Untitled Part 5

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Chapter 5 Scroll

Seasons came and went, snow is starting to fall over Sin city. The city is buzzing with activity, people are starting to flock inside the city. It was the opposite of what happened a couple of years ago where people were wary because of rumors going on about a war. The change started half a year ago when an open recruitment was started for miners and mercenaries.

The rumors about a war were related to a gold mine. The gold mine was discovered three years ago at the base of the Nara mountain range, approximately nine kilometers away from the border. The same thing has been discovered on the side of Kalbo kingdom. The tension started between the two kingdoms because it was estimated that a large gold deposit was located right below the border of the two kingdoms.


"My chance has come to finally change my destiny and rise from poverty"

A bearded burly middle-aged man with messy hair exclaimed while caressing his pickaxe. He spent half of his fortune to buy this pickaxe.


"I heard that the pay is good for the miners, especially if you discovered gold deposits."

"Yeah, but I heard your life will be at risk. Several miners have already died because the cave they were digging collapsed."

"Well, it's better to risk everything and win big rather than staying poor for the rest of our lives."

"You've got a point though."

Two young men in their twenties were discussing with each other.

"Bunch of pitiful poor people." Somebody commented.

"What did you say?" One of the young men was angry and looked for the guy who spoke.

"Isn't it true?" A person answered back.

The young man was about to retort but stopped himself. He could do nothing but shut up and endure because the one who answered him was a mercenary. The mercenary was a thin man in his late twenties wearing a clothing made of beast fur. A meter-long sword was hanging on his waist. More than a dozen of people were standing behind him, which seemed to be his subordinates.

After looking at the mercenary, he felt fearful and dejected then walked away along with his companion.

"Tsk, what a coward, let's go. We have to sign in our group and start our journey towards the mine before the road is covered in snow." The mercenary ordered his men and started walking towards the center of the city.

The crowd inside the city was divided in two, one was the miners. They were mostly composed of poor people looking to hit the jackpot inside the mine. The other group was composed of mercenaries, they were being hired by the city lord to stand guard in the mines. Their job is to make sure that no one sneaks out gold and guard the mine from unexpected attacks. The city lord had to do this because the soldiers were stationed along the borders to confront the opposing kingdom.


It has been three years since the incident with the Blue and the chubby boy. Eznho was now ten years old, his face now looked more mature and more mysterious. He still has that emotionless face, he became taller and his hair was still long, flowing on his back. Other than that, nothing much has changed. His life was a boring routine, most of his time was still spent around the pavilion. With occasional visits at the market with Martin. He would still go visit his mother's grave when he had free time. He felt peaceful there, he felt satisfied just sitting there alone with no one to disturb him.


Inside the pavilion, it was early in the morning...

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, the owner asked me to conduct a meeting with you. I know you are tired from tonight's job but so am I, so just listen. Boss wants us to put on our best effort, he made a deal with me. If we manage to increase our profits, he is willing to raise our pay. As you can see people are flocking inside the city, people are making money from the mines. It is our job is to squeeze that money out from them and into our boss' pocket. You understand?"

Manager Tang conducted a meeting with sleepy eyes, it has been an exhausting night due to increase in costumers.

"Yes, manager Tang." The audience replied with excitement at the same time.

The audience was composed of the people working in the pavilion. All of them came from a poor background that is why they were happy when an increase in pay was mentioned. Almost all of the employees were women due to the nature of the establishment. The number of the men were less than twenty, they were either working in the kitchen, assigned as a cleaner, an errand runner or acting as a bouncer.

"Alright, good you understand, dismissed." Manager Tang waved his hand and dismissed the crowd.

"Martin and Eznho, start cleaning now." He instructed before going out the door.

"Will do," Martin replied enthusiastically while dragging Eznho up the stairs.


Manager Tang just walked out the door when he heard horses galloping towards his direction. He squinted his eyes to get a clear view, there were four horses in total with city guards riding on them. He frowned while waiting for them to arrive.

"To what pleasure do I owe the city guards for them to make a visit to this place?"

Manager Tang forced a smile when the guards arrived.

"Does a man named Martin and a boy named Eznho work here?" One of the guards asked directly.

"Why is city guard asking?" manager Tang inquired.

"Just answer the damn question old man!" The guard shouted without respect.

"Don't think you can just come in here and make trouble on a whim." Manager Tang was furious, he was not afraid talking back because he knows the boss has influence around the city.

"Tsk! A barking old dog who thinks he can bite a tiger. Open your dog eyes and look at this." The guard said with disdain and took out a scroll and throw it to the manager.

Manager Tang caught it and carefully looked at the stamp. An insignia with a sword pointing up can be seen, below the hilt of the sword were two large feathers. The feathers were spread on each side pointing up and formed the shape of a laurel crown. After a couple of seconds, he formed an ugly look on his face.

"Tsk!" He exclaimed and took a deep breath he knew this was trouble. He then looked up on the third floor and shouted.

"Martin! Get your ass down here with Eznho!"


Martin and Eznho were starting to clean the third floor. Eznho was silently cleaning the tables. Martin was in a good mood because of the possible raise in his pay. He was grinning the whole and whistling while cleaning. They both heard the arrival of horses but they didn't care.

"Martin! Get your ass down here with Eznho!" a shout was suddenly heard from manager Tang which made them stop their movements. Martin rushed to the window and looked down.

"Oh crap! I knew it!" He jumped back, frightened.

When he saw the familiar city guards waiting down with the manager he knew trouble has come. He never thought after all these years the chubby boy did not forget the incident. His face was full of terror and he became more fearful when he saw Eznho curiously looking at him.

"Ai, what a bad omen, let's go down and hope for the best." Martin sighed and pulled Eznho by his hand.


Manager Tang was silently waiting when the door opened, Martin and Eznho came out of the door.

"What's the matter?" Martin inquired innocently.

"What's the matter you say? Hahaha!" One of the guards answered while the other guards laughed with him.

"Congratulations you are both lucky to have been chosen by the city lord." The guard mockingly declared.

He was the one who whispered something to Taba a few years back. He has been working as the personal guard for the young master since he was born, he is shrewd and devious, he liked to scheme against other people. He was a tall and muscular guy, he wore a full metal armor with a helmet covering his head except for his face. There was an insignia in front of his armor, a curved rectangular shield with a sword in front of it facing down. This was the most commonly used insignia for the city guards around the Carson kingdom, with the exception of the capital city.

"Go on old man, open the scroll and read the content."

The manager opened the scroll, the further he read the contents the more his face became uglier and dejected. He closed his eyes tightly for a long time before giving out a long sigh, his sigh was full of frustration and helplessness.

"What does it say?" Martin nervously asked after seeing the old man's reaction.

The old man did not answer him immediately. After a long pause, he answered.

"The city lord orders Eznho to go to the mines and work there for at least two years. He can come back for a one week break after a year." The manager said bitterly.

"What!?" Martin was shocked.

Eznho also had a slight expression on his face but it was not that obvious.

"You can't do that! He is still young, and besides, working in the mines should be voluntary not ordered because it is dangerous." Martin protested back.

"Manager you can't let them do that." Martin pleaded.

"I am sorry, but it is an order from the city lord, not even the owner can help him out." The managed answered with a look of helplessness.

"Then I will volunteer, I will replace him and I can even work for five years, no ten years! Just let him go, please." Martin begged. Tears were starting to fall, he was really afraid he did not want Eznho to go because his chance of survival was slim. He was still young.

Eznho who was behind him was touched, tears were also trying to form. He is trying to hold it back, his emotions were stirred due to Martin's action. He did not want to see him like this, a man full of vigor and life was pleading for him. He was not even related to him, all he knows is that Martin only knew his mother for over a year. He was about to stop him when...


The guards burst out laughing, they were amused like watching a clown performing on his show.

"You can't Martin I'm sorry" the manager answered.

"What!? Why not?" Martin panicked and shook the manager's shoulder.

He felt that the world was starting to crumble. He did not even care about the guards, he was trembling all over and could not control his self and tightened his grip on the manager's shoulder. The manager grimaced but did not say anything, he understood Martin, he understood his pain but was helpless against those with power. He understood because he also experienced it, the feeling of just watching while people you love are taken away in front of you.

"You can't because you have also been assigned to do another task." The manager answered with a tinge of pain.

"Sorry," Martin looked at his hands and loosened it. He had a hope with the manager's answer, if he will also be sent to the mines, he can look out after Eznho. He looked at the manager with a hopeful face.

But alas, the universe does not care for anyone. The manager shook his head gently, Martin slowly bent his knees until he was kneeling down, he felt defeated.

"Martin, you are ordered by the city lord to go to the border and help repel the enemies for two years. You can also have a one week break after a year. You will become an official member of the army once you register and get your equipments from the military branch office. Failure or refusal to accept this assignment will lead to immediate execution."

The manager gave another deep sigh after reading the contents and pitifully looked at Martin.

Boom! Martin was in a trance, he felt numb all over. All his senses were shut down, he did not even react when the guards left while laughing.

Eznho on the other side was grinding his teeth, he was clenching his hands tightly until his palms were white. He has never been this angry before in his life, he was looking at the guards who were leaving with a murderous look. His eyes were like the abyss that was hiding a monster inside, ready to pounce anytime.

One day...


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