Chapter 9: When Duellum Goes Wrong

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Thanks a lot, Connor! Way to ruin the surprise!!

So yeah, me and Siyuka have to battle in Duellum. As for how this happened... I'll take you through it.

After we'd all parted ways, I went to the school's shop, just to see if I could get some new clothes. The ones I was wearing were washed the previous night, however I needed a change. I couldn't wear these clothes forever.

I expected the shop to be this small little gift shop, with a bunch of cheap stuff. However this place was huge. When I walked inside, it looked like a very fancy Walmart, without all the weird people and outrageous prices. There were probably hundreds of isles in this place. As I walked around, I saw isles for armor, weapons, magic artifacts, cookies, I definitely like that last one.

I looked around for a bit until I found the clothes section. I went over to the girls side, and saw a bunch of really nice looking clothes. I wasn't one who would get excited about clothes shopping, but I had to admit, this is pretty cool. I inspected some of the clothes, and they were really well made. I had to know who made all of these. The god of clothes? Probably not something to think about.

As I was looking through them, I saw someone start to quickly run towards me, right out of the corner of my eye. I quickly turned and saw it was Himari. She stopped right before she ran into me.

Himari: "Oh, hey Emiko!"

Emiko: "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?"

Himari: "I'm skipping, there really is no penalty for skipping class"

Emiko: "Wow, that must be nice"

Himari: "Anyways, what are you up to?"

Emiko: "Just looking for some new clothes. I need a change of pace"

Himari: "No buying any pajamas"

Emiko: "Why?"

Himari: "Because then you can't wear the cute pajamas I have for you!"

Emiko: "I'm not wearing those again!"

Himari: "Your face is all red! How adorable!"

Emiko: "You little...."

Himari giggled.

Himari: "Just teasing~ What do you plan on getting?"

Emiko: "Something simple, maybe some training clothes"

Himari: "Get a tank top, they're nice and breathable"

I suddenly heard two sets of footsteps approach me and Himari. When I turned around, I saw the same two girls who me and Kaito freed from Siyuka's deal. They quickly stopped in front of me and started bowing. The girl with white hair started to speak.

Abby: "T-Thank you so much! W-We're forever in your debt!"

Emiko: "Don't thank me, Kaito's the one who—"

I was cut off when both of them took my hands.

Abby: "W-We haven't introduced ourselves. I'm Abby, and this is Breana"

The girl with red hair spoke.

Breana: "T-Thank you so much"

Emiko: "Seriously, you don't need to thank me"

Abby: "W-We actually have something to ask of you..."

Emiko: "What is it?"

Both of them looked at me with burning red faces.

Abby and Breana: "W-Would you make us your slaves?"

Emiko: "H-Huh?!"

Himari quickly stood between us.

Himari: "Stay away from my girl"

Emiko: "Y-Your girl?!"

Abby: "Please Miss Emiko! We want to be your slaves! We need to repay you somehow"

Emiko: "I can't accept that. I fought with Siyuka so you wouldn't have to be slaves. Why would you want to be slaves again?"

Breana: "Because we're both masochists!"

Abby: "All children of Aphrodite are either masochists or sadists, we got the better end of the deal. Siyuka would never treat us right, when we'd do her work, she'd just tell us to go away"

Emiko: "My final answer is no. I'm not having you two become slaves again"

Abby: "Maybe we'll try our luck with Angel..."

Himari: "Stay away from her too, she already has a boyfriend"

Himari quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me away from them. We then walked down a different isle.

Himari: "You seriously gotta watch out for the children of Aphrodite"

Emiko: "No kidding"

I looked forward to the opposite side of the isle to see Siyuka, also looking for clothes. And wouldn't you know it, she had two more servants with her.

Emiko: "How many does she have?!"

Himari: "A good amount, mostly children of Aphrodite and Freya"

Emiko: "That's just... weird..."

Siyuka noticed us and scowled. She then started to approach us.

Siyuka: "I saw those two sl*ts talking to you. I guess pigs make friends with other pigs"

Himari: "Why you—"

I held my arm out in front of Himari.

Emiko: "Some big talk coming from someone who can't win a battle to save her life"

Siyuka: "You know you only won that match because of water boy, if you didn't have him on your side, I would've sent you home in a body bag"

I was about ready to just punch her, but I managed to keep myself calm. I smirked.

Emiko: "So violent, just take the loss and move on"

Siyuka: "All you do is talk smart. You wouldn't last a second in a real Duellum match"

Emiko: "Oh, like how you beat Connor? Oh wait, that's right, you lost miserably"

Siyuka's eyes started to spark.

Siyuka: "I challenge you to Duellum then!"

Emiko: "Thanks but no thanks, I'll pass"

Siyuka: "What?! Y-You can't turn down a challenge! That's dishonorable!"

Emiko: "Oh like hell, since when do you care about honor? Besides, I don't need to prove myself"

Siyuka turned away.

Siyuka: "Fine, don't accept it. Maybe I'll go challenge Angel or Kaito instead. Kicking their asses should be fun"

I clenched my fist.

Emiko: "This isn't about honor, you just want to hurt people"

Siyuka: "And so what if I do? The only way you can stop me is if you make me"

Emiko: "You know what, fine! I accept! If I win, you aren't allowed to enact Duellum ever again!"

Siyuka: "Fine, but if I win, I get your bow"

I placed my hand on my bow. I don't know why, but ever since I touched this bow, I felt connected to it, almost like it was supposed to be used by me.

Emiko: "Why do you want it?"

Siyuka: "I just want a new weapon for my collection is all. No specific reason"

Emiko: "Fine, I accept these terms"

We shook hands, and the Duellum mark appeared on the back of our hands.

Siyuka: "See you tonight"

Siyuka walked off, leaving me regretting my decision.

And that brings us back to the present, where I was about to enter the coliseum in the Roman wing. I was about to go inside when I heard Connor shout at me from behind me.

Connor: "What the hell did you do?!"

I turned and saw him running towards me. He stopped in front of me and grabbed my shoulders.

Connor: "Why in the hell did you challenge her?!"

I swatted his hands away.

Emiko: "She was talking sh*t. And if I win, she can never challenge anyone in Duellum again"

Connor: "I don't want to sound mean, but you really don't stand a chance"

Emiko: "Have a little more faith in me, I've had your back since we were younger, so try and have mine every once in a while"

Connor: "I do, but... just try not to get too hurt"

Emiko: "Aw~ you do care about me"

Connor: "Shut it"

Emiko: "How about this, if I lose, you get bragging rights"

Connor: "Fair enough"

I was about to walk into the building when Connor grabbed my hand.

Connor: "Hold on, I have something for you"

Connor pulled out a small dagger from his pocket, still in the sheath. However the sheath had a symbol carved into it.

Connor: "I ran into Himari on my way here, and she told me to give it to you"

Emiko: "What is it?"

Connor: "No clue, but she wanted to make sure you had it for the fight. She said it would help you"

Emiko: "Oh okay, thanks, I'll give her a kiss on the cheek afterwards"

Connor: "I ship it"

I punched him on the shoulder before walking away. Connor shouted to me as I walked away.

Connor: "Good luck!"

About an hour of waiting later, I was all set up. I had my bow ready, and the dagger hanging off the belt on my skirt. I hadn't drawn the blade yet, since I didn't want to see what would happen just yet.

I was called out to the arena, and I was practically shaking. Yeah, I was confident I could win, but at the same time, I was worried that I may lose.

I walked out onto the arena, where both Siyuka and Odin were waiting for me. Once I got to them, Odin made his announcement.

Odin: "Today, we have another Duellum between Siyuka Yuuki and Emiko Yukari. This Duellum will decide if it is Siyuka's last Duellum, we can only wait and see"

He disappeared in a flash of light, signaling the beginning of the fight. I was expecting Siyuka to come dashing towards me, however she didn't move a muscle. She just stared me down. I drew my bow, ready to draw.

Emiko: "Um... are you gonna move or something?"

She was silent.

I drew back my bow and formed an Arcane Arrow. Seeing her body not move an inch as I aimed my bow made me uneasy.

Emiko: "I'm gonna fire, are you going to move at all?"

She didn't even blink.

Something wasn't right, it was like she wanted me to shoot her. I released the string, making the arrow shoot towards her. However the second it got within 2 feet of her, lightning shot out of Siyuka's body and destroyed it. In that very moment, I flinched. I then felt a powerful kick strike me in the chest, sending me flying back and on the ground.

Emiko: "Gaaaahhhh!!"

I looked up and saw Siyuka walking slowly towards me, with her pole in hand.

Siyuka: "What's wrong? You seem scared"

I quickly got up, however my legs and hands were trembling. She wasn't even using half the effort she used in her match against Connor, and I was already losing.

I drew my bow back, and shot another arrow. However this one also met the same fate, due to lightning.

Siyuka: "That's all you've got? That's so pathetic. I may as well finish you off now"

Her body started to spark, as lightning started to emanate from her. The lightning then formed the dragon avatar she'd used before. It was terrifying when I'd saw Connor against it. But when I was this close to it, I couldn't even move from how scared I was.

The dragon threw a punch down towards me, however I managed to jump and roll out of the way. I was about to draw another arrow, however I knew these were completely useless at this point.

I put my bow on my back and did the only thing I could do, run. I ran as fast as I could, hoping to get some distance between me and Siyuka, however she was too quick. She appeared directly in front of me, with her dragon avatar staring down at me.

Siyuka: "This isn't even a Duellum. This was a waste of time. I knew you were weak"

She then grew a grin.

Siyuka: "Just like your parents"

My blood boiled at her words. She was talking about the same thing in her fight with Connor, and I wanted to punch her back then too.

I clenched my fist.

Emiko: "Shut... up..."

Siyuka: "What was that~? I couldn't hear you, pig"

Emiko: "I SAID SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!!"

I drew the dagger from its sheath and leaped towards her, hoping to get a strike in. However she simply swatted me away with her dragon avatar. The hit sent me into the wall, which hurt so much that I couldn't even scream. The impact made all the air leave my lungs.

Siyuka walked over to me, making her dragon avatar disappear as she got closer. I stood up to try and swing the dagger, however she kicked me in the stomach, making me drop the dagger. I tried to get up again, however she threw another kick, this time hitting me right in my side. I grabbed her ankle, since I couldn't even get up at this point, however she just kicked my hand away and stepped on it.

I was too weak to even scream in pain. She knelt down and grabbed me by my hair, pulling my head up to face her.

Siyuka: "You're so pathetic, a poor excuse for a Demigod. You're not even as powerful as a regular disgusting mortal"

Emiko: "S-Shut—"

Siyuka threw me to the ground, as she looked up at the stadium's crowd. Everyone was dead silent.

Siyuka: "She's obviously lost, end this stupid fight already"

She started to walk away from me. I tried to reach out for her, but my body was in too much pain. I looked over and saw my dagger was laying right next to me. However it was just out of reach. I held my hand out, trying to grab it.

I can't give up now, I can't have her win just like that!

I closed my eyes, feeling my body lose all of its strength. When I opened my eyes, all I could see around me was darkness. In front of me, a blue light started to form. From this light, a figure emerged. It was a tall man with dark skin. His hair was chocolate brown and his eyes were a light blue, almost like mine. He wore a dark blue cloak, with a few scrolls hanging out of the cloak's pocket.

Emiko: "W-Who...?"

???: "Emiko Yukari, it is time you know the truth about your heritage. However, before I inform you of that, you must win this battle.

I could only mumble my words.

Emiko: "I-I can't... I-I'm too weak..."

He knelt down to me and placed his hand on mine.

???: "My name is Heka, the Egyptian God of Magic, and you, Emiko, are my daughter"

I felt power rush through my body at his touch.

Heka: "Use my power to win this battle. Then, seek me out. I will be waiting"

Heka faded into the darkness, as I regained consciousness. I felt the dagger in my hand, as the power surged through my body. The power was coming from the dagger. I set the dagger back into it's sheath and drew my bow. I pulled back on the string, however nothing formed.

Siyuka turned to me.

Siyuka: "You just don't know when to quit, do you"

She raised her pole to the sky, as the clouds started to turn gray. Lightning then struck her, as the remaining lightning concentrated at the end of her pole, creating a spearhead. She then got ready to toss it.

A blue aura started to envelop me, as an arrow started to form on my bow. The arrow was bright blue in color, and was a decent size compared to the rest I'd made. Maybe about 3 times as big. The aura then started to spin around me, like a vortex.

Siyuka: "I'll see you in Tartarus!!"

Siyuka threw her lightning spear, as I prepared to shoot my arrow. The same symbol that was on my sheath was now floating above my head in a golden color.

Emiko: "I am Emiko Yukari!! Daughter of Heka, the Egyptian God of Magic!! I may be weak, but I won't allow myself to lose to someone like you!!!!!!"

I shot the arrow, screaming at the top of my lungs as I did it.

Emiko: "ARROW OF AVALON!!!!!!"

The two attacks collided, resulting in a massive shockwave of both lightning and arcane. When the dust settled, I was on the ground, with Siyuka standing over me. She placed her heel on my head, forcing my head onto the ground.

Siyuka: "I've won, stay down, you poor excuse for a demigod"

Odin appeared next to us.

Odin: "The winner has been decided! Siyuka is the winner!!"

Siyuka knelt down and grabbed my bow out of my hands. She looked down at me, then snapped the bow in two, right in front of me.

Emiko: "NO!!!"

She kicked me in the stomach, right before walking away. That kick was enough to finally do me in, making me pass out.


Well, I bet none of you saw that coming :3

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I'm sorry this took so long to make.

As some of you may know, I cut my finger badly, so typing, writing, and texting are extremely difficult right now.

That being said, I'll do my best to have the next chapter out as soon as possible.

See you all then!

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