In time of the Past, On an very calm night In the Town of Konohagakure there lived a very historic Castle that stood over the rest of the town, there lived a boy there, the boy was the second son of the royal family That lived in this castle, He looked the age of 5. the boy had short black hair with onyx eyes, pale skin and abnormal sharp canine teeth. The little boy was wearing a dark gray t-shirt which had a crest on the back and plain black shorts.
He was certainly in the castle private backyard if you could call it a backyard due to the size of it being way bigger than any normal backyard. He was playing with first son who looked around the age of 11, the older son had very similar look to his little brother, the only difference is that he was taller and his hair was longer and tied low on his head. he was also dressed similar to the younger son. they were playing with weapons out of everything you could play with. Well the older son was mostly using the weapons, the younger son was sitting on the grass not to far from his older brother watching him which looked like he had stars in eyes as he observed he older brother doing cool actions with the weapons he was holding. But suddenly the boy went into doubt how that his older brother could do stuff some people couldn't be bothered to try and he was sitting there not able to achieve anything. It made it hard due to the fact of what he is and he still couldn't do anything to win their father attention. before the boy could go anything deeper with his negative thoughts, he was suddenly touch on the forehead by two fingers, the little boy looked up to see his big brother crouching down to his level with his hand close to boys forehead,
"hey Sasuke don't look so Down, one day you'll get there but that's a another time" his big brother said while smiling with her eyes closed
Sasuke eyes opened wide, it was like his brother could read his mind, before Sasuke could say anything a voice interrupted the opportunity
"Itachi! Sasuke! Come In side now!" Sasuke turned to what made the voice which he knew came from their father. their father had short brown colored hair which reached his shoulders with onyx colored eyes and also had sharp canine teeth with marks under his mouth, he was wearing quite fancy clothes. their father was standing at the castle entrance to the Huge Backyard with Guards standing behind him holding the large door. "Coming Father!" The oldest son Itachi replied. Sasuke and Itachi watched their father turn around and head back in side the castle. They both stood up, Sasuke brushed the extra grass from his clothes, he walked behind his brother since his brother made larger strides than him. Sasuke looked into the back of Itachi shirt where stood his clan crest, it was a white and red fan, the fan belonged to the Uchiha clan. One of the Strongest Clan in the world that was well respected.
Sasuke looked down from Itachi back to almost in front of his own two feet while he was wondering how could he even be recognized as Sasuke Uchiha not just itachis little brother, he hoped that day would come soon instead of him waiting eternity behind his brothers shadow.
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