Chapter 4

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We arrived in Tokyo and oh boy, was it gorgeous here, we were here to pick up the fourth first year. Itadori was leaning on some rail and spoke up "How are there only four first-years? Isn't that too few?"

He does have a point. "I mean, think about it. Have you ever met anyone who can see curses?" Answered Fushiguro, also a good point. Itadori was munching on a popsicle and kept it in his mouth for awhile. "Not really." He answered.

"That's how rare we jujutsu sorcerers are." Spoke Fushiguro. Oh em gee, that means I'm special, cue twice pls. "By the way didn't you say me and Itadori were the last two first-years?" I asked.

"The last entries were decided just awhile ago. You know what our schools like. Everyone has unique circumstances." Fushiguro said answering my question.

"Sorry for the wait!" Spoke a familiar voice. "I see. Your uniforms made it in time" it was Mr. Gojo. "Yep. It's a perfect fit." Said Itadori giving a thumbs up. I nodded agreeing. I didn't really have much to say. I'm not necessarily a person of many words, unless I'm with someone I'm close with.

"Though it's slightly different from Fushiguro's" said Itadori. "That's because uniforms can be customized upon request." Explained our Teacher. "Huh? But I never placed a request?" questioned the pinkette.

"I was the one who put in the custom order." answered the blindfolded guy. Itadori blinked and stared down at his hood, while I searched for someone with a similar uniform to me. "Whatever. I guess" spoke Itadori.

"Be careful. He has a habit of doing stuff like that." 'Warned' Fushiguro. "More importantly, why are we meeting up in Harajuku?"

"Because it's what she asked for" spoke Mr. Gojo. Oh my gosh. THE FIRST YEAR IS A GIRL. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES.

"Hey, popcorn! I want some!" Exclaimed Itadori. We went to buy some popcorn, with Itadori having bought quite a few souvenirs.

We then saw a girl with a similar uniform asking about a modeling gig. She got rejected, which I find odd, she's really gorgeous. She then grabbed him by the hem of his shirt.

"Don't run from me! Come out and say it!" She exclaimed. He tried to run but seems to fail.

"We're about to go talk to her?" asked Itadori. WE BETTER?? I wanna be her friend so bad omg.

"That's kinda embarrassing." Said Itadori with his "rook" glasses. How ironic. "Look who's talking" says Fushiguro. I snicker at his remark.

"Hey! Over here!" Said Mr. Gojo trying to catch the girls attention. We then went to some locker place and the girl put her stuff in.

„Okay, once again." said Mr. Gojo hinting for her to introduce herself. The girl put a hand on her hip before speaking up "The name's Kugisaki Nobara." The girl then seemed to scan our faces.

"I'm Itadori Yuuji! Im from Sendai." Introduces Itadori. "Fushiguro Megumi." He says simply saying his name. Yikes. "I'm Y/N L/N, I hope we can get along well" I introduce myself smiling.

Her eye twitches. Yikes! Who knows what she's thinking..

Meanwhile Kugisakis POV:

"He looks like a potato. He's definetly the type that ate his own boogers as a kid." I think staring at the pink haired guy. I then turned to look at the black haired guy "and only a name here? I can't stand high-and-mighty dudes, I bet he's into stuff like setting seagulls on fire"

I turn to the girl with (h/c) hair "she actually doesn't seem that bad, she's really pretty too."

(Back to Y/N's POV)

she then sighed before muttering "why does it always have to be me?"

Yikes, she hates us that much. "She took one look and sighed.." commented Itadori. "Are we going somewhere from here" asked Fushiguro.

The teacher giggled. "We do have all four of you together. Not to mention, three of you are from the country side." He then grinned. "So of course, we're going on a tour of Tokyo!"

Kugisaki, Itadori and Mr. Gojo then exclaimed "Tokyo! Tokyo! Tokyo! We love Tokyo!"

"Eh?" Questioned Fushiguro. I stared at the three amused. "TDL! I want to go TDL!" Exclaimed Kugisaki.

"Idiot! TDL's in Chiba!" shouted Itadori causing Kugisaki to grit her teeth. "Hey let's go to China town!"

"Chinatown's in Yokohama!" Argued Kugisaki. "Yokohama is a part of Tokyo! Don't you know that? Look at a map!" Argued Itadori back.

"The hell? Quit Bullshitting!!" Exclaimed Kugisaki.

"I will now announce our destination." Spoke up the white haired man. The two got on their knees. I slightly chuckled at that.



We then arrived at the destination that definetly is not what was suggested. "Mr. Gojo you sure are one liar." I commented.

"Well, what can I say." said Mr. Gojo with a chuckle. The mood was well.. dark. "anyhow, there's a curse here" explained Mr. Gojo. Itadori and Kugisaki immediately got angry and called Mr. Gojo a liar. Our teacher just continued smiling with Megumi didn't care. (They faces killing me why nobody gaf)

"This isn't even Roppongi!" Complained Itadori. "You're toying with us country folk!" exclaimed Kugisaki. "There's a big cemetery nearby. The double whammy of that and an abandoned building brought out a curse." Gojo explained.

"So they really do pop up more often around graves?" Commented Itadori, while Kugisaki was still complaining in the background. Honestly understandable, considering I'd throw a tantrum if someone lied to me. Atleast if I were 7 or so.

"The issue isn't the cemetery itself. It's the fact that people associate cemeteries with fear." Explained Fushiguro.

"Oh. It was the same for schools too, wasn't it?" Asked Itadori. "Hold up, he didn't even know that yet?"

Well... and so Fushiguro explained our situation.. with a Itadori eating the finger..

"He swallowed a special-grade cursed object?!  Gross! Unbelievable! That's so unsanitary and disgusting! No way, no way, no way!" Exclaimed Kugisaki tiptoeing while forming an "X" with her hands.

"What?!" Exclaimed Itadori shocked.

"I'm with her." Spoke Fushiguro. Itadori looked at me with hope but i sweatdropped. "No comment." Causing Itadori to frown.

"I wanna know what you guys are capable of. Just think of this as a field test. Nobara, Yuuji, Y/N. The three of you will go and exorcise the curse inside that building." Said the blindfolded man.

I nodded. "Huh! But I thought only curses could exorcise curses? I can't use any jujutsu yet." Explained Itadori. "Yeah, me neither." I said. "You're basically half a curse already. There's cursed energy flowing through you. Though controlling that energy isn't something you can learn overnight, so use this." Said Mr. Gojo handing Itadori a weapon.

"And about you, I'm sure you'll figure something out, kid. You're more powerful than you may think you are." He said turning to me. I'm so confused right now. I have no clue how I'll survive this. If I die, atleast put on my grave to stream Diorama by Yves.

Mr. Gojo turned back to Itadori who was agaped. "It's the cursed tool, slaughter demon.  It's a weapon imbued with cursed energy. It'll work on curses too."

"Pathetic" muttered out Kugisaki before adjusting her belt and going in. I followed her alongside Itadori.

Well then. Let's get this fight started.


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