Chapter 9

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I am trying to get my papers together for todays meeting with my publisher.

I am in a nice, light purple dress that looks safisticated, with a matching pair of heels.

I am nervous for this meeting. I walk out my door with my bag in hand and look for my professor's car. She is driving me there, so she can translate all the businessy talk that, I won't be able to understand.

A car pulls up beside me, the window rolls down and I see her. She waves for me to get in.

"Are you ready for this? It could be one the best things that happens to you."

"Yeah I'm ready."

She zooms off and down the road. It takes about one to two hours to get to Indianapolis from Bloomington, so I sit back and enjoy the ride.

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We pull up to a tall building that looks really intimidating. We walk up to the person at the desk.

"Hi we have a meeting with Ms. Matthews."

She types some stuff on to her computer then says, "Oh yes, you must be Ms. Callahan. Her office is on the tenth floor the fifth one on the left."

"Thank you."

We walk to the elevator and I press the button 10.

We shoot up and finally the door opens on ten. I go to the fifth door and knock twice. The door opens and I see a shorter, blonde middle aged women greet me. She opens the door wider and I see a stern looking tall man.

"Hi, I'm Cassalyn and this my professor, Ms. Long." I shake her hand and then she shakes Ms. Long's.

We walk to a table and sit down. "So you asked me here to talk about publishing my book?"

"Yes, we both have read it and we both liked it, we have a proposition for you."

They didn't love it. That means they don't have all their faith in it.

"Okay, what would those happen to be?"

"Well we think it should be a little longer because the age group that would read it would want a book longer than 100 pages."

"Okay, I could do that."

"We also think you should spice up the main character more."

"What do you mean?"

"Well we think she should be more rebellious and a partier, like no one is in highschool or college and still a virgin anymore. She should be more of a... What's the word? Bada..."

"Stop right there. First off you do know these stories are based off stuff that happened to me. Second, I am still a virgin and am in college, so that second statement is not true. Third, I don't like and I don't say words like the word you were about to say."

"We just didn't like the angel like actions of her, girls to day aren't pure like that. She needs to at least cheat on her boyfriend or something."

"That is not going to happen! You are just trying to use some young, ignorant author to write your own story. You can find some one else because your not going to turn my story into some sort of crap."

Ms. Long just sits there dumbstruck because she has never seen me like this. The man also looks alittle taken aback.

"Without us your book is nothing but a stack of papers. So why don't you just sit down and we can figure out a way to fit in what we want."

"No, if that means you're going to change the whole plot then I am sure I could find some other publishing company to publish my book. I might even go to a Christian company, but, oh, you wouldn't want that. Because then they might beat you on another best seller like they did with all the Duck Dynasty books. "

I stand up and am halfway to the door when the women says, "Ok, we won't do that. Sit back down we can make a deal."

I walk slowly back to my seat. "So what is your offer?"

"Well, we were thinking $100 every week the books are being printed, and then when they are being sold you get 10% of every book sold."



"Ok, 30% of every book sold. I think that's good so is there a contract I should sign?"

"Yes, sign here on this dotted line."

I sign my name. "Do I get a copy of this contract?"

"Yes. Here you go."

She hands me another paper to sign. After I sign it I put it in my purse. We all get up and shake hands.

"I really appreciate it. Thank you."

We walk out the door and head down stairs.

"You didn't really need me did you. You are a pretty good negotiator."

"Yeah, but I felt like I wasn't alone all by myself. You were like my moral support."

We are silent all the way back to my house. As soon as we get there I hop out of the car, give her a thank you, and run into my kitchen.

I grab my phone out of my purse.

"Mom, I did it. I signed with Scholastic."

"Cool! When do they start paying you?"

"Well they said they want it to be alittle longer, so I have to write five to ten more chapters. Then they probably will start printing in two months, which means it will probably be out by May or June."

"Awesome, honey. Well I got to go Conner's got a Basketball game."

"Bye, mom. Love you."

"Love you too."

I call all my friends. After that I almost hit call on Uriah's number. I contemplate if I should tell him or not. We haven't even talked yet.

I decide to just post it on Instagram and Facebook.

Sorry I had taken so long to write. I wrote this in the car on the way back from vacation.

I hope you like it.

Wish on Wishers!

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