Untitled Part 8

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Chapter 8 The Mines

There is still half an hour before sunrise, snow continued to fall over Sin city. Chimney smokes could be seen from houses while the winds brought forth a chill that makes you shiver. Homeless people gathered around bonfires seeking warmth from the harsh winter. Some corpses could be seen buried underneath the white snow, such is the cruelty of life.

The front door of the pavilion opened, three people came out wearing fur coats and hats. A man, a boy with a pick axe and a woman.

"I'm sorry but I don't want to see you leave, so I'll just see you out from here. By the way manager Tang said this was your accumulated salary." Minchin spoke while breath vapor was coming out. She took out a small pouch filled with coins and gave it to Eznho.

She was still reluctant but had no choice but to accept reality. She could only hope for the best. She went in front of Eznho and hugged tightly while he hugged her back. After several seconds, they let go each other and she kissed him on the forehead. A kiss full of hope and a wish that the boy would come back to her.

"Take care my little Ez," Minchin said dotingly while gently holding Eznho's face with palm. Then she turned to Martin.

"Martin, I entrust little Ez to you while you are traveling together." She said with a stern voice.

"Don't worry Miss Minchin, as long as I, Martin, lives, nobody can hurt little Ez," Martin vowed while sticking out his chest.

"It's good you know, now go," Minchin commanded while waving her hand.

"I will be back aunt Minchin, I promise," Eznho said with a serious face then started to walk ahead.

"I'll be right here," She answered.

"See you after a year Miss Minchin," Martin bowed and started to jog catching up with Eznho.

Minchin just stood outside while watching two silhouettes disappear, a tear fell down then she turned around and entered.


While Martin and Eznho were halfway to their destination, Martin stopped Eznho.

"Little Ez, I have something for you, it is just for precaution," Martin said and took out a dagger.

"I hope you will not have to use this, but if you must, don't hesitate to use it when your life is in danger," Martin said solemnly. Then he handed the dagger to Eznho.

He was having second thoughts when he planned about the dagger, but after thinking about it, he decided to go for it. Unforeseen events may happen anytime and a weapon may come in handy.

Eznho was surprised but he received and unsheathed it. The dagger was light, about half a kilo, it was nine inches in total length. The spine was curved like the blade that resulted in a pointy edge, it was obviously sharp and could easily cut apart the skin. It was forged from a common metal which had a dull gray color, the handle was made from a fifty-year old Nara tree which was harder and more resilient than the average tree. A simple brown leather was made as it's sheath.

"Thank you, big brother, I'll make sure keep it all times with me." Eznho was touched by Martin's thoughtfulness.

He then hung it on his left waist while his small pick axe was on his right. They continued to walk until they reached their destination.

"Wait for me here, I'll just go and change to my uniform, I'll be back," Martin said to Eznho and jogged towards the military office.


A while later Martin came back with his gear. He looked heroic with his armor, most of his armor was made of thick leather. The only metal part was covering his chest down to his waist and his back. He held a spear in his left hand while a saber hung on his left waist. This was a standard uniform for a new recruit, then a coat of animal fur was draped on him.

"Gahaha, look at me little Ez, I became more handsome with this. I'm afraid girls would come flocking, gahaha." Martin said loudly while walking towards Eznho.

Eznho just rolled his eyes and was a little embarrassed because Martin aroused the attention of other people.

There was a surprise on their faces when they looked at Eznho holding a pickaxe. He was the youngest of the whole group most of them were twenty years old and above. They were wondering why a young boy like him would go and risk his life in the mines and if you look carefully he had a better clothing than most, a fur coat, thick clothing with matching fur hat, leather boots and leather gloves. This piqued their curiosity and started whispering to each other.

"Attention! Start assembling and we will march in five minutes!" A soldier with a better armor than Martin shouted and instructed the group.

"Okay we have to part now little Ez, we will probably see each other for a short period when we reach the mines, see you there. I will be in the front group," Martin spoke and hugged Eznho.

A couple of seconds later they let go of each other.

"Don't die on me little Ez," Martin grinned and raised his hand for a fist bump.

"You might die of old age before me old man," Eznho said jokingly and also raised his fist.

"That's more I like it, gahaha," Martin laughed and both went on their respective group.

No more words were needed to be spoken, they understood each other. After all these years, that they have been like real blood brothers, they only had one thing to do – survive.


The group was divided into five, the front line was composed of the soldiers, there were over a hundred of them being led by a middle-aged man in a full metal armor. They were followed by a dozen of mercenaries, then the miners which number in hundreds. The fourth group were supply carts being pulled by horses, contained the belongings of the miners which was delivered a day before. And the last one was another group of mercenaries.

"March!" The leader shouted.

The group started to march out of the city, their families stayed behind while watching the group depart. The road was covered with few inches of snow. They would reach their destination before night fall.


Snow continued to fall while the caravan continued to head to their destination. They were covered in snow but continued to silently walk while the mercenaries and the soldiers were on guard for bandits or wild animals or beasts. They only stopped to rest and eat for lunch then continued on their journey.

The sun was starting to set over the horizon when they reached a mountain clearing. A majestic view could be seen, the snow covered mountains reflected the sun. The mountain was a part of the Nara mountain range that spans at about twenty kilometers and on the middle is the border between the two kingdoms.

Below the mountain was a valley divided by a sixty-meter wide river that looked like a snake from above. Tents and structures made of wood have been spread out on one side of the valley just below the mountains. A bridge has been made on the shallow part of the river for people to use. Bonfires were scattered through out the camp spreading warmth to ease the evening chill.

"Let's go, we should reach them before dark, lest we will attacked by the hungry beasts of the night."

The military leader commanded and started to head down the valley.


"Vice captain, the new group has already arrived. They are crossing the bridge." A city guard saluted and reported.

"Got it, let's go meet them." The vice captain replied.

Randolph was a middle aged man but still filled with vitality. He was well built, tall and dark skinned. He was bald with sharp black eyes and lips.

He stood outside with the other city guards. Other than the mercenaries, fifty city guards have been assigned in the mines.

The incoming group started to cross the bridge led by the soldiers, the leader directly went to Randolph's group.

"Greetings vice captain," the leader cupped his hands greeted.

"Welcome to the mines, No need to be so formal, hundred man Greg. Come inside you must be tired from your journey, I have already prepared dinner for you." Randolph greeted back and invited the leader in.

Greg was a hundred man commander and was a cultivator, his position was somewhat similar with Randolph and they already knew each other. He was assigned to patrol the borders and visited Sin city from time to time. He was a military man with a short black hair, gray color could be spotted in several areas. He was in his fifty's with a strict look on his face.

He turned around and faced the crowd,

"We have arrived at our destination, everyone, make your temporary tents and settle down. The vice captain of the city guard will tell you detailed instructions tomorrow. Rest well you have a long day tomorrow." He commanded and followed Randolph to his tent.


The crowd started to disperse and found their own spot. They have been briefed earlier, they would set up temporary tents for the night as it was already late for further instructions.

"Hey little Ez, found you," Martin shouted while waving his hand heading to Eznho's position.

"So, where should I set camp?" Eznho answered back.

"Uhmmm, just anywhere will do, it's temporary anyway. I'll help you set up camp."

"Okay, thanks." Eznho nodded.

They set up camp with the others after getting their things from the supply carts, the tents varied in size. Other people who came in groups have larger tents to accommodate them, while others have small ones just for themselves.


"Alright, it's done. Perfect!" Martin happily voiced out after making the tent.

It was triangular in shape and can contain two people at most. Their small group contained six tents that formed a circle, a space for bonfire has been left in the middle. The camp was getting livelier while people started to chat with each other around the bonfires.


Inside Randolph's tent,

"How's the mine going?" Greg asked while drinking wine.

"We are progressing smoothly, but lately the miners have started to encounter beasts which lead to casualties but it has been easily quelled by the mercenaries. We are already four kilometers deep from the entrance, the gold we mine is also increasing but so is the risk. I believe stronger beasts have made their nest in the deeper parts, let's just hope we don't encounter magical beasts." Randolph replied with a bit of fear in his eyes.

"I hope that does not happen or else... I can't even imagine the consequences." Greg shook his head while imagining the valley filled with corpses.

Magical beasts are powerful beasts that surpassed the strength of wild beasts and have already started to set foot in their own unique way of cultivation. They are normally stronger than cultivators on the same level.

"It is highly unlikely but there is still a slim chance, let's just hope for the best. The pressure along the border is increasing especially now that the mines are going deeper. I'm afraid that if the gold deposit is big, both parties will try to seize each other's entrance to monopolize the mine. Ai, many of the recruits will surely die. Enough of the gloomy conversation, come, let's have a toast and forget our problems for the moment." Greg sighed and raised his cup.

"Haha, there no way I'm declining that toast, enough with this dreary topic, cheers!" Randolph merrily toasted.


While the two leaders were drinking, the evening rations were being distributed. A soup made of vegetables and a bit of meat was being served for everyone else. The miners started to fall in line while holding their own bowls for the soup.

The soldiers, city guards and the mercenaries have their own separate dinner, they also had soup but with more meat and lesser vegetables. Wherever you go, there will always be status differences.

Martin came to Eznho's camp after getting his share and waited for him while warming himself on the bonfire. A while later, Eznho came back holding his bowl filled with his dinner.

"Oi, little Ez, come here beside me, let's compare our food, gahaha I bet mine is better, gahaha" Martin boasted while showing his meat soup.

Eznho ignored him and just sat beside him.

"Wait, let's trade, you need more meat than I do so let's exchange our food. It would be shameful if you can't even raise your pickaxe, gahaha." Martin laughed while teasing Eznho.

Veins started to pop on Eznho's temple.

"Just kidding, just kidding gahaha." Martin continued to laugh.

"Come on little Ez, smile a little, luckily we still get to see each other, I thought our last meeting would be back at Sin city, who knew." Martin grinned and offered his food.

Eznho looked at the food, he can't deny he was tempted. This may be his last chance to eat a good meal, but looking at Martin's grinning face, he couldn't help but get pissed.

Left with no choice he agreed with the trade, Martin would persist relentlessly if he will not.

"Thanks," Eznho said after the exchange.

"No big deal," Martin smiled and started to eat his dinner.

The other people in the group looked at the duo with curiosity. A rowdy man and timid boy, a strange combination. They were strangers to each other. They were not in the mood to talk with each other as they were tired from the journey and wanted to rest inside their own tents. Besides, they can see that the boy was the kind of person who doesn't talk much and prefers to be alone.

They were silent while eating dinner while Martin occasionally talked without care for the others.

After eating dinner,

"Hey little Ez, It's not bad to have friends and talk to others you know, you should try it sometime so you won't get bored and be lonely. " Martin rustled his hair and stood up without waiting for Eznho's reply.

"I have to go now and rest with my squad, take care of yourself."

He started walking outside the circle and raised his hand indicating a wave of goodbye.

"I'll try big brother, see yah around,"

Eznho mumbled to himself while looking at the disappearing silhouette of the man he respects from the bottom of his heart.

He then raised his head and looked into the night sky, wondering if he could be one of those stars, sitting in the distant sky looking down on everyone.

He thought about Martin's words and decided to give it a try, even though he likes to be left alone, he was not a stone and also want to know and befriend other people. Sometimes when he passed by children who were playing with each other and seemingly happy, he constantly asks himself, how would it feel to have a lot of friends and play with them.

After thinking for a while, he tossed it at the back of his mind. Making friends would take some time, he will just do it slowly and try to pick carefully.

He then entered his tent, which had a wooden box that contains his basic amenities. He laid down and warmed himself up using a fur blanket, closed his eyes and looked forward to tomorrows activities.


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