had woken Jiraiya and Shizune before leaving while Naruto was out getting Jiraiya's and his packs. Thus, when he went around the quick method to find Jiraiya and Tsunade coming back from the hotel he and Jiraiya had stayed at, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Shizune had instead taken the long path to search for him so that they could leave the town quicker.
Naruto ended up meeting them back at the first hotel that he and Jiraiya had stayed at, landing on the ground between the three. "Sorry, got turned around and lost." He said as he stood to his full height. He looked to Tsunade. "I need to speak with you, privately, without Shizune or the pervert."
Tsunade cocked an eyebrow, somewhat amused. She sincerely hoped the blonde wasn't going to do something stupid. She noticed that Jiraiya hadn't moved, even though Shizune was already walking a path back to Konoha. "Private conversation Jiraiya." Tsunade said.
"I just want to congratulate my cute little apprentice. Going after Tsunade so soon after meeting her!" Jiraiya patted Naruto on the head. "I knew I'd make a pervert out of you yet." Jiraiya said with a laugh.
Naruto glared at Jiraiya, his Mangekyo Sharingan showing. "I swear by the Log if you are not moving in the next ten seconds, I will use my extensive knowledge of the human anatomy to change you into a woman before using my Mangekyo Sharingan to give you the impression that you are a woman, not a man who had been forcefully turned into one." Naruto said simply.
Tsunade crossed her arms under her bust. That was quite the threat. She had threatened Jiraiya with being turned into a woman before; the pervert said he would welcome it because that meant he could enter the female's side of the Hot Springs.
"And if that's not enough," Naruto continued. "I will have you keep your qualities of a Super Pervert, only you will have the mindset of a woman."
Jiraiya paled. His own godson and apprentice would turn him into a male-loving Super Pervert woman. "Now, now, let's not be so hasty." Jiraiya said backing up with his hands in front of his face trying to have them in a placating manner.
Naruto used a subtle Sharingan technique to make them appear to spin, the Chain links of his Mangekyo making a nice effect.
Jiraiya ran off after Shizune.
Tsunade got a few chuckles before she looked to the blonde. "Alright Gaki, lay it on me." Tsunade said wanting to know exactly what happened that he needed to talk to her about.
"Do you feel stronger, more rejuvenated, more energy, even lessened effects of a Hang over?" Naruto asked suddenly.
Tsunade rolled her shoulders a bit before shrugging. "Sure, I suppose. I guess I do feel more spring to my step."
Naruto nodded and sighed. "Okay, here's the gist of the situation. Last night, during our... private time, the Kyuubi was also drunk and she sent her chakra through me, into you."
Tsunade's eyes went wide for a moment. "I'm not about to explode am I?" she asked.
Naruto shook his head. "You got a minor dose and I acted as a filter. Besides, you're Uzumaki enough that you can hold back the Kyuubi's power in small doses. She sent it specifically to that seal." Naruto reached up and tapped it, surprising Tsunade. "She claims that it is used for a Regeneration technique you have,"
Tsunade nodded. "It is, it stores chakra into it and when I release it the seal speeds up the process of cell division in my body to the point it can be considered regeneration. The problem with it is that it literally shaves off my life span; it's hard to say by how much each time I use it. It's a Medical Kinjutsu."
Naruto nodded, understanding what she was saying. "Kyuubi says that through the seal, she was able to affect your cells. She gave you years back on your life, how much I don't know."
Tsunade ran a basic self-diagnostic on herself for a moment. "I'd say thirty years have been given back to me." She said softly. She knew that her life span was greatly reduced through the effects of her Jutsu. She would still likely live to see a hundred now, the Uzumaki Bloodline was a wonderful thing indeed, but with the thirty or so years she got back from the Kyuubi, she could honestly say she felt like she was back in her thirties.
Tsunade then noticed the blonde fidgeting in front of her. "What else" she asked. She almost dreaded the answer but at the same time, she was almost hopeful.
Naruto bit his lip. "Well, you might, now this is a might we don't know, have the Mokuton." Naruto said.
Tsunade watched Naruto for a moment. "Mokuton?" she asked.
"Mokuton." Naruto confirmed, nodding his head.
Tsunade rubbed the back of her neck. "Hell, I'll have to dig out Hashi-Jiji's scrolls on the Mokuton then." She said softly. "Anything else?"
Naruto shrugged a moment before stomping the ground, blasting a small crater around his foot. "I got the feel of your Super Strength technique, as well as the Mokuton from the Kyuubi. Blame her; she was drunk last night too."
Tsunade palmed her face for a moment. "I've made worse decisions while drunk." She said and shook her head with a sigh. "Okay, fair enough. Let's go Gaki before this day gets any stranger."
Naruto turned and walked beside Tsunade for a while. It didn't take them more than ten minutes to catch up to Jiraiya and Shizune. Tonton was in Shizune's arms, so the same went for the small pampered pig. Naruto could tell Tsunade was in thought, and if he could so soon after meeting the woman then so did Jiraiya and Shizune.
He needed to keep them both from thinking too much about why he would have needed to talk to Tsunade. He scratched his chin a bit. "Hey Ero-Sennin," he noticed the slight twitch from Jiraiya. It was so easy to rile Jiraiya up. "What are my chances of making Chunin when we get back?" he asked.
Tsunade perked up a little bit, hearing the question. She had heard the Chunin Exams had happened. Even that the little blonde walking alongside the group had decimated his competition. She was going to have to look at the videos when she got back, see what had happened and all. She needed to see who deserved a promotion.
Jiraiya scratched his chin. "Well, I'm not sure truth be told, and I'm not the Hokage who you should be sucking up to for the promotion. I'd say not answering a damned question on the first exam will hurt you, though Ibiki got a kick out of that for a little bit of time."
"Oh come on! That was such a bullshit test!" Naruto shouted. "Literally everyone but me had a method to cheat with. Hinata and Neji had their Byakugan, Tenten and Lee had the experience to do that mirror bullshit Ibiki called them out on at the end, Kiba had Akamaru, Shino had his bugs, Sakura was just that damned smart, Ino sat behind Sakura, Shikamaru is that smart, Choji got Shadow Possessed by Shikamaru," Naruto didn't know that last one for sure, but it was an educated guess, "Sasuke had his Sharingan. The fuck do I have? A giant mass of chakra sealed in my stomach and shit loads of Shadow Clones that I can't make without them being noticed in an instant? Kakashi-sensei hasn't taught us anything about stealth and infiltration."
Tsunade suppressed a faint smile at the blonde's words. He was quite smart to figure all of that out by himself and while she didn't know any of the clans most of the people were part of it wasn't hard to tell whom was part of what clan "And what did you do for the second test?" she asked. Tsunade knew that it took place in the Forest of Death; it was part of why she wanted medics on every squad.
Naruto shrugged. "That I cheated my ass off on. I picked Anko's pockets for the scrolls before the test even began. Then I just booked my ass to the tower with my team. Ji-san..." Naruto winced at the name but swallowed the pain down. "Ji-san said I was allowed to pass. He seemed to like that I thought outside the box." He said.
Tsunade was a little thoughtful. Naruto did think outside of the box and he must have had some big ass balls to try something like that with Anko. She really would have to see the videos of the various matches; she wanted to see the blonde work a bit more under pressure. She would also talk to the various Shinobi in Konoha and find out how he did under the duress of War.
But Tsunade was also thinking about her newfound youth. If the Kyuubi gave Naruto the abilities he got by way of having a sample of Chakra, then wouldn't he have gotten the Hyuuga's? Jiraiya told her who the blonde fought and as a medic she knew that residual chakra would have been pumped into his system.
She had discreetly, while scanning herself earlier, taken a sample of the Kyuubi's chakra and while it seemed manipulative even on a DNA level, how else would she be younger, the chakra didn't seem potent enough to adjust DNA purely on a foreign chakra alone. Something else was going on and she damned sure didn't know what it was. Plus, even if the Kyuubi had been able to adjust DNA on a foreign chakra alone, it would need a sample of the chakra from someone with a Mangekyo Sharingan, which to her knowledge no one outside of Madara had obtained one. Even with Naruto's cover of Kyuubi having been controlled by Madara, it still wouldn't make any sense and the 'feel' of the chakra wouldn't be enough.
Tsunade was the best damned medic in the world, but she couldn't get a fix on how the blonde was gaining these abilities. She damned sure knew he hadn't been born with him. She didn't want to confront the blonde either until she had a damned good idea as to how he did it, and possibly proof as to how he did it.
Tsunade went up to Naruto and put a hand on his head, scratching him on the top of his head, making him look up to her with a raised eyebrow. She wouldn't make mention of it until she had some proof. She liked the blonde though, she wouldn't tell him to stop. Not unless it was a security issue with the village. He was just getting stronger and as a Hokage who was she to stop one of her Shinobi from doing so?
If it became an issue though in the future, Tsunade would put her foot down on the matter.
The trip back to Konoha was relatively uneventful other than occasional craters being blasted into the country side when Tsunade helped train Naruto in her super strength technique. It was impressive that he was picking up on it, despite the fact he had such a deep well of chakra to attempt to control in his gut.
It made her wonder how vigorously he trained to keep it up.
As they made it back through the gates, Naruto looked to Jiraiya, almost begging to be let go to his own devices. The white haired super pervert waved him off. Tsunade rolled her eyes as the blonde bundle of energy sprinted off.
"I envy the Gaki, he's got a date with a cute Hyuuga girl" Jiraiya said as he walked alongside Shizune and Tsunade. "Too young for my tastes, but I can tell she'll be quite the looker in later years."
Tsunade momentarily felt jealous before she shoved the feeling down. She had just gotten drunk with the blonde and had an amazing night. She was probably his girlfriend or something. Tsunade frowned slightly, noticing Shizune looking slightly upset about the fact as well.
Shizune hadn't... Tsunade thought about the facts. Her apprentice had, now that she really thought about it. Hmm, this was an interesting facet to be thinking about. Polygamy wasn't unheard of, extremely uncommon but not unheard of.
Was the blonde playing the women in his life? Tsunade tapped her foot a bit as she kept moving further through the village. She wanted to review a few things and ask those close to the blonde.
It was... asinine to think that his powers might stem from having sex with people. It couldn't be that.
Could it?
Over the next few days, Naruto spent a great deal of time avoiding everyone he knew and had been intimate with. Word got out that he had a date with Hinata and of course several of the others were asking where theirs was. Naruto hadn't even gone on his date with Hinata yet, and they were asking about them. It made things... difficult.
Of course then there were those like Anko asking about the date, wanting details like when it was going to happen and such. Mikoto even seemed interested, trying to find out what was taking the blonde so long.
It was about ten days after they got back when an ANBU said that Tsunade was calling him to her office. He headed that way and was surprised to see Shikamaru beside him walking up. "Any ideas?" Naruto asked the genius.
"A few now that I've seen you. All of them troublesome." Shikamaru said in his usual sloth like demeanor.
When they entered Tsunade's office, Naruto was a bit surprised to see all the proctors for the Chunin Exams as well as a few important Chunin. Anko offered a wave from the wall.
Tsunade gave this speech about how they impressed several people. They showed tact, an ability to think outside the box, to plan ahead, even teamwork. Naruto was surprised when he was given his own Chunin Vest. He stared at the flak vest with a bit of awe, holding it.
Shikamaru muttered his signature word to himself before he slipped it on.
Naruto rolled his eyes at the lazy genius before he clapped him on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it Shika. It's a good position, nothing too hard, and no boring D-ranks." The blonde said as he walked out with Shikamaru.
"Yeah, but I didn't want promoted so soon. So damned troublesome." Shikamaru said.
"Gaki," Naruto felt his arm get grabbed by Anko. "You're coming with me." She made use of the Body Flicker technique.
Naruto felt his feet touch the ground at his apartment and was soon dragged inside by Anko and he was pushed onto the couch. Naruto glanced around, noting who all was there. Hana, Tsume, and Mikoto were over by his bedroom door, leaning against the wall. Karin, Kin, and Tayuya were behind him, leaning on the couch a bit. Ichibi sat on the arm of the couch, watching him. Anko, Shizune and Ayame were in front of him, watching him. Temari sat on the other arm of the couch, watching him. All eyes were on him.
"What?" Naruto asked, looking at all of them.
"So when's your date going to be with the Hyuuga girl?" Anko asked, crossing her arms under her bust.
So that was what this was about. Naruto offered a sigh and stood up. He held up one finger to Anko as he walked towards his bedroom.
The girls all followed him, with Mikoto and Tsume entering his room before him with slight frowns on their faces. Why wouldn't he just answer the question?
Naruto walked over to his closet with purposeful strides and slung the door open, revealing a sea of orange jumpsuits. "And what would you like me to wear on the date? I think the date should be nicer than me wearing my Shinobi garb" Naruto turned to his closet and pulled out one hanger. "Orange jumpsuit," he tossed it onto the bed. "Orange jumpsuit," he tossed the next one onto the bed, "Orange jumpsuit," he tossed the next one. "Orange jumpsuit," he tossed the fourth one onto the bed. "Orange jumpsuit that I use for spare parts to patch the others." This one also joined the others on the bed.
Naruto turned and leaned against his closet door. While he wouldn't treat the women in his life like shit, he wasn't about to be pushed around either, even by their show of force by all of them being in his room. "I was a Genin for the past eight months, before that I was an orphan barely having any money to my name. All my bills came out of my monthly stipend that stopped when I got my headband." Naruto inhaled and exhaled slowly. "One of those months, I was training for the Chunin Exams, so I couldn't perform missions and bring in a whole lot of money. For about another two of those months, I was on two separate missions that didn't exactly bring me a whole lot of cash. Getting Tsunade back to the village wasn't exactly a paying mission because it was a necessity. Saving Wave didn't exactly pay a lot having to be split between three Genin and an Elite Jonin."
Naruto was glad they were letting him speak and defend his position. "I'm helping support Ichi-chan, Kin-chan, Tayuya-chan, Karin-chan, and Temari-chan. Three apartments, plus utilities, are not cheap each month. The girls help, they really do and I appreciate the fact, but all my savings went into getting the other two apartments so that we weren't trying to fit six people in this small apartment on a permanent basis. When I got back from getting Tsunade, all my money that I had won gambling went into paying off the apartments, the utilities, getting supplies that I had used during the Month and a half I was gone for, getting food for the house once more. Not to mention for the past ten days I've only been able to do the occasional mission because many of them are being snatched up due to the damage Oto did during the invasion."
Naruto inhaled and exhaled. "The fact of the matter is I have no money to buy something nicer to wear for my date with Hinata. I get charged more at shops and while it's not as bad as it has been, it still happens usually when I go clothes shopping. Something relatively formal, but still casual, will cost me money, especially since I don't want to get something that's neon bright orange. I like orange, but for a date it's not that great of a color. I have enough money to take Hinata to a relatively nice restaurant." Naruto bobbed his foot up and down a bit, obviously agitated.
He saw many of the faces turn a bit more sympathetic, some murderous at the idea of the blonde being overcharged for clothes.
Tsume crossed her arms under her breasts with a pronounced frown on her face. "And why didn't you ask any of us? We would be more than willing to help." She said. Inuzuka help their pack mates and the blonde was technically her Alpha still.
Naruto looked away. 'I hate being pitied." Naruto said simply. "I hate asking for handouts, I hate asking for charity, I hate getting charity." Naruto said as he moved over to the window and leaned against the frame, looking out over the village from his spot. It wasn't a great view, not really, but if he was going to be the Hokage someday then he had to love all of Konoha.
Tsume tapped her foot a bit. She could understand where the blonde was coming from she supposed. She could see a look of understanding in the others as well. The blonde tried hard to be independent, and after practically raising himself she couldn't blame him. But he was also a nice kid, helping out others when they needed it.
Tsume shared a look with Hana and then with Mikoto and Shizune. "Hana, why don't you and Ichi-san take Kin-san, Karin-san, Tayuya-san, Temari-san, and Ayame-san out of here?" Hana gave a nod to her mother before she left, leaving Naruto with the four highest ranking women. "Alright Gaki, come on." Tsume moved over and grabbed the blonde's arm, leading him out of the room.
"Where we going?" Naruto asked watching as Shizune, Anko, and Mikoto followed.
"Shopping," Mikoto said walking at Naruto's other arm. "For you." She said simply.
Naruto bit his tongue a bit. "I don't want charity." He said sternly.
"It's not going to be charity!" Anko said cheerfully having caught onto the other women's plans. "It's a gift."
Naruto narrowed his eyes before looking at the four. "For what?"
Shizune offered a grin. "Well, you made it to Chunin and on your first time too. That to me sounds like a good enough excuse to get you