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A/N: Hi, my name is Abby, I am a human being, and I lost interest in this story so I stopped writing it. Also had a bunch of people bug me on this site do do this story like it was my job and I didn't feel it worthy of my  time anymore . But one of you succesffully guilted me into giving you an ending so  thank you all, and I do hope you enjoy the final chapter of Myth-O-Book! 


Percy Jackson has updated his status~~

Dude...we haven't been on here in ages!


Leo Valdez: .....

Annabeth Chase: Hey, Leo, how's it feel to see this thing again?

Leo Valdez: .... Annabeth why are you and your kelp head boyfriend on here? 

Percy Jackson: Well Leo "Hey Whale!" Valdez figured it would be the best punishment for being missing for three years. Show you this horribly embarrassing thing you did!

Calypso: Oh, yeah, I didn't realize this was you when you were on the Island.

Leo Valdez: Who did you think I was???

Calypso: I don't know, I just always pictured you as some petulant, annoying, baby man when I was on here. 

Jason Grace: Well....

Leo Valdez: HEY!

Piper McLean: She's simply stating facts here Leo, you were pretty annoying. 

Leo Valdez: I am funny!

Piper McLean: Yes, funny at times, but other times it was just annoying. I mean, you're still my bro, but dude, the "Hey look a Whale" shtick got just lazily repetitive. 

Leo Valdez: I made a website, and it was fun and interactive. I stand by it. 

Rachel Elizabeth Dare: Yeah, but my live streams were the best part.

Leo Valdez: I made you able to upload live streams

Frank Zhang: You know, I think kids are actually happier without this site...lets them avoid knowledge of capitalism for a little longer....

Percy Jackson: You know what I just realized, this is excellent blackmail...

Piper McLean: Like the 'fire face' fiasco. 

Malcolm: No, I don't think that was the words...

Annabeth Chase: Combustible head, that what he was singing about.  

Calypso: What?

Annabeth Chase: https://www.mythobook.chb/leovaldez/3907509857/combustable_heads/4897

Calypso: Oh my god XD

Leo Valdez: .....I think he got one of those combustible heads....

Chiron: NO.

Percy Jackson: Good to hear from you, sir!

Chiron: Good to hear from you too, Percy. How is everything at NRU?

Percy Jackson: Pretty good, they're really helpful with the dyslexia problems, and it's been nice to go to school and not worry about it getting blown up by monsters. Hows CHB?

Chiron: Very good, everything's been running much more smoothly since all you trouble makers have gone on to do schooling or working with the gods.

Percy Jackson: Yeah... But Nico is still there, and Hazel sometimes, so you still got some Big 3 kids.

Chiron: Yes, but they don't cause trouble like the rest of you. 

Hazel Levesque: Thank you, Chiron.

Nico di Angelo: HA!

Percy Jackson: * rolls eyes * 

Nico di Angelo: I mean, I guess it's not you and Jason's fault that Zeus and Poseidon make smellier demigods.

Percy Jackson: HEY!

Jason Grace: Percy, you shouldn't act like we aren't smelly after practice. 

Percy Jackson: DUDE!

Jason Grace: Gotta go, man, action figures don't paint themselves!

Percy Jackosn: I mean, I guess it's just that Hades' kids are born to be mild

Leo Valdez: *mediocre guitar solo*

Nico di Angelo: Oh, that's just sad. 

Will Solace has updated his status~~

I love short people, they're more down to earth


Frank Zhang: HERE! HERE!

Nico di Angelo: You know, I'm getting to be almost the same height as you, right?

Hazel Levesque: Frank, I'm not short. I'm average height for women in America.

Frank Zhang: But I'm taller ;)

Hazel Levesque: Yeah but I didn't need a god's help to get this tall...

Nico di Angelo: OOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Frank Zhang: *rolls eyes* Yeah, alright, you want a step stool to buck at me?

Leo Valdez has updated his status~~


Hi! Are you missing your underwear? How about one sock? Or both socks? Or perhaps a sports bra? Yeah so if you're missing any of these things please come to Apartment 2F in New Rome to get them back, sorry my cat is stealing your undergarments. I apologize and will try to keep her out of the laundry room from now on.  


Percy Jackson: Why is Annie stealing people's underwear and socks?

Leo Valdez: No idea, I was cleaning behind the couch and found like twenty things of boxers and panties and, like at least, fifty socks and five(1/2?) bras? 

Piper McLean: How do you have 1/2 a bra?

Leo Valdez: There is only one cup and no straps, so, I have a boob cup, not a bra, sorry.

Piper McLean: Oh my god, this is amazing.

Annabeth Chase: I'm coming down there.

Leo Valdez: Oh god.

Drew Tanaka: Same

Leo Valdez: So is everyone just coming down for a panty party now? ;)

Piper McLean: Don't be gross Leo

Percy Jackson: Seriously man.

Leo Valdez: sorry

Zeus updated his status~~

I want to chase someone.

I am seeking somebody who let me chase them. age and gender don't matter. you can be old or a lady or whatever as long as you can go real fast. it doesn't matter where it happens (inside or outside) but you have to be fun to chase. you can't be on a bike because it's cheating. I want the chasing to last a long time and I want to be sweaty but I have to chase you in the end. If I don't catch you then you won't get paid. but you can't let me catch you and be easy about it and if you do, you won't be paid

after the chasing you should say something to me like "good running " or "you're very fast" and give me a high five (one had high five or both hands high five). not because I  told you to but because you think it. afterwards, you should post a picture of me on your facebook and make the picture caption say "he caught me" 

let me know



Hera: What the shit?

Zeus: Don't make fun of my activities, I don't make fun of your pompous chickens. 

Hera: 1) you're a weirdo 

2) they're peacocks 

3) the shit?

Apollo: Chase me, Dad!

Zeus: No.

Apo-Hell-No: Esquisse me?

Zeus: No.

Apo-Hell-No: Fine. Who needs you?! NOT ME!

~~Apo-Hell-No has logged off~~

Artemis: You are not allowed near my huntresses, Zeus. Also, Apollo, stay away from my camp, I don't want to hear your B****ing. 

Apo-Hurt Feelings-O: Well fine then. :'(

Nico di Angelo has updated his status~~

Hey, Thalia remember when we 'dated'?


Will Solace: WHAT?

Thalia Grace: Oh that was a riot! (≧∇≦*)

Nico di Angelo: I know right! φ(*⌒▽⌒)ノ

Will Solace: .....????????

Percy Jackson: (⁰ ◕〜◕ ⁰) Yeah that was an interesting afternoon

Annabeth Chase: Nico, Thalia, I would like to both applause your courage and tell you how much I appreciate being there when you guys told Percy. 

Nico di Angelo: Yeah the fist bump was a little weird, but appreciated it, man.

Annabeth Chase: Sorry couldn't think of a way to respond, so figured that would suffice until I got some sleep.

Will Solace: Wait. So you? And Thalia? 

Will Solace: DOES THAT MEAN?!

Nico di Angelo: (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Will Solace has updated his status~~

How long after someone falls asleep on facetime do you hang up?


Nico di Angelo: Not till after I wake up you little shit

Frank Zhang: sleeping bags are so funny to me like I get what they're fro and they do serve their purpose but. seeing someone all zipped up in a sleeping bag looking like a Warmth worm (wormth) is so ridiculous there's no dignity in it. warmth (wormth) but no dignity whatsoever. 

Will Solace: Frank, why?

Frank Zhang: Why, Will, what would you be worrying about, for with these words confrontation has been widdled widely winged away.

Nico di Angelo: Good future brother-in-law

Frank Zhang: (。•̀ᴗ-) ----✧

Hazel Levesque has updated her status~~

I take back like half of the exclamation points...they make me look...eager to please. Which I AM....but I don't want anyone to KNOW that


Nico di Angelo: Same


Leo Valdez has updated his status!!~~

*catches self on fire*

Am I lit yet bro?


Piper McLean: Sometimes all u can say is "yikes" and just move tf on lol

Leo Valdez: THanks man, glad somEONE HAS MY BACK

Jason Grace: *flies in holding unpainted action figures* I COULD SOME HELP WITH THIS BUT YOU DON"TT SeE ME bITCHING ABOUT IT?!

Leo Valdez: Ok, point taken. 

Jason Grace: 凸ಠ益ಠ)凸 *flies away*

Artemis has updated her status~~

Gods be like;

Zeus: Ugh, I gotta go home. Hera'll complain if I don't.

Aphrodite: I'm gonna go to Ares's. I don't want to go home t o my ape of a husband. 

Poseidon: I'm gonna see if Demeter is ome.

Hades: I'm going home to my wife. Because I loe her. THAT"S WHY I MARRIED HER


Heaphestus: SLAY 


Hera: (╬゚◥益◤゚) ZEUS

Amphitrite: (◎益◎;) WEll fine. SEE IF THE GUARDS LET YOU IN!

Persephone: See, this is why Hades and I always discuss our mortal relationships.

Hades: ♡♡+.゚(→ε←*)゚+.゚ Exactly, love you my deadly queen (๑♡3♡๑) 

Persephone: Love you too ♡(㋭ ਊ ㋲)♡

Jason Grace has updated his status~~

Things I should be doing:

~so many 

Things I'm currently not doing:

~Any of them


Percy Jackson: Welcome to college.

Annabeth Chase: Go do your work Percy, make sure you're good on that before going on a dumb social media site. and Jason, make sure you're taking breaks from all that work. We all know you're ony one person and the gods can suck it if they don't understand that.

Grover Underwood: Let me share my  insperational stories for you tinny itty bitty children. When I was in college there was a dude in my creative writing class, and he wrote a short story about a wedding, and the bride and groom are having an argument about infedelity or something, and a dude comes in and some real criptic shit. Right after that he leaves, so the story goes on until the respeeption where the man shows up again. Naked. He procedes to sit on the weding cake and thats the end. This was for a grade. He turned this in and didn't fail the class, so I would like  you to think of this when you need self confidence in yourself or when you feel like you just can't do soemtihng. Becase, guess what, you can. Just like this guy could. 

Percy Jackson: ....Grover?

Grover Underwood: Percy 

Percy Jackson: You wrote that, and that was not how it it ended. 

Grover Underwood: Yes well


Grover Underwood: Oh thank god, I thought we were pushing it with the language already in this one. 

Abby has finally updated her status~~

Well, hi again. I hope this was fun and exciting and that you enjoyed our jurney on this story. 

This is now the end of my take on Percy Jackson social media, so thanks y'all for the support and bye!



lilmonkey13: Yes, as the author, I can.

Annabeth Chase: This was completely incoherent to the rest of the book

lilmonkey13: Yeah, well, the "13" in lilmonkey13 is now "17", so I would hope it was different. 

Leo Valdez: I'll catch stuff you love on fire if you don't do more stories!

lilmonkey13: No you won't, that's an empty and rude threat. STFU

Nico di Angelo: Will you be doing other stories on wattpad?

lilmonkey13: (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Aphrodite: What happened to Thalico?!

lilmonkey13: THEY BE EITHER HELLA GAY OR BUSY BEING A BOMB A$$ B*TCH let it go, I was 14, I didn't know better yet.

Apollo: Oh, were do you come from,

You little drops of rain, 

Pitter patter, pitter patter,

dDown the window pane?

They won't let me walk, 

And they won't let me play, 

And they won't let me out

Out of doors at all today.

lilmonkey13: Okie dokie. Anything else? 

Oh yes, good morning and if I don't see you later have a good afternoon, goood evening, and goodnight. ^w^

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