Before anyone could react, Idril casted her time spell. However something was wrong, Heka didn't seem affected by it.
Heka: "Honestly, did you really expect magic to work on the God of Magic?"
Connor: "Nope, but that's why I'm here"
He placed his finger on his purple and gold ring.
Connor: "Mode Two!!"
Connor's ring suddenly turned into a long spear. The handle was wrapped in a dark blue cloth. Just looking at the spear, you could tell a lot of time and effort were put into making it.
In Connor's left hand, he was holding Apophis' fang sword. In his right, he was wielding the spear. He looked back at me.
Connor: "Emiko, try using arrows that would help me, instead of hurting him"
He then looked at Idril.
Connor: "Have you learned how to heal from a distance?"
Idril: "Y-Yes, but it has a limit to how far"
Connor: "That's okay, just do the best you can to heal me"
Heka: "You're naive, thinking you can defeat a God. You're not even my child"
Connor's eyes turned pure yellow.
Connor: "Good, because I don't want to be!"
He shot forward, thrusting his spear right at Heka's chest. Heka put his hand out in front of the spear tip and created a barrier made of Arcane. The tip of the spear started to glow red, releasing a powerful blast of what Connor would later tell me is chaos energy. It shattered the barrier, creating a massive hole in Heka's chest. Blood dripped out of his mouth.
Heka: "How dare you!!!"
Around Heka body, a light blue aura started to form. It then exploded from his body, blasting Connor back.
I managed to catch Connor before he could hit the ground. However when we looked at Heka, something was different. His chest was completely healed. His eyes were literally on fire, but the fire was bright blue.
Heka: "You should've sided with me, Emiko. If you had, I would've taught you this technique. My Arcane Gate"
Connor rushed him again, but before he could even get close to him, Heka formed a massive sphere made of pure arcane. He threw it at Connor.
Connor: "Mode Three!!"
Connor's spear turned into a metal shield with a bright blue gem in the center.
He took the attack full force with the shield. The energy radiating off of the attack was burning Connor's arm, but Idril's healing kept it healed. His entire body started emitting red chaos energy. He yelled at the top of his lungs and managed to push the sphere away, charging in for another strike. Connor shifted his fang sword into its boomerang form and tossed it at Heka.
Heka easily knocked it to the side, but Connor snapped his fingers, switching places with the sword.
Connor: "Mode Five!!!!"
His shield transformed into a large purple scythe.
He then swung his scythe downwards, cutting right into Heka's back. Heka attempted to strike Connor with an arcane blast, but he snapped his fingers just in time to switch places with his sword. He sliced upwards, cutting right into Heka's chest. Heka collapsed to the ground.
Emiko: "Hell yeah!!!"
The chaos energy faded back into Connor's body. Normally, he would've collapsed after something like that. But he didn't look the littlest bit exhausted.
Connor looked down at Heka.
Connor: "Die in hell, Mom deserved better than you"
Connor turned away from him and walked back over to us. Idril was already over by Himari, healing her wound.
Connor: "He's not dead, he'll be back. So, what's the plan now?"
Emiko: "I'm not sure, really. We came here to free the Gods. But... we've lost so many. This wasn't worth it..."
Idril: "I've been keeping count, we've lost almost half of our army. Not including the students back at Mytho-Academy"
Connor: "What about Kaito?! I haven't seen him yet"
Idril: "He isn't one of the casualties. At least... I hope"
Connor: "Damnit..."
Idril looked down at Himari.
Idril: "Himari is in bad shape, she has a concussion. We can't take her with us"
I ran over to her to see how bad the injury was.
Emiko: "Let me see her"
I set Himari's head in my lap. I placed my hands on the sides of her head, emitting a bright green light from them. After a few seconds, she slowly opened her eyes.
Emiko: "H-Himari!!"
I pulled her up to me and hugged her tightly.
Himari: "Ow ow ow ow! My whole body hurts!"
I quickly ended the hug.
Emiko: "Crap, sorry"
Connor walked over to us.
Connor: "We need to move. We're out in the open"
With Connor's help, we managed to get Himari into a weird looking building. It almost looked like a blacksmith. There was some furniture inside, so I sat down on the couch and let Himari rest her head in my lap. Idril and Connor each sat in separate chairs.
Connor: "This is the safest place we could be, besides the main building. But I have a feeling Nanami is there"
Emiko: "Who's Nanami?"
Connor: "This school's Principal. She's stronger than all of the elite combined"
Idril: "She was probably that girl we saw at the front gate"
Emiko: "She gave Odin goosebumps"
Connor: "Holy crap, I knew she was strong, but that's just insane"
We sat there for a little bit, just trying to recover.
Idril: "I wonder how everyone else is doing"
Connor: "Angel's fighting Skylar, a former child of Hercules. She's strong as hell though, I'm not sure if Angel can win, even if she's in her berserk mode"
Suddenly, we heard rustling from behind the counter. Connor looked at us and put his finger to his mouth, telling us to be quiet. He sneaked over to the counter and leaped over it, grabbing whoever was on the other side.
???: "Connor!! Wait!! It's me!! Blaze!!!"
Connor quickly let go of the person. They were dressed like a traditional blacksmith, with fiery red eyes. He was covered in dust.
Connor: "What are you doing here?"
Blaze: "I'm not a fighter, so I stayed back"
He looked over the counter and looked right at us.
Blaze: "W-What are those people doing here?!"
Connor: "Things have changed, I'm not fighting with Nanami anymore"
Blaze scowled.
Blaze: "You filthy traitor!!!"
Suddenly, the blacksmith door opened.
???: "He's not a traitor, Nanami is"
We quickly looked over and saw two people walking in.
One, I instantly recognized. Siyuka was the first to enter the building. However she was followed by a short, black haired girl. She had chocolate skin and heterozygous eyes, one being purple and the other being orange. She had a pair of pink handcuffs binding her hands.
Emiko: "Siyuka! You're okay!"
She grinned at me.
Siyuka: "Have a little more faith in me"
The girl behind her was struggling in the cuffs.
Connor: "Woah, July, what's going on?"
July: "You're all traitors!! Joining the Gods!!!"
Siyuka: "For the last time, Nanami's been tricking you!!"
July tried to run out of the building, but Siyuka quickly grabbed her.
July: "You're lying!! Nanami would never trick us!! She's the one who saved us!!!"
Connor: "It's true. She wants to destroy the Gods, as well as all the mortals who have nothing to do with this"
July: "Stop lying!!!!"
Siyuka: "We're not lying. It's the truth"
Connor and Siyuka filled us in on Nanami's plan. The entire time, Blaze and July looked like their worlds were falling apart.
Blaze: "That's just... insane..."
July: "No... y-you have to be lying! S-She would never...!"
Siyuka rolled her eyes and pulled July close to her, kissing her right on the lips.
My jaw literally dropped.
Siyuka: "You're an idiot, but you're my idiot. Just look outside, you see all the dead bodies that litter the ground. Nanami stood and watched as everyone died. I won't let you believe in someone like that. Not while I can do something about it"
July: "I-It really is true... she.. lied to us..."
After a few minutes of Siyuka calming July down, things started to calm down a bit.
July's face was red with blush.
July: "C-Can you... do that again...?"
Siyuka let go of her, letting July drop onto a chair.
Siyuka: "No way in hell, you damned pervert"
July: "Oh come on! It's just a kiss!!"
Siyuka turned away, her face a bright pink.
Siyuka: "It was only to snap you out of it! Don't make a big deal out of it! It meant nothing!!"
July: "You handcuffed me and kissed me, can't explain yourself out of this one~"
Siyuka: "S-Shut up!!"
July giggled.
Blaze: "Oh!! I have something I need to show you"
Blaze brought us into the back room of the blacksmith. Where I saw two beds, each with someone on it. The first was an extremely injured Kaito, with multiple bandages all over his body. The other was Angel, completely passed out. She didn't look injured though.
Blaze: "They were alive. Even though they're the enemy— Or, were the enemy, I couldn't leave them to die"
Connor rushed over to Angel's side.
Connor: "Angel! Come on! Say something!"
Angel's body didn't move.
Blaze: "She'll live, don't worry. I found her not too far from here. She was unconscious in a crater"
Connor: "Damnit... I never should've left her"
Connor held onto Angel's hand.
Connor: "I finally have my memories back. But... I can't forgive myself for forgetting how much I cared for her"
He turned to us.
Connor: "You guys go get some rest. I'll stay here"
I was a little worried about leaving Connor alone, but after everything he'd been through, I decided to listen to him.
We all relaxed on the couches and chairs for a bit, chatting about what had happened and what we should do next.
Emiko: "Why is July in handcuffs?"
Siyuka: "She was a little uncooperative. So I had to drag her here by force"
July: "You weren't even a little gentle with me. I'll keep that in mind~"
Siyuka rolled her eyes again, hiding a slight pink blush. I whispered to myself.
Emiko: "I ship it"
Siyuka heard me.
Siyuka: "The hell you do!!!"
Idril suddenly spoke up.
Idril: "According to what Connor and Siyuka said, this Nanami is their leader. We take her down, and the rest should follow"
July: "We may need the Gods to help fight her, just to have a chance. She fought all of the Elite without using a weapon or her powers"
Himari: "So throw a weapon and powers into the mix and she's almost unstoppable"
Himari looked a little too comfortable in my lap.
Emiko: "You better not be enjoying my thighs"
Himari: "What if I am~?"
Emiko: "Then I'll get you a pillow and make you use that instead"
Himari: "If you do that, I'll tell everyone about what we—"
I quickly covered her mouth with my hand. Siyuka gave me a smug grin.
Siyuka: "You actually went for it, nice"
My face burned red.
Emiko: "If anyone talks about it, they'll get an arrow through their foot!!!"
It was actually nice being able to talk like this. We were in the middle of a war zone, we needed something to bring our spirits up.
Emiko: "I'm almost considering abandoning this battle. We've lost so many already, I'm not sure this was worth it"
Siyuka: "The hell we are! If we leave now, all those lives lost will be in vain! We're not letting their deaths mean nothing. We're seeing this through till the end"
Emiko: "Then we need a plan. Idril was right, taking down Nanami will mean we win"
July: "She's probably in the main building, we'll have to start there"
Emiko: "Right, do you know if the Elite are with her?"
Siyuka: "Definitely not, they're on the front lines"
July: "Then we should go, now"
Emiko: "Not everyone is in fighting condition. We'll need all the help we can get"
Idril: "I'll go see if I can heal Kaito, maybe he'll be able to help"
Emiko: "Thanks, Idril. Check on Connor while you're there, too"
Idril walked inside. She then screamed.
Emiko: "What's wrong?!!!"
Idril: "Connor's gone!!"
Emiko: "Shit! He went after Nanami alone!"
Idril: "You go on ahead, I'll stay and heal these two. We'll get there as soon as we can"
I looked down at Himari.
Emiko: "Do you need to stay back?"
Himari: "Nope, I'm good now. I'm just enjoying my pillow"
I quickly got up.
Emiko: "Alright, let's do this"
Me, Siyuka, July, and Himari ran out of the blacksmith. Siyuka and July led the way to the main building. As we ran, I kept having the feeling something was following us. I turned around and saw what was following us. I saw a massive wave of pure ice rushing towards us, with Frostine riding the top of it like a wave.
Emiko: "Incoming!!!"
Siyuka spun around as her body sparked with electricity. She leaped into the air and slammed her pole into the ice wave, destroying it on impact.
Frostine landed gracefully on her feet.
Frostine: "July, Siyuka, why are you helping them? They're the enemy"
July: "Nanami's plan is just crazy. She wants to kill everyone who isn't a Demigod, including mortals"
Frostine: "It would seem they've tricked you into believing lies. I'll make sure they pay for what they've done"
She held her hand out to us, creating hundreds of ice shards in the air, all pointed towards us.
Frostine: "July, Siyuka, stay where you are. If you don't move, these won't hurt you"
They all shot towards as at great speeds. I quickly drew my bow and pulled back to shoot an arrow. I released the arrow and yelled.
Emiko: "Multishot!!"
The second I said those words, the arrow split into hundreds of identical arrows, destroying each shard of ice.
July: "Holy crap, that was cool!"
Siyuka: "Don't go trying to impress July"
Emiko: "Why? Because you're getting jealous?"
Siyuka: "Shut up....!"
Frostine: "I guess I can't take all of you down. But I'll at least get the God worshipers"
The ground beneath us froze solid. If we tried to move, we would slip on the ice. She held her hand out again, but she looked a little nervous.
Frostine: "July, Siyuka, t-this is your last chance. Surrender or I'll kill you along with them"
July: "We're not fighting for Nanami, not after what she's done"
Frostine: "Then you can die, I promise to make it quick"
She raised her hand into the air. Suddenly, a massive chunk of ice the size of the entire camp appeared from the clouds.
Siyuka: "Oh shit!!! I can't break that thing!!!"
It shot down to the earth. We wouldn't be fast enough to get out of its range, and we weren't strong enough to destroy it.
???: "Thanks for having fun without me!!"
I looked up into the air and saw Kaito shooting towards the ice meteor. His sword was massive, since it was covered in water. It had to be at least 65 feet long (20 meters long). He slashed at the ice, destroying it completely. He landed directly in front of us, looking as good as new.
Emiko: "Good to have you back!"
Kaito: "Yeah, Idril's seriously talented at healing"
He turned to Frostine. The second they looked at each other, they both blushed.
Himari gasped.
Himari: "Oh my Gods!!! You two have a crush on each other!!!"
Both Kaito and Frostine yelled at the same time.
Kaito/Frostine: "I DO NOT!!!!"
Kaito sighed.
Kaito: "You guys go on ahead, I'll take care of Frostine"
Emiko: "Thanks, we owe you one"
As we ran away from Kaito and Frostine, we could hear the sound of water and ice clashing.
We finally reached the main building, but it looked horrible. Walls were destroyed completely, and honestly, it looked like it was about to collapse.
At the front door, I could see Connor was walking inside.
Emiko: "Connor! Hold on!!"
He looked back.
Connor: "You shouldn't be here"
Emiko: "You seriously expected us to just let you do this on your own?"
Connor: "I don't want any of you to get hurt, not like last time"
Emiko: "By throwing your own life away?! Again?! I won't let that happen!! Not again!!!!"
Connor: "I can't talk you out of it, can I?"
Emiko: "Nope"
He grinned.
Connor: "Fine, but if you die, I'll kill you"
Emiko: "You did not just steal my line"
Connor laughed a little.
Connor: "Come on, let's end this"
With that, we walked into the main building.
The last thing I remembered was hearing a loud explosion. When I regained consciousness, I was on the ground, covered in dirt and dust. Fire was all around me, and I could see everyone was lying on the ground. Debris was everywhere, and standing above us, was Nanami.
Emiko: "D-Damn you...!"
Nanami: "So, you're Emiko Yukari. I must say, I'm disappointed. Connor is much more promising than you"
From behind Nanami, Connor appeared from the smoke and swung his scythe right at the back of her head. Nanami drew her katana and parried the attack, slamming the flat of her blade onto Connor's side, making him fall to the ground.
Nanami: "I change my mind, I'm rather disappointed in both of you. You're both extremely weak. And to think, I offered to be your wife, Connor"
Connor: "I should say the same. I'm disappointed that you thought I'd want to be married to a psychopath like you. Even I have standards"
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