Picture is of Avis Lilac Adams
I'd love to see some fanart!
But his dreams always tormented him so it was a moot point.
Someone tapped his shoulder from behind and he flinched before taking his headphones off. "Y-yess?"
It was Osiris. "Drake wants to talk to us about classes."
He sighed before nodding and followed her to the couch.
"Lessons commence next week," his eldest brother announced once everyone was seated. "Leaving this week to select them. On account of last year's occurrences, I have signed everyone for the quest program."
Shouts of, "Drake!" were raised before he put his hands up to silence everyone.
"I recognize that you don't want to undertake these courses, but last year we scarcely survived," he explained. "In the event that we ever earn a quest once more, I am keen on us being prepared."
Maddie sighed loudly. "But that only leaves us five classes for ourselves!"
"Four, miss Maddie. I have taken the liberty of adding Flight or hunting to our schedules."
"Are you sure Dorkvis can handle survival classes?" Set snapped, crossing her arms in a pout. She never liked anyone telling her what to do.
As always, everyone was glad that Osiris controlled her. The choker with the onyx gem that she always wore prevented her from being physically violent and she was always trying to talk someone to take it off of her.
"I have complete faith in the brother," Drake replied, ignoring her jab.
Luke scoffed, which earned him a glare from Logan.
"What about our careers?" the Unicorn asked, opening a Reese's peanut butter cup. "Magik is not one of those things you can take a year off from."
"As much as I hate to be an obstacle in your life plan, I must insist on this course of action. Headmaster Blair agrees with me on such steps and is actually pondering the idea of making Survival classes a required subject."
Avis nodded, not truly caring, and went to put his headphones back on.
"Avis, I've enlisted you in speech therapy."
The Hydra dropped the headphones back around his neck and stared at him, dumbfounded. "You- you'rre kid-kidding!"
"I never joke," he answered. "I've never understood its importance in society."
He frowned, turning his music on. "I'm not- not going."
Everyone watched silently as he left.
"Why can' you ever leave well enough alone?" Luke growled, flopping onto the couch.
Sarah watched them all noiselessly before shaking her head.
They were all mad at Drake except for Osiris- who was never mad- because he chose lessons they were probably going to have ended up taking anyways. What did it matter who set it up as long as it got done?
The prodigy ended up getting frustrated and locked himself in his office, where she was reading.
Despite his protectiveness of his office, he couldn't keep her out if he tried. (and he knew it) if he locked her out she could just teleport inside again.
"I don't understand them!" he huffed. "They never listen to me and I'm the only reason we survived the previous school year. You'd think after how seful I've proven that they would at least hear me out!"
That was what was nice about him; even though she didn't talk back he always spoke to her like she was the solution to all his problems.
It was nice because it felt like for once she wasn't just a viewer in their lives.
"What are you reading anyways?" he asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.
Wouldn't he like to know. She shook her head and winked.
He nodded and st down at his desk to work on papers. Even if he had a place to go over the break, he'd most likely stay here anyways. Much to his brother's dismay he had taken a years worth of classes during the summer.
"Drake?" Maddie asked, knocking on the door. "I'm sorry about earlier. I just... I don't like people telling me what to do. None of us do."
He dipped his head. "I understand what I did was wrong, but i'm worried about you all. I want to know that if something like that happens again that none of you will get hurt. You're my family."
The Dragon didn't know how much that meant for him to say that, but she did. The Adams triplets had been abandoned by their biological relatives when they were born because Avis was a misborn and they wanted nothing to do with them. The three had been travelling the European countryside for around thirteen years before they came to Unknown.
To Maddie he was saying he loved them like family, but to Sarah he was saying that they were the first people to genuinely love them.
She smiled softly then left.
"What time is it?' he asked, turning towards his laptop to check.
When he asked questions she was never sure if he was talking to himself or her, but he kept doing it no matter what the reason. "Twelve twenty. Let's head to lunch and come back."
Outside Osiris was sitting at a picnic table, worrying over letters from home. No sooner had she left when her mother and father had started flooding the school with letters. None of them were actually written by her parents, but they still smelled like home
Dear daughter, one said. There have been rumours of Humans pressing in to pack lands in Germany and we wonder if it is not long before they discover the CON. We want you to come back home during break and we have already informed your headmaster that we don't want you going on anymore field trips or adventures. Be a good girl.
"Wait," she said to no one. "What?"
Scooping up the papers, she looked at her anime watch before taking off towards the main building.
Once inside, she scanned the dining room for her friends, but only saw strangers and some classmates that she knew.
Her heart beat loudly in her chest and she unwrapped a piece of candy and ate it, calming herself.
"Excuse me," she asked one of the guards. "Have you seen any of the Mytho's guild?"
She shook her head, watching the door. "No, miss Moone, would you like me to contact you if I do?"
"Yes, ma'am," she replied. "Thank you for your time."
The Mermaid nodded and went back to her job.
Sighing, Osiris opened the door again only to run into Drake and Sarah. "Guys, I think you should hear this."
The two dipped their heads and went to their assigned tale. As soon as they sat down, food appeared.
An apple for Drake, nothing for Sarah, and strawberry cake for her.
"My parents sent me a letter saying that Humans are harassing the German packlands." she chirped. "We should find Logan, right?"
"I think if it were serious the headmaster would have said something to the guilds. There are no requests for help on the board."
"If he does then our guild can't go anyways. I'm on house arrest. I can't leave the campus."
"He still would have put something on the board."
"Unless he doesn't know,' Logan said, sitting down next to her. "The German pack doesn't like people putting their noses in their business so they keep to themselves."
"Should we tell him?" Drake asked, taking a bite of his food.
Osiris shook her head. "If we say anything and they didn't want us to they can accuse us of unwanted interference."
"She's right. They have to formally ask for help before we can do anything. Our hands are tied."
The Werewolf looked down at his ham sandwich and picked it up, slowly taking a bite so that if someone asked him how he knew all of this then he'd have time to think of a good answer that didn't give anything away, but no one did.
"So what did you do for the summer?" Drake asked, throwing his core away.
Her eyes lit up. "I got to organize the soldiers for the UniCove battle next year."
She nodded. "Every hundred years Unicorns and lions fight for ownership of the Oasis and the winner gets to live there until the next war. Honestly speaking, I don't think we're ready. We just don't have the savageness that's necessary for battle."
He didn't know that they did that... he honestly didn't know much about her life outside of Unknown or any of his friends for that matter. They just didn't talk about it. Maybe that was how he was able to blend in so easily.
"What about you, Logan?"
He shrugged. "Not much. I played ambassador for my father and had to spend most of my time in Russia arguing about the laws on Lone wolves. It was hard when I'm practically one myself and he kept talking about the strangeness of my scent."
"Politics," Drake announced, sighing. "I'm glad I don't enjoy such a subject as that. The one thing I do know is that they spend more time arguing about views than actually trying to get the issues fixed."
"You took the words right out of my mouth," he laughed. "Are the others still mad at you?"
He nodded. "Maddie tried to explain, but I think she's still upset. I have an inkling that Luke will be a stubborn prat until I change his schedule."
"Will you?"
"No. As much as I feel regret for not speaking to you all first, it is what I feel is right."
Logan shrugged. "I think it hurt Avis that you said anything about his speech because he doesn't like to talk about it. The first time we were alone together her slurred his S's and got really upset."
"So are you going to tell him?" Osiris squealed.
He sighed. "No. I can't risk it. I like having him as a roommate and if he finds out he might leave."
Sarah stared at him, raising one eyebrow.
"Can we stop talking about it?" he asked, pleadingly.
They all nodded, but the thoughts were still there that a lot of things would get easier if Logan and Avis were open.
They all knew Logan liked Avis and that Avis liked Logan, but both had sworn them to secrecy so they had to wait for the two idiots to figure it out for themselves.
Usually Drake didn't approve of betting, but he had started a pool in their first year to see how long it took the two to start dating.
Drake's guess was five years, Osiris' was three, Sarah's was two, and so on.
When they had asked Set what her guess was she had laughed, saying, "Never."
At this point it felt like it.
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