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After yesterday's embarrassing incident Taehyung had not once looked for Jeongguk the next day. Not that is was hard since the younger was nowhere in the sight.

He had not seen the male since he entered the cafe. Maybe he was on leave? Maybe he was sick or was just running some errands? Taehyung unconsciously frowned about the possibility of the younger being sick.

He knew the Jeongguk lived alone, he didn't want anyone to suffer alone, however the small inconvenience might be.

Jimin came towards him, noticing how he was frowning and staring at the empty plate. "Tae? Are you okay? You're making weird face" He said.

Taehyung smiled and waved his hand dismissively to assure the male that it was nothing.

"OK, I thought you're also in sulky mood like Gguk" Jimin mumbled before going over to Yoongi to help him.

Taehyung heard the mumbled words and went inside pantry to look for younger. Not finding him there, he made his way to the backdoor and the alley where Jeongguk usually smoked.

Sure enough the boy was standing there, surrounded by smoke and stench of cigarettes. He looked up when he heard Taehyung coming towards him and pulled the cigarette away.

"What are you doing here?" Both the boys spoke at the same time, directing the exact question to each other.

"I was just looking for some fresh air and instead found you here." Taehyung said, obviously lying but Jeongguk didn't need to know that detail. Taehyung didn't want younger to know how he searched for him and even felt a need to comfort him when Jimin said he was sulking.

Jeongguk nodded and raised an eye brow when Taehyung walked near him instead of going away from there. "How many cigarettes did you smoke? You smell awful" blond male scrunched his nose and took a step back.

"And why should I answer you?" Jeongguk retorted, kicking a pebble randomly to distract his mind from pretty boy standing so close to him.

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay. But since you're answering back so 𝘯π˜ͺ𝘀𝘦𝘭𝘺 I guess you're more than fine." Taehyung said, tracing Jeongguk's movement as he took a drag of smoke and pulled the cigarette away from lips.

Jeongguk seem to notice the male's subtle pout that seem to take it's place whenever Taehyung feels rejected or sad. "Fine. I am a little sad?" He hesitantly said to blond.

"If you want to share, I'm all ears" Taehyung softly said. He was like that, always wanting to help the others, wanting to listen people's problems and just be there for them. And an unknowing gloomy feeling settling in his chest urged him to comfort the boy in front of him so badly.

"You sure? I don't wanna bore you with my silly problems", Jeongguk was not used to have people to share his problems with. He never had someone to comfort him or tightly hug him when he was at his worst. He learned to handle it all on his own. So when Taehyung offered to hear he felt oddly nice and a little hesitant.

Taehyung nodded, urging the latter to say whatever was in his mind.

"My mom and dad are getting divorced. It's not like it affects me in anyway, since they live far away but I'm feeling like it'll all change. Those little rare moments we had as family whenever we visit eachother on holidays. I don't want to choose where and with whom to spend my holidays. I don't want to choose, I can't." Jeongguk broke out of trance and stopped speaking as something made noise in distance.

"Sorry for rambling", he rubbed a hand on his nape, looking downcast in embarrassment. He didn't want to cry, he really didn't, especially not in front of someone but it was inevitable. Not having someone to ramble to, suppressing all the emotions for long time and someone actually willing to listen, was his last string.

A lone tear slipped out as he felt two arms slowly coiling around him. Taehyung let out series of okay's as Jeongguk silently soaked in his warmth and comfort. Cigarette long forgotten, he tentatively wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist, standing still for few minutes before pulling away.

Taehyung didn't offer any condolences in that matter. He always kept the things real. He didn't want to tell the younger 'it'll all by ok', because they both knew well that it will not be the same, ever. So, he instead focused on changing boy's thoughts and diverting his attention from his family.

Taehyung smiled up at him and carefully laid out his next words, "Do you want to come to my house for my dinner? Jae will be so happy"


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