Battle Royal

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Daylight savings you bitch.

"And last..kick!" Gigi shouted and I halfassly kicked up my right leg. I was tired as hell from all this practice. "Good job girls! Iris you still suck but I haven't anyone to replace you yet so do better." Gigi said to the girl bitterly. Was practice over yet? This is too much.

"Alright ladies the game is tonight so I want all of you to cheer like it was you're last. The bitches that 'cheer' at Jilenhal High- are shit, scum, trash. Their cheers are weak against ours. They're nothing against us."

"Yeah!" The girls yelled and I flinched not knowing we were suppose to respond.

"We will crush them so bad their children will know what losers their drop out parents are!"

"Yeah!" What!?

"And for anyone who is seen involved with those monkeys of a football team is going to be trailed of mutiny and treachery on all accounts. And be executed-" Woah WOAH WAIT!

"-from the team. Understood ladies?" A chorus of Yes's resounded in the gymnasium. Gigi nodded her head in approval. "Dismissed! See you tonight girls!" This isn't a cheer squad. This is a freaking drill team. I dropped the pom poms and headed to the exit, this week was arduous but at least all I have to do tonight is participate in the game. "You've been working hard" Kuyler said when I passed him by the exit. He was leaned up against the wall in his Lacrosse jersey. He was still handsome, but not glittering like how I'd seen him for years and until some months ago.

I wasn't even bothered by his presence, I almost forgot that he asked me to the dance. Hardly noticed him but eh, it is what it is. "Oh yeah, good luck on the game tonight." I said passively. He chuckled. "Are you still mad at me? Why can't you move passed that?" I turned my head back at him like he was crazy, he had to be on some type of new crack the drug heads are selling?

"Kuyler, I'm not mad at you and trust me- I have moved on. A lot."

"Then why are you giving me attitude." He dont know what attitude is, he don't want to see my attitude because I'll put him in check. "There's no attitude Kuyler. Do I have to explain why I don't want to waste my breath on you? Boy bye." Gosh, he is so annoying. Doesn't he know that when I haven't started coversation with you in the last week I'm done?

"My offer still stands Naomi!" I can hear him yell and I wave back. That's good as hell for him cause he won't be there with my ass. "Lemme go home before I have to cut somebody's child.." I hum to myself and shake my head. Everyones gone by now, Teddy went shopping. Tom is helping out his dad at his family's Auto Part shop and Olivia is probably at Starbucks probably getting hit on by six guys a minute.

But they all said they'll make it to the game.

And then there's me, filling my lonely soul with cheer leading practice. I walk to the bus stop, the regular one because Ms. Russ and her school bus of doom has already long gone. I looked at my watch, it was 5:30 and I was in no mood to be standing around for another hour waiting for no bus. Maybe I should call mom to pick me up, I think.

But then I remember that my mom concentrates so hard on driving perfectly that she actually sucks really bad at it, drivings not for everyone I guess. "Thennn walking I suppose." I groan lazily and march my aching muscles down the road. I'm pretty sure even at only after 5 the weather has dropped down to a mere 16° so my hands are bloody cold and my legs are only covered with the sweats I wore for practice.

Hell. Now I gotta go out there tonight I'm the cold in just a dam skirt. Why was I risking my life again? Oh yeah, cause I'm lonely.

"Frost bites a bitch." A car pulled up and Stephan rolled down the windows with his obsidian hair flowing and his blues drowning me as he followed me. Foreal foreal, I'm going to marry my bed. I'm so over boys at the moment. "..." I looked up ahead. "Naomi, get in. I know I'm the last person you may want to see tight now but.."

"Yeah Stephan, you're right. You are the last person. Right now, I would even rather be in Kuyler presence than talk anymore with you." Stephan smirked lightly like I was joking. He was infuriating. "Naomi please let me explain." He got serious again. I was about to cross the street to get to my block and Stephan parked on the cross walk making it impossible for me to pass. I threw up my hands in agrivation.

"What the hell do you want from me!" Finally yelling, tired of his shit. He got out the car and slammed the door approaching me, I forgot how much more taller Stephan was than me. We haven't been together just us two in weeks.

"I want to talk to you!" His ocean blues boiling. "There's nothing to talk about! Why is it that we're only able to talk when you want to and when you feel like it!? That's not how it works Stephan! More than a month you ignored me and I tried talking to you about it. I don't understand what Isabella is holding against you but I know its hurting you."

He got quite when I say this.

"And I know it's so so stupid of me to be, but I do like you. And I do care if she hurts you. So tonight just..just do your best." As much as I hate (and believe me when I say I hate) I really do like Stephan. So when I found out it was Isabella who was running his puppet strings, a plan needed to be placed immediately.

"See you at the game Stephan." And I walked home. Phase one: Keep Stephan at a distance even though I really really really don't want to, Complete.

When I did get home I threw my bag across the room without looking and then heard a loud thump. "Oh my gosh Officer Davies!" He tripped over my bag and I ran to help him up, the main floors are wooden so that fall had to fucking hurt. "Oh my god, what the hell do they give you at school?" He joked as I helped him up but I heard his bones crack. "Preparation for hell. No offence, but why are you in my house?"

"Because we're coming to the game tonight to see you cheer and Kuyler play!" Mom said coming from up stairs. "Um can I ask why?" She smiled and hugged my entire head which was so awkward and embarrassing. "Because my girls a cheerleader! You know your mama cheered a little back in the day and now my little Naomi is too! Gah! I'm hype girl." She screams and u back away.

"And I'm gonna go cheer on Kuyler, now Naomi, I know how awkward you and Kuyler becoming brother and sister is." Officer Davies said sympathetically but I waved my hands tiredly. "It's whatever officer Davies, I don't mind that you're marring my mom out of the blue and I have to become the step sister of a person I had the biggest crush on but now potentially dislike

Its cool I had to find out from said person I dislike that my mom divorced and got engaged in a time span of 7 days but hey as long as my moms happy, I am too." I went upstairs to fix my hair and get on my uniform to head back to school. That Isabella girl follows Stephan everywhere, teddy told me so anyways.

So there isn't a doubt in my mind that she won't be at the game. All I have to do is lure out the rat. I plopped down on my bed and looked through my messages, some where good lucks and stuff from friends. Bring! Bring! I felt the phone vibrate and Teddy's name pops up.

"Hi boo, what's up."

"Hey, um you're still doing the cheer tonight right?" Teddy asks me nervously. "Yeah why what's wrong?"

"N..nothing, hey do you need a ride? I can pick you up."

"Are you sure? School is not too far from me y'know. Are you ok Teddy?" Something was throwing him off "Yeah I'm cool, pick you up in 10. And Naomi?"


"Be careful tonight please." He hung up. And I stared down at my phone for a few seconds. What is up with him? I'll have to talk to him later. I went back downstairs and saw that officer Davies and my mom were on their way out. Upon seeing me, their eyes went apologetic.

"Officer Davies, I'll need your help."


"Do you know the cheer?" I laughed when Teddy asked as he drove us to the game. "Yeah, Gigi practically drilled it into pur brains, I'd have to hang my head in shame if I didn't." He smiled. "Wait till Stephan see's you, I'm sure he'll be speechless." Yeahhh, not to sure if he's really going to be in the mood to be complementing me on my uniform. "I don't know Ted, I mean we talked a bit a few days ago and he tried to give me a ride home but I'm not sure." Tom accidentally stopped the car and my forehead hit the dash. The cars behind us honked at the sudden stop.

"He tried to give you a ride home!" He turned to me shocked and I glared while I held my throbbing forehead. "Bitch ow! Yes, why'd you stop!" I hissed and he bit his lips. "Sorry, you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah, my might forget how to balance chemical equations after this but who needs chemistry right? But why were you so surprised earlier?" I rubbed my fingers on the bump to see if there was blood but luckily there wasn't any. We reached a stoplight and Teddy rested his head on the wheel.

"You're planning to confront Isabella right?" I did a double take at him. "How did you know?" Teddy smiled then shrugged. "I've been able to sense things for a very long time. You can say it's like a sixth sense." The light turned green and we were off. "So you mean like you can see ghost and stuff?" He chuckled, it was a very manly laugh.

If Teddy wasn't gay and in love with Tom, no doubt he'd be a lady killer. "Not quite, I'd be freaked out if that was the case. But I know when someone's lying or if their not really a good person and I can tell when someone's going to die." The last one got me. "What!?" He shrugged. "Were here." Out the window was the field and everyone was going inside. Teddy stepped out of the car.

"Please, don't let her break you. I know she's here tonight, don't worry. I'll know if you get into trouble, just call my name really loud ok? Do your best." Teddy kissed my forehead and pushed me along. Ok? Not going to question it while I have stuff to do now but later I'll definitely have to ask more about this sixth sense Teddy has.

"Goooooo Celstic High!" We cheered even though my ass was freezing! We were winning so far by a ton of points and it was only the third half, Kuyler and Stephan still weren't working together as much as they should be but they have no other choice or get desperate, they realize they have to man up and behave like captain and co captain.

"Thanks for doing this Naomi, were really winning this!" Gigi thanks me "No problem, hey is it ok if I take a little break? My fingers are gonna fall off and become food for the birds." She nodded. "Sure, you can go warm up in the gym. Take a little break, you've earned it." She smiled and I thanked her.

I went to the gym and I knew she followed me. Dayum, she's such a creep. I got to the empty gym and cracked my toes and knuckles. "What did you tell Stephan." And that creepy ass giggling rose to a high. "Why do you think I said something to him?" The beautiful girl appears in front of me making me gasp at her abrupt entrance.

"Because you're a mentally unstable stalker who can't take a hint. Plus, Stephan's not the type to be intimidated by a fling from a few years ago. In fact, Stephan's not the type to be intimidated by anyone." Isabella's cute smile dropped instantly. "I told him that if he wanted his little girlfriend kept alive that he should leave you alone. I don't care who Stephan might fuck, but hell always come back to me.

I am the best he's ever had and I'll make sure of that." Wow, what a conceited bitch.

"Ok, so I like get how dreamy Stephan is but why the fuck do you hang over him if you know he ain't shit I mean- he's no saint." Her eye twitched. "Stephan has his flaws but more great points and he's amazing. He saved me! We were meant to be, god brought us together. So no matter how many girls he goes with I know that our souls are connected!

That's why when he looks at you." She spat disgustedly looking me up and down. "He looks different. And I would kill to have him look at me like that." I gulped.

"If you really loved loved Stephan you would stop being so selfish and let him love who he wants." I said cautiously closing in on her "Never! He doesn't need anyone else. I'm the only one he needs!" She quickly whipped out the same blade that cut my hair and charged towards me swinging.

I dodged her fast swings. "I'm not going to stop seeing Stephan. I love him, you can't have him." I told her seriously and tears boiled from her eyes and she gripped both of her hand on the blade handle charging towards me.


"NOW!" I yelled and officers from all over the gym came out with their guns pointed at Isabella. She stopped coming to me and looked around, she was surrounded. "Isabella Joel, you're under arrest for attempted murder, and assault. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law..." The officers carefully approached her and read her Miranda rights.

But Isabella didn't put down the blade. "If its like this, if I can't have Stephan, I can't live!"

"No!" I ran towards her as she shoved the knife if her stomach, her figure fell and the pool of blood formed in her stomach "Call an ambulance! Hurry!" I said and they did so on the squad walkie talkies. "You fucking idiot.." I say to her, letting her rest her head on my knees. Blood stained my uniform but I didn't care.

The knife was pretty deep but I gripped it and slid it out as gently as possible. Isabella gasped when I took it out. "Idiot! No man is who doesn't care for you is worth dying for! And I mean this in less bitchiest way possible, I know you love Stephan. But there is someone out there that can love you more than he can!" I took off the uniform top and pressed it to Isabella's wound.

"Naomi!" Teddy called to me but the police held him back, Olivia and Tom were with him as well, Officer Davies came over to me. "Let me check her pulse." I gave him some room and he place two fingers under her jaw. "It's faint but it's there. The ambulance is on their way but let's get her outside."

I supported her head and officer Davies carried her princess style outside.

"Naomi!" Olivia hugged me first and then teddy, then Tom and his arms were able to wrap around all three of us. "You crazy bitch! You could've been kilt!" I shook my head. "Livia, 'kilt' is not a word."

"Shut up! My English is horrible when I'm mad!" And she squeezed me tighter making me choke. I'm ok! I shook them off. "Are you stupid!? You could. Have. Been. Hurt." Tom spelled out but I just rolled my eyes. "I'm fine! See! And I had the police waiting in case anything happened."

Tom looked at me disappointed "Baby, you know that's not how it works. You should've told us, we would've helped." He stroked my hair. "I know. But this was just something I had to do alone." Tom gulped sighed and hugged the life out of me. "Please never do that again"

"I promise." Unless Stephan had more crazy girlfriends that wanted to kill me. "But how is the game?" "When I saw the ambulance I suggested that we needed to come here. Stephan's still playing but we're winning and its the last quarter." I blinked at Teddy. "You really do have a sixth sense." I said suspiciously and he smirked all knowingly.

"Naomi!" Yes sir that is my name. I was tackled to the ground and found myself being embraced my Stephan, he held me tight and I couldn't help but laugh. "WHY DONT YOU EVER LISTEN TO ME, YOU COULD HAVE DIED! ALL I SEE IS POLICE AND THE AMBULANCE- ARE YOU INSANE?-" He yelled as he sat up and shook me.

He kept yelling profanities but his voice dyed out and I could conctrate on his lips moving and the dirt on his face from the game and his eyes filled with fright, worry and relief. He black hair was as dishelved as he and I tuned his voice back in.

"ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!?" I shook my head for no. "Nah, but you're kinda beautiful right now." I laughed and a single tear fell from his right eye. I've never seen Stephan cry beofe, so this surprised me. Stephan hugged me again and I breathed in his grassy scent that my my eyes roll into the back of my head.

How did he make sweat and grass smell good? "I love you, you suicidal moron. I love you so much and I'm so so sorry. I just.." I patted his back, then hugged him too. "Don't worry Stephan. I know why you did it." Truly I did, that doesn't mean I wasn't pissed.

We let go at the same time and both looked down at my body, which was now only a black bra because I gave up my top uniform to save my assaulters life. I blushed and saw Stephan look away with a red face. "W..what happened to your shirt?" He stutters and I folded my lips from smiling. Awwe, was that bad boy embarrassed?

"Crazy bitch, I mean..Isabella was bleeding so I uh, gave it to her." I breathed out a laugh and he nodded understandingly. Then he began to strip as well. I yelped as I took notice of the six pack he sported but then it got hidden by his undershirt. "Here. It's cold and you shouldn't walk around like that cupcake." He said, helping me up and I held the Jersey to my chest.

I know I was smiling wide cause he laughed at me. "So I'm cupcake again?" I questioned and Stephan kissed me deeply, tounge and all so I wasn't ready.

"Babe, you'll never stop being, cupcake, princess, fairy and what other names I call you. No matter what happens you'll always be my princess. I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier." He whispered on my lips then pecked them again. My heart warmed at his words, a new happiness bounded me as I found myself wanting to be loved by Stephan. Him telling me he loved me felt like the best thing in the world.

"You didn't know, not that I wanted you to." That's when he glared. But hey, he didn't tell me anything either. "Don't you have a game?" He scoffed and shrugged. "I'm quitting that preppy shit. It's too much team work business and I'm mostly the lone wolf type. Plus if I have have to be buddy buddy with Pluyer one more time im gonna throw up." I slapped his chest lightly but put on the shirt and we both smiled at each other and walked out side

Oh classic Stephan. "Oh yeah, you got a date to the dance tomorrow?" He already know I dont.


"You want one?" I thought about it for a moment.

"Nope." Stephan laughed so hard pulling my head to his chest. He laughed so hard that his heartbeat picked up and his vains popped. "You really are too much darling, too much."

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