S2 - Chapter 8: Secrets Of The Past

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Connor: "W-What the hell are you!!!"

Apophis: "Your father, Apophis, Lord of Chaos"

He let out a maniacal cackle.

Apophis: "It isn't surprising that your memories have yet to return, after all, it is their doing"

Connor: "Who's they?! A-And how are you my father?!"

Apophis's chaotic eyes fixated on me, like they were staring deep into my soul.

Apophis: "Those will be surprises for later, my dear son. But for now, I thought it would be a good time to chat and catch up~"

For some reason, his voice sounded a little more calm and soothing than before.

Apophis: "The Gods are all fools, believing they could send me back to the underworld by a pathetic Demigod"

That soothing tone quickly went away.

Apophis: "I'll make this simple for you, boy. When you sealed me away, before you lost your memory, your spell was incomplete, it was weak!! So instead of being trapped in the underworld when you died, I was sealed away in your soul"

Connor: "I... no! That's not true!! You're lying!! I'm alive!!"

If snakes could smirk, Apophis did it.

Apophis: "I wonder how your sister has been doing since your death, being that she is the one who ended your life"

Connor: "What are you talking about?! I don't have a—"

Suddenly, an image flashed in my mind. I saw a girl with long brown hair, almost exactly the same as mine, tied up into twin tails. She wore a purple hoodie and a black skirt. Her bright blue eyes shined like mine did. I grabbed my head.

Apophis: "Your poor sister, Emiko. She must've been completely heartbroken. But everything had a silver lining~"

The snake hissed.

Apophis: "You have your girlfriend again, however I wouldn't get your hopes up. Chances are, she'll die a horrible painful death when the war begins!!"

Connor: "All you do is lie!! If I had a sister, she wouldn't kill me!! And if I was actually dead like you said, I wouldn't be here right now!!!"

Apophis' eyes opened wide, almost to the point where his eyes were about to fall out of their sockets.

Apophis: "What would be the fun in spoiling that!!"

Apophis shot down from the sky, and with a single move, swallowed me whole.

I awoke with a jolt, laying on the couch in the living room. I was still laying on my back, but I still felt tired. I then felt something laying on me. I removed the blanket that was covering me and saw a sleeping Angel resting her head on my chest. She was still fast asleep, however the fact she was sleeping on top of me didn't make me feel any less uncomfortable.

I mean, sure, sleeping with someone like her was nice. She's really warm, and really cute if you ask me. And yeah, we're supposed to be dating, but I still had no memories of that.

I looked down at her sleeping face and brushed away some of her black hair that was covering her face. She looked so peaceful while she slept, almost like an angel.

Unintentional joke is still horrible....

When she finally woke up, she yawned cutely and sat up. When she finally opened her eyes, and realized she was laying on me, she quickly jumped off of the couch and started blushing and stuttering like crazy.

Angel: "C-C-Connor!! I-I'm so s-sorry!! I d-didn't mean t-to sleep with y-you!! H-Honest!!"

I sat up and turned my body so I was sitting normally on the couch.

Connor: "It's okay, I didn't—"

Suddenly, July's bedroom door swung open as July ran out of her room.

July: "My Princess is missing!!!"

Connor: "Huh?"

Angel: "She can't find Siyuka"

I then heard Siyuka up in the rafters.

Siyuka: "Up here"

I looked up and saw Siyuka was laying down on the rafter above us. She had a pillow and a blanket up there as well.

July: "Come down! I need my good morning kiss!"

Siyuka leaped down from the rafters and landed directly in front of July.

Siyuka: "For the last time, I'm not your girlfriend. So please, stop asking"

July looked really disappointed and sad.

July: "I-I'm sorry..."

Siyuka sighed and wrapped July in a hug. July's eyes sparkled as the hug went on for a little longer than was needed. They then separated.

Siyuka: "We just met, so, please, calm down. Besides..."

Siyuka's face went a little pink.

Siyuka: "I'm not even close to being ready for a relationship"

July: "Okay, I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone for now"

July walked passed Siyuka to go into the kitchen. However, as July passed, I saw Siyuka's face grow a crimson red.

Siyuka: "D-Did you just grope me?!?!"

July giggled and ran into the kitchen.

Siyuka: "You're so dead!!!"

The two of the started fighting in the kitchen, meanwhile Angel and I just stared at each other in embarrassment.

Connor: "Again, it's okay. There wasn't anywhere for you to sleep anyways, I'll sleep on the floor tonight so you can have the—"

Angel: "N-No!!"

Angel leaped into my arms and hugged me.

Angel: "You will not sleep on the floor. And I'm not letting you out of my sight ever again, no matter what"

I still wasn't sure what had happened to us in the past that would make her this attached to me. It made me even more determined to get my memories back.

Connor: "O-Okay, I won't sleep on the floor"

Angel smiled innocently and sat down next to me. She then leaned up against me and hugged me.

Angel: "Thank you"

I suddenly heard July whisper in my ear.

July: "I ship it~"

My face burned red.

Connor: "Don't you have to go obsess over Siyuka or something..."

July: "Siyuka went out, she wanted to go check on something"

I yawned and stretched my arms.

Connor: "Well, I guess if she wants to go out, we should too. Let's get some breakfast"

We all got dressed in fresh clothes and left the cabin. Angel seemed to be seriously on edge the entire time we walked. As we passed students, they stared at Angel.

We finally reached the pavilions with the buffet stands everywhere. The three of us collected our breakfast, which included 2 pancakes, some scrambled eggs, a few strips of bacon, and some toast for me. Suddenly, I heard Siyuka call for us.

Siyuka: "Hey! Over here!!"

I looked towards where the noise came from and I saw Siyuka sitting at one of the tables. She was with four other students, and some I actually recognized.

Deidamia and Frostine were there with her, however there were two boys who I didn't recognize.

One was a buff, tall man. His hair and beard were red, almost like he had Irish or Scottish blood in him. His eyes were red, almost like a fire. He wore a white sleeveless shirt and camouflage shorts. He was wearing some kind of Viking vest over his shirt, almost like armor. He had two maces hanging down from his belt.

The other was a tall, but very skinny man. He was skinny to his very bones. He wore a long black and purple robe. A black hood was pulled over his head, hiding his dark purple hair. A torn and worn cape was attached to his back, and the torn pieces looked like knife blades. One eye was blood red, while the other had a big scar over it, only giving off the white of his eye.

The three of us walked over to them, however the second Angel saw Deidamia, she dropped her tray as fear filled her eyes. She then grabbed me and pulled me away from them.

Connor: "Woah! What's wrong?"

Angel: "I'm getting you out of here, now!!"

I quickly turned and brought her into a hug, which seemed to calm her down a bit.

Connor: "Slow down, tell me what's wrong"

Angel then whispered in my ear.

Angel: "If you knew who they were, you would want to leave too"

Suddenly, Deidamia jumped out of her seat and hugged me from behind.

Deidamia: "Hi! It's been a while! Have you considered being my friend yet?"

Angel quickly grabbed Deidamia and pushed her off of me.

Angel: "Stay the hell away from him!!!!"

By now, everyone was facing us.

Frostine quickly walked over to us and pulled Deidamia away.

Frostine: "Angel... we're so very sorry..."

Angel: "Do you really think that's going to change anything?! You people tortured me for a full week!! I couldn't even die!!!!"

My mind was racing a mile a minute. Was this true?! The way Angel was yelling, it didn't sound fake.

Frostine actually got onto the ground and bowed to Angel. She then made Deidamia do it too. The two boys also did it.

Frostine: "What we did was cruel, and we deserve to die for it. But... Apophis told us to. If we didn't, he would've killed us and everyone here"

Angel: "That doesn't matter!!

Deidamia suddenly started crying.

Deidamia: "I.... I'm so sorry..."

Deidamia looked up at Angel, with a look of pure grief.

Deidamia: "I-I can't control my powers. I... I hate them..."

Angel seemed to calm down a little, almost like she knew what Deidamia was talking about.

Deidamia: "W-Whenever my powers activate, m-my mind becomes corrupted... I-I do things I regret, so very much"

Deidamia actually ran up to Angel and hugged her, however since Deidamia wasn't very tall, she only managed to hug Angel's waist.

Deidamia: "If.... you want to take revenge... Kill me right now"

Angel: "W-What?!"

Angel quickly knelt down and brought Deidamia into a hug.

Angel: "I know what it's like to not be able to control your powers. I've... killed so many people because of mine... I'm still furious, but... no more violence. Killing you won't fix anything, it'll just make me a worse person"

This entire time, I was just watching this happen, completely confused on what was happening.

After everything had calmed down, and after I got Angel a new tray of food, we all sat down at the table and started talking.

Connor: "So, who are you people?"

Siyuka: "These four are the Elite Demigods, like myself"

The Scottish man spoke.

???: "Former"

Siyuka: "Shut up, Barak"

Barak: "That was some show we put on back at Mytho-Whatever. They actually thought you were on their side"

Angel quickly shot Siyuka a look, however Siyuka mouthed something to her that I couldn't understand.

Barak then patted Angel on the back.

Barak: "So! You decided to join the Fallen! What changed your mind?"

Something about that didn't sound right, maybe it was a lie Siyuka and Angel made up to help them fit in a little better.

Angel: "I don't want to talk about it"

Barak: "That's okay, everyone here has some sobby backstory about why they're here"

Barak took a sip from his mug of beer, which he was probably not old enough to drink yet.

Barak: "Me, I was an orphan for most of my life. Then I accidentally shocked a kid off his seat during lunch, funniest shit you'll ever see"

Barak started laughing.

Barak: "Then, I was found by my father, Thor. Though he seriously neglected me, even after I started living with him in Asgard. There are so many children of Thor, so no one is really that special. And eventually, he just said to leave, since I wasn't of any use to him. Mine is pretty minor compared to everyone else, but you know, we all hate the Gods for one reason or another"

Siyuka handed Barak another beer as I turned towards Deidamia.

Connor: "Deidamia, why do you hate them?"

Deidamia: "Well..."

Connor: "If you don't want to say, you don't have to"

Deidamia: "No! It's okay! I'll tell!"

She cleared her throat and held her stuffed bunny close to her chest.

Deidamia: "I was born like this, half of my face decayed and rotten. My parents even abandoned me because I looked like this. Everyone was scared of me, and bullied me because I was a freak. Then, I was found by Frostine, and she took me in"

Frostine wrapped one arm around Deidamia.

Deidamia: "Frostine is my new mommy"

Frostine blushed a hint of pink.

Frostine: "I wouldn't go that far"

Deidamia: "Anyways, I found out that my mother cursed me to look like this. Hel, the Norse Goddess of the Dead has the same curse as me, she just passed it along. She didn't even attempt to help me, she just watched as I suffered for years"

Deidamia then smiled happily.

Deidamia: "So fuck her!"

Frostine: "D-Don't say things like that!! That's a bad word!"

Deidamia just giggled.

Deidamia: "Fuck!"

Frostine: "Deidamia!!"

Angel actually started laughing, which was the cutest thing you could ever see. I guess I was staring too long, so she eventually noticed. She blushed a little.

Connor: "Frostine, what about you?"

Frostine's face went pale as ice. She then slipped her mittens off of her hands, revealing frost bitten hands. They were almost pitch black from frost bite.

Connor: "Oh my god!!"

Frostine: "Yeah... this was a little gift from my mother... She was Chione, the Greek Goddess of Ice. I actually lived with her in her ice castle for a while. However... she treated me like dirt.."

Deidamia hugged Frostine's arm.

Frostine: "Every time I would mess something up, she would freeze me and unfreeze me later in the day as punishment. Until... eventually... she caused this"

She motioned towards her hands.

Frostine: "So I escaped and never looked back. Since then, I've only been able to trust a few people"

Deidamia: "Like me!"

Frostine smiled.

Frostine: "You were one of the first I actually talked to"

Deidamia: "And since we know each other so well, I even know who you have a crush on!"

Frostine: "W-What?!"

She quickly covered Deidamia's mouth.

Barak: "She has a crush on some kid of Sobek"

Frostine: "B-Barak!!"

Barak: "Calm it down, it's not like they know who I'm talking about"

Siyuka: "Wait... are you talking about Kaito?!?!"

Frostine's normally ice pale face was now burning bright with blush.

Frostine: "Y-Yes..."

Siyuka: "Why do you have a crush on Water Boy?"

Frostine: "H-He's just really cute...!"

Frostine pulled her hat off of her head and covered her face with it. I then realized the boy in all black hadn't spoken once yet.

Connor: "So... um... what's your name?"

He looked up at me, and for some reason, it felt like the air around me got heavier.

???: "Alder"

He only said that, then went back to eating.

Siyuka: "Come on, Alder, everyone else told their stories, you have to as well"

He glared at me, like he was planning on how to stage my murder.

Alder: "Fine. My father was Apocalypse, the Greek God of Gravity. Never heard of him? Not surprised. When he was born, Zeus feared his power and sent him deep into space. He came back to earth many centuries later and got together with a woman. I was born, and I was actually happy. But then that bastard left us to go back to space"

He clenched his fist.

Alder: "Zeus decided I was too strong to be kept alive, so he sent the Nemean Lion to kill me. The Nemean Lion is one of the strongest monsters in Greek Mythology. In trying to kill me, it killed my mother instead. That's when my powers fully awoke and I killed the damn thing. I turned its coat into my clothes I'm wearing now. Bullet and fire proof. Zeus then decided to let me live, since I proved I was strong. Damn bastard...."

Alder took a deep breath and glared at Siyuka.

Alder: "Happy?"

Siyuka: "Yeah... sorry"

We sat in awkward silence until I looked over to July.

Connor: "So... what about you?"

July: "I... don't want to talk about it... sorry..."

Connor: "It's okay, don't force yourself"

July leaned over and gave Siyuka a hug. Siyuka was about to push her away, but she stopped herself.

Siyuka: "Fine... just this once"

July then jumped up and hugged her tighter.

July: "I knew you'd come around!!"

Siyuka: "D-Don't get any ideas!"

July smugly smiled up at her.

July: "Too late~"

The rest of us started laughing, well, except for Alder.

July: "Hey, has anyone seen Skylar today? I haven't seen him around"

Connor: "Oh, Skylar wants to be referred to as female now"

Frostine: "W-What?! H-How'd that happen!!"

Connor: "I had a talk with her last night, and... I guess it was what she needed"

Deidamia: "Wait a minute... so if she identified as a guy.... and still liked girls... would that make her lesbian or straight"

Barak: "For someone so young, you ask the big questions in life"

Deidamia: "Like what type of shampoo and conditioner you put on your beard"

Barak: "How the hell did you know that!! I mean! I never do that!!"

Deidamia: "You're so funny!"

Barak tried to grab her, but she grabbed his beard and tugged gently.

Deidamia: "I wouldn't~"

Barak: "Fine...."

We were all laughing at this point, even Alder grew a slight grin.

Suddenly, the loud speakers to the school started going off. I heard Nanami's voice.

Nanami: "Would Connor, Siyuka, Angel, and July please report to my office"

Barak: "Ooooo, someone's in trouble"

Frostine smacked the back of his head.

Frostine: "I'm sure it's nothing bad"

Connor: "Let's hope"

The four of us got up after finishing our breakfast and started for the main building.

July: "I hope we're not in trouble..."

Siyuka: "I'm sure we're fine, and even if we are, so what?"

Connor: "I saw what was in her other room... I'm not too keen on having to be in there too long"

Angel: "What was in there?"

Connor: "You'll see"

We finally arrived at the main building and went inside. As we walked passed the torture room, not kidding, Angel's face flushed.

Angel: "Oh.... That's what you were talking about..."

We finally reached her throne room, where Nanami was sitting in the throne, holding a glass of some kind of liquid that I didn't recognize.

Nanami: "I'm so glad you could see me at such short notice"

She got down from her throne and walked down to us. She then waved her hand in front of us and wine glasses appeared in our hands. She then waved her hand over the glasses and they filled up with the same strange liquid that was in her drink. It looked almost like apple juice, but it smelled like honey.

Nanami: "What is in your glasses is called Ambrosia, the drink of the Gods. Legend says that whoever drinks it will taste their favorite flavor in the world"

July took a sip first, and the second she finished the sip, I could see stars in her eyes.

July: "That tastes so good!!!"

Angel and Siyuka took

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