Naruto was up the next morning, and he grabbed his pack and a quick breakfast to go. He doubted Jiraiya would be too keen on stopping too early, but then again he didn't know. He also grabbed Gama, who had all of a hundred ryo inside him.
Naruto walked out and heard some griping, turning to the apartment that Temari, Ichibi, and Karin shared. Karin was still with Tayuya and Kin; he doubted she would have gotten up to go sleep in her own bed. And it didn't sound like the Ichibi griping. He opened the door and paused at what he saw, blinking silently.
"This is so damned demeaning." Temari said, tugging at the outfit Ichibi had her put on. It was basically a maid outfit, except the top was a corset style too small, and the short was entirely too small also. A good labored breath and her breasts would pop out and a large enough gust of wind would show everyone that she hadn't been allowed to wear any form of underwear.
"Deal with it Temari-chan, Naruto-kun told me what you did to him, this is just part of your punishment." Ichibi said walking from the kitchen and smiled seeing Naruto. "Is it to your liking Naruto-kun?" she asked
Temari whipped around, and cursed as her breasts popped out of the corset, and she no doubt flashed the other blonde. She grumbled as she turned back around and began to adjust herself a bit more, grumbling about Ichibi and the damned outfits. She turned around slower again and pointed at the blonde. "Not. One. Word." She growled out.
Naruto smirked a bit, leaning against the door. "Nice show, but remember Temari, you're my slave for the next six months, you don't want to upset me much more do you?" he asked. He watched her pale before turning and walking out of the apartment, and out of the complex. He got his point across, and while he would enjoy getting his revenge, he didn't have enough time that morning.
Naruto made it out to the Village Gates, noticing Jiraiya waiting for him, but surprisingly enough Kurenai and Hinata were both there as well. He jogged over and stopped by Jiraiya. "You're on time." Naruto said looking at Jiraiya. He was so used to Kakashi's tardiness.
Jiraiya rolled his eyes. "We're not all Kakashi Gaki. You ready to roll?" Jiraiya asked crossing his arms over his chest. He had been swamped in paperwork the day before as acting Hokage, and he had felt a disturbance in the Perverseness. It seemed to radiate from the blonde beside him, but he had no proof.
"A-Ano..." Naruto's attention was drawn to the shy Hyuuga girl. "I h-heard you were g-going o-on a m-month long m-mission N-Naruto-kun. I m-made this for you." Hinata held out a small pack, blushing furiously.
Naruto accepted the pack and smiled to Hinata. "Thanks Hinata-chan." He scratched the back of his head, suddenly feeling really nervous. "M-maybe when I get back you'd like to go get something to eat? Just between friends if you want, I mean I don't want you to think that I'm..."
Hinata gave a soft 'eep' but managed to nod. "I-I'd like that N-Naruto-kun." She said, bringing her hands to her chest and holding them there.
"Aw look Gaki; you got a girl to date." Jiraiya said, adding his two cents.
The word date floated through Hinata's mind and she saw herself in a fancy dress, kissing Naruto and her mind went blank as her world went dark. Naruto moved and caught Hinata as she was falling, glaring at Jiraiya now.
"I have her Naruto-san, why don't you get going with Jiraiya-sama while I take her home to rest?" Kurenai asked, picking Hinata up and carrying her away.
Naruto looked at the pack and unzipped it. He smiled a bit, seeing some rice balls as well as some medicinal cream. He may have had breakfast, but it was a small breakfast more than anything, so the four rice balls looked especially tasty as he ate them and walked alongside Jiraiya.
'Hey Gaki, give me one of those." Jiraiya said, reaching over to grab one of the rice balls.
"No," Naruto said, pulling the pack away and using his hand to keep Jiraiya away. "Hinata-chan made them for me, get your own." He said slowly being over powered by Jiraiya.
"I'll show you a second Jutsu," Jiraiya said, trying to bribe the blonde.
"You mean one besides the first that you were going to teach me on this trip that you haven't even shown me yet?" Naruto asked in a deadpanned tone.
Jiraiya looked like he was about to refute something but pouted and looked away.
Naruto moved the pack back in front of him, when suddenly one of the rice balls went missing. "Damn it Ero-Sennin!" Naruto shouted and chased after the Gama Sannin who was stuffing the rice ball into his mouth. Naruto quickly realized that there was a difference between his speed and Jiraiya's speed, not by much but Jiraiya seemed to always be a full foot ahead of Naruto.
Their chase lasted about an hour, putting them well on their way. Jiraiya watched the fuming blonde, almost laughing. "Okay Gaki, I'm going to teach you your old man's other signature technique." Jiraiya said and formed the Rasengan in his hand, showing the blonde before he put it through a tree quite effectively. "It's an A-Ranked Shape manipulation Jutsu. It has three steps to it, three steps you have to work out on your own." Jiraiya handed Naruto a scroll and unsealed two water balloons from it. He handed one to the blonde who tucked the scroll into his coat pocket. "Now, watch." Jiraiya used his chakra to swirl the water around in the balloon until it exploded. "The first step is Rotation. You have to use your chakra to pop the water balloon."
Naruto held his water balloon before using his chakra to start spinning the water in the balloon. It began to warp, but it didn't pop like he thought it would. He furrowed his brow before looking to Jiraiya. "Okay Ero-Sennin, you got me hooked. But, I'll make a deal with you."
"Shoot Gaki." Jiraiya said crossing his arms over his chest.
"You take a contingent of my Shadow Clones to work on Wind Manipulation, and I'll work on this thing alone." Naruto said holding up the balloon.
Jiraiya nodded and watched as the blonde made about two hundred clones. "Will you have enough Chakra left to work on that?" Jiraiya asked
Naruto nodded and started to walk off as Jiraiya left instructions for the clones to split a leaf. The clones also had a few other things they were going to work on, such as the Sand Control they had. Jiraiya was quick to catch up, watching as the blonde worked on the water balloon.
As they entered a town, Jiraiya's attention was brought to a woman that was flirting with him. Naruto wanted to roll his eyes as Jiraiya followed like a whipped puppy. "I hope he realizes it's a Genjutsu." Naruto said walking with a higher level of alertness. He moved his hand to a storage scroll and unsealed the Kusanagi, putting it on his back for a left handed draw. His right hand was stronger than his left, but he was going to use a little misdirection in case he was attacked. The woman went right after Jiraiya after all, so it was either meant to lure Jiraiya away to a trap, which the Sannin could survive, or lure Jiraiya away from him, which put Naruto on guard even more.
Naruto checked into a hotel, like Jiraiya had told him to do. His headband ended any argument about him being too young to be checking in by himself. Naruto opened the door to the room and entered, locking the door as well. He began to concentrate on the water balloon again, trying to figure out the trick.
About a half hour later, Naruto heard a knock on the door. He stood up, putting the water balloon down. He channeled Chakra into his eyes, readying to mutate them to the Rinnegan at a moment's notice. He opened the door to be staring at two tall figures dressed in black cloaks with red clouds on them. One was blue, and had a large package on his back; the other had a pair of Sharingan eyes watching Naruto. "Who're you?" Naruto asked the pair, his left hand resting against the door, up by the hilt of the Kusanagi.
"We're with the Akatsuki Naruto-kun, and we would like for you to come with us peacefully." The Sharingan user said his tone flat as he spoke.
Naruto looked them over. "Let's see here... Scratched out Kiri headband, big ass sword, sharp teeth..." the blue one grinned at Naruto noticing a few things. "Either you killed a member of the Seven Swordsmen of Mist, and you're acting like said person, or you are a member of the Seven Swordsmen of Mist." The blue man grinned more broadly. "Second one huh?" Naruto turned to the Sharingan user. "Let's see... Scratched out Konoha headband, Sharingan eyes, you look sort of like Sasuke-teme... Itachi Uchiha?" The Sharingan user nodded. "Well...Fuck." Naruto sighed a bit hanging his head and letting his eyes go to the Rinnegan. His right hand snapped up. "Shinra Tensei!" he shouted, blasting the two away from the doorway and pushing them through the wall. Naruto then turned around and ran to the far window jumping through and bringing his arms and legs up to crash through and rolled as he landed. He then took off running, not wanting to fight in the confines of the city.
Naruto's danger senses went off and he drew the Kusanagi, spinning as a heavily wrapped sword hit the ground where he was before. Naruto held his left hand out in front of him, holding the Kusanagi, his right hand opened and ready to do something.
"Oh? So the Gaki thinks he's a swordsman?" the blue man said. "I'm Kisame Hoshigaki; I heard what happened with Zabuza. But you had help with that one didn't you?" Kisame swung the bandaged sword and Naruto brought up the Kusanagi to block before moving it, going for a palm thrust at Kisame's chest.
Naruto was forced to dodge as Kisame went for a spin kick. Naruto blocked another strike from Kisame's swords, noticing that same insane strength that Zabuza had. No, if anything Kisame was stronger. Naruto pulled a Hirashin Kunai from his pouch and channeled Wind Chakra into it; he then slung it at Kisame's face, noticing the swordsman dodge to the side to avoid it. The wind chakra kept the kunai going until it struck a building over by the town. "Bye!" Naruto called out cheerfully and disappeared in a yellow flash just as he was about to be struck with Kisame's sword.
Itachi's eyes widened slightly, before going back to normal. He then glanced over at Kisame and cast a Genjutsu over him before creating a Shadow Clone. The clone headed off to find Naruto. "Come Kisame, we must report back to Leader-sama of the Kyuubi Jinchurikii's abilities. It wasn't known that he could use the Rinnegan."
Kisame scoffed, but put Samedaha up on his back once more. "I was hoping to shave a leg or arm off. The Gaki needs to be brought down soon though, or else I don't think even Leader-sama will be able to take him."
The two then walked off, Itachi glancing back briefly. 'So the Fourth's Legacy really is his Legacy.'
Naruto had picked up the Hirashin Kunai and kept running, moving to head into a crowd of people, as he landed however; he was spun around and face to face with Itachi. Naruto was quick to realize it was a Shadow Clone and took a swipe with the Hirashin Kunai which was blocked.
"Wait Naruto-kun." Itachi said backing away a bit, leaving Naruto to look on at Itachi suspiciously. "I wish only to inquire how my little brother is doing, as well as my mother. She would be the only one to have given you my old ANBU uniform." Itachi had immediately recognized it, why wouldn't he considering he had worn it at Naruto's age?
Naruto watched Itachi for a little bit. "Why would you care? You killed off your clan."
Itachi closed his eyes. "Think of it as a regret I have had, one that will not be washed away no matter how much I wish to have it washed away."
Naruto bit his tongue, thinking. "Sasuke-teme is doing fine. He has a bit of a stick up his ass, he's injured, and he's a little on the cold side, but he's been doing pretty well. Unlocked his Sharingan and currently has two Tomoe in each eye. Mikoto is doing well; she seemed pleased last time I saw her." Naruto purposely neglected to mention that Mikoto was...pleasured last time Naruto saw her, so she was indeed pleased.
Itachi nodded, pleased with what Naruto told him. "Then I have one last bit to say." The clone pushed Naruto against the wall again. "If you break my mother's heart Naruto, then there is no force in Heaven or on Earth that will save you from my wrath. I will hunt you down and hurt you, even at the cost of my eyes. Am I understood?"
Naruto gave a nod. "Understood." Naruto said simply and briefly. He was then let go, but before the clone popped, he had to ask. "Why'd you spare Mikoto-chan?" Naruto asked. Itachi knew, somehow, so it was only fair Naruto got to use the 'Chan' suffix.
Itachi looked back to Naruto. "I was hoping that my mother would help keep Sasuke stable in his pursuit of power so that he could one day kill me. I look forward to the day that he challenges me Naruto-kun." With that, Itachi's clone popped.
Naruto ran a hand through his blonde hair before heading out of the alley and going to look for Jiraiya. It wasn't hard to find the Sannin who was running across the rooftops. Naruto whistled, getting Jiraiya's attention. Naruto climbed up to meet the man and saw the woman who had been under the Genjutsu. "So...Akatsuki?" Naruto asked crossing his arms.
Jiraiya looked to the blonde. "Did you see who they sent after you?"
"So you do know about them. I'm going to assume you were going to tell me, and train me, another time. They sent Kisame Hoshigaki and Itachi Uchiha." Naruto said looking to the unconscious woman. "Which explains why the used a distraction."
Jiraiya cursed, hearing those two names. "The Tailed Beast without a Tail, and the man behind the Uchiha Clan Massacre, damn Gaki you sure got shitty ass luck." Somehow, Naruto didn't think even if he had could revamp his stats with everything going to pure luck that he'd get much better. "It's a group of S-Class Missing Nin who are after the Bijuu, purpose and reason unknown. Orochimaru had been part of a group, which got my attention. He defected for unknown reasons." Naruto's hypothesis was indeed correct. "How'd you get away?' Jiraiya asked.
"Used the Rinnegan, then ran, when they caught up, I threw a wind enhanced Hirashin Kunai, and teleported." Naruto shook his head. "Come on Ero-Sennin, let's get this woman to where someone can find her, and then get the hell out of here." Naruto moved to help the woman and take her down to the streets. He was able to sneak past the civilians no problem, and put the woman on a bench before sneaking away.
Naruto got back to Jiraiya before he seized up. He fell forward unconscious as the information from all his clones hit him at once.
Jiraiya caught the blonde, shaking his head for a bit before carrying Naruto away towards the next town.
Several days later, they made it to the next town, where a festival was going on. Jiraiya left Naruto to his own devices, choosing to go gather some research and try and find a direction on Tsunade.
Naruto stayed outside of the town to train the Rasengan. He was still working on the first step, flipping the water balloon between both hands, not really paying attention as he was thinking. He was caught by surprise when it exploded in his face.
Naruto looked at his hands and then around him, making sure no one did that. He then used the water to form a small platform of ice on the ground, making it completely smooth as a baby's bare ass. He took another water balloon and began to roll it on the ice, back and forth, trying to figure out the secret to what got the water balloon to pop the first time.
He was pleasant surprised when it popped. He cleared the water and balloon bits off the ice and took another out, passing it between his hands a little slower. "The water is moving in different directions, spinning at several velocities and going clockwise and counter-clockwise at the same time." Naruto said to himself. He took the Balloon and focused his chakra to his hand, spinning it around and making it explode.
He grinned and did it twice more to make sure it wasn't a fluke. Satisfied he was done with the first step of the Rasengan; Naruto stood up and walked into the town, the grin being unable to be swiped off his face. He then saw a casino. "Hmm... Find Jiraiya, or possibly earn more money?" Naruto had never lost a game of chance, ever. His luck still sucked considering the fact he had a Nine Tailed Demon stuck in his gut when he was born, his first C-ranked mission had an A-ranked Missing Nin, and a whole slew of other bullshit that he wasn't going into.
Naruto turned to the Casino and headed on in. He traded half his money in for a small bit of chips, and headed straight for the Black Jack tables. Two hours later, he was asked to leave the Casino a considerably richer man with a very fat and happy looking Gama-chan. The rest of the money had to be stored in storage seals.
Now it was time to find Jiraiya.
Naruto began to look around for seedier places. When he was tried to be stopped, he tapped his headband and explained he was looking for his Sensei. He eventually found Jiraiya at a brothel, with two women on either side of his body. He turned to the bouncer, and paid the man a good bit of money to not interfere. Naruto then tucked his headband away, and headed over to Jiraiya.
"Ji-san! There you are. And you're not itching your privates! I guess the cream Tou-san gave you for the red bumps has been working." Naruto wanted to laugh, but refrained from it as the women couldn't get away from Jiraiya fast enough.
Jiraiya glared at Naruto, his eyebrow twitching violently. "I hate you right now Gaki. I really, really hate you."
Naruto shrugged. "I haven't pulled an awesome prank like that in a very long time. It was so simple, and there's nothing you can do about it. Come on Ero-Sennin." Naruto said and turned to walk away, leaving Jiraiya to sigh in defeat and follow.
Once outside, Naruto held his hand out in front of Jiraiya with a water balloon and popped it with his chakra. "Next step please." Naruto said.
Jiraiya unsealed a scroll and from it unsealed two Rubber Balls. He then passed one to Naruto, and proceeded to pop his own. "Power is the next step kid. You got rotation down, now you need the power."
Naruto accepted the scroll of rubber balls and began to work on the power. He'd get the rubber ball to deform, before a hole appeared in it. "Sonofabitch." Naruto said as he kept working on it. He needed to get the power down
A week later and Naruto was still diligently working on it and had healing Chakra burns on both hands. Jiraiya was out doing his own thing, leaving Naruto to watch over the hotel room. Naruto was bored, but he couldn't keep working on the Rasengan or else he'd hurt his hands more.
Naruto grabbed a rubber ball. "Let's try it one last time." He said. He grabbed a kunai from his pouch and poked a small wound into the palm of his hand, wincing a bit. He put the ball right on top and grabbed his right arm at the wrist with his left hand. He began to focus his chakra through his arms to that spot, rotating the air inside the rubber ball as fast as he could and in as many different directions as he could. He closed his eyes in concentration and was beamed in the head with a piece of rubber.
Naruto opened his eyes, and saw that the rubber ball had exploded, violently exploded. It was all over the room. Naruto grinned and pumped his fist at his success and then began to blow on his aching
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